find number of rows in a 2D char array - c

How to find number of rows in dynamic 2D char array in C?
Nothing from there.
tried with following code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int k = 97;
void foo(char **a)
int i = 0;
for(i=0; a[i] != NULL; ++i)
printf("i = %d\n", i);
void strcpyo(char* a, char*b){
int i=0;
void strcpym(char* a, char*b){
int i=0;
void freee(char** ptr){
int i;
for(i = 0;i < k; ++i)
free(ptr[i] );
void alloc(char ***p)
*p = (char **)malloc(k * sizeof(char *));
int i,j;
// for(i = 0;i < j; ++i)
(*p)[j] = (char *)malloc(11 * sizeof(char));
//printf("j = %d ", j);
int main()
char **p;
#if 0
char **p = (char **)malloc(k * sizeof(char *));
int i,j;
for(i = 0;i < j; ++i)
p[i] = (char *)malloc(11 * sizeof(char));
printf("j = %d ", j);
return 0;
The code in #if 0 #endif works perfectly, but if I do create arrays in function alloc(char**) it's giving the wrong answer for odd number of rows in array. Can anybody explain why?
ie. for k= odd number it gives out wrong answer but for even number its correct.

Your code depends on Undefined Behaviour to work correctly i.e. it'll work only by chance. This has got nothing to do with even or odd count of elements.
In the void alloc(char ***p) function you allocate memory for k pointer to pointer to char: char**. Then you fill all of the k pointers with new valid char* pointers i.e. none of them are NULL. Later in void foo(char **a) you do for(i=0; a[i] != NULL; ++i); since a[k - 1] was non-null, it'll iterate over them correctly. BUT after that a[k] may or may not be NULL, you never know what is in there. Also accessing what is beyond the array you allocated is undefined behaviour (due to out of bounds access).
Making k + 1 elements and setting the kth element to NULL makes this work; make sure you free all of k + 1 elements and not leak the last sentinal element.
Since you told that the code wraped inside the macro works fine, I've ignored that; don't know if there's UB there too. If you're doing this exercise to learn, it's fine. If you are planning to do some other project, try to reuse some existing C library which already gives these facilities.


Dynamically allocating space for a 2D array

I am a novice C programmer trying to write a function that dynamically allocates space for a 2D array. I am getting a segmentation fault when running this code & i'm not sure why.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int allocate_space_2D_array(int **arr, int r, int c) {
int i,j;
arr = malloc(sizeof(int *) * r);
for (i = 0; i < r; i++)
arr[i] = malloc(sizeof(int *) * c);
for (i = 0; i < r; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < c; j++) {
printf("%p", arr[r][c]);
return arr;
I expected to be able to print out and see the contiguous memory locations of each spot in the array, but I am never reaching that point in my code, because when I run it, i get a segmentation fault. Would appreciate any help.
Seeing your program i see 3 errors one while you allocate memory for 2D-array,one while you're printing and another one is how you declare the function.
First malloc is ok,the second one is wrong cause you already allocated memory for r(size of row) pointers so it's just like if you have * arr[r],so to allocate memory correctly now you should allocate memory just for int and not for int*.
Second error while printing you put as index for row and column the values r and c,but r and c are the size of matrix , as we know the size of an array or 2D-array goes from 0 to size-1,in your case goes from 0 to r-1 and from 0 to c-1.
Third error you should declare the function not as int but as int** cause you want to return a matrix so the return type is not int but int**.
I change your code to make it work correctly,it should be work.
int** allocate_space_2D_array(int **arr, int r, int c) {
int i,j;
arr = malloc(sizeof(int *) * r);
for (i = 0; i < r; i++)
arr[i] = malloc(sizeof(int ) * c);
for (i = 0; i < r; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < c; j++) {
printf("%p", arr[i][j]);
return arr;

Possible to run through a c-array inside a function with only one pointer as parameter?

I'm playing and learning a little with C, created an array and passed it to a function together with its size so I can run through the array and print all its elements (so I gave the function two parameters: the array itself and its size).
But now I like to do all that just by passing one parameter to the function. I got it working a little by using a pointer but I don't know how to stop because I don't have any information about arrays length, it only works in the code below because I put the array length inside the for loop. But how would that work in general if I didn't know the size and only passed one parameter to the function?
I thought it might somehow be possible to realize if a pointer points outside of the array I'm currently working with, but is that even doable? :S
void printArray(int *p){
for(int i=0; i<4; i++){
printf("%d ", *(p+i));
int main(){
int myArray[4] = {8,4,1,1};
int *p = myArray;
return 0;
The only way to traverse a pointed-to array without a length parameter is if the array contains a distinct terminator value.
For example, a C-string is "NULL-terminated" array of char values. You can traverse a char* because you know
to test for the presence of the '\0' character, which has an integer value of 0.
As it applies to the code in your question, you could use -1 as a terminator value, like so:
void printArray(int *p){
while (*p != -1{
printf("%d ", *p++);
Note however, that doing this requires that there is some way to interpret a valid int value as
"invalid" for your purposes.
In the main, it's much easier and simpler to just pass the length of the array to the function.
In addition to other mentioned approaches I can offer other two:
1) You can pass the length of array as the first element (like works some containers in Pascal):
#include <stdio.h>
void print_array(int *arr)
int length = arr[0];
for (int index = 1; index <= length; ++index)
printf("%d ", arr[index]);
int main()
int length = 10;
int *arr = malloc(sizeof(int) * length);
arr[0] = length;
for (int index = 1; index <= length; ++index)
arr[index] = index * index * index;
return 0;
2) You can create a struct for your array (like is is done for std::vector in C++ STD with class):
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct Array
int size;
int *data;
} Array;
void print_array(Array *arr)
for (int index = 0; index < arr->size; ++index)
printf("%d ", arr->data[index]);
int main()
int length = 10;
Array *arr = malloc(sizeof(Array));
arr->data = malloc(sizeof(int) * length);
arr->size = length;
for (int index = 0; index < length; ++index)
arr->data[index] = index * index * index;
return 0;

C - dynamic arrays of structures

I have a problem with a rather big piece of code. Knowing myself, it's some kind of a silly mistake, or, more likely, lack of understanding of pointers. I really need some help, so if someone could look at it I would be so grateful! I'm going to explain it now.
It's a program for my programming class. The teacher gave us a number (N) and a letter (X) in a txt file, and wants us to create a structure with three fields(int, char and float), and then four functions:
function #1 takes the number N as an argument and dynamically allocates memory for an array of pointers to N structures. then it assigns values to the fields in the structures - int and char are set to random values, and the float field is set to the number of the structure. the function returns the address of the array.
function #2 takes the size of the created array (the number of pointers in it) and a pointer to the array as arguments and deletes the array, freeing the memory.
function #3 takes the size of the created array and a pointer to the array as arguments, and then sorts the structures based on the int field, using bubble sort
function #4 searches through the structures and counts how many times the letter (X) is repeated in the char fields of the structures.
Here's the code with comments and errors. Please, can someone explain what am I doing wrong? To be honest I'm almost out of time, but I'm willing to stay up all night to understand and fix this.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <time.h>
struct Foo {
int fieldint;
char fieldchar;
float fieldfloat;
Foo *initialize(int N);
int sort(int N, Foo *tablica);
int count(int N, Foo *tablica, char*X);
int deleting(int N, Foo **tablica);
int main () {
//this reads the number N and the letter to find from the .txt file:
FILE *file = fopen("inlab01.txt", "r");
int number;
char letter[1];
if (file == NULL) {
printf("Error opening file");
while (fscanf(file, "%d%s", &number, letter) != EOF);
//creating the array
//again, it's supposed to be an array of pointers to N structures:
Foo *arr[number];
*arr = initialize(number);
sort(number, *arr); //the program crashes at this function
//counting how many times the given letter appears:
//count(number, *arr, letter);
//we're supposed to print the first 20 of the structures
//this loop prints one structure and then the program crashes
for(int i=0;i<20;i++) {
printf("Structure %d:\nfield int:%d\nfield char:%c\nfield float:\f\n\n", i+1, arr[i]->fieldint, arr[i]->fieldchar, arr[i]->fieldfloat);
deleting(number, arr);
return 0;
Foo *initialize(int N) {
Foo **array;
array = (Foo **)malloc(sizeof(Foo) * N);
srand( time( NULL ) );
for(int i=0; i<N; i++) {
array[i] = (Foo*)malloc(sizeof(Foo));
array[i] -> fieldint = rand(); //random number
array[i] -> fieldchar = ( char )( rand() % 24 ) + 65; //random letter
array[i] -> fieldfloat=i;
return *array;
int sort(int N, Foo *array) {
int temp;
for (int i=0;i<N;i++){
for (int j=N-1;j>=j;j--) {
if(array[j].fieldint < array[j-1].fieldint) {
temp = array[j-1].fieldint;
array[j-1].fieldint = array[j].fieldint;
array[j].fieldint = temp;
return 0;
int count(int N, Foo *array, char*X){
int counter = 0;
for(int i=0;i<N;i++) {
if (array[i].fieldchar == 'X') {
counter = counter+1;
return counter;
int deleting(int N, Foo **array) {
for (int i=0;i<N;i++) {
return 0;
The whole thing compiles, but then the program crashes instead of doing anything, really.
Please help.
struct Foo
int fieldint;
char fieldchar;
float fieldfloat;
Foo **array;
array = (Foo **)malloc(sizeof(Foo) * N);
You are compiling this code in C++. You want to use a C compiler, and you have to change the code to the following:
struct Foo **array;
You would use struct Foo everywhere, and you don't need that cast. Or declare the structure with typedef
Secondly, Foo **array is for allocating a 2-dimensional array. The way you are allocating 2-D array is wrong. Besides, you only need a 1-dimensional array Foo arr[number]
for (int j=N-1;j>=j;j--)
Note you have an error in your sort function (j >= j) is always true. Fix the sort function, avoid allocating a 2-D array and you are done.
int sort(int N, struct Foo *array)
int temp, i, j;
for (i = 0; i< N; i++) {
for (j = i + 1; j < N; j++) {
if (array[i].fieldint > array[j].fieldint) {
temp = array[i].fieldint;
array[i].fieldint = array[j].fieldint;
array[j].fieldint = temp;
return 0;
int main()
int number = 3;
struct Foo arr[number];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < number; i++) {
arr[i].fieldint = rand(); //random number
arr[i].fieldchar = 'A' + (char)(rand() % 26); //random letter
arr[i].fieldfloat = (float)i;
sort(number, arr);
for (i = 0; i < number; i++)
printf("Structure %d:\nfield int:%d\nfield char:%c\nfield float:%f\n\n",
i + 1, arr[i].fieldint, arr[i].fieldchar, arr[i].fieldfloat);
return 0;
Note that your sort function swaps fieldint but Foo has other members, you probably want to swap all members if your goal is to swap the object.

How to return an array from a function with pointers

i'm trying to figure out how to return an array from a function in the main().
I'm using C language.
Here is my code.
#include <stdio.h>
int *initArray(int n){
int i;
int *array[n];
for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
array[i] = i*2;
return array;
int i, n = 5;
int *array[n];
array[n] = initArray(n);
printf("Here is the array: ");
for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
printf("%d ", array[i]);
And this is the errors the console gives me:
2.c: In function ‘initArray’:
2.c:8:13: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast [enabled by default]
array[i] = i*2;
2.c:11:3: warning: return from incompatible pointer type [enabled by default]
return array;
2.c:11:3: warning: function returns address of local variable [-Wreturn-local-addr]
2.c: In function ‘main’:
2.c:23:4: warning: format ‘%d’ expects argument of type ‘int’, but argument 2 has type ‘int *’ [-Wformat=]
printf("%d ", array[i]);
It's impossible!
I hate being a noob :(
If you could help, with explanations, I would appreciate! :D
Edit: iharob's answer is better than mine. Check his answer first.
Edit #2: I'm going to try to explain why your code is wrong
Consider the 2nd line of main() in your question:
int *array[n];
Let's try to read it backwards.
says we have an array that contains n elements. We don't know what type those elements are and what the name of the array is, but we know we have an array of size n.
says your array is called array.
* array[n]
says you have a pointer to an array. The array that is being pointed to is called 'array' and has a size of n.
int * array[n];
says you have a pointer to an integer array called 'array' of size n.
At this point, you're 3/4 way to making a 2d array, since 2d arrays consist of a list of pointers to arrays. You don't want that.
Instead, what you need is:
int * array;
At this point, we need to examine your function, initArray:
int *initArray(int n){
int i;
int *array[n];
for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
array[i] = i*2;
return array;
The second line of initArray has the same mistake as the second line of main. Make it
int * array;
Now, here comes the part that's harder to explain.
int * array;
doesn't allocate space for an array. At this point, it's a humble pointer. So, how do we allocate space for an array? We use malloc()
int * array = malloc(sizeof(int));
allocates space for only one integer value. At this point, it's more a variable than an array:
int * array = malloc(sizeof(int) * n);
allocates space for n integer variables, making it an array:
e.g. n = 5:
Note:The values in the real array are probably garbage values, because malloc doesn't zero out the memory, unlike calloc. The 0s are there for simplicity.
However, malloc doesnt always work, which is why you need to check it's return value:
(malloc will make array = NULL if it isn't successful)
if (array == NULL)
return NULL;
You then need to check the value of initArray.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int *initArray(int n){
int i;
int *array = malloc(sizeof(int) * n);
if (array == NULL)
return NULL;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
array[i] = i*2;
return array;
int main(){
int i, n = 5;
int *array = initArray(n);
if (array == NULL)
return 1;
printf("Here is the array: ");
for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
printf("%d ", array[i]);
return 0;
You can't just return an array like that. You need to make a dynamically allocated array in order to do that. Also, why did you use a 2d array anyway?
int array[5];
is basically (not completely) the same as:
int * array = malloc(sizeof(int) * 5);
The latter is a bit more flexible in that you can resize the memory that was allocated with malloc and you can return pointers from functions, like what the code I posted does.
Beware, though, because dynamic memory allocation is something you don't wanna get into if you're not ready for tons of pain and debugging :)
Also, free() anything that has been malloc'd after you're done using it and you should always check the return value for malloc() before using a pointer that has been allocated with it.
Thanks to iharob for reminding me to include this in the answer
Do you want to initialize the array? You can try it like this.
#include <stdio.h>
void initArray(int *p,int n)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
*(p+i) = i*2;
void main(void)
int i, n = 5;
int array[n];
printf("Here is the array: ");
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf("%d ", array[i]);
If you don't want to get in trouble learning malloc and dynamic memory allocation you can try this
#include <stdio.h>
void initArray(int n, int array[n]) {
int i;
for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
array[i] = i * 2;
int main() { /* main should return int */
int i, n = 5;
int array[n];
initArray(n, array);
printf("Here is the array: ");
for(i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
printf("%d ", array[i]);
return 0;
as you see, you don't need to return the array, if you declare it in main(), and pass it to the function you can just modify the values directly in the function.
If you want to use pointers, then
#include <stdio.h>
int *initArray(int n) {
int i;
int *array;
array = malloc(n * sizeof(*array));
if (array == NULL) /* you should always check malloc success */
return NULL;
for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
array[i] = i * 2;
return array;
int main() { /* main should return int */
int i, n = 5;
int *array;
array = initArray(n);
if (array == NULL) /* if null is returned, you can't dereference the pointer */
return -1;
printf("Here is the array: ");
for(i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
printf("%d ", array[i]);
free(array); /* you sould free the malloced pointer or you will have a memory leak */
return 0;

Filling array in C by using functions

Okay, so I am calling function fill_arrays like this:
fill_arrays(&data1, &data2, &size1, &size2);
fill_arrays looks like this:
void fill_arrays(int **data1, int **data2, int *size1, int *size2){
*size1 = get_size(*size1, 1);
*size2 = get_size(*size2, 2);
*data1 = malloc(*size1 * sizeof(int *));
*data2 = malloc(*size2 * sizeof(int *));
input_data(&data1, *size1, 1);
In input_data function I would like to assign some numbers to an array:
void input_data(int **data, int size, int index){
*data[5] = 5;
The problem is, I am completely lost with pointers... Maybe you can tell me how should I call function input_data in order to be able to assign some numbers to data array?
Assuming that input_data should set all array values to a known value, you could write
void input_data(int *data, int size, int value){
for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
data[i] = value;
calling this like
input_data(*data1, *size1, 5); // set all elements of data1 to 5
The key point here is that you can use (*data1)[index] to access a particular array element and can pass your arrays as int* arguments.
I stumbled upon this question while doing a homework assignment and the answer doesn't strike me as entirely satisfactory, so I'll try to improve upon it.
Here is a small program that will establish an array of a user-defined size, fill it arbitrarily, and print it.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void fill_array(int *array, int n)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
// fill array like [1, 2, 3, 4...]
array[i] = i+1;
void print_array(int *array, int n)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (i == (n-1))
printf("%d]\n", array[i]);
printf("%d, ", array[i]);
int main()
int n;
printf("Please enter a size for your array>");
scanf("%d", &n);
// dynamically allocate memory for integer array of size n
array = (int*) malloc (n * (sizeof(int)));
fill_array(array, n);
print_array(array, n);
return 0;
I hope this helps anyone who is learning C for the first time, or coming back to it after years away from the tried and true language, like me.
It seems you should also add int *array = NULL in order to get it working.
