Adding row of data to an array via iterator - arrays

I am iterating through a directory full of sub directories, looking for the newest file at each level.
The code below does this, but I need to be able to add each line/loop of the iterator to an array so that at the end I can output all the data in tabular format for use in Excel.
Any advice on how I can do this?
$arr = get-childItem -Path "\\network location\directory" | select FullName
$res = #()
foreach($fp in $arr)
get-childItem -Path $fp.FullName | sort LastWriteTime | select -last 1 Directory, FullName, Name, LastWriteTime

Here's a one-liner for you, split onto multiple lines for readability with the backtick escape character. You can copy paste this and it will run as is. The csv file will be created in the folder where you run this from.
dir -rec -directory | `
foreach {
dir $_.fullname -file | `
sort -Descending lastwritetime | `
select -first 1
} | `
export-csv newestfiles.csv
dir is an alias for get-childitem. foreach is an alias for foreach-object. %, gci and ls are even shorter aliases for get-childitem. Note that I am avoiding storing things in arrays, as this is doubling the work required. There is no need to enumerate the folders, and then enumerate the array afterwards as two separate operations.
Hope this helps.

If I understand you correctly, you just need to pipe the results into $res. So adding | %{$res += $_} should do the trick
$arr = get-childItem -Path "\\network location\directory" | select FullName
$res = #()
foreach($fp in $arr)
get-childItem -Path $fp.FullName | sort LastWriteTime | select -last 1 Directory, FullName, Name, LastWriteTime | % {$res += $_}
$res | % {write-host $_}


Array Output comes in #{Name=1234} but i only need 1234 in powershell

$date = get-date -format "MM/dd/yyyy"
$save = Get-ChildItem \\ABC\xyz\wbc | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -gt $date+' 2:30 AM' -and $_.LastWriteTime -lt $date+' 5:35 AM'} | Select Name
for($i=1;$i -eq 62;$i++)
Select-String -Path "\\ABC\xyz\wbc\"+$save[$i]+"\"+$save[$i]+"_2"+"\.out" -Pattern "End save of data."
Above is the code that I have written till now.
I have to read multiple files under a directory for a pattern of word, some part of the directory is static i.e. \ABC\xyz\wbc after this portion of the path there are folders created serially I just want to capture these directories one by one which are within specific date and time range and inserts it into the path like "\ABC\xyz\wbc\"+$save[0]. If I try $save[0] I am getting output in the format like
I am expecting the path to be like \ABC\xyz\wbc\16471\16471_2*.out so that I can use it in select-string
try using Select -ExpandProperty Name instead of Select Name
for the array you may try:
foreach($element in $save) {
'\\ABC\xyz\wbc\{0}\{0}_2.out' -f $element
what should return
Try wrapping it in parenthesis and adding .name at the end
$save = (Get-ChildItem \ABC\xyz\wbc | Where-Object { $.LastWriteTime -gt $date+' 2:30 AM' -and $.LastWriteTime -lt $date+' 5:35 AM'}).name

Use txt file as list in PowerShell array/variable

I've got a script that searches for a string ("End program" in this case). It then goes through each file within the folder and outputs any files not containing the string.
It works perfectly when the phrase is hard coded, but I want to make it more dynamic by creating a text file to hold the string. In the future, I want to be able to add to the list of string in the text file. I can't find this online anywhere, so any help is appreciated.
Current code:
$Folder = "\\test path"
$Files = Get-ChildItem $Folder -Filter "*.log" |
? {$_.LastWriteTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-31)}
# String to search for within the file
$SearchTerm = "*End program*"
foreach ($File in $Files) {
$Text = Get-Content "$Folder\$File" | select -Last 1
if ($Text | WHERE {$Text -inotlike $SearchTerm}) {
$Arr += $File
if ($Arr.Count -eq 0) {
This is a simplified version of the code displaying only the problematic area. I'd like to put "End program" and another string "End" in a text file.
The following is what the contents of the file look like:
*End program*,*Start*
If you want to check whether a file contains (or doesn't contain) a number of given terms you're better off using a regular expression. Read the terms from a file, escape them, and join them to an alternation:
$terms = Get-Content 'C:\path\to\terms.txt' |
ForEach-Object { [regex]::Escape($_) }
$pattern = $terms -join '|'
Each term in the file should be in a separate line with no leading or trailing wildcard characters. Like this:
End program
With that you can check if the files in a folder don't contain any of the terms like this:
Get-ChildItem $folder | Where-Object {
-not $_.PSIsContainer -and
(Get-Content $_.FullName | Select-Object -Last 1) -notmatch $pattern
If you want to check the entire files instead of just their last line change
Get-Content $_.FullName | Select-Object -Last 1
Get-Content $_.FullName | Out-String

Powershell Search search 2 column csv and return matches concatenated

Here is my dilemma. I have a csv file with two columns
The output I'm looking for is to get an exported csv with two columns in it ID, and FullFilename. The value in FullFileName will contain the matching joined values separated by a pipe delimiter.
But my output i'm trying to get the following:
I'm not sure how to make powershell search the value in ID and take all of the results and yield them into a single concatenated value with a pipe separation. Any assistance on trying to search the array or join / concatenate array values would be greatly appreciated.
Group-Object is the useful cmdlet that can help you. Grouping the data by ID turns it into:
PS D:\> ipcsv .\t.csv | group id
Count Name Group
----- ---- -----
3 1 {#{ID=1; FullFileName=Value1}, #{ID=1; FullFileName=Value2}, #{ID=1; FullFileName=Value3}}
2 2 {#{ID=2; FullFileName=Value1}, #{ID=2; FullFileName=Value2}}
1 3 {#{ID=3; FullFileName=Value1}}
1 4 {#{ID=4; FullFileName=Value1}}
2 5 {#{ID=5; FullFileName=Value1}, #{ID=5; FullFileName=Value2}}
So you want the Name (= ID) and the Group property, just the FullFileName, joined up:
Import-Csv -Path c:\path\data.csv |
Group-Object -Property ID |
Select-Object #{Name='ID'; Expression={$_.Name}},
#{Name='FullFilename'; Expression={$_.Group.FullFileName -join '|'}} |
Export-Csv -Path C:\Path\out.csv -NoTypeInformation
$InFile = '.\Sample.csv'
$OutFile= '.\New.csv'
$Csv = Import-Csv $InFile | Group-Object ID | ForEach-Object{
FullFileName=$_.Group.FullFileName -join '|'
$Csv | Export-Csv $OutFile -NoTypeInformation
Get-Content $OutFile
Sample output:
ID FullFileName
-- ------------
1 Value1|Value2|Value3
2 Value1|Value2
3 Value1
4 Value1
5 Value1|Value2
Edit Just saw you wanted the pipe as delimiter.
Did my best but was to late, anyway here is the code
Instead of Group-Object i am using a HashTable, i find it easy to work with when my data comes from multiple sources.
$CSV = Import-Csv -Delimiter ',' -Path "$env:TEMP\testfolder\csv.txt" #can be .csv or whatever.
$HastTable = #{}
Foreach ($Line in $CSV) {
if (!$HastTable["$($Line.ID)"]) {
$HastTable["$($Line.ID)"] = $Line
else {
$HastTable["$($Line.ID)"].FullFileName += "|$($Line.FullFileName)"
$HastTable.Values | Export-Csv -Delimiter ',' -NoTypeInformation -Path "$env:TEMP\testfolder\newcsv.txt" #can be .csv or whatever.

PowerShell finding duplicates in CSV and outputting different header

I guess the question is in the title.
I have a CSV that looks something like
I'm trying to find duplicates on the original path, then output both the user and original_path line.
This is what I have so far.
$2 = Import-Csv 'Total 20_01_16.csv' | Group-Object -Property Original_path |
Where-Object { $_.count -ge 2 } | fl Group | out-string -width 500
This gives me the duplicates in Original_Path. I can see all the required information but I'll be danged if I know how to get to it or format it into something useful.
I did a bit of Googleing and found this script:
$ROWS = Import-CSV -Path 'Total 20_01_16.csv'
$NAMES = #{}
$OUTPUT = foreach ( $ROW in $ROWS ) {
IF ( $NAMES.ContainsKey( $ROW.Original_path ) -and $NAMES[$ROW.original_path] -lt 2 )
{ $ROW }
$NAMES[$ROW.original_path] += 1 }
Write-Output $OUTPUT
I'm reluctant to use this because, well first I have no idea what it's doing. So little of the makes any sense to me, I don't like using scripts I can't get my head around.
Also, and this is the more important part, it's only giving me a single duplicate, it's not giving me both sets. I'm after both offending lines, so I can find both users with the same file.
If anyone could be so kind as to lend a hand I'd appreciate it.
It depends on the output format you need, but to build on what you already have we can use this to show the records in the console:
Import-Csv 'Total 20_01_16.csv' |
Group-Object -Property Original_path |
Where-Object { $_.count -ge 2 } |
Foreach-Object { $_.Group } |
Format-Table User, Path, Original_path -AutoSize
Alternatively, use this to save them in a new csv-file:
Import-Csv 'Total 20_01_16.csv' |
Group-Object -Property Original_path |
Where-Object { $_.count -ge 2 } |
Foreach-Object { $_.Group } |
Select User, Path, Original_path |
Export-csv -Path output.csv -NoTypeInformation

Script/tool to delete specified filename

I need a batch file /script/tool to delete specified files in folder.
I have a folder with a lot of .xml files. It can contain files named difference of only a few characters (indicating the date).
The length of this part is 15 string
This part represents a date
I need to delete all the files that part of the name with a date is earliest.
As a result batch should stay only files:
Here's one solution that's fairly short. To understand how the code works, it would be best to focus on what the Group-Object command does, what regular expressions are, and how they interact with the -match operator:
$Groups = Get-ChildItem "C:\XMLFiles\*.xml" | Group-Object {$_.Name.Substring(0, 15)}
$FilesToKeep = #{}
foreach ($Group in $Groups) {
$MaxDate = "00000000"
foreach ($FileInfo in $Group.Group) {
$ -match "(\d{4})_(\d{1,2})_(\d{1,2}).xml$" | Out-Null
$Date = $Matches[1]+([int]$Matches[2]).ToString("00")+([int]$Matches[3]).ToString("00")
if ($Date -gt $MaxDate) {
$MaxDate = $Date
$FilesToKeep[$Group.Name] = $FileInfo.FullName
Get-ChildItem "C:\XMLFiles\*.xml" | Where-Object {-not $FilesToKeep.ContainsValue($_.FullName)} | Remove-Item
