How can I remove a symbol in a library(.lib) under ccs - c

There are two library which contains one same symbol, this leads to a redefinition when linking the lib. How can I remove a specific symbol in a lib?
The developing environment is CCS3.3, the duplicated symbol is _sature which is defined in rst6740.lib.
Thanks in advance!

Good question !
In my opinion, you should rebuilt rst6740.lib.
You can find out the library code "" in folder that you setup the compiler.
Example : C:\ti\C6000_Code_Generation_Tools_7.3.7\lib.
That is code of library that will used to build the rts6740.lib,rts6400.lib...
Then you should remove the code of sature function and rebuilt the rst6740.lib.
How to rebuild this lib you can search in Google.
Now i don't remember clearly step by step to rebuild it.


Go compile returns duplicate symbols for architecture x86_64 error when I import 2 different packages which use C package via Cgo

Here is my code:
package main
import (
kusb ""
tusb ""
func main() {
kusb.Enumerate(0, 0)
When I compile (I'm using go mod to manage the packages), it returns this error:
duplicate symbol _libusb_dev_mem_alloc in:
ld: 136 duplicate symbols for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Some investigation i had:
The both packages use the same hidapi and libusb C packages in order to interact with usb devices.
Those C packages are identical, hence it defines the same functions so i think it is directly related to the error.
in trezord-go/usb, they include .C file, not the header file.
It is very counterintuitive to me because in the perspective of package users, I shouldn't need to worry about how a C package is used in the internal of the package, only the exposed types, functions and its behaviors.
Can anyone really explain what is going on here and how can I import both of them? They do different functions, eventhough they use the same C package.
From here:
"What does this mean? Well, it means we're trying to link the same symbol name (in our case, a method) from two (or more) different source files. The fix was easy: rename one of the methods by updating the header file, the source file (.c or .cpp file) and lastly, updating your references to the symbol in your Go code, if it is directly referenced there."
Will it help ?
I was running into the same issue for hours and finally found the fix on a google groups channel
A package you import could be using cgo, you don't have to be using it directly
You can try CGO_ENABLED=0 go build and if it works then it is cgo related.
This was the charm that i was looking for! Hope this works for you too.

How to solve "Undefined reference to function" in Eclipse CDT?

I did setup a C project with Eclipse Photon (4.8.0) for developing a program for the ESP-32. I did configure the IDE according to this official setup instructions.
Flashing the ESP-32 works fine. But as soon as I try to include header files from a sub folder, I run into troubles. I have set up a very simple project to illustrate the issue. The project consists of main.c, base/test.h and base/test.c, whereas the test.h and test.c files only contain one function with the signature void function1(void);.
When I try to call function1() in main.c, I get this error in main.c:
Undefined reference to function1()
Please compare to the attached screenshot, where everything is depicted.
How to solve this issue?
This is not a compiler, but rather a linker error.
Note, with #includeing a header file, you only make the external function known to the compiler. You also need to link to the external function during the linking stage. Make sure you include the compiled object file that contains function1 into the link.
Seems like you need to do proper linking.
If you are linking with a library, you need to specify:
The name of the library: Project\Settings\C C++ General\Paths and Symbols\Libraries
Location where the linker should search for this library:
Project\Settings\C C++ General\Paths and Symbols\Library Paths
Important: see Note.
If you are linking with object files, add those to:
Project\Settings\C C++ Build\Settings\Linker\Miscellaneous\Other objects
If your library name is, for example, libsomething.a, than you need to specify only something as the name; so omit lib prefix and .a suffix.
If your library is not prefixed with lib, then you need to add its name prefixed with :. For example, something.a should be added as :something.a.

How to resolve mutual references between two shared library?

First, I know the title of the question is not the best. Likely, these concepts are well-known. Hence, let's try to be clear now.
I have a shared library(native Java agent) which can load additional shared libraries as plugins. In short, does at load time:
H = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY)
routine = dlsym("registration_function", H)
routine(struct Plugin)
That part is working, my problem is in the interaction between plugins and the core.
For instance, the core has a function with the name getDataFromTag. When the plugins tries to call such a function I get the following error:
java: symbol lookup error: undefined symbol: getDataFromTag
Take into account that the problem is with native code, there is no Java-Code involved in the interaction.
Now, it seems to me that the linker is not fixing the imported symbols in when I perform the dlopen. My questions are:
Do I need to declare the imported symbols in How?
Do I need to declare the exported symbols in How?
Do I have to link the plugin with a dependencies to the core? How? Isn't that weird? Sort of cyclic dependencies?
Is this relate to the option -z defs? How can use that? How it does work?
Additional points, every plugin has a function with the name registration_function. So, I cannot use RTLD_GLOBAL.
I found a solution. I don't know if it is the best. Here it goes.
Do I have to link the plugin with a dependencies to the core? How? Isn't that weird? Sort of cyclic dependencies?
That's exactly what I did. I included in plugins the following linker switches:
# Libraries we are dependent on
In the core library I am using RTLD_LAZY for performance and RTLD_LOCAL to avoid symbols' redefinition.

Why do I need to manually link the C runtime library when creating an EXE out of static libraries without any object files?

I'm pretty new to working with libraries and I'm in the process of trying to understand some specifics regarding static libraries and object files.
The behavior I'm noticing is that I can link several objects to make an executable with no problem, but if I take an intermediate step of combining those objects into static libraries, I cannot link those static libraries to make an executable without additionally specifying the needed C Run-time library in the link command.
Also, or the record, I'm doing the compiling/linking with Visual Studio 2010 from the command line. More details of the process I'm following are below.
First, let's say I have four source files in a project: main.c, util1.c, util2.c, and util3.c.
What works
I can compile these sources with the following command:cl -c main.c util1.c util2.c util3.cAs a result, I now have four object files: main.obj, util1.obj, util2.obj, and util3.obj. These object files each contain a DEFAULTLIB statement intended to inform the linker that it should additionally check the static C Run-time library libcmt.lib for any unresolved external dependencies in these object files when linking them.
I can create an executable named "app_objs.exe" by linking these objects with the following command:
link -out:app_objs.exe main.obj util1.obj util2.obj util3.obj
As mentioned in step 1, the linker used the runtime library due to the compiler's step of adding a default library statement to the objects.
Where I'm confused
Let's say I want to have an intermediate step of combining these objects into static libraries, and then linking those resulting LIB files to create my executable. First, I can create these libraries with the following commands:
link -lib -out:main.lib main.obj
link -lib -out:util.lib util1.obj util2.obj util3.obj
Now, my original thought was that I could simply link these libraries and have the same executable that I created in step 2 of "What works". I tried the following command and received linker error LNK1561, which states that an entry point needs to be specified:
link -out:app_libs.exe main.lib util.lib
From Microsoft's documentation, it is evident that linking libraries without any object files may require entry points to be specified, so I modified the command to set the subsystem as "console" to specify that the executable in intended to be a console application (which seems to imply certain entry points, thereby resolving that error):link -out:app_libs.exe -subsystem:console main.lib util.libUnfortunately, now I get a linker error stating that mainCRTStartup is an unresolved external symbol. I understand that this is defined in the C runtime library, so I can resolve this issue by manually specifying that I want to link against libcmt.lib, and this gives me a functioning executable:link -out:app_libs.exe -subsystem:console main.lib util.lib libcmt.lib
What I'm not understanding is why the default library info that the compiler placed in each object file couldn't be used to resolve the dependency on libcmt.lib. If I can link object files without explicitly stating I want libcmt.lib, and I created static libraries that are containers for the object files, why can't I link those static libraries without having to explicitly state that I want libcmt.lib? Is this just the way things are, or is there some way I could create the static libraries so that the linker will know to check for unresolved symbols in the runtime library?
Thanks for your help. If I have some fundamentally incorrect ideas here, I'd love suggestions on good references to learn all of this correctly.
Well the answer to your misunderstanding is that .lib files are often a product in themselves, and the compiler can't make those assumptions safely. That's what "external" is for.
If I produce binaries for someone's platform because its users are totally helpless, and they want/need static linkage, I have to give them foo.h and libfoo.lib without tying them to a specific runtime entry point. They may very well have defined their own entry point already for their final product, whether DLL or EXE.
You either want the runtime, or you want your own .obj that contains your entry point. Be warned that declaring and defining mainCRTStartup on your own may mean you're not executing important instructions for the target platform.

Compaq Visual Fortran - Crashes During Linking A .LIB File

When I compile with Compaq Visual Fortran, I get these errors (when it starts the linker process) that should be located in a .lib file I thought I added to the workspace:
X30XFULL.OBJ : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _BCON#4
X30XFULL.OBJ : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _RCON#16
According to where I've googled about, it looks like Compaq Visual Fortran (Version 6, FYI) can't find the library files...
My main question is, how do I use them? Could there possibly be other missing files? Here is what I've tried:
Right Click->Adding the files in the FileView window
Going under Project->Settings, Clicking the Link tab, and under the input category, adding the library files under object/library modules (bprop.lib rprop.lib) and having the Additional Library Path point to where the files are. I also did this under the Resources tab and where it says "Additional Resource Include Directories," I put the directory of where these files were located.
To cover my bases, I also put these files in where the project workspace file, where the compiled executable file would be generated, and pretty much any place I could think of that CVF might possibly look to in order to find these files.
A little background:
I have this Fortran executable that was last compiled in the 90s. From my research, it's a 16-bit compiled one which won't work on a 64-bit machine.
The original code has, at least from what we can gather, 16 bit compiled libraries. Without the original compiler, we can't figure out how to look at or use them. We also have a (semi)equivalent library file that's actually a .FOR file. For all we know, the BPROP.FOR and BPROP.LIB could be the same file (they were found in the same source code area). If we use the BPROP.FOR file, the program can compile, but we are having issues with results that we've traced down to information that is used/gathered/processed in that file.
However, we do have 32-bit versions of (what we think) are the same .lib files. So, we're trying to use that, which is what is being used to compile the Fortran executable which results in the errors above.
Found the answer, at least for me. I don't know how easy it'll be to extrapolate if anyone else finds these answers, but this is how I solved it.
With the old Fortran libraries, all I had to do was add them to the FileList view that has all of the different fortran files (.FOR, etc). I did not have to add these libraries in the settings like I mentioned, but that will work as well. Other then that, I didn't need to add any extra declarations or anything similar.
What we did find out is that the function in question (BCON and RCON) that calls those .LIB files required an additional argument. The only way I found this out was examining other source code that used those libaries, so if anyone is stuck like I was, that would be a good place to start. Alternatively, if you can read the .lib file in a hex editor, you can kind of make out functions and their arguments.
Of course, if you have the original source code for said arguments, that's even better. :)
