Hijacking the realtime clock in linux - c

I want to write a LKM (Linux Kernel Module) that hijacks the realtime clock (interrupt 8). So I want the interrupt to be set to my function and at some point send it back to the old function.
I have tried to use the request_irq function without any success, probably because the kernel function that is there is not willing to share the interrupt (which is a good decision I guess).
I also tried to edit the IDT (Interrupt Descriptor Table), according to some pages I found. Non of them worked, most didn't even compile since they where written for kernel 2.6, and I'm working with 3.10.
This is a simplified code that I have just to give you the idea of what I'm doing.
kpage =__get_free_page( GFP_KERNEL);
asm("sidt %0": : "m"(*idtr) : );
memcpy(kpage, idtr, 256*sizeof(kpage));
newidt = (unsigned long long *)(*(unsigned long*)(idtr+1));
newidt[8] = &my_function;
asm("lidt %0": "=m"(newidt):);
All my attempts ended in good times with a segmentation fault, and in bad times with the kernel crashing forcing me to reboot (luckily I work with a virtual machine and snapshots).
So how can I hijack the realtime interrupt so it does my stuff? (And then send it back to the original function to get executed.)
Here is some nice code to change the pagefault function on the IDT. I couldn't make it work, since it's also written for kernel 2.6. This question is also worth looking into.
To get the bounty please publish working code, or at least sufficient info to make it run.

This can help you : http://cormander.com/2011/12/how-to-hook-into-hijack-linux-kernel-functions-via-lkm/
Why not you simply hook a function that is call every x steps like you want and execute what ever you need ?


pvPortMalloc and vPortFree Usage (freeRTOS Heap4.c) in Baremetal STM32F4x

I have had a good experience in programming bare metal stm32f4x; however, i tried to shift my code to freeRTOS and for that i first wanted to see if i can use Heap4.c for memory allocation instead of standard C malloc and free calls to better manage the memory etc.
However, what I observed is that using these calls disables my interrupts and never turns them back on. Hence, anything which makes use of interrupts is not working; everything else, which has nothing to do with interrupts is working ok. Not even Systick timer interrupt handler is being triggered.
So, the question is that, how can we make use of pvPortMalloc and vPortFree with bare metal code considering that all other peripherals do make use of their interrupts and SysTick is basically used for simple time delays etc. When using these calls, I could not see any prints happening inside systick as there was no systick handler being called.
Here I would like to point out that I am not calling pvPortMalloc or vPortFree in any interrupt context at all. So, that is totally safe and nothing to worry about that.
I have read through few discussions and if i understand correctly, then any call to FreeRTOS scheduler to suspend tasks etc does not impact as there will be no tasks at all. So, I expect this heap4.c port to work just fine with bare metal as well as long as we stay away from using them within ISR context; but apparently it just disables interrupts and seem to never turn them back on.
I hope to have the opinion of experts here on using pvPortMalloc and vPortFree in bare metal instead of using freeRTOS.
Best regards,
I think if you replace the xTaskSuspendAll() and xTaskResumeAll() to simply disable / enable interrupts it should work fine. In fact if your interrupts are not using the allocated memory you might not even need to do this, you could simply comment them out. Suspend and Resume are quite complex functions that can attempt to yield control to other tasks if required.
I suspect the reason interrupts are not getting re-enabled is that either taskEXIT_CRITICAL() is not defined correctly (portENABLE_INTERRUPTS) or the uxCriticalNesting is greater than one when truing to re-enable interrupts (enter critical called more times than exit critical).
However you will probably find the standard malloc and free are better if you are not using FreeRTOS.

How do you know when a micro-controller reset?

I am learning embedded systems on the ARM9 processor (SAM9G20). I am more familiar with procedural programming for general purpose. Thus what I am doing is going through the data sheet and learning what registers there are and how to manipulate them.
My question is, how do I know when the computer reset? I know that there is a Reset Controller that manages resets. A register called the Status Register (RSTC_SR) stores the source of the reset. Do I need to keep periodically reading this register?
My solution is to store the number of resets in the FRAM (or start by setting it to 0), once a reset happens, I compare this variable with the register value in my main function. If the register value is higher then obviously it reset. However I am sure there is a more optimized way (perhaps using interrupts). Or is this how its usually done?
You do not need to periodically check, since every time the machine is reset your program will re-start from the beginning.
Simply add checks to the startup code, i.e. early in main(), as needed. If you want to figure out things like how often you reset, then that is more difficult since typically (no experience with SAMs, I'm an STM32 type of guy) on-board timers etc will also reset. Best would be some kind of real-world independent clock, like an RTC that you can poll and save the value of. Please consider if you really need this, though.
A simple solution is to exploit the structure of your code.
Many code bases for embedded take this form:
int main(void)
// setup stuff here
while (1)
// handle stuff here
return 0;
You can exploit that the code above while(1) is only run once at startup. You could increment a counter there, and save it in non-volatile storage. That would tell you how many times the microcontroller has reset.
Another example is on Arduino, where the code is structured such that a function called setup() is called once, and a function called loop() is called continuously. With this structure, you could increment the variable in the setup()-function to achieve the same effect.
Whenever your processor starts up, it has by definition come out of reset. What the reset status register does is indicate the source or reason for the reset, such as power-on, watchdog-timer, brown-out, software-instruction, reset-pin etc.
It is not a matter of knowing when your processor has reset - that is implicit by the fact that your code has restarted. It is rather a matter of knowing the cause of the reset.
You need not monitor or read the reset status at all if your application has no need of it, but in some applications perhaps it is a useful diagnostic for example to maintain a count of various reset causes as it may be indicative of the stability of your system software, its power-supply or the behaviour of the operators. Ideally you'd want to log the cause with a timestamp assuming you have an suitable RTC source early enough in your start-up. The timing of resets is often a useful diagnostic where simply counting them may not be.
Any counting of the reset cause should occur early in your code start-up before any interrupts are enabled (because an interrupt may itself cause a reset). This may require you to implement the counters in the start-up code before main() is invoked in cases where the start-up code might enable interrupts - for stdio or filesystem support fro example.
A way to do this is to run the code in debug mode (if you got a debugger for the SAM). After a reset the program counter(PC) points to the address where your code starts.

Capture hrtimer interrupts with linux kernel module .. possible?

I would like to be able to 'capture' an hrtimer interrupt with a linux kernel module and replay the interrupt at a later period in time. Any thoughts on how to go about doing this?
Use case: A program that calls sleep(1). My module will grab the hrtimer interrupt when it fires after 1 second, wait for 'x' amount of time, then re-fire the interrupt, waking the process.
Note: I do not want to hook the sleep system call.
Quite honestly, writing a Linux kernel module just to modify the behavior of sleep() for a single application sounds like overkill.
For most cases you should be able to use a preloadable shared object to intercept/override the sleep() function family with your own implementations. The application will call your implementation and your code may then call the real function with a modified parameter list.
This method is much simpler and less intrusive than anything involving kernel programming, although it will not work if your application is statically linked or if it uses direct system calls instead of library functions.

How to prevent linux soft lockup/unresponsiveness in C without sleep

How would be the correct way to prevent a soft lockup/unresponsiveness in a long running while loop in a C program?
(dmesg is reporting a soft lockup)
Pseudo code is like this:
while( worktodo ) {
worktodo = doWork();
My code is of course way more complex, and also includes a printf statement which gets executed once a second to report progress, but the problem is, the program ceases to respond to ctrl+c at this point.
Things I've tried which do work (but I want an alternative):
doing printf every loop iteration (don't know why, but the program becomes responsive again that way (???)) - wastes a lot of performance due to unneeded printf calls (each doWork() call does not take very long)
using sleep/usleep/... - also seems like a waste of (processing-)time to me, as the whole program will already be running several hours at full speed
What I'm thinking about is some kind of process_waiting_events() function or the like, and normal signals seem to be working fine as I can use kill on a different shell to stop the program.
Additional background info: I'm using GWAN and my code is running inside the main.c "maintenance script", which seems to be running in the main thread as far as I can tell.
Thank you very much.
P.S.: Yes I did check all other threads I found regarding soft lockups, but they all seem to ask about why soft lockups occur, while I know the why and want to have a way of preventing them.
P.P.S.: Optimizing the program (making it run shorter) is not really a solution, as I'm processing a 29GB bz2 file which extracts to about 400GB xml, at the speed of about 10-40MB per second on a single thread, so even at max speed I would be bound by I/O and still have it running for several hours.
While the posed answer using threads might possibly be an option, it would in reality just shift the problem to a different thread. My solution after all was using
Also tested sched_yield / pthread_yield, both of which didn't really help. Unfortunately I've been unable to find a good resource which documents sleep(0) in linux, but for windows the documentation states that using a value of 0 lets the thread yield it's remaining part of the current cpu slice.
It turns out that sleep(0) is most probably relying on what is called timer slack in linux - an article about this can be found here: http://lwn.net/Articles/463357/
Another possibility is using nanosleep(&(struct timespec){0}, NULL) which seems to not necessarily rely on timer slack - linux man pages for nanosleep state that if the requested interval is below clock granularity, it will be rounded up to clock granularity, which on linux depends on CLOCK_MONOTONIC according to the man pages. Thus, a value of 0 nanoseconds is perfectly valid and should always work, as clock granularity can never be 0.
Hope this helps someone else as well ;)
Your scenario is not really a soft lock up, it is a process is busy doing something.
How about this pseudo code:
void workerThread()
workToDo = DoWork()
void sighandler()
signal worker thread to finish
void main()
Clearly a timing issue. Using a signalling mechanism should remove the problem.
The use of printf solves the problem because printf accesses the console which is an expensive and time consuming process which in your case gives enough time for the worker to complete its work.

How to solve "BUG: scheduling while atomic: swapper /0x00000103/0, CPU#0"? in TSC2007 Driver?

I found tsc2007 driver and modified according to our needs. Our firm is producing its own TI DM365 board. In this board we used TSC2007 and connected PENIRQ pin to GPIO0 of DM365. It is being seen OK on driver. when i touch to touchscreen cursor is moving but at the same time i am getting
BUG: scheduling while atomic: swapper /0x00000103/0, CPU#0
warning and embedded Linux is being crashed. there are 2 files that i modified and uploaded to http://www.muhendislikhizmeti.com/touchscreen.zip one is with timer the other is not. it is giving this error in any case.
I found a solution on web that i need to use work queue and call with using schedule_work() API. but they are blur for me now. Is anybody have any idea how to solve this problem and can give me some advice where to start to use work queue.
"Scheduling while atomic" indicates that you've tried to sleep somewhere that you shouldn't - like within a spinlock-protected critical section or an interrupt handler.
Common examples of things that can sleep are mutex_lock(), kmalloc(..., GFP_KERNEL), get_user() and put_user().
Exactly as said in 1st answer, scheduling while atomic happens when the scheduler gets confused and therefore unable to work properly and this because the scheduler tried to perform a "schedule()" in a section that contains a schedulable code inside of a non schedulable one.
For example using sleeps inside of a section protected by a spinlock. Trying to use another lock(semaphores,mutexes..) inside of a spinlock-proteced code may also disturb the scheduler. In addition using spinlocks in user space can drive the scheduler to behave as such. Hope this helps
For anyone else with a similar error - I had this problem because I had a function, called from an atomic context, that used kzalloc(..., GFP_KERN) when it should have used GFP_NOWAIT or GFP_ATOMIC.
This is just one example of a function sleeping when you don't want to, which is something you have to be careful of in kernel programming.
Hope this is useful to somebody else!
Thanks for the former two answers, in my case it was enough to disable the preemption:
// Your code with locks and schedule()
