I'm creating a MVC application and I ran into some problems. I've got a treestore as menu and a tabpanel with some items. When I click a specific menu item, let's call it mymenuitem1 or mymenuitem2, a new instance of mymenuitem class is created, but always a different set of data is loaded into this instance. The problem is, that after I click mymenuitem1 the data is loaded for corporation1, when I click mymenuitem2 the data is loaded for corporation2, but when I try just to change to mymenuitem1 from mymenuitem2, there still is data for corporation2
My mymenuitem class definition:
Ext.define('Fleximanager.view.pages.corpmain', {
extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
xtype: 'corpmaintab',
closable: true,
layout: 'vbox',
initComponent: function() {
this.items = [{
xtype: 'dataview',
flex: 5,
store: Ext.getStore('corpmain').load({
hostname: sessionStorage.hostname,
auth: sessionStorage.authSessionId,
corp: sessionStorage.activeCorp
itemTpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
'<tpl for="(branches)">',
'<table id="tfhover" id="home_table" class="tftable" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">',
'<caption class="x-panel-header-default">{branch_name}</caption>',
'<tr><td colspan="2">Expenses:<br>{strediskonakladyCelk}</td><td colspan="2">Profit:<br>{strediskoziskCelk}({strediskomarzaCelk})</td><td colspan="2">Revenues:<br>{strediskoprijmyCelk}</td></tr>',
'<tr><td colspan="2">Not paid expenses:<br>{strediskoneuhrPrijCelk}</td><td colspan="2">VAT: <br>{streddphCelk}</td><td colspan="2">Not paid revenues:<br>{strediskoneuhrVydCelk}</td></tr>',
this.renderTo = Ext.getBody();
And how do I select and add tabs from menu:
setMenuItem: function(record){
var dbName = record.get('dbName');
var classname, controller;
classname = 'Fleximanager.view.pages.' + Ext.String.createVarName(dbName);
controller = this.getController(Ext.String.createVarName(dbName));
} else {
classname = 'Fleximanager.view.pages.corpmain';
controller = this.getController('corpmain');
var tabPanel = Ext.getCmp('flexitabs');
var tabId = record.parentNode.get('text') + '/' + dbName + 'tab'
var tabIndex = tabPanel.items.findIndex('id', tabId)
if(tabIndex != -1){
} else {
if(record.isLeaf() && record.parentNode.get('text') != 'Root'){
sessionStorage.activeCorp = record.parentNode.get('dbName')
tabPanel.add(Ext.create(classname, {
title: record.parentNode.get('text') + ' - ' + record.get('text'),
id: tabId,
rootId: record.parentNode.get('dbName'),
className: classname
} else {
sessionStorage.activeCorp = record.get('dbName')
tabPanel.add(Ext.create(classname, {
title: record.get('text'),
id: tabId,
rootId: record.get('dbName'),
className: classname
Could anyone please help me?
Any answer appreciated.
You are creating for each tab new instance of Fleximanager.view.pages.corpmain. But all tabs using the same instance of store (store with id corpmain) which is loading data when the tab instance is creating. So when you click on mymenuitem1, first tab is created and store is loaded with corporation1 data. When you click on mymenuitem2, second tab is created and store is loaded with corporation2 data. But when you click back on mymenuitem1, you find existing tab, but store is still loaded with corporation2 data.
So if you want to use only one instance of store, you need to reload it with proper data also when you are switching back to already existing tab.
Another possibility is to create new instance of store for each tab.
I am working with ExtJS 4.2.1
I have a button to make appear a panel.
This panel is containing my treepanel, five checkboxes below, and finally one valid button (to close the treepanel and valid the fact that we checked some nodes) and one cancel button (just to cose the treepanel).
I can make my panel appear and it works fine. But if I click on my cancel or my valid button, the panel will hide (ok), and next time I try to show it it doesn't contain my treepanel anymore, only the five checkboxes and the two buttons (attention, the two panels are different, the panel is containing my treepanel).
I don't understand because there is no reason for it to disappear. When I check the treepanel with some console.log() I can see, passing by treepanel.store.tree.root that my treepanel still exists and is properly filled. When I pass through treepanel.view.all I can see the right elements are present in my view. But when I check treepanel.body.dom with chrome debugging I can't see where the element is (ordinary when you pass over the dom with the mouse on chrome debugging you can see the corresponding part of the page colored).
Here is the concerned part of my code:
var button = Ext.get('ProductSelectionButton');
var treeSelector = createTree('stAddAction.do?action=product_tree_selector', 550, 490, '', 'lbl_st_tree_selection_empty', true, 'productlist');
button.on('click', function(){
treeSelector.store.proxy.url = 'stAddAction.do?action=product_tree_selector';
var productPanel = Ext.create('Ext.FormPanel',{
labelWidth: 75 // label settings here cascade unless overridden
title: document.getElementById('applicability').innerHTML + ' - ' + document.getElementById('lbl_st_product_tree_win').innerHTML,
style:'padding: 5px 5px 0; margin-top: 0;',
width: 550,
items: [treeSelector,
xtype: 'checkboxgroup',
items: [
{boxLabel: document.getElementById('lbl_status_deleted').innerHTML, name: 'status_2', checked: false, ctCls:'check-status-2',
listeners: {
change: function(newValue, oldValue, eOpts ){
// To show items with status 2 which is Deleted status
Ext.Array.remove(statusToHide, "2");
// To hide items with status 2 which is Deleted status
Ext.Array.push(statusToHide, "2");
... four others checkboxes
buttons: [{
icon : 'img/st_little_valid.png',
handler: function(){
var data = '',
selNodes = treeSelector.getCheckedNodes(treeSelector.getRootNode());
precedentlyCheckedNodes = selNodes;
xhr = getXhr();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){
if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
var myLoad = eval(myDataGrid);
var params = "action=set_iceproduct&datatoadd=" + data + "&datatoremove=" + strUnchecked;
xhr.open("POST", "stAddAction.do", true);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-length', params.length);
icon : 'img/st_little_cancel.png',
handler: function(){
/* restore all nodes how they were before (checked or unchecked) */
/* Only expand the first level */
I don't know if it really is quite explicit...
Anyway, any idea could be welcomed!
How can this treepanel disappear from my panel and still exist!
Thank you
You are calling Ext.create in the buttons click event function every time. This means that the first time you create it, it's okay. But when you click the button again, it will create another panel with the same configuration, only you can't have treeSelector in both because it is already somewhere else. Change your code to something like:
var button = Ext.get('ProductSelectionButton');
var treeSelector = createTree('stAddAction.do?action=product_tree_selector', 550, 490, '', 'lbl_st_tree_selection_empty', true, 'productlist');
button.on('click', function(button){
treeSelector.store.proxy.url = 'stAddAction.do?action=product_tree_selector';
button.productPanel = Ext.create('Ext.FormPanel',{
labelWidth: 75 // label settings here cascade unless overridden
title: document.getElementById('applicability').innerHTML + ' - ' + document.getElementById('lbl_st_product_tree_win').innerHTML,
style:'padding: 5px 5px 0; margin-top: 0;',
width: 550,
items: [
xtype: 'checkboxgroup',
items: [
{boxLabel: document.getElementById('lbl_status_deleted').innerHTML, name: 'status_2', checked: false, ctCls:'check-status-2',
listeners: {
change: function(newValue, oldValue, eOpts ){
// To show items with status 2 which is Deleted status
Ext.Array.remove(statusToHide, "2");
// To hide items with status 2 which is Deleted status
Ext.Array.push(statusToHide, "2");
Hi all I am using Extjs 3.4 my problem is I have one editor grid panel
and inside panel I have one department combobox. So, in first page I
have search grid and on click of grid I am coming to this page and on
load using ajax I am populating combobox value in grid panel. But sometimes
values are not coming, means it is invisible and only after clicking on that
combobox it is appearing. Can some body explain what is the problem.
Thanks in advance, I hope will get reply soon.
While populating I am calling one ajax which is populating values in grid but
there is no issue with other columns, only with combobox it is invisible sometimes
Ext.util.Format.comboRenderer = function(Departmentscombo){
return function(value){
var record = combo.findRecord(combo.valueField || combo.displayField, value);
return record ? record.get(combo.displayField) : combo.valueNotFoundText;
Ext.grid.ComboColumn = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.Column, {
constructor: function(cfg){
Ext.grid.ComboColumn.superclass.constructor.call(this, cfg);
this.renderer = Ext.util.Format.comboRenderer(this.editor.field ?
this.editor.field : this.editor);
Ext.apply(Ext.grid.Column.types, {
combocolumn: Ext.grid.ComboColumn
var DepartmentsJReader = new Ext.data.JsonReader
({ root: 'data', id: 'mastercode' },
[{ name: 'mastercode' }, { name: 'description'}]);
Departments_store = new Ext.data.Store
proxy: new Ext.data.HttpProxy(
{ url: '', method: 'GET' }),
reader: DepartmentsJReader, autoLoad: true,
load: function () {
var rec = new Departments_store.recordType({ mastercode:'-', description: '-' });
Departments_store.insert(0, rec);
I am very new to Sencha and I am trying to get a button under a DataView in a Panel. I have tried different scenario's.
The View
Ext.define('MyApp.view.Profile', {
extend : 'Ext.Panel',
xtype : 'profileview',
requires : ['MyApp.store.UserStore', 'Ext.List', 'Ext.DataView', 'Ext.data.Store'],
initialize : function() {
var me = this;
var record = 1;
//Create the instance of the store and load it
var userStore = Ext.create('MyApp.store.UserStore');
//Create the dataview
var view = Ext.create('Ext.DataView', {
store : userStore,
itemTpl : ['<h1>Mijn Profiel</h1>', '<h2>{USERNAME}</h2>', '<p>{EMAIL}</p><br/>', '<img src="http://www.MyApp.nl/{AVATAR_PATH}" />', '<br/>'].join()
//Add the dataview to the panel
var button = Ext.create('Ext.Button', {
text : 'Edit',
handler : function() {
Ext.Msg.alert('You clicked the button');
config : {
title : 'Profiel',
iconCls : 'user3',
scrollable : true,
styleHtmlContent : true,
items : [{
xtype : 'button',
text : 'Edit',
handler : function() {
Ext.Msg.alert('You clicked the button');
The above view shows only the button but NOT the Dataview. I needed to add
layout : 'fit'
to the config to make it show DataView. But in combination with the button it makes the button fullscreen and the dataview is not shown anymore (???).
I tried both scenario's where I add a Button as config item and by using the handler.
How can I get the button below the dataview ??
Thanks for your help.
Don't use layout fit, it's made to fit one component in your canvas. I'd use a vbox layout. Which automatically puts items vetically under each other.
Try this:
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'stretch' //this tells to take the full width
Flex your dataview
var view = Ext.create('Ext.DataView', {
flex: 1, //Use the remaining space.
store : userStore,
itemTpl : ['<h1>Mijn Profiel</h1>', '<h2>{USERNAME}</h2>', '<p>{EMAIL}</p><br/>', '<img src="http://www.MyApp.nl/{AVATAR_PATH}" />', '<br/>'].join()
I'm using ExtJS's GridPanel library to render a list of rows that have a CheckboxModel for selections. There is also a summary row that adds up all of the selected data and displays it in a row at the bottom of the GridPanel. The code for this is:
var sm = Ext.create('Ext.selection.CheckboxModel', {
// With large number of rows ... this takes forever
selectionchange: function(selectionModel, selectedRecords, options){
// Do stuff
var selSumFn = function(column, selModel){
return function(){
var records = selModel.getSelection(),
result = 0;
//console.log("records:" + records.length);
Ext.each(records, function(record){
result += record.get(column) * 1;
return result;
var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
features: [{
ftype: 'summary'
store: store,
defaults: {
selModel: sm,
columns: [
{header: 'Column 1', width: 100, dataIndex: 'col1', summaryType: selSumFn('col1', sm)},
{header: 'Column 2', width: 100, dataIndex: 'col2', summaryType: selSumFn('col2', sm)}
width: 730,
height: 400 ,
title: 'Data',
renderTo: 'data-div',
viewConfig: {
stripeRows: true
listeners: {'beforerender' : {fn:function(){this.store.load();}}}
Is there any way to only refresh the summaryrow feature and not the entire view? Refreshing the view was the only way I could find to refresh the summary row when updates were made to checkbox selections of the GridPanel.
There is no support for this in Ext 4.0.2a. The grid view builds a single view template with features adding or modifying this template via a multitude of defined hooks. The result is a single template instance that cannot be easily dissected.
The best solution I found is to rebuild the template fragment that renders the summary row mimicking what the grid view is doing during the template construction process. Then overwrite the existing DOM for the summary row with a freshly rendered version.
I have created a patch (as an override) that adds a refresh() method to the Summary feature.
The code turned out to be surprisingly slick.
Ext.require('Ext.grid.feature.Summary', function() {
Ext.override(Ext.grid.feature.Summary, {
refresh: function() {
if(this.view.rendered) {
var tpl = Ext.create(
tpl.overwrite(this.getRowEl(), {});
getRowEl: function() {
return this.view.el.down('tr.x-grid-row-summary');
In your selectionchange listener:
selectionchange: function(selectionModel, selectedRecords, options) {
See this JsFiddle for a live demo.
Of course this might break in future versions of Ext. However, it could turn out to be quite robust since it delegates most of its work to existing methods.
If you are using GroupingSummary, you need to use this instead:
var rowEls = this.view.el.query('tr.x-grid-row-summary');
var i = 1;
Ext.Array.each(this.summaryGroups, function(group){
var tpl = new Ext.XTemplate(
tpl.overwrite(rowEls[i-1], {})
I am creating a report making tool. I will be dragging/resizing panels inside a panel container. When i click save button, i am passing the size and position of panels and based on that an xhtml report will be generated. I have a dataview on the left side. Each time a report is generated i need to show that report on dataview. Without using any database how this can be done? Any help would be appreciated.
Do one thing, create a store with fields "size", "report_data" and "position".
var store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
id : 'panel_store',
fields : ['size', 'position', 'report_data']
Create a template for each report (some other data can be added here):
var template = new Ext.XTemplate(
'<div class="reports_container"><tpl for=".">',
'<div class="report">{report_data}</div>','</tpl></div>'
Create a dataview with template and store:
var dataView = new Ext.DataView({
itemSelector : 'div.report', // Required
style : 'overflow:auto',
multiSelect : true,
store : store,
tpl : template
Add the dataview in you main panel:
var mainPanel = new Ext.Panel({
id : 'main_panel',
items : dataView
Whenever you generate a new report, create a new Ext.Record:
var ReportRecord = Ext.data.Record.create([
{ name: 'size' },
{ name: 'position' },
{ name: 'record_type' }
var newRec = new ReportRecord({
size : '100',
position : 'some position',
report_data : 'some data'
store.on('add', function() {
}, this);
Is this what you wanted? However, this code isn't tested anywhere.