Running Joomla on Google App Engine - google-app-engine

I have joomla running locally on the development environment of Google App Engine, but once I deploy it to GAE I just get this error:
Error displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Error
Since google claims that the development server is the identical copy of the production environment, how come joomla is not working on GAE?
I've used a couple of days trying to figure out how to debug this, in order to make joomla work, but I could really use some tips for debugging.
How do you guys debug in the production environment?
Any of you got joomla 3.2 running on GAE yet?

I figured it out. Read the instructions here:


IntelliJ: cannot deploy to Google App Engine (Standard)

The IDE complains about no Deployment selected, but from the picture I can't pick one.
I have upgraded IntelliJ to the latest. I am planning to reinstall everything.
There should be an artifact displayed:
Make sure you have a war artifact defined in the Project Structure | Artifacts.
If the issue persists, please report a bug and attach a sample project to reproduce.
Artifact options available out of the box in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate:
If you don't see the Web Application options, you need to make sure that all the plug-ins are enabled. You can also just delete disabled_plugins.txt file from the IDE CONFIG directory and restart the IDE.
In case you are still running into issues:
It actually looks like you are using the Cloud Tools for IntelliJ plugin ( and not the App Engine plugin bundled in IDEA Ultimate as in the accepted answer.
You can refer to the following documentation for deployment to the App Engine standard environment:
Also a couple things to check:
You should have an app engine standard facet
You should have an exploded-war artifact:
Try the following action:
Tools > Google Cloud Tools > Add App Engine support > Google App Engine Standard and see if this resolves the problem.
If none of this helps, perhaps you can post some screenshots of your artifact / module structure under project settings.
So OK, at the end I was using IntelliJ Community which doesn't support deploying to Google App Engine anymore (although it's bizarre the plugin is available). Apparently one of the latest updates disable whatever minimal support was there, as I was able to deploy to GAE just a few weeks ago.

Cannot deploy new version to App Engine Flexible

I tried to deploy new version to app engine. But it keeps saying and health check logs.
and on web browser it gives me 502 error saying
Error: Server Error
The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your
Please try again in 30 seconds.
I have tried 4 times trying to deploy but never worked.
I think you can reproduce this by deploying any project to app engine.
I am using Google Cloud SDK 157.0.0
tried to deploy service with java and nodejs environment
I received many weird errors like this while deploying months ago with both maven and gradle. Various strange things with app.yaml can cause this as well. Even the example projects provided from google contained strange bugs like this when deployed.
Try one of the test projects that google provides: Google NodeJS bookshelf app
(Hopefully this project has been fixed by now and will deploy correctly!!)
Also, it's possible that an old version can prevent your new code from deploying. Go to your console, and delete/stop all running versions of the service. (I have had issues with old versions becoming stuck, which causes issues with the new deployment becoming the default service).

How to deploy the project on Google App Engine by preserving the changes of other developers?

Till now I was working alone on a project on Google App Engine. So I had to write the code and upload it on App Engine using gcloud app deploy project-path/app.yaml.
But now a bigger project has arrived. So a team has to work on it and everyone has their own systems. I simply want to ask how can we deploy project from different devices still preserving the changes made by other developers? As everyone has to deploy their code on cloud for the same project. I searched over the web but found nothing. Is it even possible?
maybe this article will help you. It describes how to deploy from Gitlab to Google App Engine

Application Default Credentials not working locally with App Engine

Having a tough time getting the Default Application Credentials to load in the dataflow SDK when running locally in a java app engine project developing on OS X. Runs fine when deployed.
According to this the dev app server doesn't support them, and you're meant to use the gcloud command line tool's command: gcloud preview app run - but according to the official Google Group for the SDK here that command was deprecated in Jan 2016.
So I seem to be stuck between a rock and a hard place... Does anyone know how to get the Application Default Credentials to work locally with an App Engine app?
I'm trying to use the Dataflow API and it just throws up when it starts making use of the cloud storage api which is the first thing the Pipeline does because it can't seem to load the correct credentials from the environment variables ( that are definitely set on the ENV and in the appengine-web.xml <env-variables> element ) or from the ~/.config/cloud/default_application_credentials.json file.
Can you try running the following command and see if it solves it?
gcloud auth application-default login
This is fully supported (but poorly documented) within the dev appserver. There is a very well answered question that gives you step by step instructions here: Unable to access BigQuery from local App Engine development server

Cannot downgrade App Engine release

Recently I've found out App Engine 1.9.1 has a bug which however does not occur in version 1.8.9 and below. I am developing my applications with Eclipse and the Google Plugin for Eclipse. In the Google properties of the project I switched back to 1.8.9. If I work locally I can see that it is using version 1.8.9 (the bug does not occur) however when I deploy to App Engine no matter what I do it will still run on 1.9.1. I even tryed to create a new project/application from scratch, still 1.9.1. I even deleted SDKs 1.9.1 and 1.9.0 from my system but nothing seems to help. What can I do? Thanks.
You don't control the version in production. It runs on Google servers and isn't deployed as part of your app.
Welcome to the cloud world where some parameters slip from your hand no matter how hard you try...
Indeed, you have no control over the AppEngine version that will be used to run your application in production. In fact, if you look carefully in the list of instance on your cloud console, you will see sometimes that some instances use an AppEngine version that is not even publicly available at the moment.
