How to create a setup of an Windows application using PowerBuilder - sybase

I am a newbie for PowerBuilder and for Windows application. I have few projects which consists corresponding code in it and after merging all that I get the final product. The problem I am facing right now is that I don't know how to make a setup of my Windows app using PowerBuilder. If I can get step by step procedure with tiny explanation, I will be able to achieve it already. Have tried Google but ended up with complex confusion. I have created the .exe, but that .exe does not work on any other computer. So please guys help me out.

There are two parts to creating a setup program for your application: defining the files and other resources that need to deployed, and building those resources into a setup executable package.
For defining files and resources, you've made it impossible for anyone to even take a shot by referring to two very different (but similar origins) versions of the product in your tags: PowerBuilder (aka PowerBuilder Classic) and PowerBuilder.NET. The deployment requirements for apps built from each of these is very different. However, even if we knew, the best advice is to go through the manuals and review what is required of the features of your specific application. (e.g. if you don't use rich text, deploying the files required to support it would be a waste). A generic list is, IMHO, just bad advice.
As far as building a setup package goes, the first decision is which package building software to pick (none comes with PowerBuilder). Any Windows setup package builder should do. I've used InstallShield and Inno, vastly preferring the latter (after many years of using the former). I know you want steps to walk you through, but a walk through is impossible before picking the software, and frankly, walk throughs of these setup building software has been done elsewhere much better than I'd do.
The bottom line is that the answer isn't as simple as you seem to have been hoping, but it is attainable.
Good luck,


How to insert coding and Maths formula into database

I am working on a project which contains the question with options and solution of that question. I want to display the Mats equations and some coding questions on webpage. So my query is what will the the procedure to insert those equation into Database and display it on my webpage.
for the reference I want to display like this following link :
Frankly speaking as far as I understood your problem you do not have Idea about coding (I may be wrong but as you are not suggesting any particular database and any technical stuff I'm assuming this.)
You can use prebuilt frameworks for this job you don't need to design application from scratch unless it is your some project.
Some suggested Links are this ...
You need to find plugin after installing these frameworks on your webserver bundle
For that you can use
WAMP on windows or LAMP if on Linux
But Again your question too general. Give some inputs first
Information About Moodle:
IF you go throught moodle webiste you will get to know that how powerful LMS( learning management system ).
You just need to know how to configure such websites
Go through this video tutorials if you want to
Infromation About WordPress:
Wordpress is general purpose Website so you can develop any service with it very easily and everything including database is taken care by it (same case with moodle but moodle is more focused on LMS )
You have to search for LMS plugin inside wordpress for your purpose.
KINDLY ACCEPT THIS ONE AS ANsWER if you find information usefule... (Points help me contribute more and allows me also to ask question)

Building SL4 + RIAServices app takes too long on VS2010

Got a Win7 box with VS2010 Premium installed on it.
Building desktop apps works just fine.
But we got this solution with 15 SL4 and 21 desktop projects... Building the SL part of it takes too long. This is very irritating and encourages to drop TDD since every time I run a test it takes ~3 seconds for msbuild to find out that nothing changed and the project should be skipped. The projects are very small and there's nothing fancy in them and we hadn't any problems before we switched from VS2008+SL3.
I've heard people complaining abound VS2010 speed in general, but nothing about SL4 build time.
Is anyone experiencing same problems and is there any workaround for this?
Do you need that many projects? As a rule of thumb, less is better. You say that the projects are very small, that would be an indication to me that you probably don't need that many.
Don't use it for managing dependencies (cycle avoidance). If you're trying to manage 'units of development' or logical groupings, use namespaces instead.
Physical/project separation is good for keeping test code out of production code, and managing units of deployment, but don't separate it until you're getting something out of it.
Patricks Smaccia wrote a good article on when and when not to create assemblies.
Another way to tackle the problem is to break your solution up into multiple solutions, and
use references to the dlls produced by the other solutions. That way, you only build part of it at a time. If you need to work across many dlls at the same time, this is inconvenient, but it's a sign that something is likely to be wrong with the design of your code.
This post on speeding up with many projects may also help.

What database options do I have for the Blackberry?

I notice most of the discussions about Blackberry database options are old, and generally not too informative.
As of today, March 31st, 2010, what is the best, most universally supported, free database option available for Blackberry developers?
I heard SQLite is available for JDE v5, but last I checked, that was still in beta, and I didn't want to commit to developing on a system that is not supported by most of the phones in service.
Thing is, I don't see any dates on these claims. For all I know, the announcements I am reading are from 2008.
So, I am still on v 4.7. I need to use a relational DB for the app I am developing, but there aren't many resources for DB handling available - or at least resources that are useful to me. I find a lot of "tutorials" that assume you know everything there is to know about Blackberry development, or Java. But no complete classes or anything. Many of these examples don't even work. Eclipse gives warnings and errors from code copied and pasted from other people's examples.
I can answer any questions that may assist in this case. Hopefully, this thread will help many BB developers in the future.
Before v5 I don't think there is a native relational database that you can work with on the Blackberry, the closest thing is the Persistant Store API, however I think that there are 3rd party libraries that you can use, like SQL Anywhere.
Depending on the Java dialect supported on your Blackberry version, db4o could also work well for your usecase. It's an object database, quite similar to Perst.
Ok, in case anyone has had similar experiences with this, here is what I have done:
The JAR class path thing was resolved through no help at all from these sites.
What I did to get an outside JAR included in my package was to right click the package name in the navigation menu (Eclipse) - then select Build Path - then add libraries.
From this I was able to modify an existing library to include the JAR for the perst package.
Now I am able to import org.garret.perst.*
We'll see if there are any complications.
Forgive the number of posts, maybe it will help someone else down the way.

How to write a Large WinForms application?

I'm going to write a rather big/complex WinForm application such as Paint.NET, SharpDevelop, etc. I think one of the most important things to build such an application is to structure the project properly to increase maintainability and control the complexity.
So what kind of patterns or practices show I use? Any blog posts, papers, open source projects are welcomed. I'm trying to learn something from SharpDevelop but it's rather huge for me to step into.
PS: I'm an experienced programmer formerly targeting to web developement(, rails, etc.). So I know some design principles and how to use them when implement business logics. Maybe I really need now is a sample to get started with a WinForm application so that I can realize how to handle the menus, controls and others. I've learnt something about the MVP pattern but still unconfident to start a large/complex application.
For big projects the methodology and the tools you are using are equally as important as the architectural design. You need to set up a source control system (like SVN) from day one. Also, it is very good to have a standard build procedure and perform builds in a daily basis. The build procedure should include running all tests, which you should also put some effort in implementing from the start.
Regarding the structure, I believe the single most important thing is to divide your project into building blocks with mimimal dependecies on each other. This way you will be able to think about one small part of the system at the same time and not have to face the full complexity of it. It will also help delegate some work to a fellow programmer, if you have this chance.
In order to get started, I recommend that you implement first something minimal as quick as possible. Then work to make it better and add functionality. This will keep you motivated as you will have something concrete to work with. It will also help you identify major design flaws and important issues early enough to correct them.
This is a good beginners guide from Microsoft itself:
check the Windows track there.
After mastering basics - and since you are an experienced developer - you can check this book "patterns & practices Application Architecture Guide 2.0" from Microsoft also.
I would imagine that many of the techniques that make for successful web projects will translate to Winforms projects. Start small and grow the application incrementally. Try to keep the entire application building/working while you add features one at a time.

Is NetBiscuits any good?

Has anybody got any real world stories build mobile web sites with NetBiscuits?
Someone told me it was the next big thing in mobile development ( and it looks pretty good from their site. Just wondered if anybody (besides them) has actually used it.
From a few months time working with it, I can say that they're indeed one of the best (if not the best) out there. The support is also insanely quick and good.
Only thing making me stop using it is the price. Especially if you're a small company and want to use their POI feature.
However I have yet to find a good replacement. May end up rolling my own version...
Edit: Related question.
They have created an entire xml (bml) based markup language that emulates html that has a very steep learning curve. I would seriously reconsider using it.
I have seen it working nicely. It also supports ASP.NET controls SDK that can be used to write ASP.NET app from Visual Studio. Once this app is deployed on your premise, you can use live bridge agent to connect this app to a Live Bridge server that Net Biscuits hosts. Your app is called a backend app in this case. This is a very useful feature when you do want to have Forms capability in your app and also want it to be accessible on NetBiscuits platform.
Check BiscuitML is also easier to grasp.
Look out for performance issues though. Customers in Australia have had response time issues - probably due to the Cloud Platform being located in USA/UK.
