freeze wpf app during update binding source - wpf

I created thumbnails based on ListView control. On ListView.ItemSource I bind ObservableColletion<Photos> Photos{get;set}.
I create thumbnail images in another threads also in parallel way.
I simplified my code.
public class ThumbnailCreator
public static List<Photos> CreateThumbnailImage(List<Photos> photos)
var thumbnails = new List<Photos>();
Parallel.ForEach(photos, photo =>
var bitmap = new BitmapImage();
bitmap.DecodePixelHeight = 128;
bitmap.DecodePixelWidth = 128;
bitmap.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;
bitmap.CreateOptions = BitmapCreateOptions.DelayCreation;
bitmap.UriSource = new Uri(photo.FullPath);
if (bitmap.CanFreeze)
thumbnails.Add(new Photos{ThumbnailImage = bitmap});
return thumbnails;
Problem is here:
//I break binding before I start refreshing thumbnails
this.Thumbnails.ItemsSource = null;
//load files from folder
List<Photos> photos = _fileManager.LoadFromDir(folderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath);
//create thumbnail images in another threads, not on UI
List<Photos> thumbnails = ThumbnailCreator.CreateThumbnailImage(photos);
//create new source
Photos = new ObservableCollection<Photos>(thumbnails);
//reenable binding, this part of code cause that UI free
this.Thumbnails.ItemsSource = Photos;
When I reenable binding UI freeze, I tried use dispatcher but result is same UI freeze.
this.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.SystemIdle, new Action(() =>
Photos = new ObservableCollection<Photos>(thumbnails);
this.Thumbnails.ItemsSource = Photos;
How can I avoid freeze UI?
I edited my code based on Dean K. advice. I dont break bind before update source of listview.
I updated source of ListView.ItemSource via Dispatcher:
Sync Invoke:
App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
thumbnails.Add(new Photos { ThumbnailImage = bitmap });
}), DispatcherPriority.ContextIdle);
Result - UI behavior.
Images are being added continuously but if collection contains more than 500 images at the and WPF window freezes. For example it is not possible move window, scroll listview.
Async Invoke
App.Current.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(new Action(() =>
thumbnails.Add(new Photos { ThumbnailImage = bitmap });
}), DispatcherPriority.ContextIdle);
Result - UI behavior.
At start app freezes but after several seconds images are being added continously and also is it possible move window, scroll listview.
So my question is what is root of problem that app freezes ? How can I avoid this behaviour. I upload sample application.

Don't break the binding before adding items to the ObservableCollection.
Bind Thumbnails.ItemsSource to Photos OC and than on another thread load and add items to Photos OC. That way your UI will not freeze.
You might want to use the multithreaded ObservableColleciton you can find on code project. Search for ObservableCollectionMt...


WPF FlowDocument Displays *Some* Images But Not Others

This is the code I'm using to create the Image that I'm inserting into a FlowDocument.
private static Image GetImage(string url)
if (url == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("url");
if (!(url.StartsWith("http://") || url.StartsWith("https://") || url.StartsWith("ftp://")))
return null;
var uri = new Uri(url, UriKind.Absolute);
var bmpImg = new BitmapImage(uri)
CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnDemand,
if (bmpImg.CanFreeze) bmpImg.Freeze();
var img = new Image
Source = bmpImg,
Stretch = Stretch.Uniform,
Height = 120,
Width = 120,
return img;
When I create a document and insert an image from my server with
everything works fine - image displays as expected. Also, the main Google Logo image works fine, but the HackaDay Logo and others just display a blank image.
What could be the reason for this?
I think that some websites have hotlink protection. For example in my website I can link a photo in every page that it is in my domain and it works well, however if you try to link a photo in other domain, the photo doesn't load.

Loading LayoutPanel content dynamically in Wpf

I'm working on a desktop application. It has a dropdown menu. When a menu item is clicked on the dropdown a new tab is opened if it's not opened before. There is a single tab for a single dropdown menu item. What i want to do is to open a window, page or user control(i'm not sure which i should use) in seperate tabs considering the work they will do.
My partial XAML:
<dxd:DockLayoutManager DockItemClosing="DockLayoutManager_DockItemClosing_1">
<dxd:TabbedGroup Name="tabbedGroup">
and partial CS:
private void addPanel(string caption)
var contains = false;
var layoutPanel = new LayoutPanel() { Caption = caption };
BaseLayoutItem[] baseLayoutItem = tabbedGroup.GetItems();
foreach (var layoutItem in baseLayoutItem)
if (layoutItem.Caption.Equals(layoutPanel.Caption))
contains = true;
if (!contains)
As i mentioned i want to append a window, page or user control(i'm not sure which i should use) into every LayouPanel opened seperately.
Ok it's as easy as:
layoutPanel.Content = new UserControl1();
And i got one more trick for dynamically creating the desired tab:
layoutPanel.Content = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(Constants.s_tabs[caption]));
I hope it won't cause any performance problems.

Adding a wpf button created in background thread to Mainwindow

Here's my scenario : I have a simple wpf window with a button. When the user clicks on the button, I want to create another window (let's call it child window) and then create a wpf button on a background thread, add it to the child window and show the child window. Here's the code for this:
Button backgroundButton = null;
var manualResetEvents = new ManualResetEvent[1];
var childWindow = new ChildWindow();
manualResetEvents[0] = new ManualResetEvent(false);
var t = new Thread(x =>
backgroundButton = new Button { Content = "Child Button" };
childWindow.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, (Action)(() => childWindow.MainPanel.Children.Add(backgroundButton)));
When I call the ShowDialog(), I get this error "The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it.". I know that this error is because the button added to the child window is created on a background thread and hence we get this error. Question is: How do I get past this error and still have my button to be created on the background thread
You must use Dispatcher every time, when you want to access Parent's window from another thread. I see in action of your thread , you use backgroundButton . Because of that, you must do whatever with your button inside Dispathcer.BeginIvoke statement
Change Thread action to this
var t = new Thread(x =>
backgroundButton.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, (Action)(() => backgroundButton = new Button { Content = "Child Button" }));
childWindow.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, (Action)(() => childWindow.MainPanel.Children.Add(backgroundButton)));
I wrote this according to your code.I doesn't check you code, but hope its right.

Can I put a Button in a RichTextBox in Silverlight 4?

I would like to allow users to put a System.Windows.Controls.Button in the System.Windows.Controls.RichTextBox. The button would do a pre-defined thing.
I figured out how to do this. It's called an InlineUIContainer you can do something like this to get it working. Although it doesn't save it into the Xaml
var p = new Paragraph();
var inlineUIContainer = new InlineUIContainer() { Child = new Button() { Content = "This is a Button!" } };

How do I get a context menu to work on a Telerik RadGridView column?

I have the following method which adds a new column to a Telerik RadGridView:
private void CreateNewColumn(FieldDescriptor fd, uint fieldno) {
fieldGrid.Columns.Add(new GridViewDataColumn() {
UniqueName = fd.fieldName,
Header = fd.displayName,
DataMemberBinding = new Binding("Fields[" + fieldno + "]"),
ContextMenu = new ContextMenu() {
Tag = fieldno,
Items = {
new MenuItem() {
Header = "Field Properties",
Command = Commands.FieldProperties,
CommandBindings = { new CommandBinding(Commands.FieldProperties, FieldProperties_Execute) }
new MenuItem() {
Header = "Delete Field",
Command = Commands.DeleteField,
CommandBindings = { new CommandBinding(Commands.DeleteField, DeleteField_Execute) }
The problem I'm having is that the context menu never appears when I right click anywhere on the grid. If I bind the context menu directly to the grid, i.e.
fieldGrid.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu() { ...
then the context menu shows up, but I have no way of determining which column the user right-clicked on. Has anyone gotten context menus to work on individual columns or column headers?
I cannot speak for Telerik's grid, but with the Infragistics grid you would attach the context menu to the grid, and then use the mouse location to determine what the user right clicked on in the grid. The Infragistics grid has some decent helper methods to facilitate the hit testing.
You can check my answer on your forum post:
