Updating an Angular model from a mouse drag event - angularjs

When I drag an element that I have drawn on a canvas, I would also like its live x and y coordinates to be shown outside of the canvas.
A quick description..
//some HTML, including a canvas
{{xCoord}} </br>
Directive: (onDrag() is called whenever the user clicks on and drags an object)
someCanvasObject.onDrag() {
$scope.xCoord = canvasObject.x;
$scope.yCoord = canvasObject.y;
However, when I use $scope.$digest() to change the outputted coordinates, I get an "$apply is already in progress" error because $digest() is called in quick succession by the drag rapidly modifying the coordinates.
Is there an alternative way to use $digest() that will not conflict when used rapidly in the way described above?
(I've been told $$phase is bad practice.)

You could start by trying something like this:
var timeout;
someCanvasObject.onDrag() {
$scope.xCoord = canvasObject.x;
$scope.yCoord = canvasObject.y;
if (timeout) $timeout.cancel(timeout);
timeout = $timeout(function () {
The idea is that, every time the drag event runs, you trigger the digest, but if onDrag is called 10 times during a single digest, only one subsequent digest is queued.
Someone probably will have a better way to accomplish this, but this might get you started.


"$watch"ing a service doesn't appear to update reliably

I am currently building a simple drag & drop directive so that I can move some SVG stuff around on the screen. At the moment I'm still in the early stages, but I have run into a strange issue with $watch that I'm hoping someone can help me with.
I have a service that maintains my mouse state. At the moment it's just the x and y coordinates of the cursor. I also have an attribute level directive that interacts with this service in order to bind to the mouse-move event and update the service whenever someone moves the mouse around. These two items work together like a champ. The directive keeps the service up to date with the mouse's position and since my service (Factory really) is a singleton, I can pull this data in to other directives/controllers to see what's going on with the mouse.
Here's the problem: I'm trying to allow a specific SVG element to be dragged around, so I created a super simple controller with two functions: a "trackDrag" function that begins tracking and moving a specific element, and a "releaseDrag" which stops tracking/moving the element (drops it where it is, basically).
Inside of my trackDrag function, I attempt to use $scope.$watch to watch the mouse service's current x and y coordinates. Since it's a factory, these values are returned in a function and my watch looks something like this:
$scope.$watch("mouseTrackingService.get()", function(){
// do some stuff here
This watch DOES fire off when I first start dragging an element but it doesn't fire as I continue dragging it across the screen. In my "releaseDrag" function, I deallocate the watcher and that seems to work correctly. I'm kind of stumped about why I don't see the watch fire off continuously, even though I can console write out inside of the service and I see that IT is updating correctly.
I've included a plnkr with some sample code below:
If I just give in and use a $interval then this code works (updating the position every 10ms for example), but really I see that as a much less "angular" way of doing things vs binding.
Ugh, I'm just being dumb. I forgot that $scope.$watch can ONLY WATCH SCOPE VARIABLES.
I fixed this issue by adding the following wrapper around the service:
$scope.currentMouse = function(){
return mouseTrackingService.get();
I can then watch currentMouse:
$scope.$watch(currentMouse(), function(){
console.log("noticed a change");
Of course that gives me that awful Digest error after more than like a half second of dragging:
Uncaught Error: [$rootScope:infdig] 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting!
But that's a different issue entirely.
Sorry folks, nothing to see here. Move along now :-p

Watch for dom element in AngularJS

I'm looking for a pure angularJS way to call a controller method once a particular dom element is rendered. I'm implementing the scenario of a back button tap, so I need to scroll to a particular element once it is rendered. I'm using http://mobileangularui.com/docs/#scrollable.
Update: how my controller looks like:
return document.getElementById($scope.item_dom_id).length;
$scope.$watch('item_ready', function(new_value, old_value, scope){
//run once on page load, and angular.element() is empty as the element is not yet rendered
One hack that you could do and I emphasize hack here but sometimes it's just what you need is watch the DOM for changes and execute a function when the DOM hasn't changed for 500ms which is accepted as a fair value to say that the DOM has loaded. A code for this would look like the following:
// HACK: run this when the dom hasn't changed for 500ms logic
var broadcast = function () {};
if (document.addEventListener) {
document.addEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", function (e) {
//If less than 500 milliseconds have passed, the previous broadcast will be cleared.
broadcast = $window.setTimeout(function () {
//This will only fire after 500 ms have passed with no changes
// run your code here
}, 10)
Read this post Calling a function when ng-repeat has finished
But don't look at the accepted answer, use the 3rd answer down by #Josep by using a filter to iterate through all your repeat items and call the function once the $last property returns true.
However instead of using $emit, run your function...This way you don't have to rely on $watch. Have used it and works like a charm...

Suppress ng-click action upon ng-swipe-left

Button works perfectly on touchscreen when clicking or left-swiping:
<button ng-click="click(it)" ng-swipe-left="leftSwipe(it)" />
However, on the desktop where left-swipe is accomplished by combining a mouse-click with a left-drag, the click event is also fired.
Is there any way I could suppress this?
Well I didn't find anything simple, so here is one workaround and one semi-suppression, both rely on $timeout, but given you rely on human interaction I think we're ok.
Semi-Suppression: we'll want to ignore clicks this digest cycle and return to listen to the event next digest cycle.
$scope.leftSwipe = function(event){
.bind('click', function(it) {$scope.click(it);})},0);
Here we pass the event to the 'left-swipe' function in order to get the target element, if you do not want to pass the event as parameter (depending on your code) you can grab an element hardcoded id either with query ($('#yourButtonId')) or without (document.querySelector('#yourButtonId')) and use it instead. Take note that re-handling click event here will require passing the params (in your case 'it'?) again, that is why it is wrapped in another function and not called directly.
Workaround: I'd consider this much simpler but it's up to you and the code.
var hasSwiped = false;
$scope.click = function(event){
if (!hasSwiped){
$scope.leftSwipe = function(event){
hasSwiped = true;
$timeout(function(){ hasSwiped = false; },1000);
Here we simply create a variable 'hasSwiped' and set it to true once swiping and reseting it to false only after the 'click' event has fired (it depends on the app, but one second sounds reasonable to me between a swipe and click). In the click event just check this flag if raised or not.
Hope this helps,
Good Luck!

How does $timeout cause the afterSelectionChange function to be called?

I'm trying here to get enough info to go fix this problem, just wanting some help understanding what is going on inside angular.
ng-grid has issues, lots of them, but I've found a "fix" to this one that I don't understand.
I have a grid with enough rows that it fills the visible area. If I click on the different rows, the afterSelectionChange method is called. If after clicking in the grid I move the focus with the arrow keys, it only calls that callback if the grid scrolls.
So I put in a $timeout to print out the selected row every half second to see if it was changing the selected row and just not calling the callback, and THAT fixed the problem. Now every time I move the cursor with the keyboard, the callback fires, even though the only thing happening in the callback is $log.debug().
Is this because $timeout is causing something to happen within the framework like a $apply or a $digest?
If that's the case, why isn't the keyboard causing that to happen?
Edit: Options for #tasseKATT
$scope.callGridOptions = {
data: 'callRecords',
multiSelect: false,
sortInfo: {fields:['startOn'], directions:['asc']},
columnDefs: [ ...
afterSelectionChange: $scope.onCallChange,
selectedItems: $scope.selectedCalls
In the end, I could reduce the timeout code to this:
function ngGridFixer() {
// Presence of this timer causes the ngGrid to correctly react to up/down arrow and call the
// afterSelectionChange callback like it is supposed to.
$timeout(ngGridFixer, 500);
I put this in the rootscope because the problem happens on all the pages of the app.
$log is part of the Angular framework, anything processed by it is might execute watches laid down earlier. In other words by calling $log.debug() to print out the structure, you might be basically running scope.$digest every half second, which cause the callback(s) to fire. If you take out everything inside the $timeout function, or use console.log instead, the callback(s) probably won't fire
A way to do this semi-properly would be to use something like ngKeydown.
$timeout execute the function in scope.$apply by default. https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$timeout (invokeApply). I was not aware of this. So essentially your code is calling scope.$apply every half second.

angularJS doesn't scroll to top after changing a view [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Changing route doesn't scroll to top in the new page
(18 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
For example:
A user scrolls down on view A;
Then the user clicks on a link, which takes the user to view B;
The view is changes,
but the user's vertical location remains lthe same, and must scroll manually to the top of the screen.
Is it an angular bug?
I wrote a small workaround that uses jquery to scroll to the top; but I don't find the correct event to bind it to.
edit after seeing the comment:
How and WHEN do i pull myself to the top? i'm using jquery but the $viewContentLoaded event is too soon (the method runs, but the page doesn't scroll at that time)
The solution is to add autoscroll="true" to your ngView element:
<div class="ng-view" autoscroll="true"></div>
Angular doesn't automatically scroll to the top when loading a new view, it just keeps the current scroll position.
Here is the workaround I use:
myApp.run(function($rootScope, $window) {
$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function () {
var interval = setInterval(function(){
if (document.readyState == 'complete') {
$window.scrollTo(0, 0);
}, 200);
Put it in your bootstrap (usually called app.js).
It's a pure javascript solution (it's always better not to use jQuery if it's easy).
Explanation: The script checks every 200ms if the new DOM is fully loaded and then scrolls to the top and stops checking. I tried without this 200ms loop and it sometimes failed to scroll because the page was just not completely displayed.
It seems that you understand why the problem is happening based on #jarrodek's comment.
As for a solution, you could either follow #TongShen's solution of wrapping your function in a $timeout or you can put the function call within the partial that you're loading.
<!-- New partial-->
<div ng-init="scrollToTop()">
If you view change is fired after a click event, you could also put the function call on that element. Just comes down to timing though. Just depends on how things are set up.
