I'm wondering for a solution to the below problem. Please help.
struct s{
int a;
int b;
I want a function to initialize the values at runtime. The problem is that I want to make it generic, so I want to pass the member name as input to the function and get it initialized.
fun_init(char* mem, int val)
// Find offset of the member variable in struct 'st'
// Assign the value
One straight solution is to use string comparision on the member name. But if I happen to add some extra variables at a later time, I'll have to modify the function, which I don't want.
Hope I was able to frame the ques clearly.
C does not provide a way to find a symbol by name. See this thread for more information.
The simplest solution here is to use an associative array.
Read this thread if you need to mix value-types. (In your example, all value types are int, so you might not need this.)
void fun_init(int *storage, int val) {
*storage = val;
void something_else(void) {
struct s {
int a;
int b;
} st;
fun_init(&st.a, 42);
However, if you need to dynamically determine the key name, you are doing something wrong. If you need to store key/value pairs, perhaps you would be interested in the hashtable.
I'm guessing you want to initialize struct from either user input or persistency.
A solution involves creating an associative array as mentioned by #Domi.
The array is filled with key/value pairs such as (const char*, unsigned).
The key is the name of struct member and the value is the offset from the start of the struct.
Each struct will need to have a function that initializes the above array. You can get an offset to a member via the offsetof macro.
This will NOT work with structs that have bit fields (sub byte named members).
I have two structs in a library I cannot change. p.e:
uint8_t test;
uint8_t data[8];
}typedef aStruct;
uint8_t value;
uint8_t unimportant_stuff;
char data[8];
}typedef bStruct;
aStruct a;
bStruct b;
In my application there is a process that permantently refreshs my aStruct's.
Now I have a buffer of bStruct's I want to keep updated as well.
The data[] array is the important field. I don't really care about the other values of the structs.
I already made sure, that on that specific system where the code runs on, a "char" is 8Bits as well.
Now I'd like to make the "b.data" array point to exactly the same values as my "a.data" array. So if the process refreshs my aStruct, the values in my bStruct are up to date as well.
Therefore that in C an array is only a pointer to the first element, I thought something like this must be possible:
b.data = a.data
But unfortunately this gives me the compiler-error:
error: assignment to expression with array type
Is there a way to do what I intend to do?
Thanks in advance
Okay, according to the input I got from you guys, I think it might be the best thing to redesign my application.
So instead of a buffer of bStruct's I might use a buffer of aStruct*. This makes sure my buffer is always up to date. And then if I need to do something with an element of the buffer, I will write a short getter-function which copies the data from that aStruct* into a temporary bStruct and returns it.
Thanks for your responses and comments.
If you want b.data[] array to point to exactly the same values, then you can make data of b a char* and make it point to a's data.
Something like
uint8_t value;
uint8_t unimportant_stuff;
char* data;
}typedef bStruct;
b.data = a.data;
But, keep in mind, this means that b.data is pointing at the same memory location as a.data and hence, changing values of b.data would change values of a.data also.
There is another way of doing this. It is by copying all the values of a.data into b.data. Then, b.data would merely contain the same values as a.data, but it would point to different memory locations.
This can either be done by copying one by one. In a for loop for all the 8 elements.
Or, to use memcpy()
Arrays cannot be made to point to another memory locations. As they are non modifiable l-value. If you cannot modify the structs, then you have to use the second method.
What you are asking is not possible when you can not modify the existing struct definitions. But you can still automate the functionality with a bit of OO style programming on your side. All of the following assumes that the data fields in the structs are of same length and contain elements of same size, as in your example.
Basically, you wrap the existing structs with your own container. You can put this in a header file:
/* Forward declaration of the wrapper type */
typedef struct s_wrapperStruct wrapperStruct;
/* Function pointer type for an updater function */
typedef void (*STRUCT_UPDATE_FPTR)(wrapperStruct* w, aStruct* src);
/* Definition of the wrapper type */
struct s_wrapperStruct
aStruct* ap;
bStruct* bp;
Then you can can create a factory style module that you use to create your synced struct pairs and avoid exposing your synchronization logic to uninterested parties. Implement a couple of simple functions.
/* The updater function */
static void updateStructs(wrapperStruct* w, aStruct* src)
if ( (w != NULL) && (src != NULL) )
/* Copy the source data to your aStruct (or just the data field) */
memcpy(w->ap, src, sizeof(aStruct));
/* Sync a's data field to b */
sync(w); /* Keep this as a separate function so you can make it optional */
/* Sync the data fields of the two separate structs */
static void sync(wrapperStruct* w)
if (w != NULL)
memcpy(w->bp->data, w->ap->data, sizeof(w->bp->data));
Then in your factory function you can create the wrapped pairs.
/* Create a wrapper */
wrapperStruct syncedPair = { &updateStructs, &someA, &someB };
You can then pass the pair where you need it, e.g. the process that is updating your aStruct, and use it like this:
/* Pass new data to the synced pair */
syncedPair.update( &syncedPair, &newDataSource );
Because C is not designed as an OO language, it does not have a this pointer and you need to pass around the explicit wrapper pointer. Essentially this is what happens behind the scenes in C++ where the compiler saves you the extra trouble.
If you need to sync a single aStruct to multiple bStructs, it should be quite simple to change the bp pointer to a pointer-to-array and modify the rest accordingly.
This might look like an overly complicated solution, but when you implement the logic once, it will likely save you from some manual labor in maintenance.
On the project in my company I saw a couple of times people creating a struct that contains only one element.
the latest one is added, in this example ipAddr is another struct( a good explanation to the case when ipAddr is an array is given by 'Frerich Raabe' but unfortunately thats not the case here)
typedef struct
ipAddr ip;
} Record;
I guess if the code is changing and in its beginning this makes sense since more fields can be easily added and the code can be easily manipulated to support the new fields, but this is a project started a long time ago written according to a design so I dont think its the issue here.
Why would one create a struct of one field then?
I can think of a couple reasons:
In case more fields may be needed later. This is somewhat common.
To deliberately make the outer type incompatible with the inner type.
For an example of the second, imagine this:
typedef struct
char postal_code[12];
} Destination;
In this case, the Destination is fully specified by the postal code, yet this will let us define functions like this:
int deliver(const char* message, const Destination* to);
This way, no user can inadvertently call the function with the two arguments reversed, which they could easily do if they were both plain strings.
A common reason for a struct with just one field is that the single field is an array, and you'd like to be able to define functions returning such array values. Consider e.g.
typedef unsigned char ipAddr[4];
void f(ipAddr ip); /* OK */
ipAddr g(void); /* Compiler barfs: cannot return array. */
This can be resolved by introducing a struct with a single member of type ipAddr:
typedef unsigned char ipAddr[4];
typedef struct {
ipAddr ip;
} Record;
void f(Record ip); /* OK */
Record g(void); /* Also OK: structs can be returned by value. */
However, even passing arrays to functions is problematic: you don't actually pass the array, you pass a pointer (the type "decays" into a pointer). Imagine f declared above would need to create a copy of the given IP address:
typedef unsignd char ipAddr[4];
void f(ipAddr ip) {
ipAddr *a = malloc(sizeof(ip));
/* ... */
This only happens to work with 32bit builds because the size of a pointer is the same (4 bytes) as the size of an array of four unsigned char values. A 64bit build (or a differently sized array) would exhibit a bug, either allocating too much or too little memory. This happens because inside f, ip is of type unsigned char *, i.e.a pointer. A struct helps with this, since it doesn't decay.
I used to code in C++ and now I try to program in C.
Assume I have defined a struct
struct point{
int x;
int y;
Is there any data structure A in c that can support the following functionality:
Given two integers, say i and j, and two points, say p1 and p2.
A[i][j][p1][p2] can uniquely determine a value.
It sounds like a 4-d array. However, indexes are no longer a int, but user-defined struct.
You'll probably have to make your own structure. The C Programming Language by Kernighan and Ritchie has an example of making an associate map in c, and what I'll detail below is based on what I remember from that.
Basically you'll need a struct Map that contains struct Key and struct Value.
struct Map {
struct Key key;
struct Value value;
struct Key contains elements that determine the value (in your case 2 points and 2 ints)
struct Key {
struct point p1;
struct point p2;
int i;
int j;
struct Value is whatever you want your key to point to (you didn't say)
You now have a struct Map that associates your four inputs with a value, but a single map isn't that useful. You're going to want a whole array of them.
struct Map map[SIZE_OF_MAP];
If you don't want to linearly search the array for the Map struct you're looking for, you can make a hashing function that will bring you directly to it. Just define a function that takes the key and uses its value to assign it an index in the array. Use the hash to place the Map in the array and retrieve it from the array. (Note: I'm unsure if this is a correct example of hashing, please correct if this is completely wrong)
int get_hash(Key *key)
int result;
/* combine all inputs in some way */
result = key->i * key->i + (key->p1.x * key->p1.x) - (key->p2.x * key->p2.x)
/* make sure result isn't out of bounds of the array */
return (result % SIZE_OF_MAP);
If you use the hashing function you'll have to consider collisions (what happens when two keys give the same result for get_hash). When you use your array of Maps you'll need some form of collision resolution.
Often stacks in C are dependent upon datatype used to declare them. For example,
int arr[5]; //creates an integer array of size 5 for stack use
char arr[5]; //creates a character array of size 5 for stack use
are both limited to holding integer and character datatypes respectively and presumes that the programmer knows what data is generated during the runtime. What if I want a stack which can hold any datatype?
I initially thought of implementing it as a union, but the approach is not only difficult but also flawed. Any other suggestions?
I would use a structure like this:
struct THolder
int dataType; // this is a value representing the type
void *val; // this is the value
Then use an array of THolder to store your values.
This is really just a variant of Pablo Santa Cruz' answer, but I think it looks neater:
typedef enum { integer, real, other } type_t;
typedef struct {
type_t type;
union {
int normal_int; /* valid when type == integer */
double large_float; /* valid when type == real */
void * other; /* valid when type == other */
} content;
} stack_data_t;
You still need to use some way to explicitly set the type of data stored in each element, there is no easy way around that.
You could look into preprocessor magic relying on the compiler-dependent typeof keyword to do that automagically, but that will probably not do anything but ruin the portability.
Some people have suggested a void* member. In addition to that solution I'd like to offer an alternative (assuming your stack is a linked list of heap-allocated structures):
struct stack_node
struct stack_node *next;
char data[];
The data[] is a C99 construct. data must be the last member; this takes advantage of the fact that we can stuff arbitrary quantities after the address of the struct. If you're using non-C99 compiler you might have to do some sketchy trick like declare it as data[0].
Then you can do something like this:
struct stack_node*
allocate_stack_node(size_t extra_size)
return malloc(sizeof(struct stack_node) + extra_size);
/* In some other function... */
struct stack_node *ptr = allocate_stack_node(sizeof(int));
int *p = (int*)ptr->data;
If this looks ugly and hacky, it is... But the advantage here is that you still get the generic goodness without introducing more indirection (thus slightly quicker access times for ptr->data than if it were void* pointing to a different location from the structure.)
Update: I'd also like to point out that the code sample I give may have problems if your machine happens to have different alignment requirements for int than char. This is meant as an illustrative example; YMMV.
You could use macros and a "container" type to reduce "type" from being per-element, to whole-container. (C99 code below)
#define GENERIC_STACK(name, type, typeid, elements) \
struct name##_stack { \
unsigned int TypeID; \
type Data[elements]; \
} name = { .TypeID = typeid }
Of course, your "TypeID" would have to allow every possible agreed-upon type you expect; might be a problem if you intend to use whole structs or other user-defined types.
I realize having a uniquely named struct type for every variable is odd and probably not useful... oops.
I created an library that works for any data type:
List new_list(int,int);
creates new list eg:
List list=new_list(TYPE_INT,sizeof(int));
//This will create an list of integers
Error append(List*,void*);
appends an element to the list. *Append accpts two pointers as an argument, if you want to store pointer to the list don't pass the pointer by pointer
//using the int list from above
int a=5;
Error err;
//for an list of pointers
List listptr=new_list(TYPE_CUSTOM,sizeof(int*));
int num=7;
int *ptr=#
//for list of structs
struct Foo
int num;
float *ptr;
List list=new_list(TYPE_CUSTOM,sizeof(struct Foo));
struct Foo x;
Error get(List*,int);
Gets data at index specified. When called list's current poiter will point to the data.
List list=new_list(TYPE_INT,sizeof(int));
int i;
//This will print the element at index 2
Error pop(List*,int);
Pops and element from the specified index
List list=new_list(TYPE_INT,sizeof(int));
int i;
//element in the index 2 will be deleted,
//the current pointer will point to a location that has a copy of the data
//To use the list as stack, pop at index list.len-1
//To use the list as queue, pop at index 0
Error merge(List ,List);
Merges two list of same type. If types are different will return a error message in the Error object it returns;
//Merge two elements of type int
//List 2 will come after list 1
Error err;
Iterator get_iterator(List*);
Get an iterator to an list. when initialized will have a pointer to the first element of the list.
Iterator ite=get_iterator(&list);
Error next(Iterator*);
Get the next element of the list.
//How to iterate an list of integers
Iterator itr;
for(itr=get_iterator(&list); ite.content!=NULL; next(ite))
NOTE: I've re written the original question to make it much more clear.
I have a function called
VcStatus readVcard( FILE *const vcf, Vcard **const cardp )
vcf is an open file I will read, and cardp is a pointer to the start of an array of cards.
a file will have multiple cards in it.
readVCard reads the file a line at a time, and calls the function parseVcProp to indentify keywords in the line, and assign them to the appropriate place in a structure.
Here are the structures
typedef struct { // property (=contentline)
VcPname name; // property name
// storage for 0-2 parameters (NULL if not present)
char *partype; // TYPE=string
char *parval; // VALUE=string
char *value; // property value string
void *hook; // reserved for pointer to parsed data structure
} VcProp;
typedef struct { // single card
int nprops; // no. of properties
VcProp prop[]; // array of properties
} Vcard;
typedef struct { // vCard file
int ncards; // no. of cards in file
Vcard **cardp; // pointer to array of card pointers
} VcFile;
So a file contains multiple cards, a card contains multiple properties, etc.
The thing is, a single card can any have number of properties. It is not known how many until you are done reading them.
Here is what I do not understand.
How must I allocate the memory to use parseVcProp properly?
Each time I call parseVcProp, i obviously want it to be storing the data in a new structure, so how do i allocate this memory before hand? Do i just malloc(sizeof(VcProp)*1)?
Vcard *getcards(int n) {
Vcard *c = malloc(sizeof(Vcard) + sizeof(VcProp) * n);
c->nprops = n;
return c;
You really need to show us the particular line that's producing the error.
With that said, for a structure like vcard that contains a flexible array member, you cannot create variables of that type. You can only create pointer variables. For instance:
vcard *vc = malloc(sizeof(vcard) + n*sizeof(VcProp));
At this point, vc->prop[0] through vc->prop[n-1] are valid array elements (each has type VcProp).
Note that a flexible array member is an array, not a pointer.
Sorry for the confusion everyone.
I figured out my error.
The reason things were going wacky is because propp is an output pointer, not a input pointer
I was trying to use Vcard->prop as a passing argument, when I actually had to just create my own, and send the address of it.