How to catch Tab key press event in Ext JS 3 grid - extjs

I try to catch Tab key press event. This is what I tried:
this.test.on('keypress', function(t,e) {
if (e.getKey() == Ext.EventObject.ENTER) {
}, this);
Please help to catch Tab key press event in the grid cells.
This my EditorGridPanel override function
Ext.override(Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel, {
initEvents : function(){;
this.on("bodyscroll", this.stopEditing, this, [true]);
this.on("columnresize", this.stopEditing, this, [true]);
this.view.scroller.on("mousedown", this.onMouseDownEditClick, this);
this.on('keypress', function(t,e) {
// if (e.getKey() == Ext.EventObject.TAB) {
// }
}, this);
//Reload datastore without redrawing grid
this.getView().on('beforerefresh', function(view) {
view.scrollTop = view.scroller.dom.scrollTop;
view.scrollHeight = view.scroller.dom.scrollHeight;
this.getView().on('refresh', function(view) {
setTimeout(function () {
view.scroller.dom.scrollTop = view.scrollTop + (view.scrollTop == 0 ? 0 : view.scroller.dom.scrollHeight - view.scrollHeight);
}, 100);
if(this.clicksToEdit == 'mousedown'){
this.view.scroller.on("mousedown", this.onMouseDownEditClick, this);
}else if(this.clicksToEdit == 1){
this.on("cellclick", this.onCellDblClick, this);
}else {
if(this.clicksToEdit == 'auto' && this.view.mainBody){
this.view.mainBody.on("mousedown", this.onAutoEditClick, this);
this.on("celldblclick", this.onCellDblClick, this);
onMouseDownEditClick : function(e, t){
if(e.button !== 0){
var row = this.view.findRowIndex(t);
var col = this.view.findCellIndex(t);
edit_row = row;
edit_col = col;
if(row !== false && col !== false){
this.startEditing(row, col);

I see typo in your code. Instead
But anyway, did you try to use something like that?
this.test.on('keypress', function(t,e) {
if (e.getKey() == Ext.EventObject.TAB) {
}, this);

I had a similar issue with this, since the 'keypress' event only fires when the event occurs on the EditorGridPanel (not the individual cells).
I put the event listener on the EditorGridPanel's GridView, specifically, for my purposes listening for the 'rowupdated' event (!/api/Ext.grid.GridView-event-rowupdated) - I hope this helps someone else.


Remove $watch and bring the logic out of the $watch in AngularJS

I have a code in AngularJS which looks like below :
$scope.startWatching = function () {
return $scope.$watch('form', function (n, o) {
var timeoutPromise;
$timeout.cancel(timeoutPromise); //does nothing, if timeout alrdy done
timeoutPromise = $timeout(function () {
if (n !== o) {
if ($scope.isLegacy) {
$scope.showCompleteBtn = $scope.showCompleteButton2();
} else {
$scope.showCompleteBtn = $scope.showCompleteButton();
}, 400);
}, true);
So whenever form changes, either $scope.showCompleteButton2() is called or $scope.showCompleteButton() is called.
The problem is that the $watch() gets called many number if times, so I need to bring these two methods out of the $watch().
Watchers like event listeners should only be added once when the DOM is built. And removed when the DOM is torn down.
If the code needs to enable or disable the actions performed by the watcher, provide a state in the model to do so:
var enableWatch = false;
$scope.startWatching = function () {
enableWatch = true;
var timeoutPromise;
$scope.$watch('form', function (n, o) {
if (!enableWatch) return;
timeoutPromise && $timeout.cancel(timeoutPromise);
timeoutPromise = $timeout(function () {
if (n !== o) {
if ($scope.isLegacy) {
$scope.showCompleteBtn = $scope.showCompleteButton2();
} else {
$scope.showCompleteBtn = $scope.showCompleteButton();
}, 400);
}, true);
The watcher ignores changes when the enableWatch variable is false. Set the variable to true to enable the specified actions.

AngularJS/ionic: Navigating specific screen items via direction keys

I am trying to implement a mechanism where specific items on a screen are navigable using arrows keys.
At the moment, I am drawing a red box around items as they move and pressing enter activates them.
I have the following directive:
(credits here and here)
.directive("moveNext", function() {
return {
restrict: "A",
link: function($scope, element,attrs) {
element.bind("keyup", function(e) {
if (e.which == 37) {
console.log ("MOVE LEFT:" + JSON.stringify(element));
var partsId =\d+)/);
console.log ("CURRENT PARTS="+JSON.stringify(partsId));
var currentId = parseInt(partsId[1]);
console.log ("Looking for move-"+(currentId-1));
var nextElement = angular.element(document.querySelectorAll('#move-' + (currentId - 1)));
// var $nextElement ='movehere');
if(nextElement.length) {
// $nextElement[0].style.border='5px solid red';;
if (e.which == 39) {
console.log ("MOVE RIGHT:" + JSON.stringify(element));
var partsId =\d+)/);
var currentId = parseInt(partsId[1]);
console.log ("CURRENT PARTS="+JSON.stringify(partsId));
var currentId = parseInt(partsId[1]);
var nextElement = angular.element(document.querySelectorAll('#move-' + (currentId + 1)));
console.log ("Looking for move-"+(currentId+1));
// var $nextElement ='movehere');
if(nextElement.length) {
// $nextElement[0].style.border='5px solid red';;
if (e.which == 13) {
console.log ("ENTER:" + JSON.stringify(element));
// element.triggerHandler('click');
if (event) event.preventDefault();
And then in the template I have the following, for example:
<button move-next id="move-1" ng-click="d1()">Yes</button>
<button move-next id="move-3" ng-click="d1()">Yes</button>
<button ng-click="d1()">No</button>
<button move-next id="move-2" ng-click="d1()">Yes</button>
Yes <!-- PROBLEM -->
The nice part is I can now navigate to any "clickable" element depending on the ID order I set, which is my intention. The problem is that focus() only works on items that are focusable, so once "move-4" is highlighted by the directive, the focus() doesn't really work so I can never move "next" to "move-5"
Problem solved:
I removed the directive, and instead wrote a global keyUpHandler
Inside the keyup handler, I kept state on last selected item ID, so I could +- it irrespective of whether an item is focusable or not.
I can now navigate arbitrary items on any view with direction pad.
The problem however is that move-Ids must be unique across views or I need to find a way to do a query only on the active view. I need to figure out how to do that. currentView = document.querySelector('ion-view[nav-view="active"]'); doesn't work.
The code (needs cleanup, but seems to work)
window.addEventListener('keyup', keyUpHandler, true);
function keyUpHandler(evt){
$timeout (function() {
var currentView = document.querySelector('ion-view[nav-view="active"]');
var keyCode=evt.keyCode;
var el, nextel;
if (keyCode == 13 ) {
if ($rootScope.dpadId >0) {
el = angular.element(currentView.querySelector('#move-' +$rootScope.dpadId));
if (keyCode == 37 || keyCode == 39) {
if ($rootScope.dpadId < 1) {
console.log ("First dpad usage");
$rootScope.dpadId = 1;
el = angular.element(currentView.querySelector('#move-1'));
if (el.length) {
} else {
// unselect old
el = angular.element(currentView.querySelector('#move-' +$rootScope.dpadId));
var nextId = (keyCode == 37) ? $rootScope.dpadId -1: $rootScope.dpadId + 1;
nextel = angular.element(currentView.querySelector('#move-' +nextId));
if (nextel.length) {
$rootScope.dpadId = nextId;
console.log ("dpadID="+$rootScope.dpadId);

how to disable particular column of grid based on other value of column in extjs

This is how I did coding, please help me to disable particular column:
listeners: {
beforeedit: function(obj) {
var c = obj.record.get('quarterlyreview1');
if(c==="Approved") {
var d = obj.record.get('quarterlyprogress1');
// return obj.record.get('status');
// you can update the above logic to something else
// based on your criteria send false to stop editing
According to the Documentation if beforeedit returns false the edit is stopped.
(This code would work for V4 and V5)
listeners: {
beforeedit: function(editor, context, eOpts) {
var c = context.record.get('quarterlyreview1');
if(c==="Approved" && (context.colIdx==0 || context.colIdx==1)) {
return false;
// return context.record.get('status');
// you can update the above logic to something else
// based on your criteria send false to stop editing

Cannot read property 'superclass' of undefined / Object #<Object> has no method 'addCls'

--------------------- Solution ---------------------------
I did a workaround of having to callParent inside my code,
var expandFieldOverride = function(event)
//event: collapse, false / expand, true
var fieldset = this;
var arguments = [event];
Ext.each(profilesPanel.items.items, function(panel, i)
if (panel.isProfilePanel)
var field = panel.down('profileform[title=Standard Configuration]').down('fieldset[name='']');
field.readyToExpand = true;
fieldset.readyToExpand = false;
-------------------------Initial Problem-------------------------------
I am using ExtJS 4.2.1 and I am trying to override the collapse and expand events of fieldsets. Using collapse and expand didn't work, so I had to directly override setExpanded(). I am trying to achieve the event that when one fieldset is collapsed in a profile panel, so is the other in the other profile panel, and vice versa.
extend: 'Ext.form.FieldSet',
setExpanded: expandFieldOverride,
//expand: expandFieldOverride,
//collapse: collapseFieldOverride,
alias: 'widget.profilefieldset'
var expandFieldOverride = function(event)
//event: collapse, false / expand, true
var fieldset = this;
var arguments = [event];
Ext.each(profilesPanel.items.items, function(panel, i)
if (panel.isProfilePanel)
var field = panel.down('profileform[title=Standard Configuration]').down('fieldset[name='']');
If I use 'this.callParent(arguments)' inside the code, I recieve
'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'superclass' of undefined '
I did some research and tried out this line of code
from which I recieve :
'Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method 'addCls''
Which is a call inside of the setExpanded function in the source.
setExpanded: function(expanded) {
var me = this,
checkboxCmp = me.checkboxCmp,
operation = expanded ? 'expand' : 'collapse';
if (!me.rendered || me.fireEvent('before' + operation, me) !== false) {
expanded = !!expanded;
if (checkboxCmp) {
if (expanded) {
me.removeCls(me.baseCls + '-collapsed');
} else {
me.addCls(me.baseCls + '-collapsed');
me.collapsed = !expanded;
if (expanded) {
delete me.getHierarchyState().collapsed;
} else {
me.getHierarchyState().collapsed = true;
if (me.rendered) {
// say explicitly we are not root because when we have a fixed/configured height
// our ownerLayout would say we are root and so would not have it's height
// updated since it's not included in the layout cycle
me.updateLayout({ isRoot: false });
me.fireEvent(operation, me);
return me;
My fieldset is defined by xtype:
You have to use apply. Call is the wrong function. Have a look at this:
What is the difference between call and apply?

ad timer focus required

hi i want to show a timer that will stop if the window/tab is not in focus and when the user will back to the window/tab it will again start to countdown. i have following code and i tried some methods but not getting the desired result!hope one of you will able to solve my problem
function adTimer() {
if(timer == fulltimer) {
var show="Click <img src=\"clickimages/"+key+".png\">";
else {
setTimeout(adTimer, 1000);
$(document).ready(function() {
if(id != -1) adTimer();
else $("#timer").html("Cheat Check");
Check for focus with a timer:
var focus;
function mytimer() {
if (focus) {
// Do stuff.
$(window).blur(function () {
focus = false;
$(window).focus(function () {
focus = true;
setInterval(mytimer, 1000);
