Phonegap + AngularJS + WP7 - angularjs

I'm working with Phonegap and AngularJS and want to put my app on windows mobile phone 7. But angularjs ist not working by using data binding, e.g. {{service.greeting}}. I'm getting no error, it just shows nothing on my device. What's wrong?

I ran to similar issue myself. It's because Windows Phone returns current URL as x-wmapp0:www/index.html which Angular cannot handle.
AFAIK it's not fixed yet, see Angular issue for further info.


iOS9.2.1 not supports for websites using AngularJS v1.3.2

I am using AngularJS v1.3.2 + CodeIgniter for my website.
This is a responsive website.
It works for all browsers as well as Android devices. Also It works on iOS8.4 (Mobile). But It does not work on iOS9.2.1 or later (Mobile).
Any help would be appreciated.
Try to add iOS9 Patch from here
Probably there is problem with iOS9.

Is Angular JS based hybrid app support windows?

I am working on cordova based cross platform mobile App project which needs to be done using MVC Based framework and able to work on each windows device like windows phones & tablets. So i selected Angular + ionic + cordova.
I tried so many examples to test that windows platform will work with Angular JS or not and every time I install app on windows device, application was crashed each and every time. Those apps are working perfectly on android and ios devices.
I have gone through so many tutorials and blogs for this question, but I didn't find any satisfactory answer. Is there anyway to achieve windows support in angular + ionic?
I tried using "shim" way and also created project through visual studio, but still result is same.
Is there anyone can help me to find answer?
Thanks for help.

IONIC on IE9 not working

I've someone please could provide some workaround for this one?
If I run my IONIC application in IE9, i'm getting the error back:
Unable to get value of the property 'indexOf': object is null or
undefined ionic.bundle.min.js, line 6, character 31181.
When viewing the JS file. The exact line is:
var o=t.CSS.TRANSITION.indexOf('webkit');
Did somebody encountered this problem? Or has a fix for it?
I know that IONIC is meant for hybrid mobile dev, but I really need to get this working on IE9 also.
If you want it to be viewable in a browser for testing, then Chrome or Safari work just fine.
Support for IE desktop is not on the road map. Ionic's mission is hybrid apps.

Local AngularJS application hosted in WKWebView

I have a hybrid application built using a WKWebView. I have gotten around the loading local files issue, but I am having trouble loading an AngularJS application from local files. I am getting the following error:
Cross origin requests are only supported fro HTTP.
With Android I was able to update setting on the WebView control to allow this from file:// schemes. Is there anything similar that I am missing in iOS? Or another solution?
I am using XCode 6.3 (6D570)
This is a known issue with WKWebView in iOS 8, and I suspect that's why UIWebView remains undeprecated.
I haven't had time to use the betas yet, but my only suggestion is to give the latest Xcode 7/iOS 9 a shot, and use the new WKWebView API
- (WKNavigation * _Nullable)loadFileURL:(NSURL * _Nonnull)URL allowingReadAccessToURL:(NSURL * _Nonnull)readAccessURL
which would ideally let you pull in other HTML files as templates in the readAccessURL that you provide.
Please file any bugs you see in the latest beta. Apple is way too slow to move on the issues in WKWebView.
If you just need the Angular app to work now, then you'll need to switch to UIWebView, which is confirmed to work with angular-based webapps stored on the device.

EXtJS 4.2 and Android browser

I have a bunch of components that I am calling setValue on, everything is working fine in all browsers except the Android web browser and google chrome for android. Has anyone seen this behavior or knows how to solve it? I don't know where to really begin.
Ok you have to enable Javascipt for the Web View as android disables JS by default due to security reasons
That should so the trick
if your app has secure data you probably don't want 3rd party software running JS in your app
Hope this helps
