Extending scope of local variables in C over function calls - c

I have a library which provides function calls to a user as below:
int* g_ID = NULL;
void processing(int p1, char p2)
int ID = newID();
g_ID = &ID;
callback(p1, p2);
return ID;
void SendResponse()
The user sets up its application by registering its callback function with the signature void (f*)(int p1, char p2) and should not have knowledge about the ID used internally the library. So the user space code looks something like:
while (inProgress())
sleep(1); /* just sleep here */
void (HandleRequest*)(int val1, char val2)
/* ... do something user specific ... */
The problem here is, that the library (handling IDs and g_ID is not thread safe) !! User's callback is invoked asynchronously by other library functions, as threads. Several threads can be executed this way in parallel. But I won't give the user visibility of library internal IDs.
I know the code snippets above are not perfect. There're just to demonstrate my intention ... SendResponse() is not yet implemented ;-).
I hope, someone can give some ideas how to "implement" SendResponse() and to keep thread safety.

You could use a threadlocal here to keep the g_ID, rather than making using a global. This will work in the scenario, as I understand it, that there may be multiple concurrent calls to process() from different threads, but that the process() method is as shown - that the SendResponse() call will only occur within the scope (runtime scope, not lexical) of the callback() method. That is true in the code shown. It could be untrue if HandleRequest did something exotic like kick off another thread an then return (but you could certainly ban that by documentation).
The other, more classic, approach is to encapsulate all the state you care about, like g_ID, into a void *, or opaque_state * or whatever, that you pass to the callback, and then methods like SendRespose() take that as an argument. If you don't like void * you can implement the opaque_state * version without exposing any details of that structure using a forward declaration.


GtkSpinner with long-lasting function with C

I'm making a GTK+3 application in C and I want a spinner to show when the program is processing the data. Here's what I generally have:
//Some statements
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(btnGenerate), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(Generate), &mainform);
void Generate(GtkWidget *btnGenerate, form_widgets *p_main_form)
Begin_Lengthy_Processing(Parameters, Galore, ...);
I have the stop function commented out so I can see the spinner spin even after the function has finished, but the spinner starts after the function is finished, and I suspect it turns on in the main loop.
I also found out that the entire interface freezes during the execution of the long going function.
Is there a way to get it to start and display inside the callback function? I found the same question, but it uses Python and threads. This is C, not Python, so I would assume things are different.
You need to run your lengthy computation in a separate thread, or break it up into chunks and run each of them separately as idle callbacks in the main thread.
If your lengthy computation takes a single set of inputs and doesn’t need any more inputs until it’s finished, then you should construct it as a GTask and use g_task_run_in_thread() to start the task. Its result will be delivered back to the main thread via the GTask’s GAsyncReadyCallback. There’s an example here.
If it takes more input as it progresses, you probably want to use a GAsyncQueue to feed it more inputs, and a GThreadPool to provide the threads (amortising the cost of creating threads over multiple calls to the lengthy function, and protecting against denial of service).
The GNOME developer docs give an overview of how to do threading.
This is what I got:
int main()
// Statements...
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(btnGenerate), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(Process), &mainform);
// More statements...
void Process(GtkWidget *btnGenerate, form_widgets *p_main_form)
GError *processing_error;
GThread *start_processing;
active = true;
if((start_processing = g_thread_try_new(NULL, (GThreadFunc)Generate, p_main_form, &processing_error)) == NULL)
printf("%s\n", processing_error->message);
printf("Error, cannot create thread!?!?\n\n");
void Generate(form_widgets *p_main_form)
// Long process
active = false;
My program, once cleaned up and finished, as there are many other bugs in the program, will be put on GitHub.
Thank you all for your help. This answer comes from looking at all of your answers and comments as well as reading some more documentation, but mostly your comments and answers.
I did something similar in my gtk3 program. It's not that difficult. Here's how I would go about it.
g_idle_add_full() expects a pointer to a function with the signature below:
(*GSourceFunc) (gpointer user_data).
So your function signature must adhere to that in order to be called.
But you might want to pass variables to the function.
If you don't want to have the variables in the global scope
then you can do this:
typedef struct myDataType {
char* name;
int age;
} myDataType;
myDataType person = {"Max", 25};
then when calling g_idle_add_full() you do it this way:
g_idle_add_full(G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE, myFunction, person, NULL);
int main()
// Assumming there exist a pointer called data
g_idle_add_full(G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE, lengthyProcessCallBack, data, NULL);
// GTK & GDK event loop continues and window should be responsive while function runs in background
gboolean lengthyProcessCallBack(gpointer data)
myDataType person = (myDataType) *data;
// Doing lenghthy stuff
while(;;) {
sleep(3600); // hypothetical long process :D
return FALSE; // removed from event sources and won't be called again.

PortAudio callbacks, and changing a variable elsewhere

I'm using PortAudio's callback API for designing a signal processing loopback library.
I'd like to add a branch that depends on a flag inside the callback, so like
int pa_callback(const void *inputuffer,
void *outputBuffer,
unsigned long frameCount,
const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo *timeInfo,
PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags,
void *userData)
if (do_something_flag) {
do_something(inputBuffer, outputBuffer, frameCount);
} else {
do_something_else(inputBuffer, outputBuffer, frameCount);
return paContinue;
Where do_something_flag is set elsewhere in my program at regular intervals.
The PortAudio callback documentation states:
Before we begin, it's important to realize that the callback is a
delicate place. This is because some systems perform the callback in a
special thread, or interrupt handler, and it is rarely treated the
same as the rest of your code. For most modern systems, you won't be
able to cause crashes by making disallowed calls in the callback, but
if you want your code to produce glitch-free audio, you will have to
make sure you avoid function calls that may take an unbounded amount
of time to execute. Exactly what these are depend on your platform but
almost certainly include the following: memory
allocation/deallocation, I/O (including file I/O as well as console
I/O, such as printf()), context switching (such as exec() or yield()),
mutex operations, or anything else that might rely on the OS. If you
think short critical sections are safe please go read about priority
I don't care about the atomicity of the do_something_flag. That is, I don't care how many cycles it takes to get a correct value (within reason).
According to the documentation, it looks like I can't use mutexes for setting/reading that variable.
1) What are my options?
2) If I make it global and set it in another part of my program (another thread), what is the absolute worst that will happen? Again, I mean in terms of corrupting data to the point of program failure/etc.
Is there a right way to do this?
I'm not totally sure what you're exactly trying to do but I'm guessing it's what your title is asking about - "Changing a variable elsewhere".
Let's take this example: you have a variable frequency that changes over time. How do you access this? Well you have a generic pointer in the callback called userData. This can point to anything - a data structure, array, etc. I don't really remember how often the callback function gets called (it's pretty often... I wouldn't worry about speed) but the userData allows you to have variables that can be changed in your main thread while the pointer in the audio thread allows you to access it directly in the memory... My knowledge on thread safety isn't the best and sorry if that isn't the best explanation but I can at least show you how to do it through code (below).
This is how i usually do it but you don't need to do it yourself; I set a structure at the top of my file like so:
typedef struct {
float freq;
float vol;
Obviously you'll initialize this somewhere in your code (probably in your main function call) and open the audio stream as such (data is of type paData):
/* Open audio stream */
err = Pa_OpenStream(&(*stream),
SAMPLE_RATE, bufSize, paNoFlag,
paCallback, &data);
After opening it you can have your callback like this:
static int pa_callback(const void *inputBffer,
void *outputBuffer,
unsigned long frameCount,
const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo *timeInfo,
PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags,
void *userData)
// cast data so we can use it
paData *data = (paData *)userData;
// what's our frequency?
printf("%f\n", data->freq);
/* Do something with your code here */
return paContinue;
Hope that helps.

Store extra data in a c function pointer

Suppose there is a library function (can not modify) that accept a callback (function pointer) as its argument which will be called at some point in the future. My question: is there a way to store extra data along with the function pointer, so that when the callback is called, the extra data can be retrieved. The program is in c.
For example:
// callback's type, no argument
typedef void (*callback_t)();
// the library function
void regist_callback(callback_t cb);
// store data with the function pointer
callback_t store_data(callback_t cb, int data);
// retrieve data within the callback
int retrieve_data();
void my_callback() {
int a;
a = retrieve_data();
// do something with a ...
int my_func(...) {
// some variables that i want to pass to my_callback
int a;
// ... regist_callback may be called multiple times
regist_callback(store_data(my_callback, a));
// ...
The problem is because callback_t accept no argument. My idea is to generate a small piece of asm code each time to fill into regist_callback, when it is called, it can find the real callback and its data and store it on the stack (or some unused register), then jump to the real callback, and inside the callback, the data can be found.
typedef struct {
// some asm code knows the following is the real callback
char trampoline_code[X];
callback_t real_callback;
int data;
} func_ptr_t;
callback_t store_data(callback_t cb, int data) {
// ... malloc a func_ptr_t
func_ptr_t * fpt = malloc(...);
// fill the trampoline_code, different machine and
// different calling conversion are different
// ...
fpt->real_callback = cb;
fpt->data = data;
return (callback_t)fpt;
int retrieve_data() {
// ... some asm code to retrive data on stack (or some register)
// and return
Is it reasonable? Is there any previous work done for such problem?
Unfortunately you're likely to be prohibited from executing your trampoline in more and more systems as time goes on, as executing data is a pretty common way of exploiting security vulnerabilities.
I'd start by reporting the bug to the author of the library. Everybody should know better than to offer a callback interface with no private data parameter.
Having such a limitation would make me think twice about how whether or not the library is reentrant. I would suggest ensuring you can only have one call outstanding at a time, and store the callback parameter in a global variable.
If you believe that the library is fit for use, then you could extend this by writing n different callback trampolines, each referring to their own global data, and wrap that up in some management API.

How can I check that all my init functions have been called?

I am writing a large C program for embedded use. Every module in this program has an init() function (like a constructor) to set up its static variables.
The problem is that I have to remember to call all of these init functions from main(). I also have to remember to put them back if I have commented them out for some reason.
Is there anything clever I do to make sure that all of these functions are getting called? Something along the lines of putting a macro in each init function that, when you call a check_inited() function later, sends a warning to STDOUT if not all the functions are called.
I could increment a counter, but I'd have to maintain the correct number of init functions somewhere and that is also prone to error.
The following is the solution I decided on, with input from several people in this thread
My goal is to make sure that all my init functions are actually being called. I want to do
this without maintaining lists or counts of modules across several files. I can't call
them automatically as Nick D suggested because they need to be called in a certain order.
To accomplish this, a macro included in every module uses the gcc constructor attribute to
add the init function name to a global list.
Another macro included in the body of the init function updates the global list to make a
note that the function was actually called.
Finally, a check function is called in main() after all of the inits are done.
I chose to copy the strings into an array. This not strictly necessary because the
function names passed will always be static strings in normal usage. If memory was short
you could just store a pointer to the string that was passed in.
My reusable library of utility functions is called "nx_lib". Thus all the 'nxl' designations.
This isn't the most efficient code in the world but it's only called a boot time so that
doesn't matter for me.
There are two lines of code that need to be added to each module. If either is omitted,
the check function will let you know.
you might be able to make the constructor function static, which would avoid the need to give it a name that is unique across the project.
this code is only lightly tested and it's really late so please check carefully before trusting it.
Thank you to:
pierr who introduced me to the constructor attribute.
Nick D for demonstrating the ## preprocessor trick and giving me the framework.
tod frye for a clever linker-based approach that will work with many compilers.
Everyone else for helping out and sharing useful tidbits.
This is the relevant fragment of my library header file
typedef struct _nxl_function_element{
BOOL called;
} nxl_function_element;
void nxl_func_run_check_add(char *func_name);
BOOL nxl_func_run_check(void);
void nxl_func_run_check_hit(char *func_name);
#define NXL_FUNC_RUN_CHECK_ADD(function_name) \
void cons_ ## function_name() __attribute__((constructor)); \
void cons_ ## function_name() { nxl_func_run_check_add(#function_name); }
This is the libary code that is called to add function names and check them later.
static nxl_function_element m_functions[MAX_CHECKED_FUNCTIONS];
static int m_func_cnt = 0;
// call automatically before main runs to register a function name.
void nxl_func_run_check_add(char *func_name)
// fail and complain if no more room.
if (m_func_cnt >= MAX_CHECKED_FUNCTIONS) {
print ("nxl_func_run_check_add failed, out of space\r\n");
strncpy (m_functions[m_func_cnt].func, func_name,
m_functions[m_func_cnt].func[NX_FUNC_RUN_CHECK_NAME_SIZE-1] = 0;
m_functions[m_func_cnt++].called = FALSE;
// call from inside the init function
void nxl_func_run_check_hit(char *func_name)
int i;
for (i=0; i< m_func_cnt; i++) {
if (! strncmp(m_functions[i].func, func_name,
m_functions[i].called = TRUE;
print("nxl_func_run_check_hit(): error, unregistered function was hit\r\n");
// checks that all registered functions were called
BOOL nxl_func_run_check(void) {
int i;
BOOL success=TRUE;
for (i=0; i< m_func_cnt; i++) {
if (m_functions[i].called == FALSE) {
success = FALSE;
xil_printf("nxl_func_run_check error: %s() not called\r\n",
return success;
This is an example of a module that needs initialization
#include "nx_lib_public.h"
void solo_init(void)
nxl_func_run_check_hit((char *) __func__);
/* do module initialization here */
You can use gcc's extension __attribute__((constructor)) if gcc is ok for your project.
#include <stdio.h>
void func1() __attribute__((constructor));
void func2() __attribute__((constructor));
void func1()
void func2()
int main()
return 0;
//the output
I don't know how ugly the following looks but I post it anyway :-)
(The basic idea is to register function pointers, like what atexit function does.
Of course atexit implementation is different)
In the main module we can have something like this:
typedef int (*function_t)(void);
static function_t vfunctions[100]; // we can store max 100 function pointers
static int vcnt = 0; // count the registered function pointers
int add2init(function_t f)
// todo: error checks
vfunctions[vcnt++] = f;
return 0;
int main(void) {
// iterate vfunctions[] and call the functions
... and in some other module:
typedef int (*function_t)(void);
extern int add2init(function_t f);
#define M_add2init(function_name) static int int_ ## function_name = add2init(function_name)
int foo(void)
return 0;
M_add2init(foo); // <--- register foo function
Why not write a post processing script to do the checking for you. Then run that script as part of your build process... Or better yet, make it one of your tests. You are writing tests, right? :)
For example, if each of your modules has a header file, modX.c. And if the signature of your init() function is "void init()"...
Have your script grep through all your .h files, and create a list of module names that need to be init()ed. Then have the script check that init() is indeed called on each module in main().
If your single module represents "class" entity and has instance constructor, you can use following construction:
static inline void init(void) { ... }
static int initialized = 0;
#define INIT if (__predict_false(!initialized)) { init(); initialized = 1; }
struct Foo *
where "__predict_false" is your compiler's branch prediction hint. When first object is created, module is auto-initialized (for once).
Splint (and probably other Lint variants) can give a warning about functions that are defined but not called.
It's interesting that most compilers will warn you about unused variables, but not unused functions.
Larger running time is not a problem
You can conceivably implement a kind of "state-machine" for each module, wherein the actions of a function depend on the state the module is in. This state can be set to BEFORE_INIT or INITIALIZED.
For example, let's say we have module A with functions foo and bar.
The actual logic of the functions (i.e., what they actually do) would be declared like so:
void foo_logic();
void bar_logic();
Or whatever the signature is.
Then, the actual functions of the module (i.e., the actual function declared foo()) will perform a run-time check of the condition of the module, and decide what to do:
void foo() {
if (module_state == BEFORE_INIT) {
This logic is repeated for all functions.
A few things to note:
This will obviously incur a huge penalty performance-wise, so is
probably not a good idea (I posted
anyway because you said runtime is
not a problem).
This is not a real state-machine, since there are only two states which are checked using a basic if, without some kind of smart general logic.
This kind of "design-pattern" works great when you're using separate threads/tasks, and the functions you're calling are actually called using some kind of IPC.
A state machine can be nicely implemented in C++, might be worth reading up on it. The same kind of idea can conceivably be coded in C with arrays of function pointers, but it's almost certainly not worth your time.
you can do something along these lines with a linker section. whenever you define an init function, place a pointer to it in a linker section just for init function pointers. then you can at least find out how many init functions have been compiled.
and if it does not matter what order the init functions are called, and the all have the same prototype, you can just call them all in a loop from main.
the exact details elude my memory, but it works soemthing like this::
in the module file...
//this is the syntax in GCC..(or would be if the underscores came through in this text editor)
initFuncPtr thisInit __attribute((section(.myinits)))__= &moduleInit;
void moduleInit(void)
// so init here
this places a pointer to the module init function in the .myinits section, but leaves the code in the .code section. so the .myinits section is nothing but pointers. you can think of this as a variable length array that module files can add to.
then you can access the section start and end address from the main. and go from there.
if the init functions all have the same protoytpe, you can just iterate over this section, calling them all.
this, in effect, is creating your own static constructor system in C.
if you are doing a large project and your linker is not at least this fully featured, you may have a problem...
Can I put up an answer to my question?
My idea was to have each function add it's name to a global list of functions, like Nick D's solution.
Then I would run through the symbol table produced by -gstab, and look for any functions named init_* that had not been called.
This is an embedded app so I have the elf image handy in flash memory.
However I don't like this idea because it means I always have to include debugging info in the binary.

How to create a Singleton in C?

What's the best way to create a singleton in C? A concurrent solution would be nice.
I am aware that C isn't the first language you would use for a singleton.
First, C is not suitable for OO programming. You'd be fighting all the way if you do. Secondly, singletons are just static variables with some encapsulation. So you can use a static global variable. However, global variables typically have far too many ills associated with them. You could otherwise use a function local static variable, like this:
int *SingletonInt() {
static int instance = 42;
return &instance;
or a smarter macro:
#define SINGLETON(t, inst, init) t* Singleton_##t() { \
static t inst = init; \
return &inst; \
#include <stdio.h>
/* actual definition */
SINGLETON(float, finst, 4.2);
int main() {
printf("%f\n", *(Singleton_float()));
return 0;
And finally, remember, that singletons are mostly abused. It is difficult to get them right, especially under multi-threaded environments...
You don't need to. C already has global variables, so you don't need a work-around to simulate them.
It's the same as the C++ version pretty much. Just have a function that returns an instance pointer. It can be a static variable inside the function. Wrap the function body with a critical section or pthread mutex, depending on platform.
#include <stdlib.h>
struct A
int a;
int b;
struct A* getObject()
static struct A *instance = NULL;
// do lock here
if(instance == NULL)
instance = malloc(sizeof(*instance));
instance->a = 1;
instance->b = 2;
// do unlock
return instance;
Note that you'd need a function to free up the singleton too. Especially if it grabs any system resources that aren't automatically released on process exit.
EDIT: My answer presumes the singleton you are creating is somewhat complex and has a multi-step creation process. If it's just static data, go with a global like others have suggested.
A singleton in C will be very weird . . . I've never seen an example of "object oriented C" that looked particularly elegant. If possible, consider using C++. C++ allows you to pick and choose which features you want to use, and many people just use it as a "better C".
Below is a pretty typical pattern for lock-free one-time initialization. The InterlockCompareExchangePtr atomically swaps in the new value if the previous is null. This protects if multiple threads try to create the singleton at the same time, only one will win. The others will delete their newly created object.
MyObj* g_singleton; // MyObj is some struct.
MyObj* GetMyObj()
MyObj* singleton;
if (g_singleton == NULL)
singleton = CreateNewObj();
// Only swap if the existing value is null. If not on Windows,
// use whatever compare and swap your platform provides.
if (InterlockCompareExchangePtr(&g_singleton, singleton, NULL) != NULL)
return g_singleton;
Here's another perspective: every file in a C program is effectively a singleton class that is auto instantiated at runtime and cannot be subclassed.
Global static variables are your private class members.
Global non static are public (just declare them using extern in some header file).
Static functions are private methods
Non-static functions are the public ones.
Give everything a proper prefix and now you can use my_singleton_method() in lieu of my_singleton.method().
If your singleton is complex you can write a generate_singleton() method to initialize it before use, but then you need to make sure all the other public methods check if it was called and error out if not.
I think this solution might be the simplest and best for most use cases...
In this example, I am creating a single instance global dispatch queue, which you'd definitely do, say, if you were tracking dispatch source events from multiple objects; in that case, every object listening to the queue for events could be notified when a new task is added to the queue. Once the global queue is set (via queue_ref()), it can be referenced with the queue variable in any file in which the header file is included (examples are provided below).
In one of my implementations, I called queue_ref() in AppDelegate.m (main.c would work, too). That way, queue will be initialized before any other calling object attempts to access it. In the remaining objects, I simply called queue. Returning a value from a variable is much faster than calling a function, and then checking the value of the variable before returning it.
In GlobalQueue.h:
#ifndef GlobalQueue_h
#define GlobalQueue_h
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dispatch/dispatch.h>
extern dispatch_queue_t queue;
extern dispatch_queue_t queue_ref(void);
#endif /* GlobalQueue_h */
In GlobalQueue.c:
#include "GlobalQueue.h"
dispatch_queue_t queue;
dispatch_queue_t queue_ref(void) {
if (!queue) {
queue = dispatch_queue_create_with_target("GlobalDispatchQueue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL, dispatch_get_main_queue());
return queue;
To use:
#include "GlobalQueue.h" in any Objective-C or C implementation source file.
Call queue_ref() to use the dispatch queue. Once queue_ref() has been called, the queue can be used via the queue variable in all source files
Calling queue_ref():
dispatch_queue_t serial_queue_with_queue_target = dispatch_queue_create_with_target("serial_queue_with_queue_target", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL, **queue_ref()**);
Calling queue:
dispatch_queue_t serial_queue_with_queue_target = dispatch_queue_create_with_target("serial_queue_with_queue_target", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL, **queue**));]
Just do
void * getSingleTon() {
static Class object = (Class *)malloc( sizeof( Class ) );
return &object;
which works in a concurrent environment too.
