How To Replace A Certain Character in C - c

I am writing a program that replaces characters in the user's input in C but I don't know how to replace the certain characters. Is there a certain method for C that replaces characters in a string? If you know python, then I want something a bit like this in python:
Something like that, except for C, and not python.
This is my code that I have written so far:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
char str[BUFSIZ];
printf("Welcome To My Secret Language encoder!Enter some text: \n");
Where I want to replace certain characters
printf("Here is your text in secret language mode: %s \n",str);
I'm writing this code to learn C more, and that's why i'm not doing it in a higher level language like python.So, how do you replace certain characters in a string?

Nothing like that in C. You'll have to scan the string yourself:
#include <string.h>
char str[] = "I love cats";
int i;
for(i = 0; i < strlen(str); i++)
if(str[i] == 'c')
str[i] = 'b';
Now, if you're looking for a substring, you'll need something like strstr.

strchr finds the given character in a string, or returns NULL.
int main() {
int c;
while ( ( c = getchar() ) != EOF ) {
char const * found, * source = "abc", * dest = "xyz";
if ( ( found = strchr( "abc", c ) ) != NULL ) {
putchar( dest[ found - source ] );
} else {
putchar( c );
return 0;

If you have a lot of characters that you want to replace with other characters (like a Caesar cypher) you can build a lookup for yourself as follows:
#include <string.h>
char plain[] = "Hello there good people";
char encoder[26] = "ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdef";
char secret[100]; // long enough
int n = strlen(plain);
for(ii = 0; ii < n; ++ii) {
secret[ii] = encoder[(tolower(plain[ii]) - 'a')%26];
secret[n] = '\0';
This uses a couple of tricks:
cast all characters to lower case
subtract 'a' from the lowercase number - since a char is really just a number, we now have a == 0
Perform a modulo operation on the result so things that fall outside of the range of good characters don't cause a memory access error.
Add a '\0' at the end to make sure the string is properly terminated.
Copying things into a new string; obviously you could do an in-place replacement.
As written this will turn numbers (digits) and punctuation / symbols / spaces into characters. You could decide that anything that is not a letter is maintained - and maybe that only lower case letters are converted. In that case
#include <string.h>
char plain[] = "Hello there good people";
char encoder[26] = "ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdef";
char secret[100]; // long enough
int n = strlen(plain);
for(ii = 0; ii < n; ++ii) {
if(plain[ii] >= 'a' && plain[ii] <= 'z') {
secret[ii] = encoder[plain[ii] - 'a'];
else {
secret[ii] = plain[ii];
secret[n] = '\0';

there is no such function, you have to write one using strstr.
if you can use std::string, you can use string.replace()

Say you want to replace: A with z and b with X
char *replace(char *src, int replaceme, int newchar)
int len=strlen(src);
char *p;
for(p=src; *p ; p++)
return src;
replace(string, 'A', 'z');
replace(string, 'b', 'X');
This is just the logic to do it, you need more statements in your code.


Counting the number of vowels in a string in C

enter image description here
I'm solving the decryption problem in C language
There's a problem.
There's a process of counting the vowels in the string,
code not reading the number of vowels properly in that 'countingmeasure'
I was so curious that I debugged it,
count ++ doesn't work at'o'.
I'm really curious why this is happening
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
char original[15] = { 't','f','l','e','k','v','i','d','v','r','j','l','i','v',NULL };
printf("암호화된 문자열 : %s\n", original);
printf("원본 가능 문자열 \n");
for (int j = 0; j < 26; j++)//모음이 7개일때만 출력을 어떻게 시킬까?
char change[14] = { 0 };
int counter=0;
char a;
for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++)
a = original[i] + j;
if (a > 122)
original[i] -= 26 ;
if (a == 'a' || a == 'e' || a == 'i' || a == 'o' || a == 'u')
printf("%c", original[i] + j);
printf(" %d\n",counter);
a = original[i] + j; doesn't make any sense, since a is a char and the result might not fit inside it. Specifically, "character value + 26" might be larger than 127. Is char signed or unsigned by default?
Furthermore, arithmetic on any symbols except '0' to '9' isn't well-defined and they are not guaranteed to be allocated adjacently. Also please refrain from using hard-coded "magic numbers" in source code. Instead of 122 you should use 'z' etc.
There are several ways you can fix the program.
The quick & dirty solution is to do unsigned char a on the existing program, if you are content with "it just works, but I don't even know what I'm doing".
A better solution is to declare a string of vowels and then for every character in the input string, do a strchr() search in the vowel string for a match. (Correct but naive and slow, good enough beginner solution.)
A professional solution would be to create a look-up table of 128 booleans like
const bool LOOKUP [128] = { ['A'] = true, ['a'] = true, ['E'] = true, ... }; Then check if(item[i] == LOOKUP[ item[i] ]) /* then vowel */.
Use functions.
NULL is a pointer not zero or null terminating character
Use string literals.
use standard functions to change the case (tolower, toupper)
char *mystrchr(const char *str, const char lt, int ignoreCase)
if(tolower((unsigned char)*str) == tolower((unsigned char)lt)) return (char *)str;
if(*str == lt) return (char *)str;
return NULL;
size_t count(const char *haystack, const char *needle, int ignoreCase)
size_t count = 0;
if(mystrchr(needle, *haystack, ignoreCase)) count++;
return count;
int main(void)
char *str = "tflekvidvrjliv";
printf("%zu\n", count(str, "aeiou", 1));

add additional letters in a string if there are two same letters beside each other

I'm trying to add an additional letter if there are two equal letters beside each other.
That's what I was thinking, but it doesn't put in an x between the two letters; instead of that, it copies one of the double letters, and now I have, for example, MMM instead of MXM.
for (index_X = 0; new_text[index_X] != '\0'; index_X++)
if (new_text[index_X] == new_text[index_X - 1])
double_falg = 1;
text[index_X] = new_text[index_X];
if (double_falg == 1)
for (counter_X = 0; text[counter_X] != '\0'; counter_X++)
transfer_X = counter_X;
if (text[transfer_X - 1] == text[transfer_X])
text_X[transfer_X] = 'X';
printf("%c\n", text[transfer_X]);
text_X[transfer_X] = text[transfer_X - cnt_double];
printf("%s\n", text_X);
If you're trying to create the modified array in text_X, copying data from new_text and putting an X between adjacent repeated letters (ignoring the possibility that the input contains XX), then you only need:
char new_text[] = "data with appalling repeats";
char text_X[SOME_SIZE];
int out_pos = 0;
for (int i = 0; new_text[i] != '\0'; i++)
text_X[out_pos++] = new_text[i];
if (new_text[i] == new_text[i+1])
text_X[out_pos++] = 'X';
text_X[out_pos] = '\0';
printf("Input: [%s]\n", new_text);
printf("Output: [%s]\n", text_X);
When wrapped in a basic main() function (and enum { SOME_SIZE = 64 };), that produces:
Input: [data with appalling repeats]
Output: [data with apXpalXling repeats]
To deal with repeated X's in the input, you could use:
text_X[out_pos++] = (new_text[i] == 'X') ? 'Q' : 'X';
It seems that your approach is more complicated than needed - too many loops and too many arrays involved. A single loop and two arrays should do.
The code below iterates the original string with idx to track position and uses the variable char_added to count how many extra chars that has been added to the new array.
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX_LEN 20
int main(void) {
char org_arr[MAX_LEN] = "aabbcc";
char new_arr[MAX_LEN] = {0};
int char_added = 0;
int idx = 1;
new_arr[0] = org_arr[0];
if (new_arr[0])
if (org_arr[idx] == org_arr[idx-1])
new_arr[idx + char_added] = '*';
new_arr[idx + char_added] = org_arr[idx];
return 0;
Note: The code isn't fully tested. Also it lacks out-of-bounds checking.
There is a lot left to be desired in your Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example (MCVE) (MCVE). However, that said, what you will need to do is fairly straight-forward. Take a simple example:
According to your statement, you need to add a character between the adjacent 's' characters. (you can use whatever you like for the separator, but if your input are normal ASCII character, then you can set the current char to the next ASCII character (or subtract one if current is the last ASCII char '~')) See ASCII Table and Description.
For example, you could use memmove() to shift all characters beginning with the current character up by one and then set the current character to the replacement. You also need to track the current length so you don't write beyond your array bounds.
A simple function could be:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAXC 1024
char *betweenduplicates (char *s)
size_t len = strlen(s); /* get length to validate room */
if (!len) /* if empty string, nothing to do */
return s;
for (int i = 1; s[i] && len + 1 < MAXC; i++) /* loop until end, or out of room */
if (s[i-1] == s[i]) { /* adjacent chars equal? */
memmove (s + i + 1, s + i, len - i + 1); /* move current+ up by one */
if (s[i-1] != '~') /* not last ASCII char */
s[i] = s[i-1] + 1; /* set to next ASCII char */
s[i] = s[i-1] - 1; /* set to previous ASCII char */
len += 1; /* add one to len */
return s; /* convenience return so it can be used immediately if needed */
A short example program taking the string to check as the first argument could be:
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
char str[MAXC];
if (argc > 1) /* if argument given */
strcpy (str, argv[1]); /* copy to str */
strcpy (str, "mississippi"); /* otherwise use default */
puts (str); /* output original */
puts (betweenduplicates (str)); /* output result */
Example Use/Output
$ ./bin/betweenduplicated
or when there is nothing to replace:
$ ./bin/betweenduplicated dog
Or checking the extremes:
$ ./bin/betweenduplicated "two spaces and alligators ~~"
two spaces and alligators ~~
two ! spaces ! and ! almligators ! ~}~
There are a number of ways to approach it. Let me know if you have further questions.

Ascii to integer using no library functions

My teacher gave us an assignment where we create a function that reads ASCII digit characters and converts them to a number without using any library functions such as atoi. Through some research i came up with this in my own file:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sttdef.h>
int main() {
char testString[] = "123";
int convertedResult = 0;
int i;
for(i = 0; testString[i] != '\0'; i++){
convertedResult = convertedResult*10 + testString[i] - '0';
if (testString[i] == '\0') {
return 0;
While this works on its own i have to use the main file he gave us to call on this specific function.
char *asciiToInteger(char *inputString, int *integerPtr) {
return inputString;
I'm a bit confused as to how to proceed from here? attatched picture is main
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
char * asciiToInteger(char *inputString, int *integerPtr){
int convertedResult =0;
for(int i = 0; inputString[i] != '\0'; i++){
convertedResult = convertedResult*10 + inputString[i] - '0';
return inputString;
int main() {
char testString[] = "123";
int integerPtr;
asciiToInteger(testString, &integerPtr) ;
return 0;
Your code has a couple of problems:
It assumes the entire string is digits
It checks for the end of string twice
I think a better implementation would be:
#include <stdio.h>
const char *asciiToInteger(const char *inputString, int *value)
int result = 0;
while (isdigit((unsigned int) *inputString))
result *= 10;
result += *inputString++ - '0';
*value = result;
return inputString;
This returns a pointer to the first non-converted character, which might be to the end of string marker if the string is all digits. I added const on the strings of course, since this converter is just reading from the strings.
When you get an assignment like this the first step is to make sure you understand what the function is supposed to do. Your question has no such description so that is the place to start.
From the behavior of the main function it seems to be something like:
If the first character in the input string is not a digit return NULL
If the first character in the input string is a digit convert all leading digits to an integer stored in the object pointed to by integerPtr and return a pointer to the character following the converted digits.
inputString = "a123b67" --> return NULL
inputString = "123b67" --> *integerPtr = 123 and return a pointer to the 'b' in the input
That could look something like this:
char *asciiToInteger(char *inputString, int *integerPtr) {
if (*inputString < '0' || *inputString > '9')
return NULL; // no leading digit
*integerPtr = 0;
*integerPtr = *integerPtr * 10 + *inputString - '0';
} while (*inputString >= '0' && *inputString <= '9');
return inputString;
Notice that the code above can't handle negative integers.

Pointers to string C

trying to write function that returns 1 if every letter in “word” appears in “s”.
for example:

containsLetters1("this_is_a_long_string","gas") returns 1
containsLetters1("this_is_a_longstring","gaz") returns 0
containsLetters1("hello","p") returns 0
Can't understand why its not right:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_STRING 100
int containsLetters1(char *s, char *word)
int j,i, flag;
long len;
for (i=0; i<=len; i++) {
for (j=0; j<MAX_STRING; j++) {
if (word==s) {
if (flag==0) {
return flag;
int main() {
char string1[MAX_STRING] , string2[MAX_STRING] ;
printf("Enter 2 strings for containsLetters1\n");
scanf ("%s %s", string1, string2);
printf("Return value from containsLetters1 is: %d\n",containsLetters1(string1,string2));
return 0;
Try these:
for (i=0; i < len; i++)... (use < instead of <=, since otherwise you would take one additional character);
if (word==s) should be if (*word==*s) (you compare characters stored at the pointed locations, not pointers);
Pointer s advances, but it should get back to the start of the word s, after reaching its end, i.e. s -= len after the for (j=...);
s++ after word++ is not needed, you advance the pointer by the same amount, whether or not you found a match;
flag should be initialized with 1 when declared.
Ah, that should be if(*word == *s) you need to use the indirection operator. Also as hackss said, the flag = 0; must be outside the first for() loop.
Unrelated but probably replace scanf with fgets or use scanf with length specifier For example
Things I can see wrong at first glance:
Your loop goes over MAX_STRING, it only needs to go over the length of s.
Your iteration should cover only the length of the string, but indexes start at 0 and not 1. for (i=0; i<=len; i++) is not correct.
You should also compare the contents of the pointer and not the pointers themselves. if(*word == *s)
The pointer advance logic is incorrect. Maybe treating the pointer as an array could simplify your logic.
Another unrelated point: A different algorithm is to hash the characters of string1 to a map, then check each character of the string2 and see if it is present in the map. If all characters are present then return 1 and when you encounter the first one that is not present then return 0. If you are only limited to using ASCII characters a hashing function is very easy. The longer your ASCII strings are the better the performance of the second approach.
Here is a one-liner solution, in keeping with Henry Spencer's Commandment 7 for C Programmers.
#include <string.h>
* Does l contain every character that appears in r?
* Note degenerate cases: true if r is an empty string, even if l is empty.
int contains(const char *l, const char *r)
return strspn(r, l) == strlen(r);
However, the problem statement is not about characters, but about letters. To solve the problem as literally given in the question, we must remove non-letters from the right string. For instance if r is the word error-prone, and l does not contain a hyphen, then the function returns 0, even if l contains every letter in r.
If we are allowed to modify the string r in place, then what we can do is replace every non-letter in the string with one of the letters that it does contain. (If it contains no letters, then we can just turn it into an empty string.)
void nuke_non_letters(char *r)
static const char *alpha =
while (*r) {
size_t letter_span = strspn(r, alpha);
size_t non_letter_span = strcspn(r + letter_span, alpha);
char replace = (letter_span != 0) ? *r : 0;
memset(r + letter_span, replace, non_letter_span);
r += letter_span + non_letter_span;
This also brings up another flaw: letters can be upper and lower case. If the right string is A, and the left one contains only a lower-case a, then we have failure.
One way to fix it is to filter the characters of both strings through tolower or toupper.
A third problem is that a letter is more than just the 26 letters of the English alphabet. A modern program should work with wide characters and recognize all Unicode letters as such so that it works in any language.
By the time we deal with all that, we may well surpass the length of some of the other answers.
Extending the idea in Rajiv's answer, you might build the character map incrementally, as in containsLetters2() below.
The containsLetters1() function is a simple brute force implementation using the standard string functions. If there are N characters in the string (haystack) and M in the word (needle), it has a worst-case performance of O(N*M) when the characters of the word being looked for only appear at the very end of the searched string. The strchr(needle, needle[i]) >= &needle[i] test is an optimization if there are likely to be repeated characters in the needle; if there won't be any repeats, it is a pessimization (but it can be removed and the code still works fine).
The containsLetters2() function searches through the string (haystack) at most once and searches through the word (needle) at most once, for a worst case performance of O(N+M).
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
static int containsLetters1(char const *haystack, char const *needle)
for (int i = 0; needle[i] != '\0'; i++)
if (strchr(needle, needle[i]) >= &needle[i] &&
strchr(haystack, needle[i]) == 0)
return 0;
return 1;
static int containsLetters2(char const *haystack, char const *needle)
char map[256] = { 0 };
size_t j = 0;
for (int i = 0; needle[i] != '\0'; i++)
unsigned char c_needle = needle[i];
if (map[c_needle] == 0)
/* We don't know whether needle[i] is in the haystack yet */
unsigned char c_stack;
c_stack = haystack[j++];
if (c_stack == 0)
return 0;
map[c_stack] = 1;
} while (c_stack != c_needle);
return 1;
int main(void)
assert(containsLetters1("this_is_a_long_string","gagahats") == 1);
assert(containsLetters1("this_is_a_longstring","gaz") == 0);
assert(containsLetters1("hello","p") == 0);
assert(containsLetters2("this_is_a_long_string","gagahats") == 1);
assert(containsLetters2("this_is_a_longstring","gaz") == 0);
assert(containsLetters2("hello","p") == 0);
Since you can see the entire scope of the testing, this is not anything like thoroughly tested, but I believe it should work fine, regardless of how many repeats there are in the needle.

C - Largest String From a Big One

So pray tell, how would I go about getting the largest contiguous string of letters out of a string of garbage in C? Here's an example:
char *s = "(2034HEY!!11 th[]thisiswhatwewant44";
Would return...
I had this on a quiz the other day...and it drove me nuts (still is) trying to figure it out!
My fault guys, I forgot to include the fact that the only function you are allowed to use is the strlen function. Thus making it harder...
Uae strtok() to split your string into tokens, using all non-letter characters as delimiters, and find the longest token.
To find the longest token you will need to organise some storage for tokens - I'd use linked list.
As simple as this.
Ok, if strlen() is the only function allowed, you can first find the length of your source string, then loop through it and replace all non-letter characters with NULL - basically that's what strtok() does.
Then you need to go through your modified source string second time, advancing one token at a time, and find the longest one, using strlen().
This sounds similar to the standard UNIX 'strings' utility.
Keep track of the longest run of printable characters terminated by a NULL.
Walk through the bytes until you hit a printable character. Start counting. If you hit a non-printable character stop counting and throw away the starting point. If you hit a NULL, check to see if the length of the current run is greater then the previous record holder. If so record it, and start looking for the next string.
What defines the "good" substrings compared to the many others -- being lowercase alphas only? (i.e., no spaces, digits, punctuation, uppercase, &c)?
Whatever the predicate P that checks for a character being "good", a single pass over s applying P to each character lets you easily identify the start and end of each "run of good characters", and remember and pick the longest. In pseudocode:
longest_run_length = 0
longest_run_start = longest_run_end = null
status = bad
for i in (all indices over s):
if P(s[i]): # current char is good
if status == bad: # previous one was bad
current_run_start = current_run_end = i
status = good
else: # previous one was also good
current_run_end = i
else: # current char is bad
if status == good: # previous one was good -> end of run
current_run_length = current_run_end - current_run_start + 1
if current_run_length > longest_run_length:
longest_run_start = current_run_start
longest_run_end = current_run_end
longest_run_length = current_run_length
status = bad
# if a good run ends with end-of-string:
if status == good: # previous one was good -> end of run
current_run_length = current_run_end - current_run_start + 1
if current_run_length > longest_run_length:
longest_run_start = current_run_start
longest_run_end = current_run_end
longest_run_length = current_run_length
Why use strlen() at all?
Here's my version which uses no function whatsoever.
#ifdef UNIT_TEST
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// largest_letter_sequence()
// Returns a pointer to the beginning of the largest letter
// sequence (including trailing characters which are not letters)
// or NULL if no letters are found in s
// Passing NULL in `s` causes undefined behaviour
// If the string has two or more sequences with the same number of letters
// the return value is a pointer to the first sequence.
// The parameter `len`, if not NULL, will have the size of the letter sequence
// This function assumes an ASCII-like character set
// ('z' > 'a'; 'z' - 'a' == 25; ('a' <= each of {} <= 'z'))
// and the same for uppercase letters
// Of course, ASCII works for the assumptions :)
const char *largest_letter_sequence(const char *s, size_t *len) {
const char *p = NULL;
const char *pp = NULL;
size_t curlen = 0;
size_t maxlen = 0;
while (*s) {
if ((('a' <= *s) && (*s <= 'z')) || (('A' <= *s) && (*s <= 'Z'))) {
if (p == NULL) p = s;
if (curlen > maxlen) {
maxlen = curlen;
pp = p;
} else {
curlen = 0;
p = NULL;
if (len != NULL) *len = maxlen;
return pp;
#ifdef UNIT_TEST
void fxtest(const char *s) {
char *test;
const char *p;
size_t len;
p = largest_letter_sequence(s, &len);
if (len && (len < 999)) {
test = malloc(len + 1);
if (!test) {
fprintf(stderr, "No memory.\n");
strncpy(test, p, len);
test[len] = 0;
printf("%s ==> %s\n", s, test);
} else {
if (len == 0) {
printf("no letters found in \"%s\"\n", s);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: string too large\n");
int main(void) {
fxtest("(2034HEY!!11 th[]thisiswhatwewant44");
return 0;
While I waited for you to post this as a question I coded something up.
This code iterates through a string passed to a "longest" function, and when it finds the first of a sequence of letters it sets a pointer to it and starts counting the length of it. If it is the longest sequence of letters yet seen, it sets another pointer (the 'maxStringStart' pointer) to the beginning of that sequence until it finds a longer one.
At the end, it allocates enough room for the new string and returns a pointer to it.
int isLetter(char c){
return ( (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') );
char *longest(char *s) {
char *newString = 0;
int maxLength = 0;
char *maxStringStart = 0;
int curLength = 0;
char *curStringStart = 0;
do {
//reset the current string length and skip this
//iteration if it's not a letter
if( ! isLetter(*s)) {
curLength = 0;
//increase the current sequence length. If the length before
//incrementing is zero, then it's the first letter of the sequence:
//set the pointer to the beginning of the sequence of letters
if(curLength++ == 0) curStringStart = s;
//if this is the longest sequence so far, set the
//maxStringStart pointer to the beginning of it
//and start increasing the max length.
if(curLength > maxLength) {
maxStringStart = curStringStart;
} while(*s++);
//return null pointer if there were no letters in the string,
//or if we can't allocate any memory.
if(maxLength == 0) return NULL;
if( ! (newString = malloc(maxLength + 1)) ) return NULL;
//copy the longest string into our newly allocated block of
//memory (see my update for the strlen() only requirement)
//and null-terminate the string by putting 0 at the end of it.
memcpy(newString, maxStringStart, maxLength);
newString[maxLength + 1] = 0;
return newString;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int i;
for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
printf("longest all-letter string in argument %d:\n", i);
printf(" argument: \"%s\"\n", argv[i]);
printf(" longest: \"%s\"\n\n", longest(argv[i]));
return 0;
This is my solution in simple C, without any data structures.
I can run it in my terminal like this:
~/c/t $ ./longest "hello there, My name is Carson Myers." "abc123defg4567hijklmnop890"
longest all-letter string in argument 1:
argument: "hello there, My name is Carson Myers."
longest: "Carson"
longest all-letter string in argument 2:
argument: "abc123defg4567hijklmnop890"
longest: "hijklmnop"
~/c/t $
the criteria for what constitutes a letter could be changed in the isLetter() function easily. For example:
return (
(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||
(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
(c == '.') ||
(c == ' ') ||
(c == ',') );
would count periods, commas and spaces as 'letters' also.
as per your update:
replace memcpy(newString, maxStringStart, maxLength); with:
int i;
for(i = 0; i < maxLength; i++)
newString[i] = maxStringStart[i];
however, this problem would be much more easily solved with the use of the C standard library:
char *longest(char *s) {
int longest = 0;
int curLength = 0;
char *curString = 0;
char *longestString = 0;
char *tokens = " ,.!?'\"()#$%\r\n;:+-*/\\";
curString = strtok(s, tokens);
do {
curLength = strlen(curString);
if( curLength > longest ) {
longest = curLength;
longestString = curString;
} while( curString = strtok(NULL, tokens) );
char *newString = 0;
if( longest == 0 ) return NULL;
if( ! (newString = malloc(longest + 1)) ) return NULL;
strcpy(newString, longestString);
return newString;
First, define "string" and define "garbage". What do you consider a valid, non-garbage string? Write down a concrete definition you can program - this is how programming specs get written. Is it a sequence of alphanumeric characters? Should it start with a letter and not a digit?
Once you get that figured out, it's very simple to program. Start with a naive method of looping over the "garbage" looking for what you need. Once you have that, look up useful C library functions (like strtok) to make the code leaner.
Another variant.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
char s[] = "(2034HEY!!11 th[]thisiswhatwewant44";
int len = strlen(s);
int i = 0;
int biggest = 0;
char* p = s;
while (p[0])
if (!((p[0] >= 'A' && p[0] <= 'Z') || (p[0] >= 'a' && p[0] <= 'z')))
p[0] = '\0';
for (; i < len; i++)
if (s[i] && strlen(&s[i]) > biggest)
biggest = strlen(&s[i]);
p = &s[i];
printf("%s\n", p);
return 0;
