Best way to make a Multi Touch application - wpf

I need to make a multi touch application for a real state display centre. With buttons and maps and floor plans. And the application will be running on Windows 8.1 0 on a 42 inch screen. I want to know what would be the best technology to make this kind application ? Flash or WPF ?
Does Action script has events for the buttons ?

If it's going to be on Windows 8.1 can you not do it as a Metro/Modern app? The support for multi-touch will be a lot better than it is in WPF I think.
There's some information here on how you can approach different app categories.
Using the Windows 8 SDK will give you the opportunity to use JavaScript instead of C# if you find that easier too.


create windows 10 app with wpf

I have a simple question : Is it possible to create a windows 10 app (tablet for my case) in WPF instead of UWP ? Because actually my app need a framework that allow to create pdf, but none free framework exist in UWP yet, but un WPF this is quite different. Thank you.
WPF apps are fully supported on Windows 10, so nothing stops you from using WPF instead of UWP!
In fact, you can even take advantage of UWP features in WPF apps by using the Desktop Bridge (Centennial)

Winform desktop app and touch

I`ve a legacy winform desktop app that works perfectly with mouse and keyboard. It has some selfmade controls that involve the creation of threads and so on, for example the longer a button is pushed the faster a number is incremented.
The application also uses a win32 dll. Now, the client wants that application to be touch enabled and run it in a tablet, which also means resizing and rotation capabilities.
My question is, which is the better way to get that application touch enabled and responsive design?
I can try to modify the existing winform, but I think it will be lot of work with poor results. I can also migrate to WPF and reuse the c# code, but I might have trouble with the keyboard, as I have not found a good way to show the keyboard and maintain the whole app on the screen. Or I can migrate to windows store app, but with the problem of that win32 dll, that I`m not sure it could be migrated.
The winform application is multilingual so creating a keyboard is not a valid option.
If the target is touch screen, then for sure the best option would be a Windows Store App, although there are several limitations.
If you are not going to publish this application in Windows Store, then you should be able to use all WinAPI functions. (I'm not sure what is win32.dll - if it's your own dll then it can be a problem).

User focus in multitouch environment

I am trying to create a multitouch application.
I have the hardware which will allow me to do this. On the software side I want to be able to have WPF textboxes, WPF web browsers, multiple focuses, multiple keyboards and multiple users at the same time.
From what I've seen, I can't be focused on two controls at the same time.
What is the Microsoft MultiTouch approach for this kind of job ?
The OS limitations are what they are (and don't appear to change in Win8): only one hWnd at a time can have focus.
Since you are using WPF though, everything within your application (with the exception of the WebBrowser control ActiveX widgets you may be using) is rendered within one big hWnd.
WPF 4 introduced native support for multitouch, including multi-touch capture. The APIs for this are many but pretty intuitive so I'll just say this... go to and search within the page for all of the members with "Touch" in their name.
The catch however is that the controls shipping with WPF 4 don't work with the touch input events... you'll only be able to interact with one of those controls at a time. To take advantage of the multi-touch capture APIs, you'll have to create controls that are designed with it in mind. Fortunately, the Surface team at Microsoft has you covered on that... the "Surface 2.0 SDK" includes a suite of controls (usable on any Win7 machine, not just for Surface) that were built with this stuff in mind.
To create application with MultiTouch UI, use MultiTouch Framework in .Net
Go to

Embedding Silverlight control in WPF app - is it possible?

One of the most attactive feature of Silverlight is PlanProjection because of its ease of use and the stunning effect. Unfortunatelly, it is not available in WPF. I know that similar effects can be achieved using Viewport3D but certainly not with that simplicity.
The App:
I would like to build a Win app designed for dualscreen computer, a bit similar to PowerPoint: 1 fullscreen viewer window for the audience, and 1 regular window to control the app.
The problem:
Building the app in SL is not very appealing: Going to fullscreen always requires user confirmation due to (understandable) security reasons. Detecting primary/secondary screens, their positions is only possible with System.Windows.Forms.Screen class (pls, correct me if I am wrong), which is not available in SL.
The odd solution:
Would it be possible to write my controls in SL utilizing the fancy and simple PlanProjection features and reuse them within a WPF application?
If yes, what impact will I have on the installer? I assume that the installer would need to deploy both .NET framework and SL runtime.
Do you have alternative ideas to facilitate cherry-picking features from the two different worlds?
WPF has rich 3-D capabilities that are far greater than what Silverlight 4 can do so if PlanProjection is the main feature from SL that you require but want to create a desktop application then using WPF all the way would be the way to go. WPF can do everything that PlanProjection can do. Charles Petzold wrote an excellent book on WPF 3-D.
Just use Planerator :

Silverlight or WPF for a little winforms/desktop type application?

I have a simple WinForms type application (main form, couple of sub-forms, minimize to system tray with notifications showing here).
I was going to move to WPF however I'm hearing some people say go silverlight (out of browser).
Question - Which way should I go for a simple desktop winforms type app? WPF or Silverlight?
It depends on what features you need. If you must minimize to the tray, it'll be easier in WPF. Silverlight, however, supports notification toast for notifications. It's not trayed, but it still works well.
Also note that Silverlight doesn't have floating child windows, so if you need them, you'll need to go WPF. You can get close analogs with the ChildWindow control, but they must stay within the bounds of the Silverlight application as they are ui elements, not real hwnd windows.
Silverlight 4 lets you do almost anything you need using COM automation. However, resist using that for major functionality. If you're targeting just Windows, do a click-once WPF application, preferably WPF4 if your timeline permits it. Reserve COM automation for OS "light-up" functionality in otherwise cross-platform applications.
Ease of application deployment is one big factor which Silverlight has going for it.
Depending upon the requirements and audience for the program, WPF or Silverlight will have advantages.
If you are able to run a setup on the target machines then WPF will be an option. If you want to launch from a webpage then Silverlight is the way to go.
if it's an internal app sounds likes WPF + ClickOnce is possibly the better choice. Unless you have (for example) sales people on the road with diff browsers, OS's etc then an installable SL app that talks to a (WCF) service might be a bet
