How to interrupt standard input stream for another - c

This problem maybe a little bit hard to state. For example, a program receive a string from stdin, but it need a interactive input from user, like this:
echo "Some text to handle later after command is specified" | a.out
And in the beginning of the program:
printf("Please input command first");
scanf("%s", &cmd);
/* Some Code Here */
/* process "Some text to handle later after command is specified" */
Is there a way to "suspend" previous input stream and wait for the scanf's ones?

The standard does not specify any way to get interactive user input besides reading from stdin. Since your stdin is occupied with a pipe, you need to tread an implementation-specific path.
For Unix-like systems that would be a special file named /dev/tty. fopen it and use normal stdio functions.
On Windows you probably need to call Console API.
Threre's no guarantee a program is attached to any interactive device, so prepare to fail.
Note that it's considered bad style to write programs this way. If there's any user input expected, a well-witten program should just use stdin. All other input streams should then be passed as filenames via command-line arguments.

When using pipes, the shell sets up the programs stdin to be from the output of the previous command. So reading should not be a problem.
The problem here is that you should not print any output if the input is from a pipe (or redirection). This can be done by checking the result of the isatty function:
if (isatty(fileno(stdin)))
/* Only print prompt if input is an interactive terminal */
Or am I misreading you, in that you want to read both from the user, and from the pipe? Then you probably have to open a direct connection to the terminal.
For this you could use ttyname to get the name of the TTY device of stdout and open that device for input to read the user input. That won't work if the stdout is leading to a pipe (or is being redirected) as well.


Explaining the use of "stdin" in the end of fgets() function [duplicate]

I was tasked with creating a test program in C that reads the contents of the standard input and then prints them.
But I have a little doubt: what is exactly standard input?
Is it what I type in the keyboard? Is it a file I have to read?
Both of them?
And the same goes for standard output: is it the console? a file?
The C standard (e.g. C99 or C11) defines what should be expected from the standard <stdio.h> header (after having suitably #include-d it). See stdio(3) man page.
Then you have the stdin and stdout and stderr file handles (pointers to some FILE which is an abstract data type).
The fact that stdin is related to some device (e.g. a keyboard) is implementation specific.
You could (but that would be unethical and/or inefficient) implement the C standard with e.g. a room of human slaves (that is unethical, if you use paid workers that would be just inefficient), instead of using a computer. Often, computers gives your some implementation of the C standard thru the help of some operating system.
You may want to know, inside your C program, if stdin is a "keyboard" or redirected from some "file". Unfortunately, AFAIK, there is no C99-standard way to know that.
As you mention, stdin, stdout and stderr should be available in your program at startup (i.e. after entering main ....). Hence, unless you fclose the stdin stream, you can read it (with getchar, scanf, getline, fgets, fscanf ... and friends) without any prior care (so you don't need to fopen it yourself).
On Linux or most Posix systems, you might use as an approximation isatty(STDIN_FILENO) - see isatty(3) for more - to test if stdin "is" the "keyboard" (by testing if it is some tty). See also this & that.
Yes, standard input (stdin) is input exepected from the keyboard. So, could be in the form of user input from a basic program or from a command line argument. Standard output (stdout) is the output of the code, usually to the terminal window. You could output your code almost anywhere, i.e. to a file, to a textbox, browser, but the standard is the stdout which is the terminal.
Hope that helps.
Normally, the standard input is the keyboard and the standard output the screen. However, you can redirect this in the command line using the "<" and ">" symbols. A command line like
dir /s > "Tree.txt"
will change the standard output for the dir command to be the specified file. So all output goes to that file. The called application or command itself doesn't normally even notice the difference.
stdin is file descriptor 0, you can get a file to stdin by:
cat file |yourprog
yourprog <file
likewise for stdout (file descriptor 1)
yourprog | someotherprog #pipe your stdout to the stdin of another program
yourprog > somefile #save stdout to a file
yourprog >> somefile #append stdout to a file
and stderr (fd 2)
yourprog 2> errlogfile
if you have a program that takes a file but doesn't handle stdin, you can use the above formats by doing this (assuming -f if the input file argument)
myprog -f /dev/stdin
//and a horrible example of how not to read from stdin and write to stdout
char buf[4096];
standard output (or stdout) refers to the standardized streams of data that are produced by command line programs (i.e., all-text mode programs) in Linux and other Unix-like operating systems.

Input from a file (using command line) and then normal stdin keyboard input (C)

Is there a possible way to use a *.txt file as an input for certain things using command below -
And then use normal inputs from the user?
One option is to use:
$ ./a.out input.txt # No shell I/O redirection
You then open (each of) the command line argument(s) for reading, read it, and close it. When you're done, you can read from stdin until EOF.
On a Unix-like system, you could also support:
$ ./a.out < input.txt # Shell I/O redirection
and read from standard input to EOF, and then do one of a number of things to read from the keyboard:
Open /dev/tty and read from that.
Open /dev/tty and duplicate it to stdin (freopen()).
There are some less kosher possibilities too; one is to use the standard output or standard error file descriptor as an input file descriptor, using fdopen(). This will often work if the streams are connected to a terminal. The classic way to start a shell is to open /dev/tty for reading and writing, and then duplicate the read/write descriptor to standard input, output and error. If the output is piped to another program, or redirected to a file, this won't work, of course. You could use isatty() to check whether the file descriptors are associated with a terminal or not.
There are probably other ways to do it too — different ones if you're on Windows.
Personally, I'd go with the 'read command line arguments as files, then read standard input' option, but YMMV.

I cannot write to stdin with /proc/{pid}/fd/0

I have this program:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
char buf[10];
puts("gimme input:");
fread(buf, 1, 10, stdin);
printf("got %s", buf);
When I run this and open another terminal I try to write to stdin:
echo "ASDFASDFASDF" > /proc/{pid}/0
ASDFSADFSADF gets printed on the terminal that is running my C program, but fread still doesn't return until I type in the actual terminal. It also does not print any of the text that I wrote to /proc/{pid}/0
Is there something else I have to do to programatically input text to stdin?
If stdin is a terminal, then writing something to stdin will write to the terminal. Reading from the terminal will read whatever is typed into the terminal, not what's written to the terminal. This is just how terminals work.
If you want a program to read from something other than a terminal, you have to direct that to happen. Or, if you want to use a virtual terminal that you can put information into it and have it be read out, you have to direct that to happen.
Probably the simplest solution is to create a pipe with mkpipe and have the program read from the pipe rather than a terminal.
When you execute the echo command output-ing to the File Descriptor 0 you're just sending text. If you check the file descriptor using ls -l probably it is pointing to an device TTY or PTY/PTS. If you check the FD type using lsof it will be tty. It means you need to interact with this FD such as TTY.
Basically you need to simulate the input to get the expected behavior.
You can do this by calling the kernel tool ioctl.tiocsti(). I added a python code into the following similar question: Writing to File descriptor 0 (STDIN) only affects terminal. Program doesn't read

Why is it possible to write() to STDIN?

I have the following code:
int main()
char str[] = "Hello\n";
write(0, str, 6); // write() to STDIN
return 0;
When I compiled and executed this program, Hello was printed in the terminal.
Why did it work? Did write() replace my 0 (STDIN) argument with 1 (STDOUT)?
Well, old Unix systems were originaly used with serial terminals, and a special program getty was in charge to manage the serial devices, open and configure them, display a message on an incoming connexion (break signal), and pass the opened file descriptors to login and then the shell.
It used to open the tty device as input/output to configure it, and that was then duplicated in file descriptors 0, 1 and 2. And by default the (still good old) stty command operates by default on standard input. To ensure compatibility, on modern Linuxes, when you are connected to a terminal, file descriptor 0 is still opened for input/output.
It can be used as a quick and dirty hack to only display prompts when standard input is connected to a terminal, because if standard input is redirected to a read only file or pipe, all writes will fail (without any harm for the process) and nothing will be printed. But it is anyway a dirty hack: just imagine what happens if a caller passes a file opened for input/output as standard input... That's why good practices recommend to use stderr for prompts or messages to avoid having them lost in redirected stream while keeping output and input in separate streams, which is neither harder nor longer.
TL/DR: if you are connected to a terminal, standard input is opened for input/output even if the name and standard usage could suggest it is read only.
Because by default your terminal will echo stdin back out to the console. Try redirecting it to a file; it didn't actually write to stdout.
Are you confusing write with fwrite? The first parameter in write is a "file descripter", but it's not stdin. Try doing an fwrite to stdin -- it doesn't happen.

What is “standard input”?

I was tasked with creating a test program in C that reads the contents of the standard input and then prints them.
But I have a little doubt: what is exactly standard input?
Is it what I type in the keyboard? Is it a file I have to read?
Both of them?
And the same goes for standard output: is it the console? a file?
The C standard (e.g. C99 or C11) defines what should be expected from the standard <stdio.h> header (after having suitably #include-d it). See stdio(3) man page.
Then you have the stdin and stdout and stderr file handles (pointers to some FILE which is an abstract data type).
The fact that stdin is related to some device (e.g. a keyboard) is implementation specific.
You could (but that would be unethical and/or inefficient) implement the C standard with e.g. a room of human slaves (that is unethical, if you use paid workers that would be just inefficient), instead of using a computer. Often, computers gives your some implementation of the C standard thru the help of some operating system.
You may want to know, inside your C program, if stdin is a "keyboard" or redirected from some "file". Unfortunately, AFAIK, there is no C99-standard way to know that.
As you mention, stdin, stdout and stderr should be available in your program at startup (i.e. after entering main ....). Hence, unless you fclose the stdin stream, you can read it (with getchar, scanf, getline, fgets, fscanf ... and friends) without any prior care (so you don't need to fopen it yourself).
On Linux or most Posix systems, you might use as an approximation isatty(STDIN_FILENO) - see isatty(3) for more - to test if stdin "is" the "keyboard" (by testing if it is some tty). See also this & that.
Yes, standard input (stdin) is input exepected from the keyboard. So, could be in the form of user input from a basic program or from a command line argument. Standard output (stdout) is the output of the code, usually to the terminal window. You could output your code almost anywhere, i.e. to a file, to a textbox, browser, but the standard is the stdout which is the terminal.
Hope that helps.
Normally, the standard input is the keyboard and the standard output the screen. However, you can redirect this in the command line using the "<" and ">" symbols. A command line like
dir /s > "Tree.txt"
will change the standard output for the dir command to be the specified file. So all output goes to that file. The called application or command itself doesn't normally even notice the difference.
stdin is file descriptor 0, you can get a file to stdin by:
cat file |yourprog
yourprog <file
likewise for stdout (file descriptor 1)
yourprog | someotherprog #pipe your stdout to the stdin of another program
yourprog > somefile #save stdout to a file
yourprog >> somefile #append stdout to a file
and stderr (fd 2)
yourprog 2> errlogfile
if you have a program that takes a file but doesn't handle stdin, you can use the above formats by doing this (assuming -f if the input file argument)
myprog -f /dev/stdin
//and a horrible example of how not to read from stdin and write to stdout
char buf[4096];
standard output (or stdout) refers to the standardized streams of data that are produced by command line programs (i.e., all-text mode programs) in Linux and other Unix-like operating systems.
