Displaying Dates Correctly for JQSuite JQChart - datetime-format

I'm trying to format a JQSuite JQChart to display the date correctly on the X-Axis. The select statement is returning datetime data (including milliseconds). I just want to plot the date in a format like "yy/mm/dd".
Doing something like this only displays times:
->setxAxis(array("title"=>array("text"=>"Maturity Date"), "type"=>"datetime"))
Adding this loses any labels:
"tickInterval"=> 7*24*3600*1000))
Has anybody solved this problem?

Ok, I figured this out. You must send a Unix timestamp, i.e. seconds after Jan 1, 1970, to the grid, instead of a SQL datetime type.


Sort by date in Looker Studio (DataStudio)

so I am facing this issue with sorting the data, in the table, by the date. The thing is that I had to change format so that I can see the all together Day of Week, Date, Hour, Minute.
FORMAT_DATETIME("%a %d.%m.%y. %H:%M",MY DATE)
which caused that the sorting is now done alphabetically and the variable is treated as a text and not a date anymore.
enter image description here
Is there any way to include all information and be able to sort by date?
In the Looker Studio documentation (https://support.google.com/looker-studio/answer/9730334?hl=en) we find that FORMAT_DATETIME converts a date to formatted text.
Try to use PARSE_DATETIME (converts text to a date with time)
If you don't have the seconds part simulate them PARSE_DATETIME('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', CONCAT(DT_ATTRIBUTE, ':00'))

Can time series settings in Google Data Studio change depending on date format?

I have a table with column "date" in YYYY-MM-DD format HH:MM:SS:MMM (2015-01-27 11:22:03:742). I'm trying to make a time series with the dimension of month/year grouping, to display the total number of records by period.
period dimension: date (type: date and time)
period: date (type: year and month)
metric: record count
My time graph doesn't display anything. Can someone help me identify what's going on?
formatDate is the column created with the expression:
PARSE_DATETIME("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",REGEXP_EXTRACT( create_date,"(.*):[0-9]*"))
Using the date in its standard format, as mentioned at the beginning of the question, the same happens.
When entering dates (original and formatted), both appear with null values.
The milliseconds have to be separated by a . not a :. An option is to import your date a as string/text and add a calculated field, which parse the string in Data Studio:
PARSE_DATETIME("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",REGEXP_EXTRACT( data_field,"(.*):[0-9]*"))
If the dates are several years in the past, please adjust the Default date range in your graph:
I leave the solution to my problem to the community.
The problem is in the date format. Failed to get Google Data Studio to receive a date with milliseconds. By removing the milliseconds it was possible to work with the dates normally, managing to apply the available functions.
Note: It may be a knowledge limitation, but none of the date formatting functions work if the datetime field contains milliseconds (FORMAT_DATETIME, PARSE_DATETIME,...)

Snowflake date_trunc to remove time from date

I have snowflake column which contains date in yyyy-mm-dd hh:MM:ss format.
I use the below function
date_trunc('DAY', '2019-09-23 12:33:25')
Output : 2019-09-23 00:00:00
Expected as per documentation : 2019-09-23
Is it a bug or is there any other way to remove the time component altogether ?
Depending on what you're wanting to do with the date, having a midnight time is fine.
If you really must get rid of it, this will work:
cast(date_trunc('DAY', '2019-09-23 12:33:25') as date)
date_trunc as the documentation say, truncates a timestamp to values on different grain. But the result is still a timestamp, thus the output format.
if you want just the truncated date, casting to date as cmcau mentions is a simple way to go. But if you are casting to date there is no need to truncate as they are the same value, thus '2019-09-23 12:33:25'::date should be all you need.
In certain environments like Mode Analytics, casting to date like some of the other answers mention still displays a 00:00:00 on the end. If this is the case and you are only using the date for display purposes, you can take your truncated date and cast it to varchar instead like this: '2019-09-23 12:33:25'::date::varchar
Note, I would only recommend this if the other answers are not working for you.

Creating composite dates from individual year, month, and day in Google Data Studio

I need to create a YYYYMM format computed column for defining a date in Data Studio since our data is held in separate year, month, and day columns. Unfortunately our the month and day fields are not left zero-padded so a simple concat will not work.
The formula I'm using still uses concat, but also uses todate to parse the hyphenated date string into the compatible format.
TODATE(CONCAT(systems.added_year, CONCAT('-', concat(systems.added_month, concat('-', systems.added_day)))), 'DEFAULT_DASH', '%Y%m')
The problem I'm running into, is that Data Studio doesn't seem to correctly recognize the resultant value, even though it seems to be correct. I'm not sure why, but the YYYYMM field seems to one-month behind even though the result of the calculated field looks correct.
In fact it seems 1-day behind, if I show YYYYMMDD the displayed value is the last day of the previous month.
Here is a screenshot showing the component elements, a string version of the calculated field, and then a Date(YYYYMM) version of the calculated field.
Looks like a bug with the output format. As a workaround, you could output as a full date and then change the column format to YYYYMM.
TODATE(CONCAT(year, CONCAT('-', CONCAT(month, CONCAT('-', day)))), 'DEFAULT_DASH', '%Y-%m-%d')
You could also use '-01' as the last segment.

How to display time in HH:MM format?

How to display a time HH:MM format?
Using SQL 2000
In my Database time column datatype is varchar
Here I want to take only 08:00, 09:00, 214:23
How to make a query for this condition?
Whilst you could choose to turn the varchar into a datetime and format it there, assuming you do not want rounding, you could could shortcut the process. (Assuming the time format in the varchar is consistent)
select left('08:00:00',5)
Edit : Question altered, now I would use
select substring('243:00:00', 1, len('243:00:00') - 3)
and replace the value I used with the appropriate field
Cheap and cheerful.
I think Andrew was onto a correct solution, just didn't address all of the possibilities:
should trim off the last 3 characters.
Now, if you want to round up, that's another story....
