IP header explanation needed - c

I have two codes which work exactly the same:
struct sniff_ip {
u_char ip_vhl; /* version << 4 | header length >> 2 */
#define IP_HL(ip) (((ip)->ip_vhl) & 0x0f)
#define IP_V(ip) (((ip)->ip_vhl) >> 4)
struct sniff_ip {
uint8_t ip_hl:4;
uint8_t ip_ver:4;
The former is code from http://www.tcpdump.org/pcap.html
Latter is mine
IP version and IP header length change position in these two codes, however the output is the same, why?
what I mean is #define IP_HL(ip) (((ip)->ip_vhl) & 0x0f) looks at second four bits, when uint8_t ip_hl:4 is declared to capture first four bits...

Do not use bitfields for implementing protocols! Exact position depends on ABI and is platform/compiler dependent.
Your assumption
when uint8_t ip_hl:4 is declared to capture first four bits
is wrong resp. is valid for your compiler but can not be generalized. You have to read compiler/ABI documentation very carefully to find out where bits are really placed.
An example how bitfields are defined can be found in the ARM EABI specification http://infocenter.arm.com/help/topic/com.arm.doc.ihi0042d/IHI0042D_aapcs.pdf "7.1.7 Bit-fields". But this might be completely different for x86 or mips ABIs
Bitfields can be useful to save space (e.g. unsigned int flag:1 vs. bool flag) [this assumption might not hold because checks will need more (and slower) machine code] and to make code more easy to read (e.g. if (a->flags & (1 << 0)) vs. if (a->some_flag)). But you can never rely on exact positions.


How does this endian conversion work?

A QNX library called gfpr.h contains the line
#define ENDIAN_LE16(__x) (__x)
which is used as follows
var1 = ENDIAN_LE16(var1);
to convert the endianness of (unsigned short) var1. How does this work? __x and x__ must have some special meaning to the preprocessor?
__x does not have a special meaning. ENDIAN_LE16 is a macro that makes a place to change endianness without changing your source code. Each build target can have a different version of gfpr.h specific for that target.
You must be compiling for a little-endian machine, so ENDIAN_LE16 doesn't need to make any changes. It just leaves its argument (__x) unchanged. If you were compiling for a big-endian target, ENDIAN_LE16 would be defined to swap the bytes of its argument. Something like:
#define ENDIAN_LE16(__x) ( (((x) & 0xff) << 8) | (((x) >> 8) & 0xff) )
That way, by changing which target's gfpr.h file you include, you get the right results without having to change your source code.
Edit Per the file you're probably looking at, ENDIAN_BE32 invokes ENDIAN_RET32, which twiddles bits in a way similar to what I showed above.

Reading flags from uint16_t

I'm currently working on a packet sniffer/analyzer for a school project, and I'm having trouble extracting the DNS flags from the DNS header.
A DNS header looks like this :
The DNS header struct looks like this :
struct dnshdr {
uint16_t xid;
uint16_t flags;
uint16_t qdcount;
uint16_t ancount;
uint16_t nscount;
uint16_t arcount;
How can I extract the individual flags from the uint16_t ?
you can either define a structure with bitfields, which always sounds the cleanest way on paper but turns out to be a nightmare of implementation-defined features and almost completely unportable, or you do it the simple way with masks and shifts - macros are the common implementation:
#define QR(f) (f & 0x0001)
#define OPCODE(f) ((f & 0x001E) >> 1)
#define AA(f) ((f & 0x0020) >> 5)
This is of course assuming any necessary endianness correction has been done already (so the two bytes of the uint16_t are in the correct order to be interpreted this way)
Afterthought: the one-bit flags don't really need to be shifted either - once they're masked they're going to be zero or non-zero, which is enough for testing them in C.

Bit set/clear in C?

How do I write to a single bit? I have a variable that is either a 1 or 0 and I want to write its value to a single bit in a 8-bit reg variable.
I know this will set a bit:
reg |= mask; // mask is (1 << pin)
And this will clear a bit:
reg &= ~mask; // mask is (1 << pin)
Is there a way for me to do this in one line of code, without having to determine if the value is high or low as the input?
Assuming value is 0 or 1:
REG = (REG & ~(1 << pin)) | (value << pin);
I use REG instead of register because as #KerrekSB pointed out in OP comments, register is a C keyword.
The idea here is we compute a value of REG with the specified bit cleared and then depending on value we set the bit.
Because you tagged this with embedded I think the best answer is:
if (set)
reg |= mask; // mask is (1 << pin)
reg &= ~mask; // mask is (1 << pin)
(which you can wrap in a macro or inline function). The reason being that embedded architectures like AVR have bit-set and bit-clear instructions and the cost of branching is not high compared to other instructions (as it is on a modern CPU with speculative execution). GCC can identify the idioms in that if statement and produce the right instructions. A more complex version (even if it's branchless when tested on modern x86) might not assemble to the best instructions on an embedded system.
The best way to know for sure is to disassemble the results. You don't have to be an expert (especially in embedded environments) to evaluate the results.
One overlooked feature of C is bit packing, which is great for embedded work. You can define a struct to access each bit individually.
typedef struct
unsigned char bit0 : 1;
unsigned char bit1 : 1;
unsigned char bit2 : 1;
unsigned char bit3 : 1;
unsigned char bit4 : 1;
unsigned char bit5 : 1;
unsigned char bit6 : 1;
unsigned char bit7 : 1;
} T_BitArray;
The : 1 tells the compiler that you only want each variable to be 1 bit long. And then just access the address that your variable reg sits on, cast it to your bit array and then access the bits individually.
((T_BitArray *)&reg)->bit1 = value;
&reg is the address of your variable. ((T_BitArray *)&reg) is the same address, but now the complier thinks of it as a T_BitArray address and ((T_BitArray *)&reg)->bit1 provides access to the second bit. Of course, it's best to use more descriptive names than bit1
//Through Macro we can do set resset Bit
#define set(a,n) a|=(1<<n);
#define reset(a,n) a&=(0<<n);
//toggle bit value given by the user
#define toggle(a,n) a^=(1<<n);
int a,n;
int main()
printf("Set Reset particular Bit given by User ");
scanf("%d %d",&a,&n);
int b =set(a,n) //same way we can call all the macro
return 0;
I think what you're asking is if you can execute a write instruction on a single bit without first reading the byte that it's in. If so, then no, you can't do that. Has nothing to do with the C language, just microprocessors don't have instructions that address single bits. Even in raw machine code, if you want to set a bit you have to read the byte it's in, change the bit, then write it back. There's just no other way to do it.
Duplicate of how do you set, clear, and toggle a single bit and I'll repost my answer too as no-one's mentioned SET and CLEAR registers yet:
As this is tagged "embedded" I'll assume you're using a microcontroller. All of the above suggestions are valid & work (read-modify-write, unions, structs, etc.).
However, during a bout of oscilloscope-based debugging I was amazed to find that these methods have a considerable overhead in CPU cycles compared to writing a value directly to the micro's PORTnSET / PORTnCLEAR registers which makes a real difference where there are tight loops / high-frequency ISR's toggling pins.
For those unfamiliar: In my example, the micro has a general pin-state register PORTn which reflects the output pins, so doing PORTn |= BIT_TO_SET results in a read-modify-write to that register.
However, the PORTnSET / PORTnCLEAR registers take a '1' to mean "please make this bit 1" (SET) or "please make this bit zero" (CLEAR) and a '0' to mean "leave the pin alone". so, you end up with two port addresses depending whether you're setting or clearing the bit (not always convenient) but a much faster reaction and smaller assembled code.

C bitfield element with non-contiguous layout

I'm looking for input on the most elegant interface to put around a memory-mapped register interface where the target object is split in the register:
union __attribute__ ((__packed__)) epsr_t {
uint32_t storage;
struct {
unsigned reserved0 : 10;
unsigned ICI_IT_2to7 : 6; // TOP HALF
unsigned reserved1 : 8;
unsigned T : 1;
unsigned ICI_IT_0to1 : 2; // BOTTOM HALF
unsigned reserved2 : 5;
} bits;
In this case, accessing the single bit T or any of the reserved fields work fine, but to read or write the ICI_IT requires code more like:
union epsr_t epsr;
// Reading:
uint8_t ici_it = (epsr.bits.ICI_IT_2to7 << 2) | epsr.bits.ICI_IT_0to1;
// Writing:
epsr.bits.ICI_IT_2to7 = ici_it >> 2;
epsr.bits.ICI_IT_0to1 = ici_it & 0x3;
At this point I've lost a chunk of the simplicity / convenience that the bitfield abstraction is trying to provide. I considered the macro solution:
#define GET_ICI_IT(_e) ((_e.bits.ICI_IT_2to7 << 2) | _e.bits.ICI_IT_0to1)
#define SET_ICI_IT(_e, _i) do {\
_e.bits.ICI_IT_2to7 = _i >> 2;\
_e.bits.ICI_IT_0to1 = _i & 0x3;\
while (0);
But I'm not a huge fan of macros like this as a general rule, I hate chasing them down when I'm reading someone else's code, and far be it from me to inflict such misery on others. I was hoping there was a creative trick involving structs / unions / what-have-you to hide the split nature of this object more elegantly (ideally as a simple member of an object).
I don't think there's ever a 'nice' way, and actually I wouldn't rely on bitfields... Sometimes it's better to just have a bunch of exhaustive macros to do everything you'd want to do, document them well, and then rely on them having encapsulated your problem...
#define ICI_IT_HI_SHIFT 14
#define ICI_IT_HI_MASK 0xfc
#define ICI_IT_LO_SHIFT 5
#define ICI_IT_LO_MASK 0x02
// Bits containing the ICI_IT value split in the 32-bit EPSR
// Packs a single 8-bit ICI_IT value x into a 32-bit EPSR e
#define PACK_ICI_IT(e,x) ((e & ~ICI_IT_PACKED_MASK) | \
// Unpacks a split 8-bit ICI_IT value from a 32-bit EPSR e
#define UNPACK_ICI_IT(e) (((e >> ICI_IT_HI_SHIFT) & ICI_IT_HI_MASK) | \
Note that I haven't put type casting and normal macro stuff in, for the sake of readability. Yes, I get the irony in mentioning readability...
If you dislike macros that much just use an inline function, but the macro solution you have is fine.
Does your compiler support anonymous unions?
I find it an elegant solution which gets rid of your .bits part. It is not C99 compliant, but most compilers do support it. And it became a standard in C11.
See also this question: Anonymous union within struct not in c99?.

Casting troubles when using bit-banding macros with a pre-cast address on Cortex-M3

Why isn't (unsigned long)(0x400253FC) equivalent to (unsigned long)((*((volatile unsigned long *)0x400253FC)))?
How can I make a macro which works with the former work with the latter?
Background Information
I'm working with an ARM Cortex-M3 processor, the LM3S6965 by TI, with their StellarisWare (free download, export controlled) definitions. I'm using gcc version 4.6.1 (Sourcery CodeBench Lite 2011.09-69). Stellaris provides definitions for some 5,000 registers and memory addresses in "inc/lm3s6965.h", and I really don't want to redo all of those. However, they seem to be incompatible with a macro I want to write.
Bit Banding
On the ARM Cortex-M3, a portion of memory is aliased with one 32-bit word per bit of the peripheral and RAM memory space. Setting the memory at address 0x42000000 to 0x00000001 will set the first bit of the memory at address 0x40000000 to 1, but not affect the rest of the word. To change bit 2, change the word at 0x42000004 to 1. That's a neat feature, and extremely useful. According to the ARM Technical Reference Manual, the algorithm to compute the address is:
bit_word_offset = (byte_offset x 32) + (bit_number × 4)
bit_word_addr = bit_band_base + bit_word_offset
bit_word_offset is the position of the target bit in the bit-band memory region.
bit_word_addr is the address of the word in the alias memory region that maps to the
targeted bit.
bit_band_base is the starting address of the alias region.
byte_offset is the number of the byte in the bit-band region that contains the targeted bit.
bit_number is the bit position, 0 to 7, of the targeted bit
Implementation of Bit Banding
The "inc/hw_types.h" file includes the following macro which implements this algorithm. To be clear, it implements it for a word-based model which accepts 4-byte-aligned words and 0-31-bit offsets, but the resulting address is equivalent:
#define HWREGBITB(x, b) \
HWREGB(((unsigned long)(x) & 0xF0000000) | 0x02000000 | \
(((unsigned long)(x) & 0x000FFFFF) << 5) | ((b) << 2))
This algorithm takes the base which is either in SRAM at 0x20000000 or the peripheral memory space at 0x40000000) and ORs it with 0x02000000, adding the bit band base offset. Then, it multiples the offset from the base by 32 (equivalent to a five-position left shift) and adds the bit number.
The referenced HWREG simply performs the requisite cast for writing to a given location in memory:
#define HWREG(x) \
(*((volatile unsigned long *)(x)))
This works quite nicely with assignments like
HWREGBITW(0x400253FC, 0) = 1;
where 0x400253FC is a magic number for a memory-mapped peripheral and I want to set bit 0 of this peripheral to 1. The above code computes (at compile-time, of course) the bit offset and sets that word to 1.
What doesn't work
Unfortunately, the aforememntioned definitions in "inc/lm3s6965.h" already perform the cast done by HWREG. I want to avoid magic numbers and instead use provided definitions like
#define GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x400253FC))
An attempt to paste this into HWREGBITW causes the macro to no longer work, as the cast interferes:
The preprocessor generates the following mess (indentation added):
(*((volatile unsigned long *)
((((unsigned long)((*((volatile unsigned long *)0x400253FC)))) & 0xF0000000)
| 0x02000000 |
((((unsigned long)((*((volatile unsigned long *)0x400253FC)))) & 0x000FFFFF) << 5)
| ((0) << 2))
)) = 1;
Note the two instances of
(((unsigned long)((*((volatile unsigned long *)0x400253FC)))))
I believe that these extra casts are what is causing my process to fail. The following result of preprocessing HWREGBITW(0x400253FC, 0) = 1; does work, supporting my assertion:
(*((volatile unsigned long *)
((((unsigned long)(0x400253FC)) & 0xF0000000)
| 0x02000000 |
((((unsigned long)(0x400253FC)) & 0x000FFFFF) << 5)
| ((0) << 2))
)) = 1;
The (type) cast operator has right-to-left precedence, so the last cast should apply and an unsigned long used for the bitwise arithmetic (which should then work correctly). There's nothing implicit anywhere, no float to pointer conversions, no precision/range changes...the left-most cast should simply nullify the casts to the right.
My question (finally...)
Why isn't (unsigned long)(0x400253FC) equivalent to (unsigned long)((*((volatile unsigned long *)0x400253FC)))?
How can I make the existing HWREGBITW macro work? Or, how can a macro be written to do the same task but not fail when given an argument with a pre-existing cast?
1- Why isn't (unsigned long)(0x400253FC) equivalent to (unsigned long)((*((volatile unsigned long *)0x400253FC)))?
The former is an integer literal and its value is 0x400253FCul while the latter is the unsigned long value stored in the (memory or GPIO) address 0x400253FC
2- How can I make the existing HWREGBITW macro work? Or, how can a macro be written to do the same task but not fail when given an argument with a pre-existing cast?
Use HWREGBITW(&GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R, 0) = 1; instead.
