how to remove null valve in grid store extjs - extjs

The value becomes null as the store of Grid.json format is
The Grid is
var grid1 = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.GridPanel, {
border: false,
width: 'auto',
height: 300,
hideHeaders: true,
initComponent: function () {
var config = {
// store
store: struct_grid_Store
// column model
, columns: [
{ text: "struct_grid", dataIndex: 'struct_grid' }
// force fit
, viewConfig: { forceFit: true, scrollOffset: 0 }
}; // eo config object
// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));
and Store is
var struct_grid_Store = new{
reader: new{
fields: ['id', 'struct_grid'],
root: 'struct_grid'
proxy: new{
url: '../../EicePackege/phpframework/DefStruct.php?mode=struct_grid',
autoLoad: true,
remoteSort: true

You should not send a record back from server when it is not a record at all. Note that
is a valid JSON string so a valid JavaScript object and per default it will be a valid model instance. So the record will exist in the store and so it will be displayed. ExtJS does it all right. Yes you could handle this by tweaking the reader, but that is the wrong way.
If you want no record you should send none.


Extjs 4.0.7 paging grid with new proxy

I have a paging grid with a store. I have to change the proxy of the store, but when i do this and try to reload the grid, it gives a loading mask and do nothing else. Can you help me?
This is the original store:
var store = new{
autoDestroy: true,
proxy: {
type: 'direct',
directFn: Ext.d.Class.Function,
extraParams: {
param: param
paramOrder: ['param', 'filter', 'start', 'limit', 'sort'],
reader: {
type: 'json',
root: "rows",
idProperty: 'id',
totalProperty: "all"
fields: fields,
remoteSort: true,
autoLoad: false,
sorters: sorters
The original grid:
var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
selModel: selmodel,
title: title,
flex: 1,
store: store,
columns: columns,
bbar: pager = Ext.create('Ext.PagingToolbar', {
store: store,
displayInfo: true,
displayMsg: '{1} / {2}',
emptyMsg: ""
The new proxy:
var newProxy = Ext.create('', {
type: 'ajax',
paramsAsHash: false,
url: 'tasks.php',
actionMethods: {
read: 'POST'
extraParams: {
task: 'getItems',
id: id
reader: {
type: 'json',
root: "rows",
idProperty: 'id',
totalProperty: "all"
And I tried to set proxy and load the store, but it doesn't do anything.
grid.getStore().load(); // fails, loading mask but no ajax
Any idea?
That's because you're not actually creating an Ajax proxy, but its parent class The type is not interpreted in these lines:
var newProxy = Ext.create('', {
type: 'ajax',
You have to specify the actual class name:
var newProxy = Ext.create('', {
(And, IMHO, you'd better create it with the new keyword new, so that you discover your missing requires early...)

Dynamic store model grid columns

The grid looks to have the right number of rows displayed and the column headers are correct but the actual data in the cells is blank. Any idea why this is happening?
var data = new DOMParser().parseFromString('<sio><sql><row><Name>item 1</Name><Dn>value 1</Dn></row><row><Name>item 2</Name><Dn>value 2</Dn></row></sql></sio>',"text/xml");
var columns=JSON.parse('[{"dataIndex": "Name","text": "NEW Clumn Name"},{"dataIndex": "Dn","text": "NEW Column Dn"}]');
var fields = JSON.parse('[{"name": "Name","type": "string"},{"name": "Dn","type": "string"}]');
var model = new{
fields: fields
new model
Ext.define('testModel', {
extend: '',
requires: [
fields: fields
var store = new{
// model: model, // this not works
model: 'testModel', // this works
// fields: fields, // this works
proxy: {
type: 'memory',
reader: {
type: 'xml',
rootProperty: 'sql',
record: 'row'
var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
xtype: 'gridpanel',
title: 'Test',
titleAlign: 'center',
columnLines: true,
id: 'testGrid',
forceFit: true,
store: store,
log $reference: undefined - any idea what that means
[Object, Object]
0: Object
$reference: undefined
name: "Name"
type: "string"

extjs3.4: How to use store filter on a grid

I am using ExtJS3.4.
I want to filter the billingstore based on value selected by the user for billingName.
So, How do I pass the value selected to the store or grid? How do I achieve this?
Here is my code:
// Store for the grid panel - has billing grid data
this.billingStore = new{
autoLoad: {params:{start: 0, limit: 2}},
filter: {billingName}
proxy: new{
url: '/ELCM/Client/',
root: 'data',
fields: ['billingName','billingAmount','usedData','duration'],
var billingStore = this.billingStore;
//view billing
this.billingGrid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
title: 'View Billing',
store: that.billingStore,
{header: "Amount",dataIndex: 'billingAmount'},
{header: "Data Used", dataIndex: 'usedData'},
{header: "Duration", dataIndex: 'duration'}
sm: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect: true}),
bbar: new Ext.PagingToolbar({
store: that.billingStore, // grid and PagingToolbar using same store
displayInfo: true,
pageSize: 2
listeners: {
rowclick : function(grid, rowIndex, e){
console.log("row Index "+rowIndex);
var billingGrid = this.billingGrid;
Depending on what you want to filter by a simple filter method on the store will achieve what your looking for.
property: '',
id: '',
Look at!/api/ for further information.
Check out this code ,how does the filter in ExtJS work its required the property (i.e billingName for filtering as per your example) then 'value' on basis of which the filter happen this 2 are the mandatory options required for the filter function to work other optional config property which is exactMatch & caseSensitive which add the accuracy to the filter function.
Try out the below code
// Store for the grid panel - has billing grid data
this.billingStore = new{
autoLoad: {params:{start: 0, limit: 2}},
filter: [{
property: 'billingName',
value: ''//Data source which need to be filter or based on value selected by the user for billingName
exactMatch: true,
caseSensitive: true
proxy: new{
url: '/ELCM/Client/',
root: 'data',
fields: ['billingName','billingAmount','usedData','duration'],
var billingStore = this.billingStore;
//view billing
this.billingGrid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
title: 'View Billing',
store: that.billingStore,
{header: "Amount",dataIndex: 'billingAmount'},
{header: "Data Used", dataIndex: 'usedData'},
{header: "Duration", dataIndex: 'duration'}
sm: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect: true}),
bbar: new Ext.PagingToolbar({
store: that.billingStore, // grid and PagingToolbar using same store
displayInfo: true,
pageSize: 2
listeners: {
rowclick : function(grid, rowIndex, e){
console.log("row Index "+rowIndex);
var billingGrid = this.billingGrid;

Extjs combobox not displaying data

I have an editor grid panel, with 2 fields. Based on the 1st field, the second field should change to a combobox with further options. For that getting the value of the 1st field on runtime is required to fire the query for the second field.
The code is working fine and retriving the data. But even when the mentioned width is 350 for the second field, the combobox which appears, is very small and can't be read. Even the dropdown is not seen. I tried the ListWidth property too.. but no change in the output.
Is it because, initially the combobox is empty and I'm using the beforequery property to change the url with the id field so the combobox is not getting the data? But I can't see any errors on firebug.
I have the following code:
createGrid= function(e){
var store= new{
autoLoad: true,
proxy: new{ url: ..... }) //url to get the data
reader: new{
root: //the root,
id: //id,
sortInfo: {field: 'id', direction: 'ascending' },
fields: ['id','fields']
var store2= new ({
autoLoad: true,
id: 'store2',
proxy: new{ url: ' '}) //url
reader: new{
root: 'enums','id', fields: ['enum_id','value']
var cm=new ext.grid.columnModel([
{id:'id',name:'id',dataIndex: 'id', width: 300},
{id:'fields', header: 'fields',width: 350, editor: new Ext.form.ComboBox({
name: 'combo',
store: store2,
width: 350,
valueField: 'enum_id',
displayField: 'value',
listeners: {
beforequery: function(query){
var g_n=Ext.getCmp('grid1');
var s_t=g_n.getSelectionModel().getSelections();
var record=s_t[0];
var assign_data=record.get('id');
var actionStore=Ext.StoreMgr.get('store2');
var action_combobox=Ext.getCmp('combo1');
actionStore.proxy.conn.url=' ',//new url which requires the 'id' field
return query;
return new Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({
id: 'grid1',
store: store,
sm: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel ({ singleSelect: true});
autoExpandableColumn: 'fields',
listeners: {
//the other grid listeners
Please help me with this problem.
Thanks in advance.
var store2 = new
Maybe you need to replace with or

How to create dynamic tabs from a grid column on page load in extjs

I am generating data in a grid panel using json store. I have to generate tabs from the content of column 1 on page load . How can I generate those dynamic tabs from column 1?
Thanks! I am following the same approach but when I am looping through the tabs its not able to add tabs dynamically . I am sure my loop is working properly because I put an alert and its looping through all the records. My code is below...Please let me know where I am wrong..
var store = new{
autoLoad: true,
url: '../json/test.json',
root: 'results',
sortInfo: {
field: 'TIEBACK', direction: 'ASC'
my tabpanel:
tabPanel = new Ext.TabPanel({
region: 'center',
deferredRender: false,
activeTab: 0,
items: [{
xtype: 'grid',
store: store,
//selModel: selModel,
columns: assignment,
stripeRows: true,
loadMask: true,
height: 200,
width: 200,
x: 490, y: 620,
title:'Assignment Status',
bbar: pagingBar
store.on('load', function(){
var tieback = re.get('TIEBACK');
So you have the JSON store, something like this
var store = new{
// store configs
autoDestroy: true,
url: 'get-images.php',
storeId: 'myStore',
// reader configs
root: 'images',
idProperty: 'name',
fields: ['name', 'url', {name:'size', type: 'float'}, {name:'lastmod', type:'date'}]
Then you can add a callback function to the store that gets fired once it loads. This is the documentation on that function
load : ( Store this,[] records, Object options )
store.addListener(load, function(store, records, options){
// loop over records and dynamically create tabs here
So if you had a tabpanel like this
var tabs = new Ext.TabPanel({
resizeTabs:true, // turn on tab resizing
minTabWidth: 115,
defaults: {autoScroll:true},
plugins: new Ext.ux.TabCloseMenu()
You can dynamically add tabs to it like this
title: 'New Tab ' + (++index),
iconCls: 'tabs',
html: 'Tab Body ' + (index) + '<br/><br/>'
+ Ext.example.bogusMarkup,
That should be everything you need, more documentation can be found here.
