SQL Server: Best technique to regenerate a computed table - sql-server

We have a few tables that are periodically recomputed within SQL Server. The computation takes a few seconds to a few minutes and we do the following:
Dump the results in computed_table_tmp
Drop computed_table
Rename computed_table_tmp to computed_table. (and all indexes).
However, we seem to still run into concurrency issues where we have our application requesting a view that utilizes this computed table at the precise moment where it no longer exists.
What would be the best technique to avoid this type of problem while ensuring high availability?

If this table is part of your high-availability requirement, then you can't do this the way you've been doing it. Dropping a table in a production SQL environment breaks the concept of high availability.
You might be able to accomplish what you're trying to achieve by creating one or more partitions on this table. A partitioned table is divided into subgroups of rows that can be spread across more than one filegroup in your database. For querying purposes, however, the table is still a single logical entity. The advantage of using a table partition is that you can move around subsets of your data without breaking the integrity of the database, i.e., high-availability is still in place.
In your scenario, you'd have to modify your process such that all activity takes place in the production version of the table. The new rows are dumped in to a separate partition, based on the value of your partition function. Then you'll need to switch the partitions.
One of the things you'll need to do is identify a column in your table that may be used as the partition column, which determines which partition a row will be allocated to. This might be, for example, a datetime column indicating when the row was generated. You can even use a computed column for this purpose, provided it is a PERSISTED column.
One caveat: Table partitioning is not available in all editions of SQL Server... I don't believe Standard has it.


Fact table partitioning: how to handle updates in ETL?

We are trying to implement table partitioning for a Data Warehouse Fact table which contains approximately 400M rows. Our ETL takes data from source system 50 days backwards (new rows, modified rows, based on source system timestamp) from the previous load. So in every ETL cycle there are new rows coming in, and also old rows which are updating the corresponding rows in the Fact table. The idea is to insert new rows into the Fact table and update modified rows.
The partition column would be date (int, YYYYMMDD) and we are considering to partition by month.
As far as I'm concerned, table partitioning would ease our inserts via fast partition switch operations. We could split the most recent partition to create a new free partition, load new rows into a staging table (using date constraint, e.g for the most recent month) and then use partition switch operation to "move" new rows into the partitioned Fact table. But how can we handle the modified rows which should update the corresponding rows in the Fact table? Those rows can contain data from the previous month(s). Does partition switch help here? Usually INSERT and UPDATE rows are determined by an ETL tool (e.g. SSIS in our case) or by MERGE statement. How partitioning works in these kind of situations?
I'd take another look at the design and try to figure out if there's a way around the updates. Here are a few implications of updating the fact table:
Performance: Updates are fully logged transactions. Big fact tables also have lots of data to read and write.
Cubes: Updating the fact table requires reprocessing the affected partitions. As your fact table continues to grow, the cube processing time will continue to as well.
Budget: Fast storage is expensive. Updating big fact tables will require lots of fast reads and writes.
Purist theory: You should not change the fact table unless the initial value was an error (ie the user entered $15,000 instead of $1,500). Any non-error scenario will be changing the originally recorded transaction.
What is changing? Are the changing pieces really attributes of a dimension? If so, can they be moved to a dimension and have changes handled with a Slowly Changing Dimension type task?
Another possibility, can this be accomplished via offsetting transactions? Example:
The initial InvoiceAmount was $10.00. Accounting later added $1.25 for tax then billed the customer for $11.25. Rather than updating the value to $11.25, insert a record for $1.25. The sum amount for the invoice will still be $11.25 and you can do a minimally logged insert rather than a fully logged update to accomplish.
Not only is updating the fact table a bad idea in theory, it gets very expensive and non-scalable as the fact table grows. You'll be reading and writing more data, requiring more IOPS from the storage subsytem. When you get ready to do analytics, cube processing will then throw in more problems.
You'll also have to constantly justify to management why you need so many IOPS for the data warehouse. Is there business value/justification in needing all of those IOPS for your constant changing "fact" table?
If you can't find a way around updates on the fact table, at least establish a cut-off point where the data is determined read-only. Otherwise, you'll never be able to scale.
Switching does not help here.
Maybe you can execute updates concurrently using multiple threads on distinct ranges of rows. That might speed it up. Be careful not to trigger lock escalation so you get good concurrency.
Also make sure that you update the rows mostly in ascending sort order of the clustered index. This helps with disk IO (this technique might not work well with multi-threading).
There are as many reasons to update a fact record as there are non-identifying attributes in the fact. Unless you plan on a "first delete" then "insert", you simply cannot avoid updates. You cannot simply say "record the metric deltas as new facts".

Handling large datasets with SQL Server

I'm looking to manage a large dataset of log files. There is an average of 1.5 million new events per month that I'm trying to keep. I've used access in the past, though it's clearly not meant for this, and managing the dataset is a nightmare, because I'm having to split the datasets into months.
For the most part, I just need to filter event types and count the number. But before I do a bunch of work on the data import side of things, I wanted to see if anyone can verify that this SQL Server is a good choice for this. Is there an entry limit I should avoid and archive entries? Is there a way of archiving entries?
The other part is that I'm entering logs from multiple sources, with this amount of entries, is it wise to put them all into the same table, or should each source have their own table, to make queries faster?
There would be no joins, and about 10 columns. Data would be filtered through a view, and I'm interested to see if the results from a select query that filter based on one or more columns would have a reasonable response time? Does creating a set of views speed things up for frequent queries?
In my experience, SQL Server is a fine choice for this, and you can definitely expect better performance from SQL Server than MS-Access, with generally more optimization methods at your disposal.
I would probably go ahead and put this stuff into SQL Server Express as you've said, hopefully installed on the best machine you can use (though you did mention only 2GB of RAM). Use one table so long as it only represents one thing (I would think a pilot's flight log and a software error log wouldn't be in the same "log" table, as an absurdly contrived example). Check your performance. If it's an issue, move forward with any number of optimization techniques available to your edition of SQL Server.
Here's how I would probably do it initially:
Create your table with a non-clustered primary key, if you use a PK on your log table -- I normally use an identity column to give me a guaranteed order of events (unlike duplicate datetimes) and show possible log insert failures (missing identities). Set a clustered index on the main datetime column (you mentioned that your're already splitting into separate tables by month, so I assume you'll query this way, too). If you have a few queries that you run on this table routinely, by all means make views of them but don't expect a speedup by simply doing so. You'll more than likely want to look at indexing your table based upon the where clauses in those queries. This is where you'll be giving SQL server the information it needs to run those queries efficiently.
If you're unable to get your desired performance through optimizing your queries, indexes, using the smallest possible datatypes (especially on your indexed columns) and running on decent hardware, it may be time to try partitioned views (which require some form of ongoing maintenance) or partitioning your table. Unfortunately, SQL Server Express may limit you on what you can do with partitioning, and you'll have to decide if you need to move to a more feature-filled edition of SQL Server. You could always test partitioning with the Enterprise evaluation or Developer editions.
For the most part, I just need to filter event types and count the number.
Since past logs don't change (sort of like past sales data), storing the past aggregate numbers is an often-used strategy in this scenario. You can create a table which simply stores your counts for each month and insert new counts once a month (or week, day, etc.) with a scheduled job of some sort. Using the clustered index on your datetime column, SQL Server could much more easily aggregate the current month's numbers from the live table and add them to the stored aggregates for displaying the current values of total counts and such.
Sounds like one table to me, that would need indexes on exactly the sets of columns you will filter. Restricting access through views is generally a good idea and ensures your indexes will actually get used.
Putting each source into their own table will require UNION in your queries later, and SQL-Server is not very good optimizing UNION-queries.
"Archiving" entries can of course be done manually, by moving entries in a date-range to another table (that can live on another disk or database), or by using "partitioning", which means you can put parts of a table (e.g. defined by date-ranges) on different disks. You have to plan for the partitions when you plan your SQL-Server installation.
Be aware that Express edition is limited to 4GB, so at 1.5 million rows per month this could be a problem.
I have a table like yours with 20M rows and little problems querying and even joining, if the indexes are used.

Oracle Materialized view VS Physical Table

Note: Oracle 11gR2 Standard version (so no partitioning)
So I have to build a process to build reports off a table containing about 27 million records. The dilemma I'm facing is the fact that I can't create my own indexes off this table as it's a 3rd party table that we can't alter. So, I started experimenting with the use of Materialized views where I can then create my own indexes, or a physical table that would basically just be a duplicate that I'd truncate and repopulate on demand.
The advantage with the MAT view is that it's basically pulling from the "Live" table, so I don't have to worry about discrepancies as long as I refresh it before use, the problem is the refresh seems to take a significant amount of time. I then decided to try the physical table approach, where I tried truncating and repopulating (Took around 10 min), then rebuild indexes (which takes another 10, give or take).... I also tried updating with only "new" record by performing a:
INSERT... SELECT where NOT Exists (Select 1 from Table where PK = PK)
Which almost takes 10 min also regardless of my index, parallelism, etc...
Has anyone had to deal with this amount of data (which will keep growing) and found an approach that performs well and works efficiently??
Seems a view won't do.... so I'm left with those 2 options because I can't tweak indexes on my primary table, so any tips suggestions would be greatly appreciated... The whole purpose of this process was to make things "faster" for reporting, but somehow where I'm gaining performance in some areas, I end up losing in others given the amount of data I need to move around. Are there other options aside from:
Truncate / Populate Table, Rebuild indexes
Populate secondary table from primary table where PK not exist
Materialized view (Refresh, Rebuild indexes)
View that pulls from Live table (No new indexes)
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.....
Does anyone know if doing a "Create Table As Select..." perform better than "Insert... Select" if I render my indexes and such unusable when doing my insert on the second option, or should it be fairly similar?
I think that there's a lot to be said for a very simple approach on this sort of task. Consider a truncate and direct path (append) insert on the duplicate table without disabling/rebuilding indexes, with NOLOGGING set on the table. The direct path insert has a index maintenance mechanism associated with it that is possibly more efficient than running multiple index rebuilds post-load, as it logs in temporary segments the data required to build the indexes and thus avoids subsequent multiple full table scans.
If you do want to experiment with index disable/rebuild then try rebuilding all the indexes at the same time without query parallelism, as only one physical full scan will be used -- the rest of the scans will be "parasitic" in that they'll read the table blocks from memory.
When you load the duplicate table consider ordering the rows in the select so that commonly used predicates on the reports are able to access fewer blocks. For example if you commonly query on date ranges, order by the date column. Remember that a little extra time spent in building this report table can be recovered in reduced report query execution time.
Consider compressing the table also, but only if you're loading with direct path insert unless you have the pricey Advanced Compression option. Index compression and bitmap indexes are also worth considering.
Also, consider not analyzing the reporting table. Report queries commonly use multiple predicates that are not well estimated using conventional statistics, and you have to rely on dynamic sampling for good cardinality estimates anyway.
"Create Table As Select" generate lesser undo. That's an advantage.
When data is "inserted" indexes also are maintained and performance is impacted negatively.

How to deal with billions of records in an sql server?

I have an sql server 2008 database along with 30000000000 records in one of its major tables. Now we are looking for the performance for our queries. We have done with all indexes. I found that we can split our database tables into multiple partitions, so that the data will be spread over multiple files, and it will increase the performance of the queries.
But unfortunatly this functionality is only available in the sql server enterprise edition, which is unaffordable for us.
Is there any way to opimize for the query performance? For example, the query
select * from mymajortable where date between '2000/10/10' and '2010/10/10'
takes around 15 min to retrieve around 10000 records.
A SELECT * will obviously be less efficiently served than a query that uses a covering index.
First step: examine the query plan and look for and table scans and the steps taking the most effort(%)
If you don’t already have an index on your ‘date’ column, you certainly need one (assuming sufficient selectivity). Try to reduce the columns in the select list, and if ‘sufficiently’ few, add these to the index as included columns (this can eliminate bookmark lookups into the clustered index and boost performance).
You could break your data up into separate tables (say by a date range) and combine via a view.
It is also very dependent on your hardware (# cores, RAM, I/O subsystem speed, network bandwidth)
Suggest you post your table and index definitions.
First always avoid Select * as that will cause the select to fetch all columns and if there is an index with just the columns you need you are fetching a lot of unnecessary data. Using only the exact columns you need to retrieve lets the server make better use of indexes.
Secondly, have a look on included columns for your indexes, that way often requested data can be included in the index to avoid having to fetch rows.
Third, you might try to use an int column for the date and convert the date into an int. Ints are usually more effective in range searches than dates, especially if you have time information to and if you can skip the time information the index will be smaller.
One more thing to check for is the Execution plan the server uses, you can see this in management studio if you enable show execution plan in the menu. It can indicate where the problem lies, you can see which indexes it tries to use and sometimes it will suggest new indexes to add.
It can also indicate other problems, Table Scan or Index Scan is bad as it indicates that it has to scan through the whole table or index while index seek is good.
It is a good source to understand how the server works.
If you add an index on date, you will probably speed up your query due to an index seek + key lookup instead of a clustered index scan, but if your filter on date will return too many records the index will not help you at all because the key lookup is executed for each result of the index seek. SQL server will then switch to a clustered index scan.
To get the best performance you need to create a covering index, that is, include all you columns you need in the "included columns" part of your index, but that will not help you if you use the select *
another issue with the select * approach is that you can't use the cache or the execution plans in an efficient way. If you really need all columns, make sure you specify all the columns instead of the *.
You should also fully quallify the object name to make sure your plan is reusable
you might consider creating an archive database, and move anything after, say, 10-20 years into the archive database. this should drastically speed up your primary production database but retains all of your historical data for reporting needs.
What type of queries are we talking about?
Is this a production table? If yes, look into normalizing a bit more and see if you cannot go a bit further as far as normalizing the DB.
If this is for reports, including a lot of Ad Hoc report queries, this screams data warehouse.
I would create a DW with seperate pre-processed reports which include all the calculation and aggregation you could expect.
I am a bit worried about a business model which involves dealing with BIG data but does not generate enough revenue or even attract enough venture investment to upgrade to enterprise.

Is it possible to partition more than one way at a time in SQL Server?

I'm considering various ways to partition my data in SQL Server. One approach I'm looking at is to partition a particular huge table into 8 partitions, then within each of these partitions to partition on a different partition column. Is this even possible in SQL Server, or am I limited to definining one parition column+function+scheme per table?
I'm interested in the more general answer, but this strategy is one I'm considering for Distributed Partitioned View, where I'd partition the data under the first scheme using DPV to distribute the huge amount of data over 8 machines, and then on each machine partition that portion of the full table on another parition key in order to be able to drop (for example) sub-paritions as required.
You are incorrect that the partitioning key cannot be computed. Use a computed, persisted column for the key:
ALTER TABLE MYTABLE ADD PartitionID AS ISNULL(Column1 * Column2,0) persisted
I do it all the time, very simple.
The DPV across a set of Partitioned Tables is your only clean option to achieve this, something like a DPV across tblSales2007, tblSales2008, tblSales2009, and then each of the respective sales tables are partitioned again, but they could then be partitioned by a different key. There are some very good benefits in doing this in terms of operational resiliance (one partitioned table going offline does not take the DPV down - it can satisfy queries for the other timelines still)
The hack option is to create an arbitary hash of 2 columns and store this per record, and partition by it. You would have to generate this hash for every query / insertion etc since the partition key can not be computed, it must be a stored value. It's a hack and I suspect would lose more performance than you would gain.
You do have to be thinking of specific management issues / DR over data quantities though, if the data volumes are very large and you are accessing it in a primarily read mechanism then you should look into SQL 'Madison' which will scale enormously in both number of rows as well as overall size of data. But it really only suits the 99.9% read type data warehouse, it is not suitable for an OLTP.
I have production data sets sitting in the 'billions' bracket, and they reside on partitioned table systems and provide very good performance - although much of this is based on the hardware underlying a system, not the database itself. Scalaing up to this level is not an issue and I know of other's who have gone well beyond those quantities as well.
The max partitions per table remains at 1000, from what I remember of a conversation about this, it was a figure set by the testing performed - not a figure in place due to a technical limitation.
