I am trying to implement a client-server type of communication system using the poll function in C. The flow is as follows:
Main program forks a sub-process
Child process calls the exec function to execute some_binary
Parent and child send messages to each other alternately, each message that is sent depends on the last message received.
I tried to implement this using poll, but ran into problems because the child process buffers its output, causing my poll calls to timeout. Here's my code:
int main() {
char *buffer = (char *) malloc(1000);
int n;
pid_t pid; /* pid of child process */
int rpipe[2]; /* pipe used to read from child process */
int wpipe[2]; /* pipe used to write to child process */
pid = fork();
if (pid == (pid_t) 0)
/* child */
dup2(wpipe[0], STDIN_FILENO);
dup2(rpipe[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
close(wpipe[0]); close(rpipe[0]);
close(wpipe[1]); close(rpipe[1]);
if (execl("./server", "./server", (char *) NULL) == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "exec failed\n");
/* parent */
/* close the other ends */
poll to check if write is good to go
This poll succeeds, write goes through
struct pollfd pfds[1];
pfds[0].fd = wpipe[1];
pfds[0].events = POLLIN | POLLOUT;
int pres = poll(pfds, (nfds_t) 1, 1000);
if (pres > 0)
if (pfds[0].revents & POLLOUT)
printf("Writing data...\n");
write(wpipe[1], "hello\n", 6);
poll to check if there's something to read.
This poll times out because the child buffers its stdout stream.
pfds[0].fd = rpipe[0];
pfds[0].events = POLLIN | POLLOUT;
pres = poll(pfds, (nfds_t) 1, 1000);
if (pres > 0)
if (pfds[0].revents & POLLIN)
printf("Reading data...\n");
int n = read(rpipe[0], buffer, 1000);
buffer[n] = '\0';
printf("child says:\n%s\n", buffer);
kill(pid, SIGTERM);
The server code is simply:
int main() {
char *buffer = (char *) malloc(1000);
while (scanf("%s", buffer) != EOF)
printf("I received %s\n", buffer);
return 0;
How do I prevent poll calls from timing out because of buffering?
I would like the program to work even when the execed binary is external, i.e., I have no control over the code - like a unix command, e.g., cat or ls.
There seem to be two problems in your code. "stdout" is by default buffered,
so the server should flush it explicitly:
printf("I received %s\n", buffer);
And the main program should not register for POLLOUT when trying to read
(but you may want register for POLLERR):
pfds[0].fd = rpipe[0];
pfds[0].events = POLLIN | POLLERR;
With these modifications you get the expected output:
$ ./main
Writing data...
Reading data...
child says:
I received hello
Generally, you should also check the return value of poll(), and repeat the call if
necessary (e.g. in the case of an interrupted system call or timeout).
You need, as I answered in a related answer to a previous question by you, to implement an event loop; as it name implies, it is looping, so you should code in the parent process:
while (1) { // simplistic event loop!
int status=0;
if (waitpid(pid, &status, WNOHANG) == pid)
{ // clean up, child process has ended
struct pollpfd pfd[2];
memset (&pfd, 0, sizeof(pfd)); // probably useless but dont harm
pfd[0].fd = rpipe[0];
pfd[0].events = POLL_IN;
pfd[1].fd = wpipe[1];
pfd[0].event = POLL_OUT;
#define DELAY 5000 /* 5 seconds */
if (poll(pfd, 2, DELAY)>0) {
if (pfd[0].revents & POLL_IN) {
/* read something from rpipe[0]; detect end of file;
you probably need to do some buffering, because you may
e.g. read some partial line chunk written by the child, and
you could only handle full lines. */
if (pfd[1].revents & POLL_OUT) {
/* write something on wpipe[1] */
} /* end while(1) */
you cannot predict in which order the pipes are readable or writable, and this can happen many times. Of course, a lot of buffering (in the parent process) is involved, I leave the details to you.... You have no influence on the buffering in the child process (some programs detect that their output is or not a terminal with isatty).
What an event polling loop like above gives you is to avoid the deadlock situation where the child process is blocked because its stdout pipe is full, while the parent is blocked writing (to the child's stdin pipe) because the pipe is full: with an event loop, you read as soon as some data is polled readable on the input pipe (i.e. the stdout of the child process), and you write some data as soon as the output pipe is polled writable (i.e. is not full). You cannot predict in advance in which order these events "output of child is readable by parent" and "input of child is writable by parent" happen.
I recommend reading Advanced Linux Programming which has several chapters explaining these issues!
BTW my simplistic event loop is a bit wrong: if the child process terminated and some data remains in its stdout pipe, its reading is not done. You could move the waitpid test after the poll
Also, don't expect that a single write (from the child process) into a pipe would trigger one single read in the parent process. In other words, there is no notion of message length. However, POSIX knows about PIPE_MAX .... See its write documentation. Probably your buffer passed to read and write should be of PIPE_MAX size.
I repeat: you need to call poll inside your event loop and very probably poll will be called several times (because your loop will be repeated many times!), and will report readable or writable pipe ends in an unpredictable (and non-reproducible) order! A first run of your program could report "rpipe[0] readable", you read 324 bytes from it, you repeat the event loop, poll says you "wpipe[1] writable", you can write 10 bytes to it, you repeat the event loop, poll tells that "rpipe[0] readable", you read 110 bytes from it, you repeat the event loop, poll tells again "rpipe[0] readable", you read 4096 bytes from it, etc etc etc... A second run of the same program in the same environment would give different events, like: poll says that "wpipe[1] writable", you write 1000 bytes to it, you repeat the loop, poll says that "rpipe[0] readable, etc....
NB: your issue is not the buffering in the child ("client") program, which we assume you cannot change. So what matters is not the buffered data in it, but the genuine input and output (that is the only thing your parent process can observe; internal child buffering is irrelevant for the parent), i.e. the data that your child program has been able to really read(2) and write(2). And if going thru a pipe(7), such data will become poll(2)-able in the parent process (and your parent process can read or write some of it after POLL_IN or POLL_OUT in the updated revents field after poll). BTW, if you did code the child, don't forget to call fflush at appropriate places inside it.
I want to communicate with a child process like the following:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int bak, temp;
int fd[2];
if (pipe(fd) < 0)
// pipe error
dup2(STDOUT_FILENO, fd[1]);
bak = dup(1);
temp = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);
dup2(temp, 1);
close(temp );
Mat frame;
std::vector<uchar> buf;
namedWindow( "Camera", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
VideoCapture cam(0 + CAP_V4L);
if (!cam.isOpened())
cout << "\nCould not open reference " << 0 << endl;
return -1;
for (int i=0; i<30; i++)
//cout<<"\nCamera initialized\n";
/*Set the normal STDOUT back*/
dup2(bak, 1);
imencode(".png",frame, buf);
ssize_t written= 0;
size_t s = 128;
while (written<buf.size())
written += write(fd[1], buf.size()+written, s);
return 0;
The process corresponding to the compilation of the source code above is called from the parent with popen.
Note that I am writing to the std out that has been duplicated with a pipe.
The parent will read the data and resend them to UDP socket.
If I do something like this:
#define BUFLEN 128
FILE *fp;
char buf[BUFLEN];
if ((fp = popen("path/to/exec", "r")) != NULL)
while((fgets(buf, BUFLEN, fp)!=NULL))
sendto(sockfd, buf, strlen(buf),0, addr, alen);
the program is working i.e. the receiver of sendto will receive the data.
I tried to use a pipe as done in the child process:
int fd[2];
if (pipe(fd) < 0)
// pipe error
dup2(STDIN_FILENO, fd[0]);
if ((fp = popen("path/to/exec", "r")) != NULL)
while((read(fd[0], buf, BUFLEN) > 0)
sendto(sockfd, buf, strlen(buf),0, addr, alen);
but with this are not sent.
So how to use pipe in this case to achieve the same behaviour of the first case? Should I do dup2(STDIN_FILENO, fd[0]); or dup2(STDOUT_FILENO, fd[0]);?
I am using the sandard(s) since the file descriptors are inherited by the child process so should not require any other effort. That is why I thought I can use pipe but is that so?
In the parent:
if (pipe(fd) < 0)
// pipe error
you get a pipe, and then immediately close one end of it. This pipe is now useless, because no-one will ever be able to recover the closed end, and so no data can flow through it. You have converted a pipe into a hollow cylinder sealed at one end.
Then in the child:
if (pipe(fd) < 0)
// pipe error
you create another unrelated pipe, and seal this at the other end. The two pipes are not connected, and now you have two separate hollow cyclinders, each sealed at one end. Nothing can flow through either of them.
If putting something in the first cylinder made it appear in the other, that'd be a pretty good magic trick. Without sleight of hand or cleverly arranged mirrors, the solution is to create one pipe, keep both ends open and push data through it.
The usual way to manually set up a pipe from which a parent process can read a child process's standard output has these general steps:
parent creates a pipe by calling pipe()
parent fork()s
parent closes (clarification: its copy of) the write end of the pipe
child dupes the write end of the pipe onto its standard output via dup2()
child closes the original file descriptor for the write end of the pipe
(optional) child closes (clarification: its copy of) the read end of the pipe
child execs the desired command, or else performs the wanted work directly
The parent can then read the child's output from the read end of the pipe.
The popen() function does all of that for you, plus wraps the parent's pipe end in a FILE. Of course, it can and will set up a pipe going in the opposite direction instead if that's what the caller requests.
You need to understand and appreciate that in the procedural scheme presented above, it is important which actions are performed by which process, and in what order relative to other actions in the same process. In particular, the parent must not close the write end of the pipe before the child is launched, because that renders the pipe useless. The child inherits the one-end-closed pipe, through which no data can be conveyed.
With respect to your latter example, note also that redirecting the standard input to the read end of the pipe is not part of the process for either parent or child. The fact that your pipe is half-closed, so that nothing can ever be read from it anyway, is just icing on the cake. Moreover, the parent clobbers its own standard input this way. That's not necessarily wrong, but the parent does not even rely on it.
Overall, however, there is a bigger picture that you seem not to appreciate. Even if you performed the redirection you seem to want in the parent, so that it could be inherited by the child, popen() performs its own redirection to a pipe of its own creation. The FILE * it returns is the means by which you can read the child's output. No previous output redirection you may have performed is relevant (clarification: of the child's standard output).
In principle, an approach similar to yours could be used to create a second redirection going the other way, but at that point the convenience factor of popen() is totally lost. It would be better go take the direct pipe / fork / dup2 / exec route all the way through if you want to redirect the child's input and output.
Applying all that to your first example, you have to appreciate that although a process can redirect its own standard streams, it cannot establish a pipe to its parent process that way. The parent needs to provide the pipe, else it has no knowledge of it. And when a process dupes one file descriptor onto another, that replaces the original with the new, closing the original if it is open. It does not redefine the original. And of course, in this case, too, a pipe is useless once either end is no longer open anywhere.
I have the following simplified code template:
pid_t pid;
int pipe1[2], pipe2[2];
pid = fork();
pipe(pipe1); pipe(pipe2)
if(pid == 0) //child
else //parent
If I am not using the pipe2 in parent and child, the code works perfectly, but if I do, it seems like the child has nothing to read(the program does nothing until I intrerrupt it). Also, is there a way to use only one pipe for more than 2 read/writes? I tried using wait(NULL) more than once but that didn't work.
Simply put, your code template is garbage. Let me explain why.
Each pipe is unidirectional.
If you use a pipe to send data from the child to the parent, close the read end in the child, and the write end in the parent. This allows the parent to see when the child (write end) closes the pipe or exits, as read() will then return -1 with errno == EPIPE.
If you use a pipe to send data from the parent to the child, close the read end in the parent, and the write end in the child. This allows the parent to detect if the child exits prematurely, as write() will then return with -1 with errno == EPIPE and a SIGPIPE signal gets raised in the parent.
If you need bidirectional "pipe" between the parent and a child, use an Unix domain stream socket pair via socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, fdpair).
Such a socket pair works very much like a pipe, except that the socket pair is bidirectional. You can also use send(descriptor, buffer, length, MSG_NOSIGNAL) instead of write(descriptor, buffer, length); in the former case, no SIGPIPE signal is raised if the other end of the socket is already closed.
Use one of the descriptors in the parent, and the other in the child. Both parent and child should close the other descriptor. Otherwise, one end cannot detect when the other end has closed its descriptor.
In some cases, an Unix Domain datagram socket pair may be preferable. Each send() generates a separate datagram, that is received using a single recv(). (That is, message boundaries are retained.) If the receiving end knows the maximum size of a datagram the sending side might send, this is an extremely robust and simple way to implement bidirectional communications between a parent and a child process; I personally use it a lot.
read() and write() to pipes and sockets may be short.
(POSIX states that you should always be able to stuff at least 512 bytes into a pipe, though; Linux supports that at least up to a full page, if I recall correctly.)
This means that rather than a single call, you need to do a loop until you have as much data as you need.
With sockets, send() either sends all the data, or fails with -1 (with errno == EMSGSIZE, or some other error code).
For datagram sockets (Unix domain datagram sockets, UDP sockets), if the buffer is large enough, recv() either receives the entire datagram, or fails with -1 (with errno set). Receiving zero-length datagrams is iffy, so don't try to do that.
For stream sockets, recv() may return only some of the data (i.e. short, or partial receive).
When two processes both send and receive, or read and write, data to/from each other, deadlock is a serious, common problem.
Simply put, both ends may end up waiting for the other end to read/write at the same time, with nothing at all happening.
There are three typical solutions to avoid a deadlock in such situations:
Use a query - response protocol, so that one endpoint always initiates communications, and then waits for the other endpoint to respond. At most one endpoint is transferring data at any given time.
Use nonblocking/asynchronous I/O. That is, before trying to write()/send(), each endpoint does a read()/recv() to see if the other end has already sent something. This supports full duplex communications (information can flow both ways at the same time).
Use a separate thread to continuously read()/recv(), while another does write()/send(). This essentially separates each socket into two unidirectional "lanes", with one thread handling their direction only. This is useful for protocols where one end produces a lot of data, and the other end sends occasional commands.
Combining all the above, we'll find that there is no single template one should use. There are variants with significant differences, making them better in some use cases but harder/worse in others. One should pick one depending on the situation at hand. If OP wants to see a better example ("template"), they should describe an actual problem case, including the desired behaviour.
you have 2 mistakes in your code.
you created a dead lock with your wait statement. your parents waits on the child while the child waits for the parents to write something.
you did fork before you did pipe. therefore, your child and your parent see different versions of unconnected pipes.
Here is the fixed version of your program:
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
int main() {
pid_t pid;
int pipe1[2], pipe2[2];
char *m1 = "hello";
char *m2 = "world";
char *m3 = "bye";
pid = fork();
if(pid == 0) { //chil
char buf1[256], buf2[256];
int len;
len = read(pipe1[0], buf1, 255);
buf1[len] = 0;
write(pipe1[1], m2, strlen(m2));
len = read(pipe2[0], buf2, 255);
buf2[len] = 0;
printf("child read %s %s\n", buf1, buf2);
else {
char buf[256];
int len;
write(pipe1[1], m1, strlen(m1));
len = read(pipe1[0], buf, 255);
buf[len] = 0;
write(pipe2[1], m3, strlen(m3));
printf("Parent read %s\n", buf);
return 0;
In the below program (which is not mine, but one which I have modified), the child process makes two writes to the pipe. When I run the program, I get the following output:
Received string: Hello, world!
This is the child process.
How is it that the read performed by the parent process captures both of these strings from the pipe buffer? What (if anything) prevents the parent process from assuming after it has read the first string (or the first char of the first string for that matter) that there is nothing else to read from the buffer, and exiting?
Program in question:
int main(void)
int fd[2], nbytes;
pid_t childpid;
char string[] = "Hello, world!\n";
char string2[] = "This is the child process.\n";
char readbuffer[80];
if((childpid = fork()) == -1)
return 1;
if(childpid == 0)
/* Child process closes pipe's input file descriptor */
/* Send "string" through the output side of pipe */
write(fd[1], string, (strlen(string)));
write(fd[1], string2, (strlen(string2)+1));
return 1;
/* Parent process closes pipe's output file descriptor */
/* Read in a string from the pipe */
nbytes = read(fd[0], readbuffer, sizeof(readbuffer));
printf("Received string: %s", readbuffer);
return 0;
The key here is the read() buffer size 80.
Usually read() block the process which is calling it (is set in a sleeping status) until certain conditions doesn't happen, for example:
the requested buffer is full
there's less data than requested (EOF) or an error occurred
a signal wake the process (as ^C), this may be your case, the child process exit and the system send a broken pipe signal to the parent (the process wake and read() get the whole buffer)
Note that those conditions depends on the subsystem you are reading from, in your case a pipe. Subsystem which may have different properties, like buffer size. An absurd example: if pipe buffer size on kernel side was less than or equal to your first write, the reading process would have wake up earlier returning a truncated buffer.
I love this question. It makes me remember old time ...
Meta-answer: It does only know, if the stream is closed
Answer: your process reads all it can/has to read, no end stops at '\n'
But I suppose, you want to write/read records.
Despite others I try to answer without distinguishing types of streams. I make a disclaimer here:
it all depends on OS and stream type - and the options opening on both (!) sides
Lets say one process writes an other reads - easy enough.
No is not.
Imagine - always ;-) - they put there chars (bytes) into the stream as they want and can - slowly - fast - one by one or all they buffered.
and you read it - no - not you and not your program - in between - byte by byte or on block or how the layer in between likes.
So if you want a record, there a only three possibilities:
make an end char(byte) - block seperator,
make the records fix length,
the old two-byte-length then read the rest
Answer again:
in your case the child puts all chars in the stream the parent read them and over - why should one of them make a break?
Depending on the OS and language and libs, you sometimes can tell the OS to make an / accept an end char (like \n) - sometimes your write read functions do that for you
The parent will read a maximum of 80 bytes. So the first write system call (and also the second) will place the first string in the kernel buffer relative to the pipe. The read system call will read a maximum of 80 bytes, so it will ask to the kernel for the data, and the kernel will return the first 80 bytes of data in the buffer (so it is impossible to read only the first character of the string with a single write of the entire string and a single blocking read of 80 bytes).
As you stated there is no synchronization between the child and the parent.
In fact on my linux system your program sometimes print only the first string, sometimes its print both.
The problem is a classic Race Condition problem, sometimes the child will write only the first string, then the parent is scheduled and it will read the first string, then the program will end (or the control will return to the child after the read, the child will write the second string to the pipe buffer but no one will actually read the data).
You should place some synchronization functions in your program, an example can be to place a wait for the child after the close(fd[1]);
/* Parent process closes up output side of pipe */
/* Synchronize parent and child */
/* Read in a string from the pipe */
nbytes = read(fd[0], readbuffer, sizeof(readbuffer));
printf("Received string: %s", readbuffer);
Then the parent will read the data only when the two strings are correctly placed in the buffer.
this is an example of how to write to a pipe.
This example is for parent writing to child, but the logic is very similar, regardless of the data flow direction.
close(pipefd[0]); /* Close unused read end */
write(pipefd[1], argv[1], strlen(argv[1]));
close(pipefd[1]); /* Reader will see EOF */
wait(NULL); /* Wait for child to exit */
Amongst other things, this means the caller to read() will get a returned value of 0 when everything is read from the pipe.
this also means the reader to read in a loop until a error condition indication is returned or a 0 is returned.
... how does the read function “know” when there is nothing left to read?
On success read() returns a much as available in the underlying object but not more then requested.
From man 3 read (POSIX):
Upon successful completion, where nbyte is greater than 0, read() shall mark for update the st_atime field of the file, and shall return the number of bytes read. This number shall never be greater
than nbyte. The value returned may be less than nbyte if the number of bytes left in the file is less than nbyte, if the read() request was interrupted by a signal, or if the file is a pipe or FIFO
or special file and has fewer than nbyte bytes immediately available for reading.
I'm having trouble with my program waiting for a child process (gzip) to finish and taking a very long time in doing so.
Before it starts waiting it closes the input stream to gzip so this should trigger it to terminate pretty quickly. I've checked the system and gzip isn't consuming any CPU or waiting on IO (to write to disk).
The very odd thing is the timing on when it stops waiting...
The program us using pthreads internally. It's processing 4 pthreads side by side. Each thread processes many units of work and for each unit of work one it kicks off a new gzip process (using fork() and execve()) to write the result. Threads hang when gzip doesn't terminate, but it suddenly does terminate when other threads close their instance.
For clarity, I'm setting up a pipeline that goes: my program(pthread) --> gzip --> file.gz
I guess this could be explained in part by CPU load. But when processes are kicked off minutes apart and the whole system ends up using only 1 core of 4 because of this locking issue, that seems unlikely.
The code to kick off gzip is below. The execPipeProcess is called such that the child writes direct to file, but reads from my program. That is:
execPipeProcess(&process, "gzip", -1, gzFileFd)
Any suggestions?
typedef struct {
int processID;
const char * command;
int stdin;
int stdout;
} ChildProcess;
void closeAndWait(ChildProcess * process) {
if (process->stdin >= 0) {
stdLog("Closing post process stdin");
if (close(process->stdin)) {
exitError(-1,errno, "Failed to close stdin for %s", process->command);
if (process->stdout >= 0) {
stdLog("Closing post process stdin");
if (close(process->stdout)) {
exitError(-1,errno, "Failed to close stdout for %s", process->command);
int status;
stdLog("waiting on post process %d", process->processID);
if (waitpid(process->processID, &status, 0) == -1) {
exitError(-1, errno, "Could not wait for %s", process->command);
stdLog("post process finished");
if (!WIFEXITED(status)) exitError(-1, 0, "Command did not exit properly %s", process->command);
if (WEXITSTATUS(status)) exitError(-1, 0, "Command %s returned %d not 0", process->command, WEXITSTATUS(status));
process->processID = 0;
void execPipeProcess(ChildProcess * process, const char* szCommand, int in, int out) {
// Expand any args
wordexp_t words;
if (wordexp (szCommand, &words, 0)) exitError(-1, 0, "Could not expand command %s\n", szCommand);
// Runs the command
char nChar;
int nResult;
if (in < 0) {
int aStdinPipe[2];
if (pipe(aStdinPipe) < 0) {
exitError(-1, errno, "allocating pipe for child input redirect failed");
process->stdin = aStdinPipe[PIPE_WRITE];
in = aStdinPipe[PIPE_READ];
else {
process->stdin = -1;
if (out < 0) {
int aStdoutPipe[2];
if (pipe(aStdoutPipe) < 0) {
exitError(-1, errno, "allocating pipe for child input redirect failed");
process->stdout = aStdoutPipe[PIPE_READ];
out = aStdoutPipe[PIPE_WRITE];
else {
process->stdout = -1;
process->processID = fork();
if (0 == process->processID) {
// child continues here
// these are for use by parent only
if (process->stdin >= 0) close(process->stdin);
if (process->stdout >= 0) close(process->stdout);
// redirect stdin
if (STDIN_FILENO != in) {
if (dup2(in, STDIN_FILENO) == -1) {
exitError(-1, errno, "redirecting stdin failed");
// redirect stdout
if (STDOUT_FILENO != out) {
if (dup2(out, STDOUT_FILENO) == -1) {
exitError(-1, errno, "redirecting stdout failed");
// we're done with these; they've been duplicated to STDIN and STDOUT
// run child process image
// replace this with any exec* function find easier to use ("man exec")
nResult = execvp(words.we_wordv[0], words.we_wordv);
// if we get here at all, an error occurred, but we are in the child
// process, so just exit
exitError(-1, errno, "could not run %s", szCommand);
} else if (process->processID > 0) {
// parent continues here
// close unused file descriptors, these are for child only
process->command = szCommand;
} else {
exitError(-1,errno, "Failed to fork");
Child process inherits open file descriptors.
Every subsequent gzip child process inherits not only pipe file descriptors intended for communication with that particular instance but also file descriptors for pipes connected to previous child process instances.
It means that stdin pipe is still open when the main process performs close since there are some other file descriptors for the same pipe in a few child processes. Once those ones terminate the pipe is finally closed.
A quick fix is to prevent child processes from inheriting pipe file descriptors intended for the master process by setting close-on-exec flag.
Since there are multiple threads involved spawning child processes should be serialized to prevent child process from inheriting pipe fds intended for another child process.
You have not given us enough information to be sure, as the answer depends on how you use the functions presented. However, your closeAndWait() function looks a bit suspicious. It may be reasonable to suppose that that the child process in question will exit when it reaches the end of its stdin, but what is supposed to happen to data it has written or even may still write to its stdout? It is possible that your child processes hang because their standard output is blocked, and it is slow for them to recognize it.
I think this reflects a design problem. If you are capturing the child processes' output, as you seem at least to support doing, then after you close the parent's end of a child's input stream you'll want the parent to continue reading the child's output to its end, and performing whatever processing it intends to do on it. Otherwise you may lose some of it (which for a child performing gzip would mean corrupted data). You cannot do that if you make closing both streams part of the process of terminating the child.
Instead, you should to close the parent's end of the child's stdin first, continue processing its output until you reach its end, and only then try to collect the child. You can make closing the parent's end of the child's output stream part of the process of collecting that child if you like. Alternatively, if you really do want to discard any remaining output from the child, then you should drain its output stream between closing the input and closing the output.
I want to learn how Linux pipes work! I wrote a small and easy program that use a pipe to communicate a string between parent and child process. However, the program results in a dead lock that I have not understood what is its cause.
Here is the code :
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#define SIZE 100
main(int argc, char *argv[])
int pfd[2];
int read_pipe=0, write_pipe=0;
pid_t cpid;
char buf[SIZE];
/* PIPE ***************************************
* pipe() creates a pair of file descriptors, *
* pointing to a pipe inode, and places them *
* in the array pointed to by filedes. *
* filedes[0] is for reading, *
* filedes[1] is for writing *
if (pipe(pfd) == -1) {
cpid = fork();
if (cpid == -1) {
if (cpid == 0) { /* Child reads from pipe */
char * hello = "I am a child process\n";
// wait until there is some data in the pipe
while (read(read_pipe, buf, SIZE) > 0);
printf("Parent process has written : %s\n", buf);
write(write_pipe, hello, strlen(hello));
} else { /* Parent writes argv[1] to pipe */
char * hello = "I am a parent process\n";
write(write_pipe, hello, strlen(hello));
while (read(read_pipe, buf, SIZE) > 0);
printf("Child process has written : %s\n", buf);
wait(NULL); /* Wait for child */
In this link you'll find the proper mannipulation of PIPEs between parent and child. Your problem here is that the communication is not being correctly set-up.
The PIPE should be used to communicate in only one direction, so one process has to close the read descriptor and the other has to close the write descriptor. Otherwise what will happen is that the call to 'read'(both on the father and the son), since it can detect that there is another process with an open write descriptor on the PIPE, will block when it finds that the PIPE is empty (not return 0), until someone writes something in it. So, both your father and your son are getting blocked on their respective read.
There are two solutions to this:
.You create two PIPEs, one for the communication in each direction, and perform the initialization as explained in the link above. Here you have to remember to close the write descriptor when you are done sending the message, so the other process' read will return, or condition the loop to the count of bytes read (not to the return of read), so you won't perform another call when you read the whole message. For example:
int bread = 0;
while(bread < desired_count)
bread += read(read_pipe, buf + bread, SIZE - bread);
.You create one PIPE as you did, and modify the flags on the read descriptor, using fcntl to also have O_NONBLOCK, so the calls to read won't block when there's no information in the PIPE. Here you need to check on the return value of the read to know you received something, and go adding up until you get the full length of the message. Also you will have find a way to synchronize the two processes so they won't read messages that are not meant for them. I don't recommend you to use this option, but you can try it if you want using condition variables.
Maybe you can tell if you see any of yout printf() outputs?
Anyway, if you want to establish a two way communication between your paent and child, yout should use two pipes, one for writing data form parent to child an the other for writing from child to parent. Furthermore, your read loops may be dangerous: if the data comes in two or more chunks the second read() overwrites the first portion (I've never seen tha happen with local pipes, but for example with sockets). And of course, yout is not automatically null terminated after read(), so just printing int with "%s" may also cause problems.
I hope that gives you some ideas to try.