D Style Arrays to C Style Arrays - arrays

I am creating a Window in D, and the CreateWindowA function requires pointers to characters, C character arrays basically.
How do I convert a D style array (char[]) to a C style array (char*)?

The two functions to look at are normally std.string.toStringz and std.utf.toUTFz.
toStringz will convert string to immutable(char)*, which you can pass to a C function which takes const char*. If it can determine that the string is null-terminated (which usually is only the case for string literals, which have a null terminator one passed their end), then it won't allocate and will just use the string's ptr property, but in most cases, it will allocate.
toUTFz will convert from any string type to any character pointer type. It's probably most frequently used for converting to const(wchar)* for Windows, since all of the W functions for Windows take UTF-16, but it can also be used to convert to char* - e.g. str.toUTFz!(char*)(). Like toStringz, it will try not to allocate if it can determine that it's unnecessary, but it's almost always necessary.
Now, for your particular case, you're trying to use one of the A functions in Windows. This is almost always a bad idea, and I would strongly advise against it. Use toUTFz to convert your string to const(wchar)* and pass that to CreateWindowW. AFAIK, the only advantage to the A functions is that they work with pre-Win2K. Everything else about them is worse. However, if for some reason, you insist on using the A functions, then you're going to have to use std.windows.charset.toMBSz, because the A functions don't take UTF-8 but rather the "Windows 8-bit character set," and toMBSz will convert the string to that format.

you grab the ptr field of the D array. and the length field to grab the length
however if you need a C-style string then you need the toStringz method that will add the null terminator and return the pointer to the first char. keep a reference to it if the api doesn't create it's own copy to operate on to avoid dangling pointers by GC


Difficulty in reading a series of whitespace separated DNA string into different locations of an array [duplicate]

Just wondering why this is the case. I'm eager to know more about low level languages, and I'm only into the basics of C and this is already confusing me.
Do languages like PHP automatically null terminate strings as they are being interpreted and / or parsed?
From Joel's excellent article on the topic:
Remember the way strings work in C: they consist of a bunch of bytes followed by a null character, which has the value 0. This has two obvious implications:
There is no way to know where the string ends (that is, the string length) without moving through it, looking for the null character at the end.
Your string can't have any zeros in it. So you can't store an arbitrary binary blob like a JPEG picture in a C string.
Why do C strings work this way? It's because the PDP-7 microprocessor, on which UNIX and the C programming language were invented, had an ASCIZ string type. ASCIZ meant "ASCII with a Z (zero) at the end."
Is this the only way to store strings? No, in fact, it's one of the worst ways to store strings. For non-trivial programs, APIs, operating systems, class libraries, you should avoid ASCIZ strings like the plague.
Think about what memory is: a contiguous block of byte-sized units that can be filled with any bit patterns.
2a c6 90 f6
A character is simply one of those bit patterns. Its meaning as a string is determined by how you treat it. If you looked at the same part of memory, but using an integer view (or some other type), you'd get a different value.
If you have a variable which is a pointer to the start of a bunch of characters in memory, you must know when that string ends and the next piece of data (or garbage) begins.
Let's look at this string in memory...
H e l l o , w o r l d ! \0
+------ Pointer to string
...we can see that the string logically ends after the ! character. If there were no \0 (or any other method to determine its end), how would we know when seeking through memory that we had finished with that string? Other languages carry the string length around with the string type to solve this.
I asked this question when my underlying knowledge of computers was limited, and this is the answer that would have helped many years ago. I hope it helps someone else too. :)
C strings are arrays of chars, and a C array is just a pointer to a memory location, which is the start location of the array. But also the length (or end) of the array must be expressed somehow; in case of strings, a null termination is used. Another alternative would be to somehow carry the length of the string alongside with the memory pointer, or to put the length in the first array location, or whatever. It's just a matter of convention.
Higher level languages like Java or PHP store the size information with the array automatically & transparently, so the user needn't worry about them.
C has no notion of strings by itself. Strings are simply arrays of chars (or wchars for unicode and such).
Due to those facts C has no way to check i.e. the length of the string as there is no "mystring->length", there is no length value set somewhere. The only way to find the end of the string is to iterate over it and check for the \0.
There are string-libraries for C which use structs like
struct string {
int length;
char *data;
to remove the need for the \0-termination but this is not standard C.
Languages like C++, PHP, Perl, etc have their own internal string libraries which often have a seperate length field that speeds up some string functions and remove the need for the \0.
Some other languages (like Pascal) use a string type that is called (suprisingly) Pascal String, it stores the length in the first byte of the string which is the reason why those strings are limited to a length of 255 characters.
Because in C strings are just a sequence of characters accessed viua a pointer to the first character.
There is no space in a pointer to store the length so you need some indication of where the end of the string is.
In C it was decided that this would be indicated by a null character.
In pascal, for example, the length of a string is recorded in the byte immediately preceding the pointer, hence why pascal strings have a maximum length of 255 characters.
It is a convention - one could have implemented it with another algorithm (e.g. length at the beginning of the buffer).
In a "low level" language such as assembler, it is easy to test for "NULL" efficiently: that might have ease the decision to go with NULL terminated strings as opposed of keeping track of a length counter.
They need to be null terminated so you know how long they are. And yes, they are simply arrays of char.
Higher level languages like PHP may choose to hide the null termination from you or not use it at all - they may maintain a length, for example. C doesn't do it that way because of the overhead involved. High level languages may also not implement strings as an array of char - they could (and some do) implement them as lists of arrays of char, for example.
In C strings are represented by an array of characters allocated in a contiguous block of memory and thus there must either be an indicator stating the end of the block (ie. the null character), or a way of storing the length (like Pascal strings which are prefixed by a length).
In languages like PHP,Perl,C# etc.. strings may or may not have complex data structures so you cannot assume they have a null character. As a contrived example, you could have a language that represents a string like so:
class string
int length;
char[] data;
but you only see it as a regular string with no length field, as this can be calculated by the runtime environment of the language and is only used internally by it to allocate and access memory correctly.
They are null-terminated because whole plenty of Standard Library functions expects them to be.

Can a C implementation use length-prefixed-strings "under the hood"?

After reading this question: What are the problems of a zero-terminated string that length-prefixed strings overcome? I started to wonder, what exactly is stopping a C implementation from allocating a few extra bytes for any char or wchar_t array allocated on the stack or heap and using them as a "string prefix" to store the number N of its elements?
Then, if the N-th character is '\0', N - 1 would signify the string length.
I believe this could mightily boost performance of functions such as strlen or strcat.
This could potentially turn to extra memory consumption if a program uses non-0-terminated char arrays extensively, but that could be remedied by a compiler flag turning on or off the regular "count-until-you-reach-'\0'" routine for the compiled code.
What are possible obstacles for such an implementation? Does the C Standard allow for this? What problems can this technique cause that I haven't accounted for?
And... has this actually ever been done?
You can store the length of the allocation. And malloc implementations really do do that (or some do, at least).
You can't reasonably store the length of whatever string is stored in the allocation, though, because the user can change the contents to their whim; it would be unreasonable to keep the length up to date. Furthermore, users might start strings somewhere in the middle of the character array, or might not even be using the array to hold a string!
Then, if the N-th character is '\0', N - 1 would signify the string length.
Actually, no, and that's why this suggestion cannot work.
If I overwrite a character in a string with a 0, I have effectively truncated the string, and a subsequent call of strlen on the string must return the truncated length. (This is commonly done by application programs, including every scanner generated by (f)lex, as well as the strtok standard library function. Amongst others.)
Moreover, it is entirely legal to call strlen on an interior byte of the string.
For example (just for demonstration purposes, although I'll bet you can find code almost identical to this in common use.)
/* Split a string like 'key=value...' into key and value parts, and
* return the value, and optionally its length (if the second argument
* is not a NULL pointer).
* On success, returns the value part and modifieds the original string
* so that it is the key.
* If there is no '=' in the supplied string, neither it nor the value
* pointed to by plen are modified, and NULL is returned.
char* keyval_split(char* keyval, int* plen) {
char* delim = strchr(keyval, '=');
if (delim) {
if (plen) *plen = strlen(delim + 1)
*delim = 0;
return delim + 1;
} else {
return NULL;
There's nothing fundamentally stopping you from doing this in your application, if that was useful (one of the comments noted this). There are two problems that would emerge, however:
You'd have to reimplement all the string-handling functions, and have my_strlen, my_strcpy, and so on, and add string-creating functions. That might be annoying, but it's a bounded problem.
You'd have to stop people, when writing for the system, deliberately or automatically treating the associated character arrays as ‘ordinary’ C strings, and using the usual functions on them. You might have to make sure that such usages broke promptly.
This means that it would, I think, be infeasible to smuggle a reimplemented ‘C string’ into an existing program.
Something like
typedef struct {
size_t len;
char* buf;
} String;
size_t my_strlen(String*);
might work, since type-checking would frustrate (2) (unless someone decided to hack things ‘for efficiency’, in which case there's not much you can do).
Of course, you wouldn't do this unless and until you'd proven that string management was the bottleneck in your code and that this approach provably improved things....
There are a couple of issues with this approach. First of all, you wouldn't be able to create arbitrarily long strings. If you only reserve 1 byte for length, then your string can only go up to 255 characters. You can certainly use more bytes to store the length, but how many? 2? 4?
What if you try to concatenate two strings that are both at the edge of their size limits (i.e., if you use 1 byte for length and try to concatenate two 250-character strings to each other, what happens)? Do you simply add more bytes to the length as necessary?
Secondly, where do you store this metadata? It somehow has to be associated with the string. This is similar to the problem Dennis Ritchie ran into when he was implementing arrays in C. Originally, array objects stored an explicit pointer to the first element of the array, but as he added struct types to the language, he realized that he didn't want that metadata cluttering up the representation of the struct object in memory, so he got rid of it and introduced the rule that array expressions get converted to pointer expressions in most circumstances.
You could create a new aggregate type like
struct string
char *data;
size_t len;
but then you wouldn't be able to use the C string library to manipulate objects of that type; an implementation would still have to support the existing interface.
You could store the length in the leading byte or bytes of the string, but how many do you reserve? You could use a variable number of bytes to store the length, but now you need a way to distinguish length bytes from content bytes, and you can't read the first character by simply dereferencing the pointer. Functions like strcat would have to know how to step around the length bytes, how to adjust the contents if the number of length bytes changes, etc.
The 0-terminated approach has its disadvantages, but it's also a helluva lot easier to implement and makes manipulating strings a lot easier.
The string methods in the standard library have defined semantics. If one generates an array of char that contains various values, and passes a pointer to the array or a portion thereof, the methods whose behavior is defined in terms of NUL bytes must search for NUL bytes in the same fashion as defined by the standard.
One could define one's own methods for string handling which use a better form of string storage, and simply pretend that the standard library string-related functions don't exist unless one must pass strings to things like fopen. The biggest difficulty with such an approach is that unless one uses non-portable compiler features it would not be possible to use in-line string literals. Instead of saying:
ns_output(my_file, "This is a test"); // ns -- new string
one would have to say something more like:
MAKE_NEW_STRING(this_is_a_test, "This is a test");
ns_output(my_file, this_is_a_test);
where the macro MAKE_NEW_STRING would create a union of an anonymous type, define an instance called this_is_a_test, and suitably initialize it. Since a lot of strings would be of different anonymous types, type-checking would require that strings be unions that include a member of a known array type, and code expecting strings should be given a pointer that member, likely using something like:
#define ns_output(f,s) (ns_output_func((f),(s).stringref))
It would be possible to define the types in such a way as to avoid the need for the stringref member and have code just accept void*, but the stringref member would essentially perform static duck-typing (only things with a stringref member could be given to such a macro) and could also allow type-checking on the type of stringref itself).
If one could accept those constraints, I think one could probably write code that was more efficient in almost every way that zero-terminated strings; the question would be whether the advantages would be worth the hassle.

What is the difference between the C string and C++ string?

I mean what is the difference of string in C and C++?
C does not define string: it only has "perfectly ordinary arrays of characters" and pointers to those arrays;
C++ defines it, as a class type, with several properties and methods.
In C there is no such thing/type as "string". It is represented as NULL terminated array of characters like char str[256];. C++ has string class in standard library that internally maintains it as array of characters and has many methods and properties to manipulate it.
I fully agree with #pmg answer. But one need to mention some things. In C programmer must be very careful when he works with C-strings because a) every C-string must be ended with zero code character; b) it is very easy to make buffer overrun if buffer size for string is too small. Also in C all work with strings goes through functions. It may be programmers nightmare. In C++ things are much simpler. Firstly, you don't need to care about memory management. String class allocate additional memory when internal buffer becomes small. Secondly, you don't need to care about zero terminating character. You work with container. Thirdly, there are simple methods for working with string class. For example, overloaded operator + for string concatenation. No more awful strcat() calls. Let the work with strings to be simple!
in C++ String objects are a special type of container, specifically designed to operate with sequences of characters.string class defined in string
or in C string is a character sequence terminated with a null character ('\0'), all functions related to strings defined in string.h

The terminating NULL in an array in C

I have a simple question. Why is it necessary to consider the terminating null in an
array of chars (or simply a string) and not in an array of integers. So when i want a string to hold 20 characters i need to declare char string[21];. When i want to declare an array of integers holding 5 digits then int digits[5]; is enough. What is the reason for this?
You don't have to terminate a char array with NULL if you don't want to, but when using them to represent a string, then you need to do it because C uses null-terminated strings to represent its strings. When you use functions that operate on strings (like strlen for string-length or using printf to output a string), then those functions will read through the data until a NULL is encountered. If one isn't present, then you would likely run into buffer overflow or similar access violation/segmentation fault problems.
In short: that's how C represents string data.
Null terminators are required at the end of strings (or character arrays) because:
Most standard library string functions expect the null character to be there. It's put there in lieu of passing an explicit string length (though some functions require that instead.)
By design, the NUL character (ASCII 0x00) is used to designate the end of strings. Hence why it's also used as an EOF character when reading from ASCII files or streams.
Technically, if you're doing your own string manipulation with your own coded functions, you don't need a null terminator; you just need to keep track of how long the string is. But, if you use just about anything standardized, it will expect it.
It is only by convention that C strings end in the ascii nul character. (That's actually something different than NULL.)
If you like, you can begin your strings with a nul byte, or randomly include nul bytes in the middle of strings. You will then need your own library.
So the answer is: all arrays must allocate space for all of their elements. Your "20 character string" is simply a 21-character string, including the nul byte.
The reason is it was a design choice of the original implementors. A null terminated string gives you a way to pass an array into a function and not pass the size. With an integer array you must always pass the size. Ints convention of the language nothing more you could rewrite every string function in c with out using a null terminator but you would allways have to keep track of your array size.
The purpose of null termination in strings is so that the parser knows when to stop iterating through the array of characters.
So, when you use printf with the %s format character, it's essentially doing this:
int i = 0;
while(input[i] != '\0') {
This concept is commonly known as a sentinel.
It's not about declaring an array that's one-bigger, it's really about how we choose to define strings in C.
C strings by convention are considered to be a series of characters terminated by a final NUL character, as you know. This is baked into the language in the form of interpreting "string literals", and is adopted by all the standard library functions like strcpy and printf and etc. Everyone agrees that this is how we'll do strings in C, and that character is there to tell those functions where the string stops.
Looking at your question the other way around, the reason you don't do something similar in your arrays of integers is because you have some other way of knowing how long the array is-- either you pass around a length with it, or it has some assumed size. Strings could work this way in C, or have some other structure to them, but they don't -- the guys at Bell Labs decided that "strings" would be a standard array of characters, but would always have the terminating NUL so you'd know where it ended. (This was a good tradeoff at that time.)
It's not absolutely necessary to have the character array be 21 elements. It's only necessary if you follow the (nearly always assumed) convention that the twenty characters be followed by a null terminator. There is usually no such convention for a terminator in integer and other arrays.
Because of the the technical reasons of how C Strings are implemented compared to other conventions
Actually - you don't have to NUL-terminate your strings if you don't want to!
The only problem is you have to re-write all the string libraries because they depend on them. It's just a matter of doing it the way the library expects if you want to use their functionality.
Just like I have to bring home your daughter at midnight if I wish to date her - just an agreement with the library (or in this case, the father).

Why do strings in C need to be null terminated?

Just wondering why this is the case. I'm eager to know more about low level languages, and I'm only into the basics of C and this is already confusing me.
Do languages like PHP automatically null terminate strings as they are being interpreted and / or parsed?
From Joel's excellent article on the topic:
Remember the way strings work in C: they consist of a bunch of bytes followed by a null character, which has the value 0. This has two obvious implications:
There is no way to know where the string ends (that is, the string length) without moving through it, looking for the null character at the end.
Your string can't have any zeros in it. So you can't store an arbitrary binary blob like a JPEG picture in a C string.
Why do C strings work this way? It's because the PDP-7 microprocessor, on which UNIX and the C programming language were invented, had an ASCIZ string type. ASCIZ meant "ASCII with a Z (zero) at the end."
Is this the only way to store strings? No, in fact, it's one of the worst ways to store strings. For non-trivial programs, APIs, operating systems, class libraries, you should avoid ASCIZ strings like the plague.
Think about what memory is: a contiguous block of byte-sized units that can be filled with any bit patterns.
2a c6 90 f6
A character is simply one of those bit patterns. Its meaning as a string is determined by how you treat it. If you looked at the same part of memory, but using an integer view (or some other type), you'd get a different value.
If you have a variable which is a pointer to the start of a bunch of characters in memory, you must know when that string ends and the next piece of data (or garbage) begins.
Let's look at this string in memory...
H e l l o , w o r l d ! \0
+------ Pointer to string
...we can see that the string logically ends after the ! character. If there were no \0 (or any other method to determine its end), how would we know when seeking through memory that we had finished with that string? Other languages carry the string length around with the string type to solve this.
I asked this question when my underlying knowledge of computers was limited, and this is the answer that would have helped many years ago. I hope it helps someone else too. :)
C strings are arrays of chars, and a C array is just a pointer to a memory location, which is the start location of the array. But also the length (or end) of the array must be expressed somehow; in case of strings, a null termination is used. Another alternative would be to somehow carry the length of the string alongside with the memory pointer, or to put the length in the first array location, or whatever. It's just a matter of convention.
Higher level languages like Java or PHP store the size information with the array automatically & transparently, so the user needn't worry about them.
C has no notion of strings by itself. Strings are simply arrays of chars (or wchars for unicode and such).
Due to those facts C has no way to check i.e. the length of the string as there is no "mystring->length", there is no length value set somewhere. The only way to find the end of the string is to iterate over it and check for the \0.
There are string-libraries for C which use structs like
struct string {
int length;
char *data;
to remove the need for the \0-termination but this is not standard C.
Languages like C++, PHP, Perl, etc have their own internal string libraries which often have a seperate length field that speeds up some string functions and remove the need for the \0.
Some other languages (like Pascal) use a string type that is called (suprisingly) Pascal String, it stores the length in the first byte of the string which is the reason why those strings are limited to a length of 255 characters.
Because in C strings are just a sequence of characters accessed viua a pointer to the first character.
There is no space in a pointer to store the length so you need some indication of where the end of the string is.
In C it was decided that this would be indicated by a null character.
In pascal, for example, the length of a string is recorded in the byte immediately preceding the pointer, hence why pascal strings have a maximum length of 255 characters.
It is a convention - one could have implemented it with another algorithm (e.g. length at the beginning of the buffer).
In a "low level" language such as assembler, it is easy to test for "NULL" efficiently: that might have ease the decision to go with NULL terminated strings as opposed of keeping track of a length counter.
They need to be null terminated so you know how long they are. And yes, they are simply arrays of char.
Higher level languages like PHP may choose to hide the null termination from you or not use it at all - they may maintain a length, for example. C doesn't do it that way because of the overhead involved. High level languages may also not implement strings as an array of char - they could (and some do) implement them as lists of arrays of char, for example.
In C strings are represented by an array of characters allocated in a contiguous block of memory and thus there must either be an indicator stating the end of the block (ie. the null character), or a way of storing the length (like Pascal strings which are prefixed by a length).
In languages like PHP,Perl,C# etc.. strings may or may not have complex data structures so you cannot assume they have a null character. As a contrived example, you could have a language that represents a string like so:
class string
int length;
char[] data;
but you only see it as a regular string with no length field, as this can be calculated by the runtime environment of the language and is only used internally by it to allocate and access memory correctly.
They are null-terminated because whole plenty of Standard Library functions expects them to be.
