How would I achieve this using Google App Engine Datastore? - google-app-engine

I am a beginner to Datastore and I am wondering how I should use it to achieve what I want to do.
For example, my app needs to keep track of customers and all their purchases.
Coming from relational database, I can achieve this by creating [Customers] and [Purchases] table.
In Datastore, I can make [Customers] and [Purchases] kinds.
Where I am struggling is the structure of the [Purchases] kind.
If I make [Purchases] as the child of [Customers] kind, would there be one entity in [Customers] and one entity in [Purchases] that share the same key? Does this mean inside of this [Purchases] entity, I would have a property that just keeps increasing for each purchase they make?
Or would I have one [Purchases] entity for each purchase they make and in each of these entities I would have a property that points to a entity in [Customers] kind?
How does Datastore perform in these scenarios?

Sounds like you don't fully understand ancestors. Let's go with the non-ancestor version first, which is a legitimate way to go:
class Customer(ndb.Model):
# customer data fields
name = ndb.StringProperty()
class Purchase(ndb.Model):
customer = ndb.KeyProperty(kind=Customer)
# purchase data fields
price = ndb.IntegerProperty
This is the basic way to go. You'll have one entity in the datastore for each customer. You'll have one entity in the datastore for each purchase, with a keyproperty that points to the customer.
IF you have a purchase, and need to find the associated customer, it's right there.
If you have a Customer, you can issue a query to find all the purchases that belong to the customer:
In this case, whenever you write either a customer or purchase entity, the GAE datastore will write that entity any one of the datastore machines running in the cloud that's not busy. You can have really high write throughput this way. However, when you query for all the purchases of a given customer, you just read back the most current data in the indexes. If a new purchase was added, but the indexes not updated yet, then you may get stale data (eventual consistency). You're stuck with this behavior unless you use ancestors.
Now as for the ancestor version. The basic concept is essentially the same. You still have a customer entity, and separate entities for each purchase. The purchase is NOT part of the customer entity. However, when you create a purchase using a customer as an ancestor, it (roughly) means that the purchase is stored on the same machine in the datastore that the customer entity was stored on. In this case, your write performance is limited to the performance of that one machine, and is advertised as one write per second. As a benefit though, you can can query that machine using an ancestor query and get an up-to-date list of all the purchases of a given customer.
The syntax for using ancestors is a bit different. The customer part is the same. However, when you create purchases, you'd create it as:
purchase1 = Purchase(ancestor=customer_entity.key)
purchase2 = Purchase(ancestor=customer_entity.key)
This example creates two separate purchase entities. Each purchase will have a different key, and the customer has its own key as well. However, each purchase key will have the customer_entity's key embedded in it. So you can think of the purchase key being twice as long. However, you don't need to keep a separate KeyProperty() for the customer anymore, since you can find it in the purchases key.
class Purchase(ndb.Model):
# you don't need a KeyProperty for the customer anymore
# purchase data fields
price = ndb.IntegerProperty
And in order to query for all the purchases of a given customer:
The actual of structure of the entities don't change much, mostly the syntax. But the ancestor queries are fully consistent.
The third option that you kinda describe is not recommended. I'm just including it for completeness. It's a bit confusing, and would go something like this:
class Purchase(ndb.Model):
# purchase data fields
price = ndb.IntegerProperty()
class Customer(ndb.Model):
purchases = ndb.StructuredProperty(Purchase, repeated=True)
This is a special case which uses ndb.StructuredProperty. In this case, you will only have a single Customer entity in the datastore. While there's a class for purchases, your purchases won't get stored as separate entities - they'll just be stored as data within the Customer entity.
There may be a couple of reasons to do this. You're only dealing with one entity, so your data fetch will be fully-consistent. You also have reduced write costs when you have to update a bunch of purchases, since you're only writing a single entity. And you can still query on the properties of the Purchase class. However, this was designed for only having a limited number or repeated objects, not hundreds or thousands. And each entity is limited to ta total size of 1MB, so you'll eventually hit that and you won't be able to add more purchases.

(from your personal tags I assume you are a java guy, using GAE+java)
First, don't use the ancestor relationships - this has a special purpose to define the transaction scope (aka Entity Groups). It comes with several limitations and should not be used for normal relationships between entities.
Second, do use an ORM instead of low-level API: my personal favourite is objectify. GAE also offers JDO or JPA.
In GAE relations between entities are simply created by storing a reference (a Key) to an entity inside another entity.
In your case there are two possibilities to create one-to-many relationship between Customer and it's Purchases.
public class Customer {
public Long customerId; // 'Long' identifiers are autogenerated
// first option: parent-to-children references
public List<Key<Purchase>> purchases; // one-to-many parent-to-child
public class Purchase {
public Long purchaseId;
// option two: child-to-parent reference
public Key<Customer> customer;
Whether you use option 1 or option 2 (or both) depends on how you plane to access the data. The difference is whether you use get or query. The difference between two is in cost and speed, get being always faster and cheaper.
Note: references in GAE Datastore are manual, there is no referential integrity: deleting one part of a relationship will produce no warning/error from Datastore. When you remove entities it's up to your code to fix references - use transactions to update two entities consistently (hint: no need to use Entity Groups - to update two entities in a transaction you can use XG transactions, enabled by default in objectify).

I think the best approach in this specific case would be to use a parent structure.
class Customer(ndb.Model):
class Purchase(ndb.Model):
customer = Customer()
customer_key = customer.put()
purchase = Purchase(parent=customer_key)
You could then get all purchases of a customer using
purchases = Purchase.query(ancestor=customer_key)
or get the customer who bough the purchase using
customer = purchase.key.parent().get()
It might be a good idea to keep track of the purchase count indeed when you use that value a lot.
You could do that using a _pre_put_hook or _post_put_hook
class Customer(ndb.Model):
count = ndb.IntegerProperty()
class Purchase(ndb.Model):
def _post_put_hook(self):
# TODO check whether this is a new entity.
customer = self.key.parent().get()
customer.count += 1
It would also be good practice to do this action in a transacion, so the count is reset when putting the purchase fails and the other way around.
def save_purchase(purchase):


GAE datastore index vs normalisation

Given below entity in google app engine datastore, is it better to define index on reportingIds or define a separate entity which has only personId and reportingIds fields? Based on the documentation I understood, defining index results in increase of count of operations against datastore quota.
Below are entities in GAE Go. My code needs to scan through Person entities frequently. It needs to limit its scan to Person entity that has at least 1 reporting person. 2 approaches I see. Define index on reportingIds and Query by specifying filters. Create/Update PersonWithReporters entity when ever a Person gets a new reporting person. In the second case, my code needs to iterate through all the entities in PersonWithReporters and need not construct any index/query. I can iterate using Key which is always guaranteed to have the latest data. Not sure which approach is beneficial considering datastore operation counts against quota limit.
type Person struct {
Id string //unique person id
//many other personal details, his personal settings etc
reportingIds []string //ids of the Person this guy manages
type PersonWithReporters struct {
Id string //Person managing reportees
reportingIds []string //ids of the Person this guy manages
A approach with a separate entity gives you two advantages.
As you have already mentioned, you don't need to index/query all Person entities.
Every time a Person gets a new reporting person, you will create a new entity, which may be significantly cheaper than updating a Person entity which has many other properties, some of which, presumably, are indexed.
Your approach with a separate entity is also not ideal. When you index a property with multiple values, under the hood the Datastore creates an index entry for each value. So, when you add reporting person number 3 to this entity, you have to update 3 index entries instead of 1.
You can optimize your data model even further by creating a Reporter entity with no properties! Every time a new reporting person is added, you create this Reporter entity with ID set to the ID of a reporting person, and make it a child entity of a Person entity representing a person to whom this reporter reports.
Now, when you need to iterate through all persons with someone reporting to them, you run a simple query on this Reporter entity - no filters. This query can be set to keys-only (there is nothing than a key in this entity anyway, but keys-only queries are treated differently - they are basically free).
For every entity returned by this query you retrieve its key, and this key contains an ID (which is an ID of a reporting person), and a parent key, which includes an ID of a person who this reporter reports to.
Unless AppEngine's datastore in Go is very different to how it works in Java or Python you cannot index an array natively - So option 1 is out of the question, and so is option 2.
I suggest option three, which is to define a
type PersonWithReporters {
Id string // concatenate(managing_Person_id, separator, reporter_Person_id) to avoid id collisions
reportingId string; // indexed
managingId string; // probably indexed as well
You would create multiple of these entities instead of a single entity with an array. Also you add an index on reportingId. Now you can create a filter query on this entity and should be able to retrieve the desired information.
I would worry more about performance and not too much about the quota limits, they are pretty high. Just implement it, see how it works and whether quota is your main concern here.

creating a compound or composite key on google app engine

I have two models:
Car(ndb.Model) and Branch(ndb.Model) each with a key method.
def car_key(cls, company_name, car_registration_id):
if not (company_name.isalnum() and car_registration_id.isalnum()):
raise ValueError("Company & car_registration_id must be alphanumeric")
key_name = company_name + "-" + car_registration_id
return ndb.Key("Car", key_name)
Branch Key:
def branch_key(cls, company_name, branch_name):
if not (company_name.isalnum() and branch_name.isalnum()):
raise ValueError("Company & Branch names must be alphanumeric")
key_name = company_name + "-" + branch_name
return ndb.Key("Branch", key_name)
However I'm thinking this is a bit ugly and not really how you're supposed to use keys.
(the car registration is unique to a car but sometimes one company may sell a car to another company and also cars move between branches).
Since a company may many cars or many branches, I suppose I don't want large entity groups because you can only write to an entity group once per second.
How should I define my keys?
e.g. I'm considering car_key = ndb.Key("Car", car_reg_id, "Company", company_name)
since it's unlikely for a car to have many companies so the entity group wont be too big.
However I'm not sure what to do about the branch key since many companies may have the same branch name, and many branches may have the same company.
You've rightly identified that ancestor relationships in GAE should not be based on the logical structure of your data.
They need to be based on the transactional behavior of your application. Ancestors make your life difficult. For example, once you use a compound key, you won't be able to fetch that entity by key unless you happen to know all the elements of the key. If you knew the Car id, you wouldn't be able to fetch it without also knowing the other component.
Consider what queries you would need to have strong consistency for. If you do happen to need strong consistency when querying all the cars in a given branch, then you should consider using that as an ancestor.
Consider what operations need to be done in a transaction, that's another good reason for using an entity group.
Keep in mind also, you might not need any entity group at all (probably the answer for your situation).
Or, on the flip side, you might need an entity group that might not exactly fit any logical conceptual model, but the ancestor might be an entity that exists purely to exists because you need an ancestor for a certain transaction.

de-normalizing data model: django/sql -> app engine

I'm just starting to get my head around non-relational databases, so I'd like to ask some help with converting these traditional SQL/django models into Google App Engine model(s).
The example is for event listings, where each event has a category, belongs to a venue, and a venue has a number of photos attached to it.
In django, I would model the data like this:
class Event(models.Model)
title = models.CharField()
start = models.DatetimeField()
category = models.ForeignKey(Category)
venue = models.ForeignKey(Venue)
class Category(models.Model):
name= models.CharField()
class Venue (models.Model):
name = models.CharField()
address = models.CharField()
class Photo(models.Model):
venue = models.ForeignKey(Venue)
source = models.CharField()
How would I accomplish the equivalent with App Engine models?
There's nothing here that must be de-normalized to work with App Engine. You can change ForeignKey to ReferenceProperty, CharField to StringProperty and DatetimeField to DateTimeProperty and be done. It might be more efficient to store category as a string rather than a reference, but this depends on usage context.
Denormalization becomes important when you start designing queries. Unlike traditional SQL, you can't write ad-hoc queries that have access to every row of every table. Anything you want to query for must be satisfied by an index. If you're running queries today that depend on table scans and complex joins, you'll have to make sure that the query parameters are indexed at write-time instead of calculating them on the fly.
As an example, if you wanted to do a case-insensitive search by event title, you'd have to store a lower-case copy of the title on every entity at write time. Without guessing your query requirements, I can't really offer more specific advice.
It's possible to run Django on App Engine
You need a trio of apps from here:
Additionally, this module makes it possible to do the joins across Foreign Key relationships which are not directly supported by datastore methods:
django-dbindexer denormalises the fields you want to join against, but has some limitations - doesn't update the denormalised values automatically so is only really suitable for static values
Django signals provide a useful starting point for automatic denormalisation.

GQL + Join Table Query Replacement for Google App Engine Datastore

Given the following Many to Many Relationship designed in Google App Engine Datastore:
PK: UserID
PK: CompanyID
CK CompanyID
For optimization query, what's the best way to query this relationship tables for showing the selected company's review by users.
Currently, I'm doing the following:
results = CompanyReview.all().filter('owned_by = ', company).filter('written_by = ', user).fetch(10)
where I'm able to retrieve the data of CompanyReview table. However, in this case, I would need to check against the UserID from this CompanyReview table against the User table in order to obtain the name of the users who have commented for the selected company.
Is there a better solution to grab the user name as well, all in one statement in this case or at least better optimized solution? Performance is emphasized.
It dependes on which side of the relationship will have more values. As described is this article of Google App Engine docs, you can model many-to-many relationships by using a list of keys in one side of the relationship. "This means you should place the list on side of the relationship which you expect to have fewer values".
If both sides of the relationship will have many values, then you will really need the CompanyReview model. But pay attention to what the article says:
However, you need to be very careful because traversing the
connections of a collection will require more calls to the datastore.
Use this kind of many-to-many relationship only when you really need
to, and do so with care to the performance of your application.
This is because it uses RefereceProperty in the relationship model:
class ContactCompany(db.Model):
contact = db.ReferenceProperty(Contact,
company = db.ReferenceProperty(Company,
title = db.StringProperty()
So if in Contact entities we try to access the companies, it will make a new query. And if in ContactCompany entities we try to get attributes of contact as in, a query for that single contact will be made also. Read the ReferencyProperty docs for more info.
Since you are performance-savvy, I recommend using a decorator for memcaching function returns and using this excellent layered storage library for Google App Engine.

Objectify and entity groups

Here is a question for all the objectify/ app engine gurus out there:
I am creating ojectes with a parent/child relationship by storing the key of the parent object in the child.
This is stored in a object of type Key. For example let's say I have a car object and tire objects.
The tire objects store the parent key in a variable of type Key.
Public class Tire{
#Id Long id;
Key<Car> ParentKey;
int size;
In my app I will need to get all the tires given a certain car. I can do this with a query:
Tire tires = oft.query(Tire.class).filter("ParentKey",carKey).get();
Is this an approipriate way to accomplish this? Will this cause any issues with entity groups? Will this be efficient for a large number of cars and tires?
Right now you're not creating a parent/child relationship, at least as is defined by app engine. Check out the documentation: adding a parent/child relationship can speed up things because the car and its tyres will be stored physically together, but they can be difficult to remove if at some point they are not longer needed.
To create a parent/child relationship using Objectify, add the #Parent annotation:
// Use com.googlecode.objectify.Key instead of
#Parent Key<Car> parentKey;
Now, in order to get all the tires that belong to a specific car:
List<Tyre> tires = ofy().query(Tyre.class).ancestor(carKey).list();
I'm using exactly same way - no problem.
I don't see there any conflicts with entity groups, and it's working fine for a large groups (at least for a thousands of entities)
P.S. If you need to fetch data that belongs to same group - you don't need to use GAE groups. Even more: entity groups are best for transactions, not for filtering.
