IPC_NOWAIT semop() Buffer SysV Processes - c

I'm really in trouble with this piece of code.
I have a buffer and a method Produce() which should be Non Blocking,this means that when many processes try to Produce() all of them should return/or fail except one process.
I read that in man semop(),when we use IPC_NOWAIT process should fails if the semaphor is already in use. But What Does it mean fails? It returns something? It does an Exit() ?
I really don't know what happens.
In my code, sometimes I found 2 messages in the buffer and sometimes 1.
Since I'm using IPC_NOWAIT I should have at the end just 1 single message in the buffer because other processes should fail because the have been started together!
Here is the Produce() code:
msg_t* put_non_bloccante(buffer_t* buffer, msg_t* msg){
struct sembuf sb;
int x=0;
sb.sem_num=VUOTE; sb.sem_op=-1;
if ((x=semop(buffer->semid, &sb,1))<0) {
printf("\n DENTROOOO DOWN%d VUOTE \n",x);/* down(VUOTE) */
perror("semop() producer down(VUOTE)");
sb.sem_num=USO_D; sb.sem_op=-1;
if ((x=semop(buffer->semid, &sb,1))<0) { /* down(USO_D) */
printf("\n DENTROOOO DO%dWN USO D \n",x);
perror("semop() producer down(USO_D)");
if((buffer->msg_presenti)< (buffer->size)){
sb.sem_num=USO_D; sb.sem_op= 1;
if (semop(buffer->semid, &sb,1)<0) { /* up(USO_D) */
printf("\n DENTROOOO UP USO D \n");
perror("semop() producer up(USO_D)");
sb.sem_num=PIENE; sb.sem_op= 1;
if (semop(buffer->semid, &sb,1)<0) {
printf("\n DENTROOOO UP PIENE \n");/* up(PIENE) */
perror("semop() producer up(PIENE)");
int delay;
delay = (int)(random() % 5 ) / 2 + 1;
shmdt(array_msg); */
return msg;
Here my simple CUNIT test:
void test_bufferVuoto_3P_NonBlocking_Concurrently(void)
pid_t pid=-1;
msg_t* msg = msg_init_string("ciao");
pid_t cons_pid[3];
buffer_t* b=buffer_init(3);
int k;
for(k=0;k<3 && pid!=0;k++) {
pid = cons_pid[k]=fork();
case -1:
printf("error fork()");
case 0:
int j=0;
for(j=0; j<3; j++) {
kill(cons_pid[j],SIGKILL); // ... and Kill processes
CU_ASSERT(0==strcmp("ciao", (b->array_msg[0])->content) );
I also read a BUG In the Man of SemOP() and IPC_NOWAIT I don'know if is related to this:
*This is however undesirable since it could force
process termination to block for arbitrarily long periods. Another
possibility is that such semaphore adjustments could be ignored alto‐
gether (somewhat analogously to failing when IPC_NOWAIT is specified
for a semaphore operation). Linux adopts a third approach: decreasing
the semaphore value as far as possible (i.e., to zero) and allowing
process termination to proceed immediately.
In kernels 2.6.x, x <= 10, there is a bug that in some circumstances
prevents a process that is waiting for a semaphore value to become zero
from being woken up when the value does actually become zero. This bug
is fixed in kernel 2.6.11.*

As far as I can see the semaphores are doing what you ask but your concept of what should be happening is a little skewed.
If you use IPC_NOWAIT and the process can't acquire the semaphore then it will immediately return with -1 and errno == EAGAIN. Normally you would use this time to do something else and try again later. You are immediately exiting the process, possibly while holding one or more of the semaphores.
Worse yet it looks like you have at least 3 semaphores going. You decrement VUOTE and USO_D, do something, and then increment USO_D and PIENE leaving VUOTE locked. Is that a typo, a mistake, or my misunderstanding?
Overall your expectations of what should happen are wrong. It is entirely possible for your code to end up with 1,2 or 3 messages. (And possibly 0 if bailing out while holding a semaphore.) In other words, depending on how they are scheduled by the OS all 3 of your processes can acquire the semaphore and succeed or maybe just one or two. It is indeterminate.
If it is really your intention that one and only one process can succeed then just initialize a semaphore to 1 and never increment it. The first process to acquire it will get to proceed and the rest will fail because it will never again allow anything else through.
if ((x = semop(buffer->semid, &sb, 1)) < 0)
printf("\n DENTROOOO DOWN%d VUOTE \n", x); /* down(VUOTE) */
perror("semop() producer down(VUOTE)");
exit( -9);
Here the semop call returns immediately setting x to -1 and errno to EAGAIN if it can't get the lock. You are coding it to just exit the process. You can code the condition to do something else.
if ((x = semop(buffer->semid, &sb, 1)) < 0)
if (errno == EAGAIN)
return NULL; //OR WHATEVER you think appropriate
{ //some other failure that's not EAGAIN
printf("\n DENTROOOO DOWN%d VUOTE \n", x); /* down(VUOTE) */
perror("semop() producer down(VUOTE)");
exit( -9);
//ELSE you got the lock
The processes don't know about each other except (indirectly) through the use of the semaphores. Each of them is going to execute this code. Some will succeed and some won't.
The reason this doesn't work with IPC_NOWAIT is because it is entirely possible each process won't have to wait for the lock. Depending on how they are scheduled one might get the lock and execute, then the next and the next. Or some will and some won't. It is impossible to predict.


Named semaphores instead of mutex - readers writers problem without multithreading

My goal is to solve Readers Writers[1] problem but using only isolated processes. One process is for reader one for the writer, I should use named semaphores, so that it is possible to start subsequent reader and writers at any time - also I can't use shared memory - pure synchronization.
More info:
Provide implementation of 2 programs implementing a reader and
a writer, so that it is possible to dynamically start new processes while complying with the restrictions.
Pay attention to the properties of concurrent processing: safety and liveness.
Consider also whether you program is deadlock free.
EDIT: problem is separated to 3 files
File 1. Reader:
int main(){
sem_t *mutex;
sem_t *write;
int count=0;
mutex = sem_open("/mutex", O_CREAT, 0600, 1);
write = sem_open("/write", O_CREAT, 0600, 1);
if (count==1){
printf("Critical section in readers\n");
File 2. Writer
int main(){
sem_t *write;
write = sem_open("/write", O_CREAT, 0600, 1);
printf("Critical section in writer\n");
return 0;
File 3. Deleting semaphores
int main(){
printf("Semaphores deleted \n");
return 0;
when I run reader or writer with gcc -pthread file_name.c I don't
get any result, as If the code wasn't doing anything - the process is
running, the cursor is blinking but nothing happens.
[1]: READERS and WRITERS : The reading room has capacity of n
readers. Readers come to the reading room, allocate a single place, and occupy it for some time, then leave. After some time they come again and the procedure repeats. The reading room is also used by writers. However, a writer can only work when the reading room is empty, i.e. there must be no other reader nor writer. The writer occupy the room for some time, then leaves, and comes back after a while
My goal is to solve Readers Writers problem but using only isolated processes. One process is for reader one for the writer, I should use named semaphores, so that it is possible to start subsequent reader and writers at any time - also I can't use shared memory - pure synchronization.
Judging from this limited description, you can probably solve this problem by using named pipes.
I can't use shared memory
The code treats global variables counter and cnt as if they are shared between processes. They are not, each process gets a copy of those with the same value, the changes to these variables are not seen by other processes.
To use functions sem_wait and sem_post link with linker option -pthread.
You mentioned that you have to use "isolated processes", but as far as I know threads are not processes. to create a new process you have to use fork().
Differnces as mentioned here (full link with difference-table):
A process is an active program i.e. a program that is under execution.
It is more than the program code as it includes the program counter,
process stack, registers, program code etc. Compared to this, the
program code is only the text section.
A thread is a lightweight process that can be managed independently by
a scheduler. It improves the application performance using
parallelism. A thread shares information like data segment, code
segment, files etc. with its peer threads while it contains its own
registers, stack, counter etc.
in simple words - each process can have in it multiple threads ("lightweight processes").
I think you have to use fork() to create new Processes because of the word "Process" that you mentioned. also, you mentioned that you need 2 processes (one for the reader and one for the writer) so you have to fork() twice and manage these 2 processes. You can read about fork() here.
edit (semaphore implementation):
int initsem(key_t semkey, int initval)
int status = 0, semid;
union semun {/* should to be declared according to C standards */
int val;
struct semid_ds *stat;
ushort *array;
} ctl_arg;
if ((semid = semget(semkey, 1, SEMPERM | IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL)) == -1) {
if (errno == EEXIST)
semid = semget(semkey, 1, 0);
else { /* if created */
ctl_arg.val = initval; /* set semaphore value to the initial value*/
status = semctl(semid, 0, SETVAL, ctl_arg);
if (semid == -1 || status == -1) { /* failure */
perror("initsem failed");
else return semid;
int sem_wait(int semid)
struct sembuf p_buf;
p_buf.sem_num = 0;
p_buf.sem_op = -1;
p_buf.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO;
if (semop(semid, &p_buf, 1) == -1) {
perror("p(semid) failed");
else return 0;
int sem_post(int semid)
struct sembuf v_buf;
v_buf.sem_num = 0;
v_buf.sem_op = 1;
v_buf.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO;
if (semop(semid, &v_buf, 1) == -1) {
perror("v(semid) failed"); exit(1);
else return 0;

Trying to understand pthread_cond_lock and pthread_cond_signal

So I'm trying to understand exactly how pthread_mutex_lock works.
My current understanding is that it unlocks the mutex and puts whatever thread is going though it to sleep. Sleep meaning that the thread is inactive and consuming no resources.
It then waits for a signal to go from asleep to blocked, meaning that the thread can no longer change any variables.
thread 1:
while (!condition){
printf("Thread wating.\n");
pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mutex);
printf("Thread awakened.\n");
So basically in the sample above, the loop runs and runs and each iteration pthread_cond_wait checks if the condition of the loop is true. If it is then the cond_signal is sent and the thread is blocked so it can't manipulate any more data.
I'm really having trouble wrapping my head around this, I'd appreciate some input and feedback about how this works and whether or not I am beginning to understand this based on what I have above.
I've gone over this post but am still having trouble
First, a summary:
If mutex is free, then this thread grabs it immediately.
If mutex is grabbed, then this thread waits until the mutex becomes free, and then grabs it.
If mutex is free, then this thread grabs it.
If mutex is grabbed, then the call returns immediately with EBUSY.
Releases mutex.
Wake up one thread waiting on the condition variable cond.
Wake up all threads waiting on the condition variable cond.
pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mutex):
This must be called with mutex grabbed.
The calling thread will temporarily release mutex and wait on cond.
When cond is broadcast on, or signaled on and this thread happens to be the one woken up, then the calling thread will first re-grab the mutex, and then return from the call.
It is important to note that at all times, the calling thread either has mutex grabbed, or is waiting on cond. There is no interval in between.
Let's look at a practical, running example code. We'll create it along the lines of OP's code.
First, we'll use a structure to hold the parameters for each worker function. Since we'll want the mutex and the condition variable to be shared between threads, we'll use pointers.
#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
/* Worker function work. */
struct work {
pthread_t thread_id;
pthread_mutex_t *lock; /* Pointer to the mutex to use */
pthread_cond_t *wait; /* Pointer to the condition variable to use */
volatile int *done; /* Pointer to the flag to check */
FILE *out; /* Stream to output to */
long id; /* Identity of this thread */
unsigned long count; /* Number of times this thread iterated. */
The thread worker function receives a pointer to the above structure. Each thread iterates the loop once, then waits on the condition variable. When woken up, if the done flag is still zero, the thread iterates the loop. Otherwise, the thread exits.
/* Example worker function. */
void *worker(void *workptr)
struct work *const work = workptr;
/* Loop as long as *done == 0: */
while (!*(work->done)) {
/* *(work->lock) is ours at this point. */
/* This is a new iteration. */
/* Do the work. */
fprintf(work->out, "Thread %ld iteration %lu\n", work->id, work->count);
/* Wait for wakeup. */
pthread_cond_wait(work->wait, work->lock);
/* *(work->lock) is still ours, but we've been told that all work is done already. */
/* Release the mutex and be done. */
return NULL;
To run the above, we'll need a main() as well:
#ifndef THREADS
#define THREADS 4
int main(void)
pthread_mutex_t lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_cond_t wait = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
volatile int done = 0;
struct work w[THREADS];
char *line = NULL, *p;
size_t size = 0;
ssize_t len = 0;
unsigned long total;
pthread_attr_t attrs;
int i, err;
/* The worker functions require very little stack, but the default stack
size is huge. Limit that, to reduce the (virtual) memory use. */
pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attrs, 2 * PTHREAD_STACK_MIN);
/* Grab the mutex so the threads will have to wait to grab it. */
/* Create THREADS worker threads. */
for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) {
/* All threads use the same mutex, condition variable, and done flag. */
w[i].lock = &lock;
w[i].wait = &wait;
w[i].done = &done;
/* All threads output to standard output. */
w[i].out = stdout;
/* The rest of the fields are thread-specific. */
w[i].id = i + 1;
w[i].count = 0;
err = pthread_create(&(w[i].thread_id), &attrs, worker, (void *)&(w[i]));
if (err) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create thread %d of %d: %s.\n", i+1, THREADS, strerror(errno));
exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* Exits the entire process, killing any other threads as well. */
fprintf(stderr, "The first character on each line controls the type of event:\n");
fprintf(stderr, " e, q exit\n");
fprintf(stderr, " s signal\n");
fprintf(stderr, " b broadcast\n");
/* Let each thread grab the mutex now. */
while (1) {
len = getline(&line, &size, stdin);
if (len < 1)
/* Find the first character on the line, ignoring leading whitespace. */
p = line;
while ((p < line + len) && (*p == '\0' || *p == '\t' || *p == '\n' ||
*p == '\v' || *p == '\f' || *p == '\r' || *p == ' '))
/* Do the operation mentioned */
if (*p == 'e' || *p == 'E' || *p == 'q' || *p == 'Q')
if (*p == 's' || *p == 'S')
if (*p == 'b' || *p == 'B')
/* It is time for the worker threads to be done. */
done = 1;
/* To ensure all threads see the state of that flag,
we wake up all threads by broadcasting on the condition variable. */
/* Reap all threds. */
for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++)
pthread_join(w[i].thread_id, NULL);
/* Output the thread statistics. */
total = 0;
for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) {
total += w[i].count;
fprintf(stderr, "Thread %ld: %lu events.\n", w[i].id, w[i].count);
fprintf(stderr, "Total: %lu events.\n", total);
If you save the above as example.c, you can compile it to example using e.g. gcc -Wall -O2 example.c -lpthread -o example.
To get the correct intuitive grasp of the operations, run the example in a terminal, with the source code in a window next to it, and see how the execution progresses as you provide input.
You can even run commands like printf '%s\n' s s s b q | ./example to run a sequence of events in a quick succession, or printf 's\ns\ns\nb\nq\n' | ./example with even less time in between events.
After some experimentation, you'll hopefully find out that not all input events cause their respective action. This is because the exit event (q above) is not synchronous: it does not wait for all pending work to be done, but tells the threads to exit right then and there. That is why the number of events may vary even for the exact same input.
(Also, if you signal on the condition variable, and immediately broadcast on it, the threads tend to only get woken up once.)
You can mitigate that by delaying the exit, using e.g. (printf '%s\n' s s b s s s ; sleep 1 ; printf 'q\n' ) | ./example.
However, there are better ways. A condition variable is not suitable for countable events; it is really flag-like. A semaphore would work better, but then you should be careful to not overflow the semaphore; it can only be from 0 to SEM_VALUE_MAX, inclusive. (So, you could use a semaphore to represent the number of pending job, but probably not for the number of iterations done by each/all thread workers.) A queue for the work to do, in thread pool fashion, is the most common approach.
pthread_cond_wait() simply means that the current thread shall release the mutex and then waits on a condition. The trick here is that both happens atomically, so it cannot happen, that the thread has released the mutex and is not yet waiting on the condition or is already waiting on the condition and has not yet released the mutex. Either both has happened or none has happened.
pthread_cond_signal() simply wakes up any thread that is currently waiting on the signaled condition. The first thing the woken up thread will do is obtaining the mutex again, if it cannot obtain it (e.g. as the signaling thread is currently owning the mutex), it will block until it can. If multiple threads are waiting on the condition, pthread_cond_signal() just wakes up one of them, which one is not defined. If you want to wake up all the waiting threads, you must use pthread_cond_broadcast() instead; but of course they won't run at the same time as now each of them first requires to obtain the mutex and that will only be possible one after another.
pthread_cond_t has no state. If you signal a condition no thread is waiting for, then nothing will happen. It's not like this will set a flag internally and if later on some thread calls pthread_cond_wait(), it will be woken up immediately as there is a pending signal. pthread_cond_signal() only wakes up threads that are already waiting, that means these threads must have called pthread_cond_wait() prior to you calling pthread_cond_signal().
Here's some simple sample code. First a reader thread:
// === Thread 1 ===
// We want to process an item from a list.
// To make sure the list is not altered by one
// thread while another thread is accessing it,
// it is protected by a mutex.
// Now nobody but us is allowed to access the list.
// But what if the list is empty?
while (list->count == 0) {
// As long as we hold the mutex, no other thread
// thread can add anything to the list. So we
// must release it. But we want to know as soon
// as another thread has changed it.
pthread_cond_wait(&listCondition, &listLock);
// When we get here, somebody has signaled the
// condition and we have the mutex again and
// thus are allowed to access the list. The list
// may however still be empty, as another thread
// may have already consumed the new item in case
// there are multiple readers and all are woken
// up, thus the while-loop. If the list is still
// empty, we just go back to sleep and wait again.
// If we get here, the list is not empty.
// Finally we release the mutex again.
And then a writer thread:
// === Thread 2 ===
// We want to add a new item to the list.
// To make sure that nobody is accessing the
// list while we do, we need to obtain the mutex.
// Now nobody but us is allowed to access the list.
// Check if the list is empty.
bool listWasEmpty = (list->count == 0);
// We add our item.
addListItem(list, newItem);
// If the list was empty, one or even multiple
// threads may be waiting for us adding an item.
// So we should wake them up here.
if (listWasEmpty) {
// If any thread is waiting for that condition,
// wake it up as now there is an item to process.
// Finally we must release the mutex again.
The code is written so that there can be any number of reader/writer threads. Signaling only if the list was empty (listWasEmpty) is just a performance optimization, the code would also work correctly if you always signal the condition after adding an item.

How can I prevent a thread from decrementing a semaphore until another thread is ready?

I'm doing a sem_post() inside a loop but it does not appear to increase the target semaphore's value. Here's the code:
void* producerFunc(void* arg)
int x, d, i, semValue, semTaken;
sem_getvalue(&sem_posTaken, &semTaken);
sem_getvalue(&sem_posAvaliable, &semValue);
while(n_insertions < N_PRODUCTS)
sem_wait(&sem_posAvaliable); //Verifica se tem espaço vazio no buffer
sem_getvalue(&sem_posAvaliable, &semValue);
x = produce_item();
printf("n_insertions: %d\n", n_insertions);
if(n_insertions % 5 == 0){
sem_getvalue(&sem_posTaken, &semValue);
for(i=0; i< Buffer_Size; i++)
sem_getvalue(&sem_posTaken, &semTaken);
printf("VOU DAR POST %d\n", semTaken);
sem_post(&sem_posTaken); //Sinaliza para o consumidor que já tem item no buffer
sem_getvalue(&sem_posTaken, &semTaken);
printf("DEI POST %d\n", semTaken);
After initially posting the question I traced down the problem to the behavior of another thread running this code:
void* consumerFunc(void* arg)
int d;
struct sConsumer* cons = (struct sConsumer*) arg;
while(n_consumed < N_PRODUCTS)
sem_wait(&sem_posTaken); //Verifica se já tem item dentro do Buffer_Size
sem_wait(&mutex); //Garante acesso exclusivo
if(consumers == 1)
sem_getvalue(&sem_posTaken, &d);
printf("Taken: %d\n", d);
if(consumers == 0)
I intend for the thread running ProducerFunc to fill the whole buffer and then increment the sem_postaken semaphore to a value corresponding to the number of occupied slots. Upon the producer's sem_post(), however, the consumer, which was blocked waiting on that semaphore, proceeds, decrementing the semaphore and looping around to wait again. This explains why the producer never sees a value greater than zero when it performs a sem_getvalue().
How can I prevent the consumer from decrementing the semaphore until the producer has performed all the increments it intends to do?
The whole point of waiting on a semaphore is that the thread doing so can proceed immediately as soon as the semaphore's value is greater than zero. Therefore, if you don't want the consumer to proceed immediately when the producer posts to your semaphore, then you must ensure that the consumer is not waiting on that semaphore at that time.
I suspect that you are trying to use semaphores in a way that they are not designed to support. The only information that a semaphore's value should be interpreted to convey is the number of times that semaphore can be decremented before the next increment without blocking. It is generally a bad idea to try to make any further interpretation of that data. Moreover, that data must be considered stale as soon as it is returned. Use shared variables (accessed with appropriate synchronization) to convey any other needed data.
With that said, you do have a second semaphore that you name "mutex". The details of what you're doing with it look pretty fishy, but if you really want to prevent the consumer from proceeding until the producer is ready, and the producer's readiness is not adequately conveyed by the sem_posTaken semaphore, then the immediately apparent solution is to use a separate semaphore to do so -- maybe mutex.

Does sleep() interfere with scanf()?

I have two threads
xThread : Continuously Prints X on the console
inputThread: Gets input from the stdin
The continuous printing stops when the user enters 'C' or 'c'
#define S sleep(0)
int read_c = 0;
pthread_mutex_t read_c_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
void* inputThread_fn(void* arg)
char inputChar;
printf("\nChecking input");
if(inputChar=='C' || inputChar == 'c')
pthread_mutex_trylock(&read_c_mutex); /*<--This must be _lock ?
because with the use of trylock even If i don't aquire a lock I go ahead and modify
the variable?*/
read_c = 1;
void* xThread_fn(void* arg)
printf(" X");
void* yThread_fn(void* arg)
printf(" Y");
int main()
pthread_t xThread,yThread,inputThread;
return 0;
When I use sleep(1) the threads are spawned and [irrespective of which thread is started first] when the program reaches scanf in inputThread it halts for the user input and the code does not proceed until I enter an input.
When I execute the code with sleep(0), scanf does not halt for the input, it keeps printing 'X' until I enter 'C' or 'c'
Does sleep() interfere with scanf in someway?
Note: I am aware of select being used for non-blocking input. I have tried the same too and the code runs fine. I just want to know in the above case why inconsistent behaviour arises?
Update (Using trylock)
void* inputThread_fn(void* arg)
char inputChar;
if(inputChar=='C' || inputChar == 'c')
read_c = 1;
void* xThread_fn(void* arg)
printf(" X");
void* yThread_fn(void* arg)
printf(" Z");
The reason you don't see output is because you're not flushing the buffer.
The reason you don't need to flush the buffer with sleep(0) is because the writer thread writes so much data that the buffer fills up and is automatically flushed.
#define SLEEP_TIME 1
void* xThread_fn(void* arg)
while (1) {
if (read_c) {
return NULL;
printf(" X");
fflush(stdout); // <-- necessary
Don't use pthread_mutex_trylock()
Don't use pthread_mutex_trylock() here. It's wrong.
The difference between lock() and trylock() is that lock() will always succeed1 but trylock() will sometimes fail. That's why it's called "try".
Since trylock() sometimes fails, you have to handle the case where it failed. Your code doesn't handle the case: it simply plows forward, pretending it acquired the lock. So, suppose trylock() doesn't lock the mutex. What happens?
pthread_mutex_trylock(&read_c_mutex); // Might fail (i.e., not lock the mutex)
read_c = 1; // Modifying shared state (Wrong!)
pthread_mutex_unlock(&read_c_mutex); // Unlocking a mutex (Wrong!)
Then there's the question of how the code should handle trylock() failing. If you can't answer this question, then the default answer is "use lock()".
In the reader thread, you can't use trylock() because you have to lock the mutex:
int r = pthread_mutex_trylock(&read_c_mutex);
if (r != 0) {
// Uh... what are we supposed to do here? Try again?
} else {
read_c = 1;
In the writer thread, there's no point in using trylock():
int r = pthread_mutex_trylock(&read_c_mutex);
if (r != 0) {
// Okay, just try again next loop...
} else {
if (read_c) {
} else {
However, this is entirely pointless. The only reason trylock() will fail in the writer thread is if the reader thread owns the lock, which only happens if it is currently in the process of setting read_c = 1;. So you might as well wait for it to finish, since you know you're going to exit anyway (why write more output after you know that the user has signaled your program to stop?)
Just use lock(). You'll use lock() 99% of the time, and trylock() is for the other 1%.
1: The lock() function can fail, but this usually means you've misused the mutex.
Misconceptions about lock() and trylock()
You said this about trylock():
If i have another thread accessing the variable read_input then will it be appropriate to use it?
I think there is a very fundamental misunderstanding here about the nature of mutexes. If another thread weren't accessing the variable at the same time, then you wouldn't need a mutex at all.
Suppose you're doing important work at the office, and you need to use the photocopier. Only one person can use the photocopier at a time. You go to the photocopier and someone's already using it.
If you wait in line until it's your turn, then that's lock().
If you give up and go back to your desk, then that's trylock(). (Your program actually ignores the return code for trylock(), so you basically start mashing buttons on the photocopier even if someone else is using it.)
Now imagine that it takes one minute to use the photocopier, only two people ever use the photocopier, and they only use the photocopier once every twenty years.
If you use lock(), then you wait in line for at most one minute before using the photocopier.
If you use trylock(), then you give up and go back to your desk and wait twenty years before trying the photocopier again.
It doesn't make any sense to use trylock(), does it? Are your threads so impatient that they can't spend even one minute in line once every twenty years?
Now your boss comes down and said, "Where is that report I asked you to photocopy?" And you say, "Well, I went to the photocopier six years ago but someone was using it."
The numbers (one minute every twenty years) are based on Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know, where it notes that locking/unlocking a mutex is about 25ns. So if we pretend that it takes one minute to lock and then unlock a mutex, then sleep(1) causes the thread to wait for twenty years.

C programming. Using execl and pthread

I'm having a problem in the combined use of execl() and pthread.
My idea is quite simple: write a daemon that in certain situation starts an external process (a separate executable with respect to the daemon itself) and wait for the return value of that process. Moreover I want to have the possibility to start multiple instances of the same process at the same time.
The part of my code to handle multiple threads:
for (c_thread=0,i=0;i<N;i++)
/* Start actions before start threads */
for (j=c_thread;j<c_thread+config.max_threads;j++)
/* Now create threads */
for (c=0,j=c_thread;j<c_thread+config.max_threads;j++)
Print_Log(LOG_DEBUG,"Create tread n. %d, measurementID=%s",c,act[act_index[j]].measID);
if ((ret=pthread_create(&pth[c],NULL,Start_Process_Thread,(void *) &act[act_index[j]].measID)))
Print_Log(LOG_ERR,"Error in creating thread (errorcode: %d)",ret);
/* Joint threads */
for (j=0;j<config.max_threads;j++)
if ((ret=pthread_join(pth[j], (void**) &r_value[j])))
Print_Log(LOG_ERR,"Error in joint thread (errorcode: %d)",ret);
/* Perform actions after the thread */
for (j=0;j<config.max_threads;j++)
status=*(int*) r_value[j];
Print_Log(LOG_DEBUG,"Joint tread n. %d. Return value=%d",j,status);
c_thread += config.max_threads;
And the function Start_Process_Thread:
void *Start_Process_Thread(void *arg)
int *ret;
char *measID;
if (!(ret=malloc(sizeof(int))))
Print_Log(LOG_ERR, "allocation memory failed, code=%d (%s)",
errno, strerror(errno) );
int Start_Process(char *measID)
if (!pid)
Start the Process.
ret=execl(config.pre_processor,buff_list[TokCount-1],config.db_name,measID,(char *) 0);
if (ret==-1)
Print_Log(LOG_ERR,"Cannot run script %s, code=%d (%s)",config.process, errno, strerror(errno));
if (!flag)
if (WIFEXITED(status))
if (!(return_value=WEXITSTATUS(status)))
Process gives no errors.
Print_Log(LOG_INFO, "Processing of measurementID=%s ended succesfully!",measID);
Process gives errors.
Print_Log(LOG_WARNING,"Processor failed for measurementID=%s, code=%d",measID, return_value);
Timeout for Process
Print_Log( LOG_WARNING,"Timeout occurred in processing measurementID=%s",measID);
The above code works fine from technical point of view but I have a problem somewhere in handling the return values of the different instances of the called external process. In particular it happens that the return value associated to a certain instance is attributed to a different one randomly.
For example suppose 4 different instances of the external process are called with the arguments meas1, meas2, meas3 and meas4 respectively and suppose that meas1, meas2 and meas3 are successfully processed and that for meas4 the process fails. In situation like that my code mix up the return vales giving success for meas1, meas3, and meas4 and failure for meas2 or success for meas1, meas2, meas4 and failure for meas3.
Any idea on why this can happens?
Any help is really welcome.
Thank you in advance for your attention.
When any thread in a process executes wait(), it gets the information about any of the process's dead children — not necessarily about the last child started by the thread that is doing the waiting.
You are going to need to think about:
Capturing the PID of the process that died (it is returned by wait(), but you ignore that).
Having a single thread designated as the 'disposer of corpses' (a thread that does nothing but wait() and record and report on deaths in the family of child processes).
A data structure that allows the threads that start processes to record that they are interested in the status of the child when it dies. Presumably, the child should wait on a suitable condition once a child starts so that it is not consuming CPU time doing nothing useful.
The 'disposer of corpses' thread handles notifications of the appropriate other thread whenever it collects a corpse.
Worry about timeouts on the processes, and killing children who run wild for too long.
It's a morbid business at times...
