App Engine + NoseGAE bizarre broken test - google-app-engine

I'm using the NoseGAE to write local unit tests for my App Engine application, however something is suddenly going wrong with one of my tests. I have standard setUp and tearDown functions, but one test seemingly broke for a reason I can't discern. Even stranger, setUp and tearDown are NOT getting called each time. I added global variables to count setUp/tearDown calls, and on my 4th test (the now seemingly broken one), setUp has been called twice and tearDown has been called once. Further, one of the objects from the third test exists when I query it by id, but not in a general query for its type. Here's some code that gives the bizarre picture:
class GameTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.testapp = webtest.TestApp(application)
self.testbed = testbed.Testbed()
root_path="%s/../../../" % os.path.dirname(__file__)
def tearDown(self):
def test1(self):
def test2(self):
def test3(self):
# I create a Game object with the id 123 in this particular test
def test4(self):
print "id lookup: ", Game.get_by_id(123)
print "query: ", Game.query().get()
This is an abstraction of the tests, but illustrates the issue.
The 4th test fails because it asserts that an object with that id does not exist. When I print out the two statements:
id lookup: Game(key=Key('Game', 123))
query: None
The id lookup shows the object created in test3, but the query lookup is EMPTY. This makes absolutely no sense to me. Further, I am 100% sure the test was working earlier. Does anyone have any idea how this is even possible? Could I possibly have some local corrupted file causing an issue?

I somewhat "solved" this. This issue only reproduced when I had other test cases in other files that were failing. Once I solved those, all my tests passed. I still don't fully understand why other failing tests should cause these bizarre issues with the testbed, but to anyone else having this issue, try fixing your other test cases first and see if that doesn't cause it to go away.


How to clear/teardown db with pytest in Flask app

I know this might seem like duplication, I have found similar questions on SO on this topic, but none of them really worked for me. I simply need to clear out (or teardown) the database after each test, so every test works with a new empty one.
I am using fixture and my code looks like this:
#pytest.fixture(scope="module", autouse=True)
def test_client_db():
# set up
app.config["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"] = "sqlite:///"
with app.app_context():
testing_client = app.test_client()
ctx = app.app_context()
# do the testing
yield testing_client
# tear down
with app.app_context():
I am new to pytest and from what I have learnt, whatever goes before yield works as sort of a "set up", whatever goes after works as "teardown". Yet, when I run several tests, the database is not clear for each test, it holds data between them.
Why is it so? What is wrong with this fixture? What am i missing?
You have set the scope to module - this means the fixture will only be reset after all tests in a module had run.
Either set the scope to function or leave it completely, as function is the default.

Google Cloud Storage listbucket in App Engine behaviour

gcs.listbucket() method behaves in a weird fashion: sometimes it seems that the bucket is empty when it is not: calling this handler several times doen't always returns the same list: sometimes it behaves correctly and sometimes it returns an iterator with zero items.
class MainHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
bucket_name = '/my-non-empty-bucket'
bucket_images = gcs.listbucket(bucket_name)
self.response.write('<br> '.join([b.filename for b in bucket_images]))
It seems that listbucket is timed out sometimes, I don't understand.
my retry parameters:
my_default_retry_params = gcs.RetryParams(initial_delay=0.2,
The log in app engine seems perfectly fine, no errors.
Any suggestion about how to further understand this behaviour wuld be appreciated

GAE Python Testing

First I'm quite new to GAE/Python, please bear with me. Here's the situation
Have a which tests all the test suites in my package. The TestCase's setUp current look like;
import test_settings as policy # has consistency variables <- does not work
def setUp(self):
# First, create an instance of the Testbed class.
self.testbed = testbed.Testbed()
# Then activate the testbed, which prepares the service stubs for use.
# Consistency policy nomal operations
self.policy = None
if policy.policy_flag == 'STRICT':
# Create a consistency policy that will simulate the High Replication consistency model.
self.policy = datastore_stub_util.PseudoRandomHRConsistencyPolicy(probability=0)
# Initialize the datastore stub with this policy.
This is my primitive attempt to setup the datastore with different consistency policies to run tests against them. Total fail.
What I want is to run my test cases against different datastore consistencies at one go from my root Using the above or other, how can I do this? How do I pass in parameters to the TestCase from the test runner?
Python, unit test - Pass command line arguments to setUp of unittest.TestCase
The above thread shows exactly how to best pass runtime arguments to the test case. Specifically answer 2.

App Engine Instance ID

Is it possible to get info on what instance you're running on? I want to output just a simple identifier for which instance the code is currently running on for logging purposes.
Since there is no language tag, and seeing your profile history, I assume you are using GAE/J?
In that case, the instance ID information is embedded in one of the environment attributes that you could get via ApiProxy.getCurrentEnvironment() method. You could then extract the instance id from the resulting map using key BackendService.INSTANCE_ID_ENV_ATTRIBUTE.
Even though the key is stored in BackendService, this approach will also work for frontend instances. So in summary, the following code would fetch the instance ID for you:
String tInstanceId = ApiProxy.getCurrentEnvironment()
.get( BackendService.INSTANCE_ID_ENV_ATTRIBUTE )
Please keep in mind that this approach is quite undocumented by Google, and might subject to change without warning in the future. But since your use case is only for logging, I think it would be sufficient for now.
With the advent of Modules, you can get the current instance id in a more elegant way:
Even better, you should wrap the call in a try catch so that it will work correctly locally too.
Import this
Then your method can run this
String instanceId = "unknown";
instanceId = ModulesServiceFactory.getModulesService().getCurrentInstanceId();
} catch (ModulesException e){
instanceId = e.getMessage();
Without the try catch, you will get some nasty errors when running locally.
I have found this super useful for debugging when using endpoints mixed with pub-sub and other bits to try to determine why some things work differently and to determine if it is related to new instances.
Not sure about before, but today in 2021 the system environment variable GAE_INSTANCE appears to contain the instance id:
instanceId = System.getenv("GAE_INSTANCE")

"ExistenceError" in simple AppEngine + Google Cloud Storage application

I have a simple AppEngine handler as follows:
class TestGS(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
file_name = '/gs/ds_stats/testfile', mime_type='text/html')
with, 'a') as file_handle:
However, when I call this handler, I get ExistenceError: ApplicationError: 105 at the line with
This seems like a super simple scenario, and there's no indication at all as to why this is failing (especially since the right above it seems to have succeeded, though, is there any way to verify this?).
Looking through the source code, I see the following problems can cause this error:
if (e.application_error in
raise ExistenceError()
That's a pretty large range of issues... Of course it doesn't tell me which one! And again, strange that the 'create' seems to work.
The problem turned out to be a lack of clarity in the documentation. returns a special 'writeable file path' which you need to feed in to open and finalize. A correct example looks like this:
class TestGS(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
file_name = '/gs/ds_stats/testfile'
writable_file_name =, mime_type='text/html')
with, 'a') as file_handle:
