The given key was not present in the dictionary solrnet - solr

Please note: I know for the question SolrNet - The given key was not present in the dictionary and I have initialized solr object just like Mauricio suggests.
I am using solr 4.6.0 and solrnet build #173, .net framework 4.0 and VS2012 for development. For some unknown reason I am receiving error 'The given key was not present in the dictionary'. I have a document with that id in solr, I've checked via browser. It's a document like any other document. Why is error popping up? My code (I've made a comment on the place where the error happens):
//establishes connection with solr
private void ConnectToSolr()
if (_solr != null) return;
_solr = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ISolrOperations<Register>>();
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception(ex.Message);
//Returns snippets from solr as BindingSource
public BindingSource GetSnippets(string searchTerm, DateTime? startDate = null, DateTime? endDate = null)
string dateQuery = startDate == null
? ""
: endDate == null
? "savedate:\"" + convertDateToSolrFormat(startDate) + "\"" //only start date
: "savedate:[" + convertDateToSolrFormat(startDate) + " TO " +
convertDateToSolrFormat(endDate) + "]";//range between start and end date
string textQuery = string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchTerm) ? "text:*" : "text:*" + searchTerm + "*";
List<Register> list = new List<Register>();
SolrQueryResults<Register> results;
string currentId = "";
results = _solr.Query(textQuery,
new QueryOptions
Highlight = new HighlightingParameters
Fields = new[] { "*" },
ExtraParams = new Dictionary<string, string>
{"fq", dateQuery},
{"sort", "savedate desc"}
for (int i = 0; i < results.Highlights.Count; i++)
currentId = results[i].Id;
var h = results.Highlights[currentId];
if (h.Snippets.Count > 0)
list.Add(new Register//here the error "the given key was not present in the dictionary pops up
Id = currentId,
ContentLiteral = h.Snippets["content"].ToArray()[0].Trim(new[]{' ', '\n'}),
SaveDateLiteral = results[i].SaveDate.ToShortDateString()
BindingList<Register> bindingList = new BindingList<Register>(list);
BindingSource bindingSource = new BindingSource();
bindingSource.DataSource = bindingList;
return bindingSource;
catch(Exception e)
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0}\nId:{1}", e.Message, currentId), "Solr error");
return null;

I've found out what's causing the problem: saving empty documents into solr. If I make an empty query (with text:*) through solrnet (usually I do this if I want to see all saved documents) and empty document is one of saved docs, then 'The given key is not present in dictionary pops up'. If all of the documents have text in them, this error doesn't pop up.

If you document contains fields with types other than string and you index null value to a double or integer field you will get the same error.
solr query return the null field as:
<null name="fieldname"/>
should be
<double name="fieldname">0.0</double>
<double name="fieldname"/>


An unexpected null key in HashSet, the first be added not the rest

I'm learning Activiti 7, I drew a BPMN diagram as below:
When the highlight1 UserTask has been completed but the highlight2 UserTask is still pending, I ran the following code to highlight the completed flow element.
private AjaxResponse highlightHistoricProcess(#RequestParam("instanceId") String instanceId,
#AuthenticationPrincipal UserInfo userInfo) {
try {
// Get the instance from the history table
HistoricProcessInstance instance = historyService
BpmnModel bpmnModel = repositoryService.getBpmnModel(instance.getProcessDefinitionId());
Process process = bpmnModel.getProcesses().get(0);
// Get all process elements, including sequences, events, activities, etc.
Collection<FlowElement> flowElements = process.getFlowElements();
Map<String, String> sequenceFlowMap = Maps.newHashMap();
flowElements.forEach(e -> {
if (e instanceof SequenceFlow) {
SequenceFlow sequenceFlow = (SequenceFlow) e;
String sourceRef = sequenceFlow.getSourceRef();
String targetRef = sequenceFlow.getTargetRef();
sequenceFlowMap.put(sourceRef + targetRef, sequenceFlow.getId());
// Get all historical Activities, i.e. those that have been executed and those that are currently being executed
List<HistoricActivityInstance> actList = historyService.createHistoricActivityInstanceQuery()
// Each history Activity is combined two by two
Set<String> actPairSet = new HashSet<>();
for (HistoricActivityInstance actA : actList) {
for (HistoricActivityInstance actB : actList) {
if (actA != actB) {
actPairSet.add(actA.getActivityId() + actB.getActivityId());
// Highlight Link ID
Set<String> highSequenceSet = Sets.newHashSet();
actPairSet.forEach(actPair -> {"actPair:{}, seq:{}", actPair, sequenceFlowMap.get(actPair));
// Get the completed Activity
List<HistoricActivityInstance> finishedActList = historyService
// Highlight the completed Activity
Set<String> highActSet = Sets.newHashSet();
finishedActList.forEach(point -> highActSet.add(point.getActivityId()));
// Get the pending highlighted node, i.e. the currently executing node
List<HistoricActivityInstance> unfinishedActList = historyService
Set<String> unfinishedPointSet = Sets.newHashSet();
unfinishedActList.forEach(point -> unfinishedPointSet.add(point.getActivityId()));
return AjaxResponse.ajax(ResponseCode.SUCCESS.getCode(),
} catch (Exception e) {
return AjaxResponse.ajax(ResponseCode.ERROR.getCode(),
"highlight failure",
Please see this piece of code:
// Highlight Link ID
Set<String> highSequenceSet = Sets.newHashSet();
actPairSet.forEach(actPair -> {"actPair:{}, seq:{}", actPair, sequenceFlowMap.get(actPair));
It was expected to get 2 elements in the highSequenceSet, but it got 3, with a unexpected null.
The log printed in the console was:
Why is the first null added to the HashSet but not the rest?
Why is the first null added to the HashSet but not the rest?
HashSet implements the Set interface, duplicate values are not allowed.

How to access Spans with a SpanNearQuery in solr 6.3

I am trying to build a query parser by ranking the passages containing the terms.
I understand that I need to use SpanNearQuery, but I can't find a way to access Spans even after going through the documentation. The method I got returns null.
I have read which explains in a good way about the query. This explains how to access spans, but it is for solr 4.0 and unfortunately solr 6.3 doesn't have atomic reader any more.
How can I get the actual spans?
public void process(ResponseBuilder rb) throws IOException {
SolrParams params = rb.req.getParams();
log.warn("in Process");
if (!params.getBool(COMPONENT_NAME, false)) {
Query origQuery = rb.getQuery();
// TODO: longer term, we don't have to be a span query, we could re-analyze the document
if (origQuery != null) {
if (origQuery instanceof SpanNearQuery == false) {
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR,
"Illegal query type. The incoming query must be a Lucene SpanNearQuery and it was a " + origQuery.getClass().getName());
SpanNearQuery sQuery = (SpanNearQuery) origQuery;
SolrIndexSearcher searcher = rb.req.getSearcher();
IndexReader reader = searcher.getIndexReader();
log.warn("before leaf reader context");
List<LeafReaderContext> ctxs = (List<LeafReaderContext>) reader.leaves();
log.warn("after leaf reader context");
LeafReaderContext ctx = ctxs.get(0);
SpanWeight spanWeight = sQuery.createWeight(searcher, true);
Spans spans = spanWeight.getSpans(ctx, SpanWeight.Postings.POSITIONS);
AtomicReader wrapper = SlowCompositeReaderWrapper.wrap(reader);
Map<Term, TermContext> termContexts = new HashMap<Term, TermContext>();
Spans spans = fleeceQ.getSpans(wrapper.getContext(), new Bits.MatchAllBits(reader.numDocs()), termContexts);
// SpanWeight.Postings[] postings= SpanWeight.Postings.values();
// Spans spans = sQuery.getSpans();
// Assumes the query is a SpanQuery
// Build up the query term weight map and the bi-gram
Map<String, Float> termWeights = new HashMap<String, Float>();
Map<String, Float> bigramWeights = new HashMap<String, Float>();
createWeights(params.get(CommonParams.Q), sQuery, termWeights, bigramWeights, reader);
float adjWeight = params.getFloat(ADJACENT_WEIGHT, DEFAULT_ADJACENT_WEIGHT);
float secondAdjWeight = params.getFloat(SECOND_ADJ_WEIGHT, DEFAULT_SECOND_ADJACENT_WEIGHT);
float bigramWeight = params.getFloat(BIGRAM_WEIGHT, DEFAULT_BIGRAM_WEIGHT);
// get the passages
int primaryWindowSize = params.getInt(OWLParams.PRIMARY_WINDOW_SIZE, DEFAULT_PRIMARY_WINDOW_SIZE);
int adjacentWindowSize = params.getInt(OWLParams.ADJACENT_WINDOW_SIZE, DEFAULT_ADJACENT_WINDOW_SIZE);
int secondaryWindowSize = params.getInt(OWLParams.SECONDARY_WINDOW_SIZE, DEFAULT_SECONDARY_WINDOW_SIZE);
WindowBuildingTVM tvm = new WindowBuildingTVM(primaryWindowSize, adjacentWindowSize, secondaryWindowSize);
PassagePriorityQueue rankedPassages = new PassagePriorityQueue();
// intersect w/ doclist
DocList docList = rb.getResults().docList;
log.warn("Before Spans");
while (spans.nextDoc() != Spans.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
// build up the window
log.warn("Iterating through spans");
if (docList.exists(spans.docID())) {
tvm.spanStart = spans.startPosition();
tvm.spanEnd = spans.endPosition();
// tvm.terms
Terms terms = reader.getTermVector(spans.docID(), sQuery.getField());, spans);
// The entries map contains the window, do some ranking of it
if (tvm.passage.terms.isEmpty() == false) {
log.debug("Candidate: Doc: {} Start: {} End: {} ", new Object[] { spans.docID(), spans.startPosition(), spans.endPosition() });
tvm.passage.lDocId = spans.docID();
tvm.passage.field = sQuery.getField();
// score this window
try {
addPassage(tvm.passage, rankedPassages, termWeights, bigramWeights, adjWeight, secondAdjWeight, bigramWeight);
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Internal error cloning Passage", e);
// clear out the entries for the next round

Set field Accessibility to Custom Salesforce Lead field from Java code

I am working around with Salesforce and API and metadata API, version 36.
I can create a custom field in a Lead object but by default I can see it's hidden and this means I cannot create a new Lead with these custom fields because it returns a bad request (400 status code).
Is there any way by Code to set the custom field Visible?
public boolean createCustomExtTextField(String name, LoginResult metadataLoginResult, int length) {
boolean success = false;
CustomField cs = new CustomField();
cs.setVisibleLines(50); // max 50
try {
MetadataConnection metadataConnection = createMetadataConnection(metadataLoginResult);
SaveResult[] results = metadataConnection.createMetadata(new Metadata[] { cs });
for (SaveResult r : results) {
if (r.isSuccess()) {
success = true;
} else {
System.out.println("Errors were encountered while creating " + r.getFullName());
for (com.sforce.soap.metadata.Error e : r.getErrors()) {
System.out.println("Error message: " + e.getMessage());
System.out.println("Status code: " + e.getStatusCode());
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
return success;
I am googling a lot and don't find something that actually helped. So, any hints are welcomed. Thank you.
Finally found a solution to this. I final one for me was to make all custom fields REQUIRED.
CustomField cs = new CustomField();
cs.setFullName("Lead.YourCompanyName" + name + "__c");
cs.setLabel("YourCompanyName" + name);
com.sforce.soap.enterprise.LoginResult metadataLoginResult = operations.loginToMetadata(username, password, "");
private boolean createFieldInMetadata(LoginResult metadataLoginResult, CustomField cs) {
boolean success = false;
try {
MetadataConnection metadataConnection = createMetadataConnection(metadataLoginResult);
SaveResult[] results = metadataConnection.createMetadata(new Metadata[] { cs });
for (SaveResult r : results) {
if (r.isSuccess()) {
success = true;
} else {
System.out.println("Errors were encountered while creating " + r.getFullName());
for (com.sforce.soap.metadata.Error e : r.getErrors()) {
System.out.println("Error message: " + e.getMessage());
System.out.println("Status code: " + e.getStatusCode());
} catch (Exception e) {
return success;
And so it will appear in the page layout. Very important to know, a required field cannot have just an empty value set, it must be something. So if not all custom fields are required in your logic and you wanna avoid the entire process of unzipping page layout and zipping it back (however it may be done) just add "N/A" or any char at choice to the required by code but not your project custom fields.
I managed to make the custom Field Level Security visible for "Admin" profile but not Field Accessability to visible. The latter is untested.

AngularJs, how to set empty string in URL

In the controller I have below function:
#RequestMapping(value = "administrator/listAuthor/{authorName}/{pageNo}", method = { RequestMethod.GET,
RequestMethod.POST }, produces = "application/json")
public List<Author> listAuthors(#PathVariable(value = "authorName") String authorName,
#PathVariable(value = "pageNo") Integer pageNo) {
try {
if (authorName == null) {
authorName = "";
if (pageNo == null) {
pageNo = 1;
return adminService.listAuthor(authorName, pageNo);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
This function fetches and returns data from mysql database based on "authorName" and "pageNo". For example, when "authorName = a" and "pageNo = 1" I have:
Data I get when "authorName = a" and "pageNo = 1"
Now I want to set "authorName" as ""(empty string), so that I can fetch all the data from mysql database (because the SQL statement "%+""+%" in backend will return all the data).
What can I do if I want to set authorName = empty string?
http://localhost:8080/spring/administrator/listAuthor/{empty string}/1
Thanks in advance!
I don't think that you can encode empty sting to url, what I suggest you to do is to declare some constant that will be your code to empty string - such as null.
Afterwards , on server side, check if authorName is null and set local parameter with empty stirng accordingly.

Strange error message when using SaveChanges in EF with MVC

I have a dropdownlistfor with values that is not from my database, and when a user select values that does not exist in my database, I want to save it to the database(and if it already exist, I just use the existing data).
This work fine with some of my data(see code for where it does not work)
This is my repository:
public void newPerson(Person addperson)
db.SaveChanges(); //This wont work
here is my controller:
public ActionResult Create(CreateNKIphase1ViewModel model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
var goalcard = new GoalCard();
var companyChecker = "";
var dbCompanies = createNKIRep.GetCustomerByName();
var addcustomer = new Customer();
foreach (var existingcustomer in dbCompanies)
companyChecker = existingcustomer.CompanyName;
if (existingcustomer.CompanyName == model.CompanyName)
var customerId = existingcustomer.Id;
var selectedCustomerID = createNKIRep.GetByCustomerID(customerId);
goalcard.Customer = selectedCustomerID;
if (companyChecker != model.CompanyName)
addcustomer.CompanyName = model.CompanyName;
createNKIRep.newCustomer(addcustomer); //This works!
goalcard.Customer = addcustomer;
if (model.PersonName != null)
var Personchecker = "";
var dbPersons = createNKIRep.GetPersonsByName();
foreach (var existingPerson in dbPersons)
Personchecker = existingPerson.Name;
if (existingPerson.Name == model.PersonName)
var personId = existingPerson.Id;
var selectedPersonID = createNKIRep.GetByPersonID(personId);
goalcard.Person = selectedPersonID;
if (Personchecker != model.PersonName)
Person newPerson = new Person();
newPerson.Name = model.PersonName;
createNKIRep.newPerson(newPerson);//Where repository is called
goalcard.Person = newPerson;
But when I try to save a new Person I get the following error message:
The conversion of a datetime2 data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.
The statement has been terminated.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Even though Person only have Id and name as attributes in my database.
Is there anything wrong in my code, or is it any setting in my database that has to be changed?
Thanks in advance.
It's because I use db.SaveChanges(); multiple times in one post. Reducing numbers of time I use db.SaveChanges helped me get rid of the error.
