Building a container with debootstrap - arm

I'm trying to create a LXC container (lxc-create) and I get this error:
E: Invalid Release file, no entry for main/binary-armhf/Packages
any way to fix this?
This is what happens:
root#raspberrypi:/home/pi# lxc-create -n myfirstcontainer -t debian
Note: Usually the template option is called with a configuration file option too, mostly to configure the network. For more information look at lxc.conf (5)
Downloading minimal system...
I: Retrieving Release
W: Cannot check Release signature; keyring file not available /usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg
E: Invalid Release file, no entry for main/binary-armhf/Packages
Failed to download the rootfs, aborting.
Failed to download base system
failed to install system
failed to execute template 'debian'


Error: chaincode install failed with status: 500

I have created a chaincode and I am trying to install it on the peer organization. I am able to package the chaincode on the peer organization but when it turns to install phase, I got error message:
Error: chaincode install failed with status: 500 - failed to invoke backing implementation of 'InstallChaincode': could not build chaincode: docker build failed: docker image build failed: docker build failed: Error returned from build: 2
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-alpine-linux-musl/9.2.0/../../../../x86_64-alpine-linux-musl/bin/ld: cannot find -lpbc
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-alpine-linux-musl/9.2.0/../../../../x86_64-alpine-linux-musl/bin/ld: cannot find -lgmp
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
I am using Nik-U's go wrapper of the PBC library Nik-U pbc. In his homepage, description shows:
This package must be compiled using cgo. It also requires the installation of GMP and PBC. During the build process, this package will attempt to include <gmp.h> and <pbc/pbc.h>, and then dynamically link to GMP and PBC.
Here's what I have tried:
I have manually configured the GMP and PBC under the Nik-U's directory and changed all the addresses of <gmp.h> and <pbc.h> to the right location.
I have tried to use command ln -s /usr/local/lib/ and ln -s /usr/local/lib/ to create link library files, but it shows the same error message.
As the Nik-U wrapper uses cgo, I changed the sentence in c.go file from #cgo LDFLAGS: -lpbc -lgmp to #cgo LDFLAGS: -L/usr/local/lib -lpbc -lgmp. Inside the /usr/loca/lib there are: libgmp.a libpbc.a This change did not work. I still got the same error message.
I copied all files of the directory /usr/local/lib to the same directory of the docker container using command docker cp **.so containerName:/usr/local/lib/. It does not work.
Here are what I doubt that may be the problem:
I am using go.mod file to manage all dependencies but the go.mod does not manage the original PBC library and GMP library. However, I do not know how to use go module to manage these two libraries (written in C?).
Nik-U's pbc wrapper has to link PBC and GMP libraries dynamically, which is why my efforts to manually configure and install them in the subdirectory, and change the include information such as from #include <pbc/pbc.h> to #include <pbc-0.5.14/include/pbc.h> of no use.
Can anybody help..
In hyperledger fabric, chaincode is executed in the form of sandbox based on virtual environment. In other words, it is not executed in the peer, but in a new docker container.
Even if you move the *.so file to the peer, it seems that a cannot find error has occurred because the newly created chaincode does not import it.
To solve this, two tasks are required.
1. import library to fabric-ccenv docker image
The go chaincode container of the fabric occurs in the image of fabric-ccenv. Based on the fabric-ccenv image, create a new image with your library embedded
FROM fabric-ccenv:<your_fabric_tag>
COPY <your_src_library_path> <your_target_library_path>
docker build -f <your_dockerfile> -t fabric-ccenv:<your_new_fabric_tag>
2. Change core.yaml of fabric-peer
You have to change the peer's configuration. That is, set the configuration for chaincode in core.yaml.
You can set information about fabric-ccenv in the builder item of chaincode. Change this value to the value of your image created in step 1 above.
#builder: $(DOCKER_NS)/fabric-ccenv:$(TWO_DIGIT_VERSION)
builder: $(DOCKER_NS)/fabric-ccenv:<your_new_fabric_tag>
pull: false
runtime: $(DOCKER_NS)/fabric-baseos:$(TWO_DIGIT_VERSION)
dynamicLink: false

JVM error while installing clearcase

I am unable to install ClearCase version 8.0.3 in RHEL7.
I have installed all the dependencies, and yet it still shows error.
While doing ./ under the path /Clearcase/Setup/disk1/, it opens in Mozilla and shows the added error.
JVM error while installing clearcase
When I install through /Clearcase/Agent/ with ./install, it installs version 1.7.2 and does not shows list of versions when I click on show all versions.
How can I get pass this error message?
It depends on the exact error you have.
For instance, following this technote, you could see: script generates this error:
JVM Terminated. Exit Code=1
Clicking Close on the GUI pop-up window then reports this error:
Error loading: /cc71bin/disk1/InstallerImage_linux/jre_5.0.3.sr8a_20080811b/jre/bin/classic/
cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied
That is because:
This might occur if Secure Linux (SELinux) is enabled.
To disable SELinux:
Edit the file /etc/selinux/config.
Change the line "SELINUX=enforcing" to "SELINUX=disable" or "SELINUX=permissive", and then reboot the machine.

R Missing Package error when uploading to

My Shiny program works fine locally on my PC (Windows 8, RStudio 0.99.489) but not when I upload it to . I've tried 2 ways of packaging the data for upload - saveRDS on each object and save.image on the entire environment. Either way, when I upload it to I get:
Preparing to deploy application...DONE
Uploading bundle for application: 77966...DONE
Deploying bundle: 350891 for application: 77966 ...
Waiting for task: 132618597
building: Parsing manifest
building: Building image: 344796
building: Installing packages
################################ Begin Task Log ################################
[2016-01-16T22:19:45.818533554+0000] Installing R package: magrittr (1.5)
Error in library(stylo) : there is no package called �stylo�
Execution halted
################################# End Task Log #################################
Error: Unhandled Exception: Child Task 132618599 failed: Error building image: Build exited with non-zero status: 1
Execution halted
It seems that Shiny isn't aware of the Stylo package. I tried to install it in my code, but that didn't help.
1. Does Shiny have all R packages?
2. If not, is there a list of which packages are available?
Thanks very much.
Are you including the stylo package at the top of your server.R file via library("stylo")? If you are doing that and it's giving you the error, try using require("stylo") instead.
From the docs, the rsconnect package is supposed to automatically detect what packages are necessary for your app. Probably worth a read (if you haven't already) just to be sure you're following everything correctly in order for rsconnect to do its job.
I solved the problem by doing a clean build of my environment -- imported data tables and functions from RDS files only, and carefully avoided references to unnecessary packages. I recreated the one function I needed from Stylo locally, so that I could be certain I wouldn't require it.

Getting error when sending application to codename one build server

I have not done any build on the server before, but I have created numerous applications on my system. When trying to send this particular application to the build server, it was giving error on netbeans. This was the error I was getting:
Updating property file: C:\Users\Olubori\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Interview\build\
Deleting directory C:\Users\Olubori\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Interview\build
Deleting directory C:\Users\Olubori\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Interview\lib\impl
Created dir: C:\Users\Olubori\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Interview\build\classes
Updating property file: C:\Users\Olubori\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Interview\build\
Compile is forcing compliance to the supported API's/features for maximum device compatibility. This allows smaller code size and wider device support
Created dir: C:\Users\Olubori\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Interview\build\tmp
Compiling 1 source file to C:\Users\Olubori\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Interview\build\tmp
Created dir: C:\Users\Olubori\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Interview\build\empty
Compiling 1 source file to C:\Users\Olubori\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Interview\build\classes
warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.5
1 warning
Copying 1 file to C:\Users\Olubori\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Interview\build\classes
Created dir: C:\Users\Olubori\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Interview\dist
Copying 1 file to C:\Users\Olubori\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Interview\build
C:\Users\Olubori\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Interview\nbproject\build-impl.xml:990: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Users\Olubori\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Interview\nbproject\build-impl.xml:834: copylibs doesn't support the "excludeFromCopy" attribute.
BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)
What could be the cause and how will I solve it?
Just remove that attribute from the XML build file, its a NetBeans bug:

Integrating Active Directory with Plone 4

How do you integrate Active Directory with Plone 4 on Ubuntu? I have searched the Internet up and down and cannot get this to work!!
All I know is that all you have to do is add "" in your buildout.cfg file and that will install the add-ons. However, every time I do this I get an error message. I have installed python-ldap 2.3.11 from the Ubuntu repos but yet I still get an error when I run bin/buildout.
When I run bin/buildount it starts Getting distribution for 'python-ldap>=2.0.6'. I don't understand why does it have to do that when I already have python-ldap installed and tested successfully!
I have Python 2.6.
Here is the message I get when I execute bin/buildout:
Getting distribution for 'python-ldap>=2.0.6'.
extra_compile_args: -g
include_dirs: /opt/openldap-RE24/include /usr/include/sasl
library_dirs: /opt/openldap-RE24/lib
libs: ldap_r lber sasl2 ssl crypto
file Lib/ (for module ldap) not found
file Lib/ldap/ (for module ldap.controls) not found
file Lib/ldap/ (for module ldap.extop) not found
file Lib/ldap/ (for module ldap.schema) not found
warning: no files found matching 'Makefile'
warning: no files found matching 'Modules/LICENSE'
file Lib/ (for module ldap) not found
file Lib/ldap/ (for module ldap.controls) not found
file Lib/ldap/ (for module ldap.extop) not found
file Lib/ldap/ (for module ldap.schema) not found
file Lib/ (for module ldap) not found
file Lib/ldap/ (for module ldap.controls) not found
file Lib/ldap/ (for module ldap.extop) not found
file Lib/ldap/ (for module ldap.schema) not found
In file included from Modules/LDAPObject.c:9:0:
Modules/errors.h:8:18: fatal error: lber.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
error: Setup script exited with error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
An error occured when trying to install python-ldap 2.4.3. Look above this message for any errors that were output by easy_install.
Installing instance.
Getting distribution for 'python-ldap>=2.0.6'.
Error: Couldn't install: python-ldap 2.4.3
*************** PICKED VERSIONS ****************
[versions] = 1.2.6
#Required by:
#Products.PloneLDAP 1.1
Products.LDAPMultiPlugins = 1.14
#Required by:
#Products.PloneLDAP 1.1
Products.LDAPUserFolder = 2.20
#Required by: 1.2.6
Products.PloneLDAP = 1.1
#Required by:
#Products.LDAPUserFolder 2.20
dataflake.ldapconnection = 1.2
*************** /PICKED VERSIONS ***************
Please advise.
Now that you've actually included the error, it turns out this is a whole different issue. You can't build python-ldap without having the LDAP development package avialable. On any debian based system, such as ubuntu, you can use the excellent deb package metadata to do this for you.
$ sudo apt-get build-dep python-ldap
