How to design parking street database? - database

I try to design database which contains data about street parking. Parking have gps coordinates, time restriction by day, day of week rules (some days are permitted, other restricted), free or paid status. In the end, I need to do some queries that can specify parking by criteria.
For first overdraw I try to do something like this:
Days (1234567)
Time -- already here comes trouble
But it`s not normalized and quickly overflow database. How to design data in the best way?
Update For now I have two approaches
The first one is:
I try to use restrictions tables with many-to-many links.(This is example for days and months). But queries will be complicated and I don`t now how to link time with day.
The second approach is:
Using one restricted table with Type field, that will have priority. But this solution also not normalized.
Just to be clear what data I have.
PakingId Coords String Description(NO PARKING11:30AM TO 1PM THURS)
And I want to show user where he can find street parking by area, time and day.
Thanks to all for your help and time.

This seems like a difficult task. Just a few thoughts.
Are you only concerned with street parking? Parking houses have multiple floors so GPS coordinates won't work unless you stay on the streets.
What is the accuracy of the coordinates? Would it be easier to identify each parking space individually by some other standard. Like unique identifiers of the painted parking squares. (But what happens if people don't park into squares? Or the GPS coordinates accuraycy fails/is not exact enough because of illegal parking? Do you intend to keep records of the parking tickets too?)
Some thought for the tables or information you need to take into account:
time: opening hours, days
price: maybe a different price for different time intervals?
exceptions: holidays, maintenance (maybe not so important, you could just make parking space status active/inactive)
parking slot: id (GPS/random id), status
Three or four tables above could be linked by an intermediate table which reveals the properties of a parking space for every possible parking time (like a prototype for all possible combinations). That information could be linked into another table where you keep records of a actual parking events (so you can for example keep records of people who have or have not paid their bills if you need to).
There are lots of stuff that affect your implementation so you really need to list all the rules of the parking space (and event?). Database structure can be done (and redone) later after you have an understanding of the properties of the events you need to keep records of. And thats the key to everything: understanding what you need to do so you can design and create the implementation. If the implementation (application) doesn't work change the implementation. If the design is faulty redesign. If you don't undestand the whole process (what you really need), everything you do is bound to fail. (Unless you are incredibly lucky but I wouldn't count on luck...)

Try using two tables with an intersection entity between them.
Table parking will have parking_id, lat and long columns. Table Restrictions will have all the type of restrictions that you have in your scenario with something like restriction_id, restriction_day, restriction_time and restriction_status and maybe restriction_type.
Then you can link the two tables with foreign key constraints in the intersection entity.
Example parking_id has restriction_id.
This way a parking can have more than one restriction and a restriction can be applied to more than one parking.

As you seem to have heard of normalization, and following the comment from Damien, you should use different tables to represent different things.
You should then think about how to link those tables together, and in the process define the type of relationship between the 2. Could be one-to-one (this one is the one where you could be tempted to put everything in the same table, but a simple foreign key in a linked table is cleaner), one-to-many (this is where the trouble would begin if you put everything in one table, cause now there will be several lines in the linked table with the same foreign key, and if everything was in the same table, you'd have to myltiply the fields in that table), or many to many (where you would need to add a table only to make the link between 2 other tables, thus with 2 foreign key fields pointing to records in both tables).
For example, in your case, a Parking table could hold the parking name, coordinates, etc.
A second table TimeTable could hold the opening days/time for each parking, with a foreign key to the parkingId (making it a one-to-many rlationship, 1 parking can have many opening frames). The fields of this table could for example be DayOfWeek (number indicating the day), openingTime, closingTime. This would allow you to define several timeframes on the same day, or a single one (if it's always open for example), giving in this case 7 records in this table for this parking (=> one-to-many relationship).
You could then imagine a 3rd table Price where you put data concerning the price of that parking (probably a one-to-many too, with records for hourly rates/long stay/..., and so on depending on the needs and the different "objects" you would need to represent.
Please note these are only rough examples. Database design can sometimes be very tricky and that's a matter I'm not specialist in, but I think these advises can help you go further and come back with another question if you get stuck.
Good luck !


How much should data be split up?

I'm currently setting up a database with microsoft access.
The main goal is to re-setup a huge inventory in a well structured manner.
The current inventory is full with duplication and redundancy, which I'm trying to reduce with access. My question now is, how much the data should be splitted up into it's smallest, logic parts.
The list includes a lot of different data, I pretty much broke it down already, let me give you an overview:
For me, it seems that I could split up the different attributes of a room into separate tables because each key shows up multiple times. For example, each room has a category (exp.: bureau) and a definition (exp.: conference room) and of course there are multiple rooms with the same category / definition.
Question is, does it make sense to split this into isolated tables? It feels like I am splitting this up way too much.
Your base data tables are:
Employees, Teams, Departments, Floors, Rooms, Workstations, Equipment.
Then you need lookup tables for things like: Employee_Gender or Room_Size (anything where you have to select from a fixed set of values).
Depending on how things work, Floors may be better used as a lookup table too by assigning teams directly to rooms rather than floors.
Also do not directly link Rooms and Devices. The link through Workstations is enough, unless you have devices assigned to rooms that do not belong to any workstation. Even then I would just create virtual workstation entries rather than have my table links loop.
If it is possible (ever) to have a team with employees from different departments, that part also needs to be different (employees assigned directly to departments and also independently to teams rather than being assigned to departments through their assignment to a team). In that case Team is also a lookup table rather than a main data table.
Size is just a value and should be stored as value in Room, not as foreign key. You can have a lookup table for Sizes, if they are standardized, just to make data entry easier, but this is not useful as a relation.
Room definition is also a lookup table. But names can change, so I would go with foreign key here (from Room). But you can also store the definition name directly, if it helps make your life easier.
The rest is straightforward:
Room -> Floor
Device -> Room
There is no n:m relation needing a connector table here.

1:1 Relationships. Split into more than 1 table? Bad?

I am creating a mobile game where I am optimistically hoping i'll have millions of players.
I have created a users table that currently has roughly 8 columns (ie. userid, username, password, last_signin, etc)
For every user I'll also need to record the amount of in-game currency they have (ie. gold, silver, gems, etc).
This is a 1:1 relationship (a user will only ever have 1 value defining how much gold they have).
I am no database expert (which is why I am posting here). I worry If I added the gold, silver, gems, etc as new rows in the users table that the users table will be hammered with a crazy amount of queries per second. Everytime someone in the game finds more gold, more silver, logs in, creates an account... the users table will be accessed and/or updated.
Would it be smarter to add the gold, silver, and gems as columns in a new table called "resources" that had the following columns : userid, gold, silver, gems. This new table would have the exact same number of rows as the user table since there is a 1:1 relationship between users and resources. I'm wondering if those queries would be faster since the database data is split up and not all queries would go to the same table.
Clearly to me it seems better to put it all in 1 table since they are 1:1.... but It also seemed like a bad idea to have the majority of the games data in 1 table.
Thanks for any advice you can give!
There are plenty of cases where good design calls for two tables in a 1:1 relationship with each other. There is no normalization rule that calls for decomposing tables in this manner. But normalization isn't the only handle on good design.
Access traffic is another handle. Your intuition that access to resources is going to be much more frequent than access to basic user data sounds credible. But you will need to check it out, to make sure that the transactions that access resources don't end up using basic user data anyway. It all boils down to which costs more: a fat user table or more joins.
Other responders have already hinted that there may come a day when the 1:1 relationship becomes a 1:many relationship. I can imagine one. The model of the game player gets expanded where a single user can get involved in multiple distinct instances of the game. In this case, a single user might have the same basic user data in all instances, but different resources in each instance. I have no way of telling if this is ever going to happen in your case. But, if it does, you're going to be better off with a separate resources table.
It really depends on your game design, how big your database is, and how you might expand your database in the future. I would put the resources in a separate table with a foreign key pointing to the user id because:
You can keep the user table slimmer for easier
Simple 1-to-1 JOIN operation between two
tables doesn't take much more resources than having everything in
the same table, as long as you have proper indexing.
By keeping your tables separated, you are practicing separation of concerns;
multiple people can work on different stuff without having to worry
about affecting other tables.
Easier to expand. You may want to add other columns such as birth_date, region, first_name, etc. that
are more relevant to users' personal info to the users table in the
future. It will be confusing if columns of different purposes are
stored together. (In PostgreSQL you can't simply arrange column
order though you can create Views for that.)
This is a 1:1 relationship (a user will only ever have 1 value defining how much gold they have).
... for now ;)
I am no database expert (which is why I am posting here). I worry If I added the gold, silver, gems, etc as new rows in the users table
New columns?
Would it be smarter to add the gold, silver, and gems as columns in a new table called "resources"
Probably, because:
You'll be doing smaller writes when you update the frequently updated part, without rewriting less-modified user data
It makes it easier to audit changes to the user data

DB Schema design, table with many columns

I'm designing a schema for a learner management system.
I currently have LearnerDetails table which stores below categories of information.
- login user account details
- contact details and home address
- learner's residency related information including nationality info, current visa details to remain in UK etc
- learner's current state benefit related information
- details about learner's current employment status
The problem that I have is, when all these information are represented in a single table, number of columns exceed 70 columns.
One thing that I can to do is, I can segregate information in to different tables representing the categories mentioned above and associate these tables to their parent table LearnerDetails as 1:1 relationships.
I'd like to know whether this is a recommended approach or not.
In my opinion 1:1 relationships would represent a database what is over normalized. But if I didn't do this, it would result in having a huge horizontal table as my LearnerDetails table.
Highly appreciate if you could let me know your opinions/suggestions.
There is nothing inherently wrong with many columns in a table, as long you have 5NF, or at least 3NF.
But, there are quite a few examples where vertical partitioning (1::1) makes sense -- take a look at a similar question.
How wide are the columns? If your record is wider than the page size then having one wide table is a performance propblem waiting to happen.
Address is generally NOT a 1-1 relationship with person. Yes most people only have one but that is not true of everyone. Students for instcne sometimes live part time with each of their divorced parents. I would suggest that address be separated out. If you store phone numbers, those two are generally not in a 1-1 relationship. You might have a cellophone a fa xnumber a business number and a home phone (landline) number. Anything that hasa good possibility of eventually needing to be in a one-many relationship should be separated out from the start.
If you do separate out the tables and want to enforce the one-to-one relationship, yuo can either use the id from the parent table as the PK inthe child table or have a differnt Pk for the table and set-up a unique index for the FK field. Do not set-up a one-to-one realtionship without a way to enforce it in the database.
There is no problem at all to have 70 or more columns, if that's what normalisation requires. You did not mention which rdbms you use, but most suport at least 255 fields.

What is the best way to represent a constrained many-to-many relationship within a relational database?

I would like to establish a many-to-many relationship with a constraint that only one or no entity from each side of the relationship can be linked at any one time.
A good analogy to the problem is cars and parking garage spaces. There are many cars and many spaces. A space can contain one car or be empty; a car can only be in one space at a time, or no space (not parked).
We have a Cars table and a Spaces table (and possibly a linking table). Each row in the cars table represents a unique instance of a car (with license, owner, model, etc.) and each row in the Spaces table represents a unique parking space (with address of garage floor level, row and number). What is the best way to link these tables in the database and enforce the constraint describe above?
(I am using C#, NHibernate and Oracle.)
If you're not worried about history - ie only worried about "now", do this:
create table parking (
car_id references car,
space_id references space,
unique car_id,
unique space_id
By making both car and space references unique, you restrict each side to a maximum of one link - ie a car can be parked in at most one space, and a space can has at most one car parked in it.
in any relational database, many to many relationships must have a join table to represent the combinations. As provided in the answer (but without much of the theoretical background), you cannot represent a many to many relationship without having a table in the middle to store all the combinations.
It was also mentioned in the solution that it only solves your problem if you don't need history. Trust me when I tell you that real world applications almost always need to represent historical data. There are many ways to do this, but a simple method might be to create what's called a ternary relationship with an additional table. You could, in theory, create a "time" table that also links its primary key (say a distinct timestamp) with the inherited keys of the other two source tables. this would enable you to prevent errors where two cars are located in the same parking spot during the same time. using a time table can allow you the ability to re-use the same time data for multiple parking spots using a simple integer id.
So, your data tables might look like so
table car
car_id (integers/numbers are fastest to index)
table parking-space
table timeslot
time_id integer
begin_datetime (don't use seconds unless you must!)
end_time (don't use seconds unless you must!)
now, here's where it gets fun. You add the middle table with a composite primary key that is made up of car.car_id + parking_space.space_id + time_id. There are other things you could add to optimize here, but you get the idea, I hope.
table reservation
car_id PK
parking_space_id PK
time_id PK (it's an integer - just try to keep it as highly granular as possible - 30 minute increments or something - if you allow this to include seconds / milliseconds /etc the advantages are cancelled out because you can't re-use the same value from the time table)
(this would also be the place to store variable rates, discounts, etc distinct to this particular account, reservation, etc).
now, you can reduce the amount of data because you aren't replicating the timestamp in the join table (reservation). By using an integer, you can re-use that timeslot for multiple parking spaces, but you could also apply a constraint preventing two cars from renting that given spot for the same "timeslot" for a given day / timeframe. This would also make it easier to store some history about the customers - who knows, you might want to see reports on customers who rent more often and offer them discounts or something.
By using the ternary relationship model, you are making each spot unique to a given timeslot (perhaps with some added validation rules), so the system can only store one car in one parking spot for one given time period.
By using integers as keys instead of timestamps, you are assured that the database won't need to do any heavy lifting to index the keys and sort / query against. This is a common practice in data warehousing / OLAP reporting when you have massive datasets and you need efficiency. I think it applies here as well.
create a third table.
for the constraint, i guess the problem with your situation is that you need to check a complex rule against the intersection table itself. if you try this in a trigger, it will report a mutation.
one way to avoid this would be to replicate the table, and query against this replication for the constraint.

Database Design: Explain this schema

Full disclosure...Trying feverishly here to learn more about databases so I am putting in the time and also tried to get this answer from the source to no avail.
Barry Williams from databaseanswers has this schema posted.
Clients and Fees Schema
I am trying to understand the split of address tables in this schema. Its clear to me that the Addresses table contains the details of a given address. The Client_Addresses and Staff_Addresses tables are what gets me.
1) I understand the use of Primary Foreign Keys as shown but I was under the assumption that when these are used you don't have a resident Primary Key in that same table (date_address_from in this case). Can someone explain the reasoning for both and put it into words how this actually works out?
2) Why would you use date_address_from as the primary key instead of something like client_address_id as the PK? What if someone enters two addresses in one day would there be conflicts in his design? If so or if not, what?
3) Along the lines of normalization...Since both date_address_from and date_address_to are the same in the Client_Addresses and Staff_Addresses table should those fields just not be included in the main Address table?
First an Audit, then the specific answers.
This is not a Data Model. This is not a Database. It is a bucket of fish, with each fish drawn as a rectangle, and where the fins of one fish are caught in the the gills of another, there is a line. There are masses of duplication, as well as masses of missing elements. It is completely unworthy of using as an example to learn anything about database design from.
There is no Normalisation at all; the files are very incomplete (see Mike's answer, there are a hundred more problem like that). The other_details and eg.s crack me up. Each element needs to be identified and stored: StreetNo, ApartmentNo, StreetName, StreetType, etc. not line_1_number_street, which is a group.
Customer and Staff should be normalised into a Person table, with all the elements identified.
And yes, if Customer can be either a Person or an Organisation, then a supertype-subtype structure is required to support that correctly.
So what this really is, the technically accurate terms, is a bunch of flat files, with descriptions for groups of fields. Light years distant from a database or a relational one. Not ready for evaluation or inspection, let alone building something with. In a Relational Data Model, that would be approximately 35 normalised tables, with no duplicated columns.
Barry has (wait for it) over 500 "schemas" on the web. The moment you try to use a second "schema", you will find that (a) they are completely different in terms of use and purpose (b) there is no commonality between them (c) let's say there was a customer file in both; they would be different forms of customer files.
He needs to Normalise the entire single "schema" first,
then present the single normlaised data model in 500 sections or subject areas.
I have written to him about it. No response.
It is important to note also, that he has used some unrecognisable diagramming convention. The problem with these nice interesting pictures is that they convey some things but they do not convey the important things about a database or a design. It is no surprise that a learner is confused; it is not clear to experienced database professionals. There is a reason why there is a standard for modelling Relational databases, and for the notation in Data Models: they convey all the details and subtleties of the design.
There is a lot that Barry has not read about yet: naming conventions; relations; cardinality; etc, too many to list.
The web is full of rubbish, anyone can "publish". There are millions of good- and bad-looking "designs" out there, that are not worth looking at. Or worse, if you look, you will learn completely incorrect methods of "design". In terms of learning about databases and database design, you are best advised to find someone qualified, with demonstrated capability, and learn from them.
He is using composite keys without spelling it out. The PK for client_addresses is client_id, address_id, date_address_from). That is not a bad key, evidently he expects to record addresses forever.
The notion of keeping addresses in a separate file is a good one, but he has not provided any of the fields required to store normalised addresses, so the "schema" will end up with complete duplication of addresses; in which case, he could remove addresses, and put the lines back in the client and staff files, along with their other_details, and remove three files that serve absolutely no purpose other than occupying disk space.
You are thinking about Associative Tables, which resolve the many-to-many relations in Databases. Yes, there, the columns are only the PKs of the two parent tables. These are not Associative Tables or files; they contain data fields.
It is not the PK, it is the third element of the PK.
The notion of a person being registered at more than one address in a single day is not reasonable; just count the one address they slept the most at.
Others have answered that.
Do not expect to identify any evidence of databases or design or Normalisation in this diagram.
1) In each of those tables the primary key is a compound key consisting of three attributes: (staff_id, address_id, date_address_from) and (client_id, address_id, date_address_from). This presumably means that the mapping of clients/staff to addresses is expected to change over time and that the history of those changes is preserved.
2) There's no obvious reason to create a new "id" attribute in those tables. The compound key does the job adequately. Why would you want to create the same address twice for the same client on the same date? If you did then that might be a reason to modify the design but that seems like an unlikely requirement.
3) No. The apparent purpose is that they are the applicable dates for the mapping of address to client/staff - not dates applicable to the address alone.
3) Along the lines of
normalization...Since both
date_address_from and date_address_to
are the same in the Client_Addresses
and Staff_Addresses table should those
fields just not be included in the
main Address table?
No. But you did find a problem.
The designer has decided that clients and staff are two utterly different things. By "utterly different", I mean they have no attributes in common.
That's not true, is it? Both clients and staff have addresses. I'm sure most of them have telephones, too.
Imagine that someone on staff is also a client. How many places is that person's name stored? That person's address? Can you hear Mr. Rogers in the background saying, "Can you spell 'update anomaly'? . . . I knew you could."
The problem is that the designer was thinking of clients and staff as different kinds of people. They're not. "Client" describes a business relationship between a service provider (usually, that is, not a retailer) and a customer, which might be either a person or a company. "Staff" describes a employment relationship between a company and a person. Not different kinds of people--different kinds of relationships.
Can you see how to fix that?
This 2 extra tables enables you to have address history per one person.
You can have them both in one table, but since staff and client are separated, it is better to separate them as well (b/c client id =1 and staff id =1 can't be used on the same table of address).
there is no "single" solution to a design problem, you can use 1 person table and then add a column to different between staff and client. BUT The major Idea is that the DB should be clear, readable and efficient, and not to save tables.
about 2 - the pk is combined, both clientID, AddressID and from.
so if someone lives 6 month in the states, then 6 month in Israel, and then back to the states, to the same address - you need only 2 address in address table, and 3 in the client_address.
The idea of heaving the from_Date as part of the key is right, although it doesn't guaranty data integrity - as you also need manually to check that there isn't overlapping dates between records of the same person.
about 3 - no (look at 2).
Viewing the data model, i think:
1) PF means that the field is both part of the primary key of the table and foreign key with other table.
2) In the same way, the primary key of Staff_Addresses is {staff_id,address_id,date_adderess_from} not just date_adderess_from
3) The same that 2)
In reference to Staff_Addresses table, the Primary Key on date_address_from basically prevents a record with the same staff_id/address_id entered more than once. Now, i'm no DBA, but i like my PKs to be integers or guids for performance reasons/faster indexing. If i were to do this i would make a new column, say, Staff_Address_Id and make it the PK column and put a unique constraint on staff_id/address_id/date_address_from.
As for your last concern, Addresses table is really a generic address storage structure. It shouldn't care about date ranges during which someone resided there. It's better to be left to specific implementations of an address such as Client/Staff addresses.
Hope this helps a little.
