Makefile with multiple submodules - c

I have following program structure:
Submodule is creating library submodule.a. It has many source files and it need some libraries.
All I want to know that
Makefile in submodule knows how to make submodule.a
Makefile in submodule sets variable SUBMODULE_LDFLAGS and SUBMODULE_LDLIBS
How can I write Makefile in root project directory that:
it would create submodule.a using Makefile in submodule
it would add SUBMODULE_LDFLAGS and SUBMODULE_LDLIBS to its own variable?
AT the end I want the following command in main Makefile works correctly:
TARGET = MyProgram
OBJS = $(TARGET).o submodule/submodule.a
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $# $(LDLIBS)
Now it creates MyProgram.o and cannot create MyProgram, because Makefile doesn't know how to make submodule/submodule.a.
I can add lines:
make -C submodule
but it won't help me with missing libraries.

There is no direct way for the sub-Make to pass variables to the parent process. There are (at least) two indirect ways.
You could have the sub-Make write a file containing the variable values, which the parent Make could then read.
You could copy the part of submodule/Makefile that constructs those variables, and put it into Makefile. Better still, you could isolate that code in a separate file that both makefiles would then include.
One disadvantage of recursive Make is that it interrupts much of Make's dependency handling. In this case, there's no clean way to have the sub-make run when and only when one of the library's sources is changed.
You can put the list of submodule sources -- or the code that constructs the list -- in a separate file which both makefiles will include. Then those files can be among the prerequisites of $(TARGET).
Or, you could make submodule/submodule.a a PHONY target. In that case, Make will rebuild the binary every time, but otherwise it'll work perfectly.


searching solution for creating generic makefile for compilation of multiple programs

Till now, I was using the following makefile that I have generated somehow for my school projects:
my makefile
But now I have a different situation: I am supposed to compile 4 programs for one project, while part of the code is supposed to be compiled as .so, for use for the 4 programs.
like described here:
1 - all the parts that are supposed to be compiled together as one .so file, using for example:
gcc -shared -fPIC src/file1.c src/file2.c src/file3.c -o
3,4,5 should be compiled and linked together with this .so file, using for example:
gcc src/file4.c -L'pwd' lutils -o file4.out
the same way for all the 3 projects, and one more simple compilation of project 2.
I wandered across the net, google, your site, etc.
tried to find a solution for this situation,
without any luck.
already seen solutions like this one:
solution example
where you supply makefile with the details of the entire project structure.
I thought about dividing all the files into 4 folders, below the main folder, and creating a loop inside makefile that will compile each program in each cycle, with "if" statements to make a different compilation, according to the index. but I had no luck, it seems very complicated (maybe someone can show me a solution like that one...).
I am wondering if there is a way of making this whole compilation process generic and automatic like the current file (maybe little less),
if there is a way, I would like to study and discover it.
thank you in advance!!!
Since you have a nicely drawn tree of dependencies, you "just" need to translate this into a Makefile.
You might like to start with this:
.PHONY: all
all: reloader.exe block_finder.exe formatter.exe printdb.exe
MODULES = reloader block_finder formatter printdb linked_list bitcoin file_handler
SRCS = $(MODULES:%=%.c)
reloader.exe block_finder.exe formatter.exe printdb.exe:
reloader.exe: reloader.o
block_finder.exe: block_finder.o
formatter.exe: formatter.o
printdb.exe: printdb.o linked_list.o bitcoin.o file_handler.o
gcc -shared -fPIC $^ -o $#
%.exe: %.o
gcc $< -L. -lbitcoin_manager -o $#
%.o: %.c
gcc -c $< -o $#
%.d: %.c
gcc -MM -MT $# -MT $*.o -MF $# $<
include $(SRCS:%.c=%.d)
Because you don't have a loop in the diagram, you don't need a loop in the Makefile. Instead you put all dependent files on the left of a colon and the file they depend on on the right.
You might like to collect more "objects" in variables, for example the programs to build, the modules in the library, and so on.
I have also used a common pattern to generate the dependencies from the header files. The way shown is just one way to do it. It uses files with a ".d" extension, for "dependency." GCC has options to build these files, it scans the source and collects all included headers even if "stacked."
For example, "bitcoin.d" looks like this:
bitcoin.d bitcoin.o: bitcoin.c bitcoin.h linked_list.h definitions.h \
The re-generate the dependency file on changes in the sources it is also a target, not only the object file.
First, using directories makes Makefiles more difficult. I don't like such structures not only for that reason, but also because they separate header files and implementation files that clearly belong to each other.
Anyway, here is an enhanced Makefile:
.PHONY: all
SRCDIR = src
INCDIR = include
BLDDIR = build
APPS = reloader block_finder formatter printdb
MODULES = reloader block_finder formatter printdb linked_list bitcoin file_handler
LIBNAME = bitcoin_manager
LIBMODULES = linked_list bitcoin file_handler
SRCS = $(MODULES:%=%.c)
LIB = $(
#win LIB = $(LIBNAME:%=%.lib)
EXES = $(APPS:%=%.exe)
all: $(BLDDIR) $(EXES)
mkdir $#
gcc -shared -fPIC $^ -o $#
$(EXES): $(LIB)
$(EXES): %.exe: $(BLDDIR)/%.o
gcc $< -L. -l$(LIBNAME) -o $#
$(BLDDIR)/%.o: %.c
gcc -I$(INCDIR) -c $< -o $#
$(SRCDIR)/%.d: %.c
gcc -I$(INCDIR) -MM -MT $# -MT $(BLDDIR)/$*.o -MF $# $<
include $(SRCS:%.c=$(SRCDIR)/%.d)
It uses a lot more variables to simplify renaming and managing a growing library and application.
One important issue is the use of VPATH. This makes make search for sources in the list of paths assigned to it. Make sure you understand it thoroughly, search for articles and documentation. It is easy to use it wrong.
The pattern $(EXES): %.exe: $(BLDDIR)/%.o is a nice one. It consists of three parts, first a list of targets, second a generic pattern with a single target and its source. Here is means that for all executables each of them is built from its object file.
Now to your questions:
Is answered by the new proposal. I didn't add the directory but use VPATH.
Make stopped not because the exe-from-o pattern was wrong, but because it didn't find a way to build the object file needed. This is solved by the new proposal, too. To find out what happens if you delete these 4 recipes in the old proposal: you can experiment, so do it!
The dot is, like user3629249 tried to say, the present working directory. You had it in your Makefile with 'pwd' and I replaced it. This is not special to make, it is common in all major operating systems, including Windows. You might know .. which designates the parent directory.
When make starts it reads the Makefile or any given file. If this file contains include directives the files listed are checked if they need to be rebuild. make does this even if you call it with -n! After (re-)building all files to be included they are included finally. Now make has all recipes and continues with its "normal" work.

What is this variable in the Makefile?

So here is a Makefile I have been given, with comment I have added.
MF= Makefile_c #name of the makefile
CC= cc #compiler to use
CFLAGS= -g #flags to use
LFLAGS= -lm #flags to use after the thingy
EXE= hello #name to give the executable
INC= \ # ??? What's this for ???
# No user-defined include files at present - list here if required.
# name of the source file
SRC= \
#delete default suffix
#define the suffixes we are interested in
.SUFFIXES: .c .o
OBJ= $(SRC:.c=.o) # names to give the object files
#The .o files depend on the .c files. Compile the object files.
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
all: $(EXE) #The output is the executable
$(OBJ): $(INC) #The objects depend on whatever INC is
# The executable depends on the object files. build it from the object files.
$(EXE): $(OBJ)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $# $(OBJ) $(LFLAGS)
# ??? the object files depend on the makefile???
$(OBJ): $(MF)
# remove any old executables or object files.
rm -f $(OBJ) $(EXE) core
I am still learning about makefiles so please correct me if I have misidentified anything. The makefile works fine But I want to adapt it to work with my program that has multiple files and header files. I suspect that the variable $INC will somehow make this possible, but so far my attempts to use it have not worked.
For now I would like to understand what this makefile is trying to do, cn you tell me what $INC is for?
The makefile works fine But I want to adapt it to work with my program that has multiple files and header files. I suspect that the variable $INC will somehow make this possible
Unfortunately, no. The \ is just a line continuation, so you can write content for the variable in the next line. It's empty here. This is just a very simple (and ancient!) approach for dependencies: List them yourself. The intention is to list all files your C source file #includes there, so make will rebuild when any of these included files change.
There are much advanced patterns, gcc (and other compilers) allow to do automatic dependency information for make, but this is out of scope for this question. (*)
As for building with multiple source files, this Makefile already supports it, again using an "ancient" way, a suffix rule. It automatically considers all .c files in your directory part of your final program.
(*) As mentioned by Tormund Giantsbane in the comments, this document has nice information on the topic auf automatic dependencies

Makefile use of $<

Can anyone explain why the use of $< in:
$(BUILD_DIR)/release/%.o: %.c $(HEADERS)
$(RELEASE_LINK.c) $< -c -o $#
iterates over both the .o files and .c files in pairs building an obj file from a c file, whereas $< in:
$(program_C_OBJS) : $(program_C_SRCS)
$(RELEASE_LINK.c) $< -c -o $#
iterates over all the obj files but only ever pulls out the 1st dependency, i.e. the 1st c file
Is it possible in the 2nd example to modify such that the matching pairs of obj and c files are built as happens in the 1st example?
The $< variable doesn't "iterate" anything. It doesn't do anything but expand to the name of the first prerequisite of the target it is expanded in.
The first rule is a pattern rule. It applies to any files that need to be built that match that pattern.
The second rule (which almost certainly doesn't do anything even remotely like what you want unless those variables contain patterns) maps specific output files to specific input files (in your case presumably the limited set of input C files you want the rule to apply to).
The choice about what files get compiled during any given make run is determined by what files make is told to build and which of their dependencies make determines need to be updated to make that happen.
From GNU Make - 10.5.3 Automatic Variables
The name of the first prerequisite. If the target got its recipe from an implicit rule, this will be the first prerequisite added by the implicit rule
Depending on what you want to accomplish, there is also
The names of all the prerequisites that are newer than the target, with spaces between them.
The names of all the prerequisites, with spaces between them
You can build a specific set of objects by stating them as dependencies to another target
target1: $(program_C_OBJS)
Now, when you call
make target1
make tries to create the dependencies for target1, which in turn can be built using your first rule, one by one. Of course, you can specify a command for target1 as well. This command will be executed as soon as its dependencies $(program_C_OBJS) are built.

multiple small programs in one code::blocks project

I am new to Code::Blocks. For my studies I am programming several small programms in C (just to try things out).
I tried to put them all in one project, because they belong to the same topic, but that doesn't work because each of them has a main function.
Any ideas how I can put those files together somehow, but not depending on each other?
Suppose your source files are called
where prog1.c and prog2.c each contain a main() function and mylib.c (with the corresponding header file mylib.h) contains some library functions that should be linked to each program. In your Code::Blocks project you need to create multiple targets now. From the menu choose 'File/New/Build target...' and name them 'prog1' and 'prog2'. Now add all of your source files to the project (in case you haven't done so already).
Now right-click on prog1.c and select "Properties..." from the context menu. In the dialog box choose the 'Build' tab and make sure that under "Belongs to target" only "prog1" is checked. Do the same with prog2.c and the target "prog2". For "mylib.c" make sure that both "prog1" and "prog2" are checked.
Now you can easily choose in the UI which build target to build and run. Note that if you add another target, say "prog3", then you have to go to the build properties of prog1.c and prog2.c again and uncheck "prog3".
A C program should contain only one main function.. Divide all your separate programs as Functions and put them in a single C program or you can even put it in multiple files and compile them..
You can use a switch case for calling different functions..
Remove the main function from all the programs and convert them into functions..
Call them where ever required.. This will help you..
let's say that your project contains 3 c files and each c file is a separate program and it contains its own main function:
So you can write a Makefile (its name in your computer should be "Makfile"). It will build the program you want separately
This is how your makefile looks:
all: program1 program2 program3
%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# $^
program1: program1.o
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $# $^
program2: program2.o
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $# $^
program3: program3.o
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $# $^
rm -f *.o program1 program2 program3
with the above Makefile you can build each program separetly
$ make program1
will build only program1
or you can buil all programs with
$make all
It seems to me as if you are starting to build some nice utility functions. So follow the advice offered by raghu-srikanth-reddyce and create separate functions for each little program. However I would add that it would be better to create yourself a simple C library to keep them all in which you can link to at any time. Most professional programmers keep such libraries.
A simple makefile will enable you to build a final binary that you can link to.
Good luck with your programming ;)
If you want to compile in one file, you dont need a Project File then.
Just make a New File, then write all the code in a single file. Also use Function and Procedure if you need it.
This is quite late but since I was once here with the same question, and I believe most students had/ have/ will have this same question, let me elaborate where you have been played at.
In Educational Courses and in Real World, a project is (in general) some problem you work on, find a solution, then make a report (+ documentation) on it.
In Programming IDE, a project is the problem's solution itself. Hence, while you may have multiple individual problems within one project in any Python IDE, Any standard C/C++ IDE project must have only one 'main()' to rule them all (unless you know how to create makefiles).
What the AP tried to do is to put several different problem's solutions fit within one solution's space - not a possible thing to do in Code::Blocks. Even if all the problems may share the same topic (say, Graph Theory), they are individual problem (Dijkstra vs Floyd) themselves.

Updating source files to different folder using makefile in Linux

I have a Linux GNU C project that requires building output for two different hardware devices, using a common C source code base, but different makefiles. Presently I have two makefiles in the same folder, one for each device, and when I make a change to the code, I have to first do "make clean" to make the first model, then "make clean" to make the second model. This is because they use different compilers and processors. Even if a code file didn't change, I have to recompile it for the other device.
What I would like to do is use a different folder for the second model, so it stores a separate copy of *.d and *.o files. I would not have to "make clean", only recompile the changed sources. I have looked at makefile syntax, and being new to Linux, can only scratch my head at the cryptic nature of this stuff.
One method I'm considering would update the .c & .h files from model_1 folder into model_2 folder. Can someone provide me with a simple makefile that will copy only newer *.c and *.h files from one folder to another?
Alternatively, there must be a way to have a common source folder, and separate output folders, so duplicated source files are not required. Any help to achieve that is appreciated. I can provide the makefiles if you want to look at them.
You want to generated files (object and dependencies) put into a separate folder for each build type as it compiles. Here's what I had do that may work for you:
$(PRODUCT1_OBJDIR)/%.o $(PRODUCT1_OBJDIR)/%.d: %.cpp
#mkdir -p $(#D)
$(PRODUCT2_OBJDIR)/%.o $(PRODUCT2_OBJDIR)/%.d: %.cpp
#mkdir -p $(#D)
$PRODUCT1_OBJDIR and $PRODUCT2_OBJDIR are variables names for the directory where you wish to have the generated files stored. This will check for changes to dependencies and recompile if needed.
If you still have problems, get back with feedback, will try and sort you out.
You could compile your source files to object files in different directories ("folder" is not really the appropriate word on Unix). You just have to set appropriate make rules. And you might use other builders like omake, scons, ...
You could use remake to debug your GNU Makefile-s. You could have inside a rule like
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SRCDIR)/%.c
$(COMPILE.c) -c $^ -o $#
And you could set (earlier in your Makefile) variables with e.g.
OBJDIR:=obj-$(shell uname -m)
or something better
I do suggest to read GNU make's manual; it has an introduction to makefiles.
This can be easily achieved with makepp's repository mechanism. If you call makepp -R../src ARCH=whatever then it will symbolically link all parts of ../src under the current directory and compile here.
You can even create a file .makepprc and put in any options specific to this architecture, so you'll never get confused which command to call where.
If your different architectures have identically produced files (like generated sources), you can even build in ../src and the other architecture will pick up everything that doesn't depend on your current compile options.
There is much more to makepp. Besides doing almost all that GNU make can, there are lots more useful things, and you can even extend your makefiles with some Perl programming.
