how to access first element of a struct array - c

So I implemented the following method. The problem is that when I begin
searching the variableVector pointer I noticed that variableVector->variables
might not be pointing to the beginning variable element.
Variable* findVariable(VariableVector *variableVector,
char *variableNameOfVariableToReturn) {
if (variableVector->size < 1) {
return NULL ; // since variableVector is empty
Variable *currentVariable = variableVector->variables;//<== HOW TO RESET TO BEGINNING???
int numberOfVariablesInVariableVector = variableVector->size;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVariablesInVariableVector; i++) {
if (strcmp(currentVariable->variableName,
variableNameOfVariableToReturn) == 0) {
return currentVariable;
} else {
return NULL ; // variable not found in variableVector
These are what my structs look like:
struct _Variable {
char *variableName;
char *arrayOfElements;
int32_t address;
typedef struct _Variable Variable;
struct _VariableVector {
int size; // elements full in array
int capacity; // total available elements
Variable *variables;
typedef struct _VariableVector VariableVector;
Also this is how I add a new variable:
bool appendVariable(VariableVector *variableVector, Variable *variable) {
if (variableVector->size == variableVector->capacity) {
return false;
} else { // append since vector is not full
int indexOfFirstEmptyElement = variableVector->size;
memcpy(&variableVector->variables[indexOfFirstEmptyElement], variable, sizeof(Variable));
//variableVector->variables[indexOfFirstEmptyElement] = *variable;
return true;


C memcpy() wont copy because size_t is uninitialized

#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct stackObject
void* obj;
struct stackObject *next;
} StackObject_t;
typedef struct stackMeta
StackObject_t *stack;
size_t objsize;
int numelem;
} StackMeta_t;
StackMeta_t *mystack_create(size_t objsize)
StackMeta_t *elem;
elem = (StackMeta_t*)malloc(sizeof(StackMeta_t));
if(elem == NULL)
return NULL;
elem->stack = NULL; // my actual stack basically the first elem(the top)
elem->objsize = objsize; // size of the datatype
elem->numelem = 0; // total count of elem inside the stack
return elem;
int mystack_push(StackMeta_t *data_stack, void* obj)
if(data_stack == NULL)
return -1;
StackObject_t *nodeObject = NULL;
nodeObject = (StackObject_t*)malloc(sizeof(StackObject_t));
if(nodeObject == NULL)
return -1;
if(data_stack->stack == NULL)
nodeObject->next = NULL;
memcpy(nodeObject->obj, obj, data_stack->objsize);
data_stack->stack = nodeObject;
nodeObject->next = data_stack->stack;
memcpy(nodeObject->obj, obj, data_stack->objsize);
data_stack->stack = nodeObject;
return 0;
int main() {
StackMeta_t *METADATA = NULL;
int obj = 1;
METADATA = mystack_create(sizeof(int));
mystack_push(METADATA, &obj);
return 0;
This code is Stack with Linked List inside.
So I am trying to copy int obj value to void* obj. from my understanding objcan be any data type so i chose it to be an int type. I am using a visual online tool to see my heap memory and I saw that the value of the 3rd parameter is size_t objsize = 4.
I cannot pin point where my problem is and I have not tested if this has memory leaks.
can someone explain this to me with an example on how to copy void pointers?

Pointers to a struct inside a struct

I have two structures (one_d and two_d).
I have a function that will take struct two_d *smg as input. In main(), I am trying to create such smg so it will return value c increased.
My problem is that, while creating an array of struct two_d smg[2], I am not sure how to put inside information about its values, as it is a pointer to a different struct.
So how do you use pointer to a struct inside a struct? I would like to create struct two_d smg[2] but i dont now how to deal with struct one_d *a field in it
#include <stdio.h>
enum sid
struct one_d
unsigned int r;
unsigned int *p;
struct two_d
struct one_d *a;
enum sid z;
unsigned int getSmg(struct two_d *smg)
unsigned int c = 0;
const struct two_d *sd = NULL;
const struct one_d *ed = NULL;
for (sd = smg; sd->a != NULL; ++sd)
for (ed = sd->a; ed->p != NULL; ++ed)
if (DRA == sd->z)
/*P Increment the clear-state buffer size */
c += 1 + ed->r;
return c;
int main(void)
unsigned int rVal = 0;
struct two_d smg[2]={
// [0].a ={1,0},
// [0].z =DRA,
// [1].a={1,0},
// [1].z =DRA,
rVal = getSmg(smg);
printf("Return value is a %d\n", rVal);
printf("Return value is a l");
return( 0 );
Well, at least this compiles... I'm not game to run it, though...
For what it's worth...
enum sid { DRB, DRA, DRAwhoCares };
typedef struct {
unsigned int r;
unsigned int *p;
} oneD_t;
typedef struct {
oneD_t *a;
enum sid z;
} twoD_t;
unsigned int getSmg( twoD_t *smg ) {
unsigned int c = 0;
for( twoD_t *sd = smg; sd->a != NULL; +sd++ ) {
for( oneD_t *ed = sd->a; ed->p != NULL; ed++ ) {
if( DRA == sd->z ) {
/*P Increment the clear-state buffer size */
c += 1 + ed->r;
return c;
int main( void ) {
oneD_t foo[] = { { 1, NULL }, /* ... */ };
oneD_t bar[] = { { 1, NULL }, /* ... */ };
twoD_t smg[]={
{ foo, DRA, },
{ bar, DRA, },
{ NULL, DRAwhoCares, },
unsigned int rVal = getSmg( smg );
printf( "Return value: %u\n", rVal );
return 0; // return is not a function call... No parenthesis...

How to see if a struct in struct pointer contains an element

I have a struct defined as:
typedef struct ltsaNode {
int call;
int action;
ltsaNode *nextActions;
ltsaNode *sibling;
} ltsaNode;
And a struct pointer *wanted and an int i
I want to check if any of the structs in wanted has call equal to i.
My current solution:
for(;wanted!= NULL;wanted->sibling)
if(wanted->call == i)
Is there a better or faster way to do this ?
This is what you are looking for I guess.
for(; wanted != NULL; wanted = wanted->sibling)
if(wanted->call == i)
a = TRUE;

Member reference type issue

Hi everyone I'm having a problem with my code and I really don't know how to fix it.
It's telling me that member reference type 'Word'(aka 'struct dict_word *') is not a structure or a union.
I'm trying to change my struct dict_word to word as as you can see on my typedef but when I do it it's giving me that error.
Please have a look at my code I would really appreciate if you could explain that to me.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct dict_word *word;
typedef struct node *Node;
typedef struct double_linked_list *DLL;
struct dict_word
char words[100];
int year[10];
char eng_synonyms[100];
char heb_synonyms[100];
struct node
word data;
Node *next;
Node *previous;
struct double_linked_list
Node *head;
Node *last;
int SpliString(struct dict_word* entry, const char *str) // Here is where I'm trying to change struct dict_node to word
long sz,j,k;
int yearIndex;
char *buffer;
char *endOfYears;
char *endOfYear;
char *endOfDefinition;
char *endOfWord = strstr(str, "_#_");
//Sets the first num bytes of the block of memory pointed by ptr
//to the specified value (related as an unsigned char)
memset(entry, 0, sizeof(struct dict_word));
if (endOfWord)
sz = endOfWord - str;
strncpy(entry->words, str, sz);
endOfYears = strstr(endOfWord+3, "_#_");
if (endOfYears)
sz = endOfYears - (endOfWord+3);
buffer = endOfWord+3;
yearIndex = 0;
j = 0;
while(yearIndex<10 && buffer+j<endOfYears)
entry->year[yearIndex] = atoi(buffer+j);
// check year for negative...
if (entry->year[yearIndex]<=0)
return 0;
// Locating substring
endOfYear = strchr(buffer+j, '_');
if (endOfYear)
j = endOfYear - buffer;
endOfDefinition = strstr(endOfYears+3, "_#_");
if (endOfDefinition)
sz = endOfDefinition - (endOfYears+3);
k = 0;
for(j=0; j<sz; j++)
if (endOfYears[j+3]==',') //Q11: what's j+3?
//A11: skips _#_
entry->eng_synonyms[k] = ' ';
else if (endOfYears[j+3]>='a' && endOfYears[j+3]<='z')
entry->eng_synonyms[k] = endOfYears[j+3];
else if (endOfYears[j+3]!='_')
return 0;
k = 0;
sz = (str+strlen(str)) - (endOfDefinition+3);
for(j=0; j<sz; j++)
if (endOfDefinition[j+3]==',')
entry->heb_synonyms[k] = ' ';
else if (endOfDefinition[j+3]>='A' && endOfDefinition[j+3]<='Z')
entry->heb_synonyms[k] = endOfDefinition[j+3];
else if (endOfDefinition[j+3]!='_')
return 0;
// check for legality
if (entry->words[j]<'a' || entry->words[j]>'z')
return 0;
return 1;
return 0;

Accessing certain elements in an Struct in C

So I have the following struct I created:
struct _I_TypeInstructions {
const char *instructionName;
char *opcode;
} I_TypeInstructions[] = { { "lw", "100011" }, { "sw", "101011" }, { "beq",
"000100" } };
typedef struct _I_TypeInstructions I_TypeInstructionsStruct;
If I have a new instructionName and I want to check if it is in the I_TypeInstructionsStruct how do I iterate through just the *instructionName part of the struct above. For example the function I want to write would look something like
bool checkIfInstructionIsI_Type(char *instructionName) {
// somehow iterate through instructionNames in the struct above
// checking if parameter char *instructionName in this method is equal to
// "lw" "sw" "beq" but skipping over the binary numbers.
Searching a list of structs is rather straight forward:
bool checkIfInstructionIsI_Type(char *instructionName)
for (int i = 0; i<NumInstructions; i++)
if (strcmp(I_TypeInstructions[i].instructionName, instructionName) == 0)
return true;
return false;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
if (strcmp(instructions[i].instructionName, instructionName) == 0)
printf("Match found");
It's generally more useful to return the actual element that matches your string. It's the same amount of work anyway.
Add an empty element to the end of your array and then you have a end marker.
typedef struct _I_TypeInstructions {
const char *instructionName;
char *opcode;
} I_TypeInstructionsStruct;
I_TypeInstructionsStruct I_TypeInstructions[] = {
{ "lw", "100011" },
{ "sw", "101011" },
{ "beq", "000100" },
{ 0, 0}
I_TypeInstructionsStruct *find_instruction(char *name)
I_TypeInstructionsStruct *i ;
for (i = I_TypeInstructions ; i->instructionName ; i++)
if (!strcmp(i->instructionName,name)) return i ;
return 0 ;
