Can Powershell Loop Through a Collection N objects at a time? - loops

I am wondering how one would tackle looping through a collection of objects, processing the elements of that collection in groups instead of singularly, as is the case in normal Foreach loops. For example, instead of this:
$items = get-vm
foreach ($item in $items) { do something }
I would like to do this:
$items = get-vm
foreach ((5)$item in $items) {do something}
Essentially, this statement intends to say foreach 5 items in items do some work.....
Can anyone show me the proper constructs required to accomplish this?

I've got this:
$array = 1..100
$group = 10
$i = 0
do {
$array[$i..(($i+= $group) - 1)]
until ($i -ge $array.count -1)

Here's a function that will collection items into chunks of a specified size:
function ChunkBy($items,[int]$size) {
$list = new-object System.Collections.ArrayList
$tmpList = new-object System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach($item in $items) {
$tmpList.Add($item) | out-null
if ($tmpList.Count -ge $size) {
$list.Add($tmpList.ToArray()) | out-null
if ($tmpList.Count -gt 0) {
$list.Add($tmpList.ToArray()) | out-null
return $list.ToArray()
The usage would be something like:
ChunkBy (get-process) 10 | foreach { $_.Count }

You guys definitely gave me some great ideas for this functionality. I ended up going with the following:
#create base collection
$group = get-vm
$i = 0
do {
new-variable -Name "subgroup$i" -value $group[0..4]
$group = $group[5..$group.length]
while ($group.length -gt 0)
This code results in a number of subgroups, which is based on how many times the base collection is divisible by 5, which is the desired subgroup quantity in this case......

Change to Do...Until, increment counter by 5 each time.
$items = get-vm
$i = 0
do {
$i = $i + 5
} until ($i -ge $items.count)
(Untested, but should give you an idea)
Fully tested:
$items = #()
foreach ($item in (get-alias)) {
$items += $item
$i = 0
do {
write-host $i
$i = $i + 5
} until ($i -ge $items.count)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110
115 120 125 130 135
$items = #()
for($i=1; $i -le 75; $i++) {
$items += $i
[int]$i = 0
$outarray = #()
do {
$outarray += $items[$i]
if ((($i+1)%5) -eq 0) {
write-host $outarray
write-host ---------
$outarray = #()
$i = $i + 1
} until ($i -gt $items.count)


Powershell - Creating an 2D array inside a class

I'm trying to create a "matrix / multidimensional array) inside a class function whit a loop.
Also (because I'm used to other languages) couldn't get it to work.
Is there somebody who could help me to get this working / or could explain to me what I'm doing wrong?
Class Matrix {
Matrix() {
Write-Host "No rows and columns provided"
Matrix($row, $column){
#Write-Host "row = " $row " column = " $column
$array = #(,#())
for ($i=0;$i -le $row -1 ; $i++) {
#Write-Host "This is row number " + $i
for ($j=0;$j -le $column -1 ; $j++) {
#Write-Host "This is column number " + $j
$array[$i][$j] = 2
$this.row = $row
$this.column = $column
$this.counter = 0
$ = $array
if ($adder.GetType().name -eq "Matrix"){
Write-Host "You had given a matrix not a number"
$this.counter = $this.counter + $adder
$matrix1 = [Matrix]::New(4,3)
I got it :)
for the people who are searching this , here is the code I used :
$temp_array = New-Object 'object[,]' $row,$col #<<<<============
for ($i=0;$i -le $row -1 ; $i++) {
for ($j=0;$j -le $col -1 ; $j++) {
$temp_array[$i,$j] = Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 10
$this.row = $row
$this.col = $col
$this.counter = 0
$this.prosessed = 0
$ = $temp_array #<<<<============

Slow array operations after DB resultset

I need help optimizing my PowerShell script.
$sorted = #()
$firsttime = 0
$j = 0
$zaehler = $results.Count-1
for ($i=0; $i -le $results.Count-1; $i++) {
$j = $i+1
while ($results.GUID[$i] -eq $results.GUID[$j]) {
$klassen = ""
$rec = $results | where {$_.GUID -eq $results.GUID[$i]}
if ($firsttime -eq 0 -or !$sorted.GUID.contains($rec[0].GUID)) {
$firsttime = 1
foreach ($item in $rec.Klasse) {
if ($klassen -eq "") {
$klassen += $item
} else {
if (!$klassen.Contains($item)) {
$klassen += "," + $item
$rec[0].Klasse = $klassen
$sorted += $rec[0]
$j = $j+1
Write-Host ($i/$zaehler).ToString("P") "von Schule" $schule
if (!$sorted) {
} else {
Basically in my resultset ($results) I got duplicate lines of teachers and the only difference is the class ("Klasse/Klassen") they are teaching at.
To minimize the output I am checking if the first GUID is the same as the second and then the script appends the second class to the first one. So the $sorted array has just one line per teacher with a comma-seperated string which shows all classes.
Sample line of $results:
Sample line of $sorted[0]:
The sorting process (check if contains, foreach $item, add to $klassen) is pretty slow.
I would be very grateful for any kind of ideas how to optimize the script.
Maybe something like this would work:
$results | ForEach-Object {
New-Object -Type PSObject -Property $_
} | Group-Object GUID | ForEach-Object {
$teacher = $_.Group
$teacher | Select-Object -First 1 -Exclude Klasse -Property *, #{n='Klasse';e={
$teacher | Select-Object -Expand Klasse
Convert your hashtables into custom objects, group them by GUID, then replace the original "Klasse" property with a new one containing an array of the values from all objects in that group, and select the first result.
Should $results already be a list of objects you can skip the first ForEach-Object:
$results | Group-Object GUID | ForEach-Object {
$teacher = $_.Group
$teacher | Select-Object -First 1 -Exclude Klasse -Property *, #{n='Klasse';e={
$teacher | Select-Object -Expand Klasse

ForEach loop not producing the desired result

I have written a script to Identify a timestamp in a logfile:
$start = Get-Content "C:\Webserverlogfiles\ise*.log" | select -first 1 -skip 6
$end -match '(([0-9][0-9]:){2}([0-9][0-9]))'
$end = $Matches[1]
$start -match '(([0-9][0-9]:){2}([0-9][0-9]))'
$start = $Matches[1]
$TimeDiff = New-TimeSpan $end $start
if ($TimeDiff.Seconds -lt 0) {
$Hrs = ($TimeDiff.Hours) + 23
$Mins = ($TimeDiff.Minutes) + 59
$Secs = ($TimeDiff.Seconds) + 59 }
else {
$Hrs = $TimeDiff.Hours
$Mins = $TimeDiff.Minutes
$Secs = $TimeDiff.Seconds }
$refreshrate = '{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}' -f $Hrs,$Mins,$Secs
echo $refreshrate
This returns the result I am after which is the timespan between each refresh.
Now I am trying to expand on this so it loops through the whole file. And so far my script just hangs.
$Workfrom = Get-Content "C:\Webserverlogfiles\ise*.log"
Foreach ($Line in (Get-Content $Workfrom)) {
$end = $line | Select-String 'ShowStatus = Reset Status' -SimpleMatch
$end -match '(([0-9][0-9]:){2}([0-9][0-9]))'
$end = $Matches[1]
$start = $line | Select-String 'ShowStatus = Waiting for server ()' -SimpleMatch
$start -match '(([0-9][0-9]:){2}([0-9][0-9]))'
$start = $matches[1]
$TimeDiff = New-TimeSpan $end $start
if ($TimeDiff.Seconds -lt 0) {
$Hrs = ($TimeDiff.Hours) + 23
$Mins = ($TimeDiff.Minutes) + 59
$Secs = ($TimeDiff.Seconds) + 59 }
else {
$Hrs = $TimeDiff.Hours
$Mins = $TimeDiff.Minutes
$Secs = $TimeDiff.Seconds }
$refreshrate = '{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}' -f $Hrs,$Mins,$Secs
echo $refreshrate
From what I can tell this is correct unless I have grouped too much into the ForEach loop. Can I ask what I am missing?
$Workfrom = Get-Content "C:\Webserverlogfiles\ise*.log"
Foreach ($Line in (Get-Content $Workfrom)
$Workfrom = Get-Content "C:\Webserverlogfiles\ise*.log"
Foreach ($Line in $Workfrom) {
$workfrom is already the lines of text. Otherwise, perhaps you meant Get-ChildItem in the first line?

How to add a number at end of username

I need to generate usernames that start with a letter of the alphabet, followed by the date and that ends with numbers from 1 to 20. For a total of 520 names.
Here's the variables I came up with:
$letter = 97..122 | foreach {[char]$_}
$date = get-date -UFormat %a%y%d
$name = $letter | ForEach-Object { $_ + $date }
So I managed to put my letters and my dates together, to form names like aWed1513, which is exactly what I need, but when it comes to make each to end with numbers, I'm stuck. Tried with a For loop by adding incrementing $i to $name, but doesn't work..
It seems like you're just about there. Your for loop should look like this:
$names = #()
$letter = 97..122 | foreach {[char]$_}
$date = get-date -UFormat %a%y%d
for($i = 1; $i -le 20; $i++) {
$names += $letter | ForEach-Object { '{0}{1}{2}' -f $_, $date, $i }
An alternate approach to the answer given that just adds another ForEach-Object to the OP's original code:
$letter = 97..122 | foreach {[char]$_}
$date = get-date -UFormat %a%y%d
$names = $letter | ForEach-Object { $_ + $date } | ForEach-Object { for($i=1;$i -le 20;$i++) { $_ + $i } }
And to shorten to get same result:
$letter = 97..122 | foreach {[char]$_}
$date = get-date -UFormat %a%y%d
$names = $letter | ForEach-Object { for($i=1;$i -le 20;$i++) { $_ + $date + $i } }

Get all combinations of an array

I'm currently trying to make a function that gets all possible combinations of array values.
I have come up with a non function version but it's limited to 3 values so i'm trying to make a function out of it to become more Dynamic
I tried searching SO but could not find a powershell example of what i was trying to do, i could find a PHP version but i'm very limited in my PHP
PHP: How to get all possible combinations of 1D array?
Non-function Script
$name = 'First','Middle','Last'
$list = #()
foreach ($c1 in $name) {
foreach ($c2 in $name) {
foreach ($c3 in $name) {
if (($c1 -ne $c2) -and ($c2 -ne $c3) -and ($c3 -ne $c1))
$list += "$c1 $c2 $c3"
This gives me the result
First Middle Last
First Last Middle
Middle First Last
Middle Last First
Last First Middle
Last Middle First
I'm not sure how i would rearrange the values when i'm recursing the function, this is what i have so far:
Short description
Long description
Example of how to use this cmdlet
Another example of how to use this cmdlet
function Get-Combinations
# Param1 help description
# Param1 help description
# Param1 help description
Write-Verbose "Starting Function Get-Combinations with parameters `n`n$($Array | Out-String)`n$temp`n`n$($Return | Out-String)"
If ($Temp)
$Return = $Temp
$newArray = new-object system.collections.arraylist
Write-Verbose ($return | Out-String)
For($i=0; $i -lt $Array.Length; $i++)
#Write-Verbose $i
$Array | ForEach-Object {$newArray.Add($_)}
Write-Verbose ($newArray | Out-String)
if ($newArray.Count -le 1)
Get-Combinations -Array $newArray -Temp $Temp -Return $Return
$Return = $Temp
Write-Verbose "Exiting Function Get-Combinations"
$combinations = #("First","First2","Middle","Last")
$Combos = Get-Combinations -Array $combinations
But the output i'm getting is all over the place
28/08 Update
Getting closer but still getting weird output
Short description
Long description
Example of how to use this cmdlet
Another example of how to use this cmdlet
function Get-Combinations
# Param1 help description
# Param1 help description
# Param1 help description
Write-Verbose "Starting Function Get-Combinations with parameters `n`n$($Array | Out-String)`n$temp`n`n$($Return | Out-String)"
If ($Temp)
$Return += $Temp
#$newArray = new-object [System.Collections.ArrayList]
#$Array | ForEach-Object {$newArray.Add($_) | Out-Null}
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$newArray = $Array
Write-Verbose "return -> $return"
For($i=0; $i -lt $Array.Length; $i++)
Write-Verbose "`$i -> $i"
$element = $newArray[0]
Write-Verbose "`$newArray -> $newArray"
Write-Verbose "Element -> $element"
if ($newArray.Count -gt 0)
Get-Combinations -Array $newArray -Temp (($temp + " " +$element).Trim()) -Return $Return
$Return = $Temp + " " + $element
Write-Verbose "Exiting Function Get-Combinations"
$combinations = #("First","First2","Middle","Last")
$return = #()
$Combos = Get-Combinations -Array $combinations -Return $return
New output (Yes there is a space before the 'Last' value, no i have no idea why)
First First2 Middle Last
First First2 Last
First Middle Last
First Last
First2 Middle Last
First2 Last
Middle Last
Here is my solution:
function Remove ($element, $list)
$newList = #()
$list | % { if ($_ -ne $element) { $newList += $_} }
return $newList
function Append ($head, $tail)
if ($tail.Count -eq 0)
{ return ,$head }
$result = #()
$tail | %{
$newList = ,$head
$_ | %{ $newList += $_ }
$result += ,$newList
return $result
function Permute ($list)
if ($list.Count -eq 0)
{ return #() }
$list | %{
$permutations = Permute (Remove $_ $list)
return Append $_ $permutations
$list = "x", "y", "z", "t", "v"
$permutations = Permute $list
$permutations | %{
Write-Host ([string]::Join(", ", $_))
EDIT: the same in one function (Permute). This is cheating a bit, however since I replaced plain functions whith lambdas. You could replace recursive calls with a stack you handle yourself, but that would make the code unecessarily complex ...
function Permute ($list)
$global:remove = {
param ($element, $list)
$newList = #()
$list | % { if ($_ -ne $element) { $newList += $_} }
return $newList
$global:append = {
param ($head, $tail)
if ($tail.Count -eq 0)
{ return ,$head }
$result = #()
$tail | %{
$newList = ,$head
$_ | %{ $newList += $_ }
$result += ,$newList
return $result
if ($list.Count -eq 0)
{ return #() }
$list | %{
$permutations = Permute ($remove.Invoke($_, $list))
return $append.Invoke($_, $permutations)
$list = "x", "y", "z", "t"
$permutations = Permute $list
$permutations | %{
Write-Host ([string]::Join(", ", $_))
I tried to learn something new and help you out but Im stuck. maybe this will help you get in the right direction but I dont know enough about Powershell recursion to figure this out. I converted the php to powershell and in theory it should work but it doesnt.
$array = #('Alpha', 'Beta', 'Gamma', 'Sigma')
function depth_picker([system.collections.arraylist]$arr,$temp_string, $collect)
if($temp_string -ne ""){$collect += $temp_string}
for($i = 0; $i -lt $arr.count;$i++)
[system.collections.arraylist]$arrCopy = $arr
$elem = $arrCopy[$i]
if($arrCopy.count -gt 0){
depth_picker -arr $arrCopy -temp_string "$temp_string $elem" -collect $collect}
else{$collect += "$temp_string $elem"}
$collect = #()
depth_picker -arr $array -temp_string "" -collect $collect
It seems to work and will get you the first set of possibles:
Alpha Beta
Alpha Beta Gamma
Alpha Beta Gamma Sigma
But for some reason that I cant figure out when it gets back to the previous functions and does $i++ then checks ($i -lt $arr.count) $arr.count it always 0 so it never goes to the next iteration to continue finding the possibilities.
Hopefully someone else can fix what I cant seem to figure out as I dont know enough about recursion. But it seems that with each level of depth called the previous depth level $arr variable and values is lost.
Here is my solution with a recursive function. It generates space separated strings but it's quite simple to split each element with $list[$i].split(" "):
function Get-Permutations
param ($array, $cur, $depth, $list)
$depth ++
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $array.Count; $i++)
$list += $cur+" "+$array[$i]
if ($depth -lt $array.Count)
$list = Get-Permutations $array ($cur+" "+$array[$i]) $depth $list
$array = #("first","second","third","fourth")
$list = #()
$list = Get-Permutations $array "" 0 $list
The solution posted by Micky Balladelli almost worked for me. Here is a version that does not duplicate values:
Function Get-Permutations
param ($array_in, $current, $depth, $array_out)
$array_in = $array_in | select -Unique
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $array_in.Count; $i++)
$array_out += ($current+" "+$array_in[$i]).Trim()
if ($depth -lt $array_in.Count)
$array_out = Get-Permutations $array_in ($current+" "+$array_in[$i]) $depth $array_out
else {}
if(!($array_out -contains ($array_in -Join " "))) {}
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $array_out.Count; $i++)
$array_out[$i] = (($array_out[$i].Split(" ")) | select -Unique) -Join " "
$array_out | select -Unique
