Pidgin: cannot send messages or set topics in chats via dbus - dbus

I would like to send messages to Pidgin chats or set chat topics via dbus. Following this guide I was able to write some pretty straightforward code to do just that, and it does indeed result in messages appearing or chat topics being changed... but it only seems to affect my window, without the other participants being aware of any messages or topic changes.
I'm using
purple.PurpleConvChatSetTopic(chat_data, user, topic)
purple.PurpleConvChatWrite(chat_data, user, message, flag, time)
I don't think this is due to any misuse of the dbus api as the calls actually result in actions. I just wonder if I need to perform some sort of authentication first? Or maybe the user can only be the current user? I tried with my nick and also setting it as unicode but to no avail.
Here is the complete code anyway:
import dbus
import time
# define chat_name, user, topic, message
bus = dbus.SessionBus()
obj = bus.get_object('im.pidgin.purple.PurpleService', '/im/pidgin/purple/PurpleObject')
purple = dbus.Interface(obj, 'im.pidgin.purple.PurpleInterface')
for p in purple.PurpleGetConversations():
if purple.PurpleConversationGetName(p) == chat_name:
chat = p
chat_data = purple.PurpleConversationGetChatData(chat)
purple.PurpleConvChatSetTopic(chat_data, user, topic)
purple.PurpleConvChatWrite(chat_data, user, message, 0, int(time.time()))


Can I send an alert when a message is published to a pubsub topic?

We are using pubsub & a cloud function to process a stream of incoming data. I am setting up a dead letter topic to handle cases where a message cannot be processed, as described at Cloud Pub/Sub > Guides > Handling message failures.
I've configured a subscription on the dead-letter topic to retain messages for 7 days, we're doing this using terraform:
resource "google_pubsub_subscription" "dead_letter_monitoring" {
project = var.project_id
name = "var.dead_letter_sub_name
topic =
expiration_policy { ttl = "" }
message_retention_duration = "604800s" # 7 days
retain_acked_messages = true
ack_deadline_seconds = 600
We've tested our cloud function robustly and consequently our expectation is that messages will appear on this dead-letter topic very very rarely, perhaps never. Nevertheless we're putting it in place just to make sure that we catch any anomalies.
Given the rarity of which we expect messages to appear on the dead-letter-topic we need to set up an alert to send an email when such a message appears. Is it possible to do this? I've taken a look through the alerts one can create at however I didn't see anything that could accomplish this.
I know that I could write a cloud function to consume a message from the subscription and act upon it accordingly however I'd rather not have to do that, a monitoring alert feels like a much more elegant way of achieving this.
is this possible?
Yes, you can use Cloud Monitoring for that. Create a new policy and perform that configuration
Select PubSub Topic and Published message. Observe the value every minute and count them (aligner in the advanced option). Now, in the config, when it's above 0 from the most recent value, the alert is raised.
To filter on only your topic you can add a filter by topic_id on your topic name.
Then, configure your alert to send an email. It should work!

Discord, sending a message to a different category and channel depending upon which reaction is selected

I have been working on a way within my discord server to try to automate the flow of users who want to try out for a team using bots. Currently I have adopted YAGPDB and have a role menu created in a community level (category) #general_tryouts channel with reactions to specify which game they want to pursue. When they select a reaction they are assigned a temporary role (24 hours) which will grant them access to the game specific category #tryouts channel they've selected. I've been successful with getting all of the roles assigned using YAG's gui interface. However, I would also like for a message to be sent to the game specific #tryouts channel with an embed (similar to a welcome message) stating that they would like to tryout, to notify the 'team' that they are "in the queue". So the process would look something like this:
User A pops into (Some Community) #general-tryouts -> reads the menu asking them which team they want to tryout for and selects option 1 (':one:') -> User A is given the role for TempGame1 and can now see (Some Game) #tryouts AND simultaneously a message is sent to (Some Game) #tryouts on their behalf.
If they choose option 2 they will receive a TempGame2 role and a message should be sent to (Another Game) #tryouts.
If they choose option 3 they will receive a TempGame3 role and a message should be sent to (ThisOther Game) #tryouts.
YAGPDB has the option with it's custom commands to fire a command triggered by a reaction given in a certain channel by someone with a certain role. The issue is getting the result of which reaction they selected, and that dictating where the message is sent. I'm really not even concerned if it's just a generic message. I just want User A to be able to react at a 'community' level and a message to get passed in to (Some Game) #tryout, (Another Game) #tryouts, or (ThisOther Game) #tryouts based on their selection.
My apologies in advance. I am only proficient enough to code a simple I say "ping" you output "pong" sort of transaction, and got in a little over my head in short order. I have looked at the developer resources trying to piece something together to no avail, as well as pulling a similar snippet of code from here and attempting to modify it to suit my needs, also to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Code Sample
if ( === '730000158745559122') {
let channel = reaction.message.guild.channels.cache.get(targetChannelId);
if (channel) {
let embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed();
dynamic: true,
format: 'png',
embed.setDescription(`${user} has react a: ${reaction.emoji}`);
Visual Representation
in the code if ( === '730000158745559122') the 73000 portion represents that whole message as a focal point on what the bot is 'listening' for. Any reaction to it, be it 1, 2, or 3 will trigger this singular process. So by what you are saying by using the (id === 123 || id === 456 || id === 789) {} would likely be the way to go if I had more than one message is was 'collecting' on for a lack of better way to state it. I believe what I need to do is
`if (reaction(':one:') === 123 {send message ('nifty embed')to 12345}
if (reaction(':two:') === 123 {send message ('nifty embed') to 67890}
if (reaction(':three:') === 123 {send message ('nifty embed') to 16273}`

How to let my discord bot respond to a message without a prefix

I'm pretty new to C# and am coding a discord bot for my own server. I'm trying to get my bot to respond to a message sent by someone (E.G someone says "dye" and my bot would respond with "no u" without prefix needed.
I've been searching all over the internet and know I need something along the lines of a "messagereceived event" but it keeps saying that it doesn't exist or I'm not using the directive or an assembly reference.
I'm not sure how to fix it or what I'm doing wrong since I'm quite new, and I can't find a solution. Hope someone can help
So I think what you are asking is having the bot detect when a certain phrase is said and then respond.
Assuming you are subscribed to the MessageReceived event (the event that runs everytime a new message is sent anywhere your bot is on) You get the given SocketMessage and get its content property. If that property matches "no u" then just have it reply in that channel. To do that get the context via something like this:
Subscribe to the MessageRecieved event:
_discord.messageRecieved += MessageReceivedEvent; //where _discord is your DiscordClient and MessageReceivedEvent is your task to run on that event
public async Task MessageReceivedAsync(SocketMessage message)
message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("no u");
//command implementation here

Reasons emit not receiving messages?

I'm working on an angular/node app where people can have many 1:1 chats with other users (like Whatsapp without groups) using and btford's angular-socket module ( Right now A) a client joins a room using emit. The client code is:
mySocket.emit('joinroom', room);
Server code is:
socket.on('joinroom', function (room){
B) chat messages are sent to server via emit. Client code is
mySocket.emit('sendmsg', data, function(data){
and C) the server should send messages to others in the room via broadcast. Server code is:
socket.on('sendmsg', function (text, room, sender, recipient, timestamp) {
// Some code here to save message to database before broadcasting to other users
console.log('This works');'relaymsg', msg);
Client code is
$scope.$on('socket:relaymsg', function(event, data) {
console.log('This only sometimes works');
// do stuff to show that message was received
A and B seem to work fine, but C seems to be very unreliable. The server code seems to be ok, but the client does not seem to receive the message. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it does not. ie 'This works' always shows up, but 'This only sometimes works' does not always show up.
1) Any thoughts on what could be causing this issue? Are there any errors in my code?
2) Is broadcast and rooms the right way to be setting this up if there are many users, all of which can have multiple 1:1 chats with other users?
In case it helps, this is the factory code for the angular-socket module
.factory('mySocket', function (socketFactory, server) {
var socket = socketFactory({
ioSocket: io.connect(server)
return socket;
Appreciate any help you can provide!! Thanks in advance!
Thanks everyone for the comments, I believe I found the main issues. There were two things I think causing problems:
1) The bigger issue I think is that I'm use node clusters, and as a result users might join rooms on different workers and not be able to communicate with each other. I've ended up adding sticky sessions and Redis per the instructions here:
Sticky sessions is pretty useful, just as an FYI since the docs don't mention it, the module automatically creates workers and re-spawns them if killed
I couldn't find a ton of examples of how to implement sticky+redis since 1.0 is relatively new and seems to deal with Redis differently from prior versions, but these were very helpful:
2) Every time the user closed their phone it would disconnect them from the chat room, even if the chat room was the last screen open on the phone
Hope that helps people in the future!

How to remove default disclaimer in javamail

When sending emails via javamail, the following is always appended to the bottom of each message:
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
the system manager. This message contains confidential information and
is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named
addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.
Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received
this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. If you
are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing,
copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents
of this information is strictly prohibited.
How does one prevent this?
(NOTE: This problem is extremely frustrating to research on the web due to the fact that a disclaimer of this form is attached to so many indexed documents! :-(
JavaMail is not doing that, it is your outgoing SMTP server appending it to each message, probably set up by IT.
To confirm, you can use gmail's servers (with a personal account) and you will see it does not get added to the messages.
This should work. Pay attention to the form in which email body get parsed. In my case the emailBody string is on one line, so you have to put the "#Your disclaimer Here#" on one line. Answer for who will come in future.
public String deleteDisclaimer(String emailBody) {
String disclaimer = "#Your disclaimer here#";
if (emailBody.contains(disclaimer)) {
System.out.println("Deleting Disclaimer..");
return emailBody.substring(0,emailBody.indexOf(disclaimer));
System.out.println("DISCLAIMER NOT FOUND!");
return emailBody;
