Accessing / Setting Angular Cookie to interact with ServiceStack - angularjs

I am working in a Windows Auth environment, and have created a Cookie in Angular to hold the currently logged in user's fullname:["$cookies", "UserService", function($cookies, userService) {
userService.getUser().then(function(user) {
$cookies["ss-id"] =;
console.log($cookies["ss-id"]); // Outputs: BiffBaffBoff (correct!)
Then when I try and access this cookie on the Server, inside my Service (It's hosted on a different server if that helps?), the cookie is null:
Cookie cookie;
Request.Cookies.TryGetValue(SessionFeature.SessionId, out cookie);
if (cookie == null)
throw new ArgumentException("User not found!");
I think I am missing a step, perhaps passing this cookie value along in the header when I make the service call? FYI, here is how I am making the service call:
var createReturn = function (returnObj) {
return $, returnObj);

Something similar happened to me, but the other way,setting up a cookie in the server and when I tried to read in the client it was always null, I think you need to configure SS to be able to create non HttpOnly cookies.
try to put this setting in your host configuration:
Config.AllowNonHttpOnlyCookies = true;
As far I know you wanted to access an OOB auth cookie, I'm not quite sure if that cookie is only available in the server side, if that's the case try to create another cookie with the information you want to share between the client in the server and set the HttpOnly = false, that worked for me and it's something like that:
var resp =service.RequestContext.Get<IHttpResponse>();
resp.Cookies.AddCookie(new Cookie { Name = "r", Path = "/", Value = "from server", HttpOnly = false, Discard = false, Expires = DateTime.Now.AddHours(12) });
I hope that helps


Backbone collection with CORS but no credentials

I have an app made with backbone. When collections try to sync, I get the following error:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://someserver/menu.json. The value of
the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header in the response must not be
the wildcard '*' when the request's credentials mode is 'include'.
Origin '' is therefore not allowed access.
The credentials mode of requests initiated by the XMLHttpRequest is
controlled by the withCredentials attribute.
The collections just specify model and url, and have a simple parse.
I've try to override the sync method, as follows:
(function() {
var proxiedSync = Backbone.sync;
Backbone.sync = function(method, model, options) {
options || (options = {});
if (!options.crossDomain) {
options.crossDomain = true;
if (!options.xhrFields) {
options.xhrFields = {withCredentials:true};
return proxiedSync(method, model, options);
I run this function when app initialize. However, the error remains the same. I've tried different combinations (withCredentials:false, removing the line withCredentials etc) with no success.
The services are configured to serve '*'.
Is there a different way to tackle this problem?
Reconfiguring services or disabling browser security is not an option.
Your code will only execute if xhrFields is empty, maybe it is not.
Try something like
if (!options.xhrFields) {
options.xhrFields = {};
options.xhrFields.withCredentials = false;
This will only solve the problem temporarily. In a real application you will need the credentials, and you should add a whitelist of domains in server to actually solve the problem

share cookies between subdomains using express/angularjs

I've been trying to accomplish this task for quite some time but haven't got any breakthrough yet. I would be really thankful if anyone can help me out in this.
Current Situation:
I've two applications that I'm running in two sub-domains as
st.localhost:8080 and acm.localhost:8080
When a user tries to access either of the URLs, I search for a cookie named 'auth' using Angular $cookies service. If the cookie is defined or present, the user is redirected to original application. However, if the cookie is undefined, user is redirected to a login page(the login page resides in both the applications).
From the login page, after successful credentials check, I set the 'auth' cookie again with a random value. This cookie is supposed to be shared between the two sub-domains.
var express = require('express');
var httpProxy = require('http-proxy');
var vhost = require('vhost');
var app = express();
var proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer();
app.get('/login', function(req, res) {
var randomNumber=Math.random().toString();
var expireDate = new Date();
expireDate.setDate(expireDate.getDate() + 1);
res.cookie('auth', randomNumber, { maxAge: 90000000, domain: 'localhost', httpOnly: false });
console.log('cookie created successfully');
res.send('Login successful');
app.use('/api', function(req, res) {
req.headers[ 'Authorization' ] = 'Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==';
console.log("Request cookies: " + req.cookie);
proxy.web(req, res, { target: 'restApiTarget' });
// ST application
app.use(vhost('st.localhost', express.static('./st')));
// ACM application
app.use(vhost('acm.localhost', express.static('./acm')));
app.listen(8080, function () {
console.log('Fweb server running on port 8080!');
Below login function is shared by both ST and ACM applications
$scope.login = function(formValid){
$scope.incorrectCredentials = false;
params: {
username: $scope.username,
password: $scope.password
headers : {
'Accept' : 'application/json'
$scope.incorrectCredentials = false;
var obj = $cookies.getObject('auth');
console.log("auth is: " + obj);
}, function(response){
$scope.incorrectCredentials = true;
Express is able to successfully create the cookie 'auth' as I can see the Set-Cookie header in the /login service response. However, the browser is not attaching this cookie to the subsequent API requests that I'm making from my application(say st.localhost). I'm not able to read this cookie through Angular as well.
var obj = $cookies.getObject('auth');
console.log("auth is: " + obj);
results in obj being undefined.
I've a feeling that there is something wrong in the way I'm setting the domain of the cookie as 'localhost' from one of the sub-domains.
Any suggestions on what I may be doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
This is the second time I'm providing an answer to my own question. I guess I need to be more patient next time onwards before posting a question. Anyways, I hope this answer is helpful for people who are stuck in a similar situation like I was.
Firstly, I found out that it is possible to share a cookie between subdomains even if you create it in one of the subdomains. However, there were some posts/answers which said otherwise.
What one needs to do while creating a cookie in one of the subdomains is that the parameter 'domain' needs to be set as the parent domain value. For example, if you are creating a cookie in say then while setting a sharable cookie in it, the 'domain' parameter must be set as '.testserver'.
However, if your parent domain is also the Top Level Domain(TLD), then you won't be able to create a shared cookie in the subdomain. This is exactly what was happening to me earlier when I posted this question.
When I was using st.localhost and trying to create a cookie with 'domain' as '.localhost', it wasn't allowing me to do so because localhost here is the TLD. But when I renamed my domain name to, I was able to create the cookie with 'domain' as '' because it wasn't the TLD anymore.
I hope someone can validate this answer once and let me know if I provided any incorrect information.
Cookies is domain specific , if you want access across domain, you need to use some cross store like cross-storage etc.

$rootScope behaviour in angularJs

I am storing authentication token in $rootScope . This token will be sent as part of header in every request via interceptor.
Interceptor code is as below :-
var bpInterceptor = function($q,$rootScope){
return {
request : function(config){
if($rootScope.jwtToken !== undefined){
config.headers.Authorization = $rootScope.jwtToken.token;
return config;
Q) Does $rootScope have different object for two browser sessions?
Angular code is executed client side only, so any state will disappear once you reload the page.
If you want to keep information between two user session, you have many options:
Keep that info in the URL using $location or location
Store that info in localStorage and retrieve it next time
Persist the information server side and query your server to get it back
Once you get your token you can do:
localStorage.setItem('myToken', $rootScope.jwtToken);
And when you load your application, check if a token has been stored:
$rootScope.jwtToken = localStorage.getItem('myToken');

AngularJS - calling a webservice with authentication

I am making a web service call using -
Note -
1) I am dynamically creating the url with query strings.
2) When i type the url in the address bar, it asks for login credentials.
Question -
1) How to add the login credentials in the url, while i am creating it dynamically? I know this is a not a good idea, is there a better way to deal with this situation?
2) I am getting the data from the $http call. Is it because i have logged in once before and the same session is continuing?
Is it standard HTTP credentials? If so, you can use the config flag
withCredentials - {boolean} - whether to set the withCredentials flag on the XHR object. See requests with credentials for more information.
Your service:
app.service('myService', ['$http', function($http){
var service = {};
service.getUrlWithCredentials = function(url){
return $http(url,
withCredentials : true
return serivce;
Taken from:$http

How do I handle Token Authentication with AngularJS and Restangular?

I have an angular app that uses Restangular and ui.router.state.
This is what I am currently doing
I have an Endpoint /Token that accepts a username/pass and gives
back a bearer token and some user info.
On successful login I save off the userinfo and token into a global var, user.current and I also set Restangular's default headers to include the bearer token:
Restangular.setDefaultHeaders({Authorization: "Bearer " + data.access_token});
When a user wants to access a route that has requiredAuth = true (set in the routeprovider as custom data like Access routeProvider's route properties) I check the user.current to see if its set.
a. If user.current is set, take them to the route.
b. If user.current is null or if the token would be expired (based on time) send them to /login
If I Ctrl+R I lose my user info and the user has to log in again.
a. Should I be saving off the bearer token or credentials into a cookie or something and have a user service try to grab that in the event that user.current == null?
Am I even approaching this right? Seems like something that literally 100% of people using AngularJS would want to do, yet, I can't find an example that aligns with my situation. Seems like Angular would have mechanisms built in to handle some of this auth routing business...
When do I need to be getting a new token/verifying the current one? Do I just let anyone with devtools set something like isAuthorized = true so they can get to /admin/importantThings but then let the calls to /api/important things fail because they don't have a valid bearer token or should I be verifying that they have a valid token before I even let them get to that route?
You could put it in localStorage (always kept) or sessionStorage (cleared when browser is closed). Cookies are technically also a possibility, but don't fit your use case that well (your back end checks a separate header and not a cookie)
I guess there are many ways to skin a cat.
Always depend on server-side checks. Client-side checks might offer some increased usability, but you can never depend on them. If you have a lot of buttons that result in going to a login screen, it will be faster if you keep the client-side check. If this is more the exception than the rule, you could instead redirect to the login page when you get a 401 Unauthorized when calling your back end.
Here is an example of how you can manage your token:
/* global angular */
'use strict';
(function() {
angular.module('app').factory('authToken', ['$window', function($window) {
var storage = $window.localStorage;
var cachedToken;
var userToken = 'userToken';
var authToken = {
setToken: function(token) {
cachedToken = token;
storage.setItem(userToken, token);
getToken: function() {
if (!cachedToken) {
cachedToken = storage.getItem(userToken);
return cachedToken;
isAuthenticated: function() {
return !!authToken.getToken();
removeToken: function() {
cachedToken = null;
return authToken;
As you can see I use "$window.localStorage" to store my token. Like "Peter Herroelen" said in hist post.
