I am trying to establish how widely used the Glide framework (http://glide-gae.appspot.com/) is on App Engine, I am looking for a RAD environment for developing on App Engine and came across these slides http://www.slideshare.net/kunal.dabir/rapid-app-dev-on-gae and I thought Glide was what I was looking for.
I have downloaded and tried to follow the 2 minutes to fly steps when I get to the step 4 and enter glide I get the following error:
Exception in thread "main" : D:\Documents\dev\GAE\Glide\hello-glide\null\template does not exist
followed by an exception stack trace
I can get the example projects to run using
gradlew run -Papp=D:\glide\samples\simple_app
Glide is currently work in progress but it's based on Gaelyk Framework which is already mature serving millions of requests a day. Glide just simplifies even more the already easy development (compared to pure Java) on Google App Engine.
Try to ask Kunal directly for more information.
Back in Android Studio 2.0 you could just add a Cloud Endpoints 1.0 backend module and it would generate for you a sample project that used Objectify. It was very convenient.
However, Android Studio 3.0 no longer has this feature and Cloud Endpoints 2.0 requires you use IntelliJ Ultimate edition to generate a App Engine Standard Environment project. However... IntelliJ Ultimate edition costs $500 and it doesn't appear a sample project with Objectify is created... Sigh...
So my question is, what is the best way to create a sample Cloud Endpoints project that uses Objectify? Because as of right now there appears to be no clear way from reading the documentation unless you want to shell out $500 for IntelliJ Ultimate edition.
Am I missing something??
I would suggest using the sample app as a start. You can import it as a Gradle project to Android Studio. Adding Objectify manually shouldn't be too difficult from there.
In addition to what is commented in the previous answer, if there are any doubts regarding how to use Objectify with App Engine, you can check out this code for integrating Objectify on a Java application.
You can run it using Maven as this:
mvn clean package
mvn appengine:run
After running it locally, you can deploy the app and check it works correctly:
mvn appengine:deploy
Once you check it works and understand the code, you can integrate it with the sample app indicated in the previous answer and combine them to create your Endpoints project with Objectify.
I have built an app using Google Apps Script (GAS). It displays a form. When the user submits the form, the submitted data is written to a Google docs spreadsheet. I have deployed the app using the built in Deploy as web app option in the GAS script builder page
What I can't seem to find out is whether it is free to build and deploy web apps using Google Apps Script, or is it the case that one needs to pay?
I did come across a paid service called Google App Engine, but I am not sure if this is relevant to Google Apps Script.
Google Apps Script is a javascript cloud scripting language and it is free to use as long as you do not need higher quotas than defined here: https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/services/quotas
If you need higher quotas than listed there - I would suggest you take into consideration to build your own Google Appengine Application for your service.
However if you did not hear about that since now you should first do some examples listed here https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs - and get familiar with the Platform as a Service Google offers. It is also free of any charge as long as your application applies to the free quotas.
Important fact: Every Google Apps Script has it's own Developers Console Project assigned to it - however it is not neccessary to configure anything on the Console for App Script to work properly. You can review your assigned Appengine Project by
using the Menu: Resources - Developers Console Project... and click on the link that looks similar to this -
I have been using App Engine since last three years and recently started exploring AngularJS and Cloud Endpoints for creating web apps.
I started with this recipe given on Google developer's website and facing following problems since last three days. I am using Eclipse with GAE plugin - App Engine SDK 1.8.9. Used the plugin for generating the APIs.
Why it stops working on localhost when it was running fine just a few minutes ago? I get proxy html error now and then. Situation is like - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't!!
Why the same code when uploaded on GAE does not work at all (no data fetching or adding ) though things are working absolutely fine in API explorer?
Not posting my code since I am using the same code given in the above recipe.
My question is : why this surprising behavior - no consistency? Am I missing anything?
We have to use https and not http. Working fine for me now.
I deployed the Web Application "Google App Engine Tutorial example 1" (http://googcloudlabs.appspot.com/codelabexercise1.html) to GAE at the site http://templiba.appspot.com . I can access the site but the application is not saving the Product and Item values in the DataStore. The same is happening when I try on my local. It there a known fix for it? Or could you assist me with a Tutorial example with code that writes to the DataStore? Thank you.
Are you sure you made all the required modifications to the code provided as outlined in Step 4? When I migrated from Google App Engine for Python to Java, the Getting Started guide was very useful; it covers all the basic concepts starting from creating the Eclipse project while presenting the code in a easier way to understand (in my opinion) than the Code Labs which seem slighly outdated (broken links, etc).
Getting Started
Datastore Overview within Getting Started
I'm trying to read a sqlite db from the server side code in my gwt project. It throws AccessControlException. I looked a lot on the web and all solutions seems to be disabling Google App Engine, but when I do this, I can't run my project. I'm new to GWT and I have no idea where it runs when Google App Engine is shut down. I look for possibly this two solutions: Any setting that Google App Engine is set to be able to read any file, or other engine that I run my application on. Thanks
The problem is that Google App Engine (GAE) does not support sqlite (I assume you are reading it using JDBC).
If your intention is to make a GWT project that will not be deployed on GAE, you should create the project disabling this feature from the very beginning, because afterwards its a nightmare as you are experiencing right now.
If your intention is to deploy in GAE, you must use the google's persistence mechanisms (JDO) to store your data. SqlLite is off the table here.