I am making a 3D Game with WPF in VB, and I am using a ScrennSpaceLines3D Object I found
but when I try to remove a line I added to the viewport by using
it gives a NullExceptionError. I have read that this is because it does not totally come off the rendering queue. There have been fixes for c#, but I have yet to find one that works with VB. Is there a way to make this work or possibly draw a line in 3D space some other way? I find it quite ridiculous that VB doesn't even have a way to easily draw 3D lines...
Remove ScreenSpaceLines3D :
foreach (ScreenSpaceLines3D line3D in lines3DList)
lines3D.Points.Clear(); // Very importante
I'm a bit late to the party but i'm having the same issues.
The access violation occurs because each instance registers an event handler to the Rendering event of the composition target
public ScreenSpaceLines3D()
CompositionTarget.Rendering += OnRender; // <-- this line
but forgets to remove it when the instance is removed from the scene.
So to fix this you need to touch the source code:
public ScreenSpaceLines3D()
// event registration removed
private bool AttachedToCompositionTargetRendering { get; set; }
protected override void OnVisualParentChanged(DependencyObject oldParent)
var parent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(this);
if (parent == null)
if (AttachedToCompositionTargetRendering)
CompositionTarget.Rendering -= OnRender;
AttachedToCompositionTargetRendering = false;
if (!AttachedToCompositionTargetRendering)
CompositionTarget.Rendering += OnRender;
AttachedToCompositionTargetRendering = true;
I got the following sticky note example:
If the sticky note has more than 9 rows, the additional rows are not visible.
I'm able to navigate through the note with my arrow keys. If I'm going to scroll with the mouse wheel, it seems to ignore the popup and just changes the page.
Is it possible to activate scrolling for sticky note popups?
Edit:The solution outlined below will soon be available as part of the samples included in the PDFTron SDK download. In the meanwhile, I hope that the below solution helps.
Yes, it is possible to activate scrolling for sticky notes.
The problem is most apparent when using the single page view. It appears to work as expected in continuous mode.
However it is not as simple as setting VerticalScrollVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Auto;. There are a few files that need to be modified to get this working.
The good news is that we can get the expected behaviour by modifying the code in the provided samples.
The solution is to add some handling for the PreviewMouseWheel event coming from the PDFViewWPF class.
In the downloaded samples, the following changes were made to get things running as expected:
Add a method to handle the PreviewMouseWheel event in the NoteHost class (Samples/PDFViewWPFTools/CS/Utilities/NoteHost.cs)
internal void HandlePreviewMouseWheel(object sender, MouseWheelEventArgs e)
var originalSource = (UIElement)e.OriginalSource;
if (originalSource.IsDescendantOf(mNoteBorder) && mTextBox.IsFocused)
mTextBox.ScrollToVerticalOffset(mTextBox.VerticalOffset - e.Delta);
e.Handled = true;
Also make sure to add mTextBox.VerticalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Auto; in the NoteHost.CreateNoteAndArrow() method, after the mTextBox object is instantiated (~line 183).
Next, edit the NoteManager class - Samples/PDFViewWPFTools/CS/Utilities/NoteManager.cs - and add a HandlePreviewMouseWheel method. This will internally call the HandlePreviewMouseWheel on each displayed (opened) note and break at the first one where the event gets handled.
internal void HandlePreviewMouseWheel(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseWheelEventArgs e)
foreach(var note in mActiveNotes)
note.Value.HandlePreviewMouseWheel(sender, e);
Next, edit the ToolManager class to ensure that the note manager gets a chance to handle the PreviewMouseWheel before attempting a page change. Open Samples/PDFViewWPFTools/CS/ToolManager.cs and navigate to the PDFView_PreviewMouseWheel. The existing method should look like this:
private void PDFView_PreviewMouseWheel(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseWheelEventArgs e)
if (mCurrentTool != null && _IsEnabled)
ToolManager.ToolType prev_tm = mCurrentTool.ToolMode;
ToolManager.ToolType next_tm;
while (true)
mCurrentTool.PreviewMouseWheelHandler(sender, e);
next_tm = mCurrentTool.NextToolMode;
if (prev_tm != next_tm)
mCurrentTool = CreateTool(next_tm, mCurrentTool);
prev_tm = next_tm;
Replace it with the below code:
private void PDFView_PreviewMouseWheel(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseWheelEventArgs e)
if (mCurrentTool != null && _IsEnabled)
ToolManager.ToolType prev_tm = mCurrentTool.ToolMode;
ToolManager.ToolType next_tm;
while (true)
mNoteManager.HandlePreviewMouseWheel(sender, e);
if (!e.Handled)
mCurrentTool.PreviewMouseWheelHandler(sender, e);
next_tm = mCurrentTool.NextToolMode;
if (prev_tm != next_tm)
mCurrentTool = CreateTool(next_tm, mCurrentTool);
prev_tm = next_tm;
By doing the above, we are giving the NoteManager a chance to handle the PreviewMouseWheel before doing anything else with it.
Another point to note is that we have to now "do the scrolling" in code, using the mTextBox.ScrollToVerticalOffset method in the NoteHost class.
Since a few weeks, we are trying to "transform" a MFC dialog into a "MFC form" which can be embedded into a WinForm User Control.
We've succeeded to do that:
We made a WinForm User Control, called Dlg_WU_MFC_Container
When created, the UC creates the MFC form called CDlgEdgeType
Then, every time the UC is resized or moved, we also move and resize the MFC form
Here is the code (I tried to remove a lot of unnecessary stuff..):
#pragma once
public ref class Dlg_WU_MFC_Container : public System::Windows::Forms::UserControl
CDlgEdgeType* _dialog;
CWnd *_wnd;
private: //---Local Controls
System::ComponentModel::IContainer^ components;
template<class T, class HP>
void InitializeContainer() {
CDlgEdgeType =
void RefreshEmbeddedSize();
#pragma region Windows Form Designer generated code
/// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor.
/// </summary>
void InitializeComponent(void)
// Dlg_WU_MFC_Container
this->AutoScaleDimensions = System::Drawing::SizeF(96, 96);
this->AutoScaleMode = System::Windows::Forms::AutoScaleMode::Dpi;
this->ForeColor = System::Drawing::SystemColors::WindowText;
this->Margin = System::Windows::Forms::Padding(0);
this->Name = L"Dlg_WU_MFC_Container";
this->Size = System::Drawing::Size(816, 480);
this->SizeChanged += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Dlg_WU_MFC_Container::evSizeChanged);
this->VisibleChanged += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Dlg_WU_MFC_Container::evVisibleChanged);
#pragma endregion
private: System::Void evSizeChanged(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e);
private: System::Void evVisibleChanged(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e);
#include "Dlg_WU_MFC_Container.h"
#include "DlgEdgeType.h"
_wnd = NULL;
_dialog = new CDlgEdgeType();
if (components)
delete components;
// We need to detach the handle to free it for other usage
if (_wnd) {
delete _wnd;
_wnd = NULL;
if (_dialog) {
delete _dialog;
_dialog = NULL;
System::Void Dlg_WU_MFC_Container::evSizeChanged(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
// Inform the embedded form to adapt to its new size
void Dlg_WU_MFC_Container::RefreshEmbeddedSize() {
if (_dialog && _isShown) {
CRect containerWnd;
containerWnd.left = this->Left;
containerWnd.right = this->Right;
containerWnd.top = this->Top;
containerWnd.bottom = this->Bottom;
System::Void Dlg_WU_MFC_Container::evVisibleChanged(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
// _isShown basically useless.. !
if (Visible != _isShown) {
_isShown = Visible;
if (_dialog) {
if (Visible) {
void *handle = Handle.ToPointer();
if (handle) {
// We need to create a new CWnd which will contain
// the handle of the current WinForm control where
// the embedded MFC will be contained
_wnd = new CWnd();
} else {
// When the control is not shown anymore, we need to free
// the handle so another control can use it (the handle
// is stored in the MFC permanent map)
delete _wnd;
_wnd = NULL;
void CDlgEdgeType::ReplaceEmbeddedForm(CRect &rect) {
if (!GetSafeHwnd()) {
SetWindowPos(NULL, rect.left, rect.top, rect.Width(), rect.Height(), SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOZORDER);
This stuff is working "great" : CDlgEdgeType is well shown in our application and when the application is resized or moved, everything goes well.
Here is my issue:
CDlgEdgeType has Dlg_WU_MFC_Container as parent, great. But the latter doesn't know that the MFC form is a "child".. so the focus is kind of lost and the Arrow keys and the Tab keys simply do not work.
A thing you should know is that Dlg_WU_MFC_Container is added to TabPages of a custom TabControl. So, if the user tries to navigate through MFC form's controls or he tries to navigate through a TreeView with the Arrow keys, the TabControl seems to take over the focus and will change tab.. which is not convenient D:
I have no idea how to solve that issue, neither my colleagues.
Maybe the way we integrate the MFC is wrong, but there are no really topics about that (we see more "Embedding WinForm forms into MFC"..). Also, as our software has a big history, we cannot simply recreate CDlgEdgeType. It's a big dialog and, in fact, we have 7 dialogs like that, the code implements template but I removed them for the clarity of this message..
Thank you !
Well, we find a way out.. this may not be the best way to do it, but it is working (or at least, it seems to work !).
At first, I've managed to send the keys to the MFC form:
bool Dlg_WU_MFC_Container::ProcessDialogKey(Keys keyData) {
::SendMessage(CWnd::GetFocus()->GetSafeHwnd(), WM_KEYDOWN, (WPARAM)keyData, (LPARAM)0);
return true;
Since the TabControl is taking the control through an WM_ACTIVATE, we tried to "override" it by sending also WM_ACTIVATE to the MFC form, so the result is the following:
bool Dlg_WU_MFC_Container::ProcessDialogKey(Keys keyData) {
::SendMessage(CWnd::GetFocus()->GetSafeHwnd(), WM_ACTIVATE, MAKEWPARAM(WA_ACTIVE, 0), (LPARAM)0);
::SendMessage(CWnd::GetFocus()->GetSafeHwnd(), WM_KEYDOWN, (WPARAM)keyData, (LPARAM)0);
return true;
The only thing is that the "Tab" key doesn't seems to work but after investigation, it is not needed by our users, so... :D But I think it's just related to the third parameter of WM_ACTIVATE (previous control). It must be used to know which control must be focused after Tab is pressed.
I am seeing an error be reported quite frequently in my application. I know where it is happening, I just don't know why. The app plays sound effects (not background music), I am using Xna.Audio and I have a timer to call FrameworkDispatcher.Update() in regular intervals. I am using SoundEffect.CreateInstance so I can I have the sound effect loop. It looks like an error happens when changing the volume. I don't know WHY though. Are there known instances when this can fail?
Function ::: Offset
xxx_RaiseException ::: 32
WatsonUnhandledManagedException ::: 300
Dbg_NotifyManagedException ::: 136
FirstPassException ::: 1044
TransitionStub ::: 0
Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Helpers.ThrowExceptionFromErrorCode ::: 76
Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.SoundEffectInstance.set_Volume ::: 232
Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.SoundEffectInstance..ctor ::: 232
Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.SoundEffect.CreateInstance ::: 192
AgiliTrain.PhoneyTools.Media.SoundEffectPlayer..ctor ::: 96
WildSafari.ClassicModeGame.animalVisibleTimer_Tick ::: 344
For those asking, here is more code. The SoundEffectPlayer takes a SoundEffect, creates an instance, and kicks off the XNA FrameworkDispatcher (via the GameTimer). This code is taken from PhoneyTools, so go check out the codeplex project if you need more context. When I want to play an effect, I just new up a SoundEffectPlayer, and pass in what I want.
public class SoundEffectPlayer
GameTimer _xnaTimer = new GameTimer();
SoundEffectInstance _effect = null;
public float _duration;
public SoundEffectPlayer(SoundEffect effect, bool loop)
_effect = effect.CreateInstance();
_effect.IsLooped = loop;
_duration = (float)effect.Duration.TotalSeconds;
public void Play(float volume)
_effect.Volume = volume;
public void Stop()
public class GameTimer
DispatcherTimer _timer = new DispatcherTimer()
Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50),
public GameTimer()
_timer.Tick += new EventHandler(_timer_Tick);
void _timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
public void Start()
if (!_timer.IsEnabled) _timer.Start();
public void Stop()
if (_timer.IsEnabled) _timer.Stop();
Trying to help out, although i don't have a valid fix...
The setter property for SoundEffectInstance is not as simple as one might think:
lock (this.voiceHandleLock)
if (this.IsDisposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException(base.GetType().Name, FrameworkResources.ObjectDisposedException);
if ((value < 0f) || (value > 1f))
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value");
Helpers.ThrowExceptionFromErrorCode(SoundEffectUnsafeNativeMethods.SetVolume(this.voiceHandle, value));
this.currentVolume = value;
Basically the part we're after comes in the line before last.
If the call from SoundEffectUnsafeNativeMethods.SetVolume returns any code smaller than 0, the exception you're getting will be triggered.
Here's what's happening inside the unsafe method:
public static unsafe int modopt(IsLong) SetVolume(uint soundEffectInstanceHandle, float volume)
lock (SoundEffectSubsystemSyncObject)
if ((soundEffectInstanceHandle != 0) && (soundEffectInstanceHandle != uint.MaxValue))
CHandleTable* tablePtr = ?g_pTable#CHandleTable##0PAV1#A;
KernelSoundEffectInstance* instancePtr = CHandleTable.LookUp<class Microsoft::Xna::Framework::Audio::KernelSoundEffectInstance>((CHandleTable modopt(IsConst)* modopt(IsConst) modopt(IsConst)) ?g_pTable#CHandleTable##0PAV1#A, soundEffectInstanceHandle, 0);
if (instancePtr == null)
return -2147024809;
return **(((int*) instancePtr))[0x34](instancePtr, volume);
return -2147024809;
You can try to surround the creation of _effect.CreateInstance with try...catch and rethrow a more comprehensive and helpful exception that will contain for example, information about the SoundEffect object which you're trying to create (basically you can note down all of its field's values for inspection. (not sure that what you get from MS is only a stack trace or the actual exception messaage).
It seems that on WP7, the call to set the volume goes to some OS pointer table that does some magic behind the scenes and looks for the sound effect handle in this table.
If for some reason it is not found or something similar (don't know why, maybe we can take it with XNA developers), it will throw this exception you're getting.
I know this is not a solution but maybe this is a step in the right direction.
Generally, the exception should not be thrown for the situation you are describing, as long as you built the XNA compatibility layer as it should be (details here).
However, I noticed that you are using PhoneyTools.Media.SoundEffectPlayer - what for? It might be the cause of the problem in your situation.
Also, you seem to have ambiguous references - effect and _effect - which one are you working with when playing content?
With each loop iteration, I want to visually update the text of a textblock. My problem is that the WPF window or control does not visually refresh until the loop is complete.
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
myTextBlock.Text = i.ToString();
In VB6, I would call DoEvents() or control.Refresh. At the moment I'd just like a quick and dirty solution similar to DoEvents(), but I'd also like to know about alternatives or the "right" way to do this. Is there a simple binding statement I could add? What is the syntax?
Thanks in advance.
If you really want the quick and dirty implementation and don't care about maintaining the product in the future or about the user experience, you can just add a reference to System.Windows.Forms and call System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents():
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
MyTextBlock.Text = i.ToString();
The downside is that it's really really bad. You're going to lock up the UI during the Thread.Sleep(), which annoys the user, and you could end up with unpredictable results depending on the complexity of the program (I have seen one application where two methods were running on the UI thread, each one calling DoEvents() repeatedly...).
This is how it should be done:
Any time your application has to wait for something to happen (ie a disk read, a web service call, or a Sleep()), it should be on a separate thread.
You should not set TextBlock.Text manually - bind it to a property and implement INotifyPropertyChanged.
Here is an example showing the functionality you've asked for. It only takes a few seconds longer to write and it's so much easier to work with - and it doesn't lock up the UI.
<TextBlock Name="MyTextBlock" Text="{Binding Path=MyValue}"></TextBlock>
<Button Click="Button_Click">OK</Button>
public partial class MainWindow : Window, INotifyPropertyChanged
public MainWindow()
this.DataContext = this;
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
MyValue = i.ToString();
private string myValue;
public string MyValue
get { return myValue; }
myValue = value;
private void RaisePropertyChanged(string propName)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propName));
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
The code might seem a bit complicated, but it's a cornerstone of WPF, and it comes together with a bit of practice - it's well worth learning.
I tried the solution exposed here and it didn't work for me until I added the following:
Create an extension method and make sure you reference its containing assembly from your project.
public static void Refresh(this UIElement uiElement){
uiElement.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new Action( () => { }));
Then call it right after RaisePropertyChanged:
That will force the UI thread to take control for a small while and dispatch any pending changes on the UI element.
This is how you would do it normally:
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(ignored =>
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
new Action(() => myTextBlock.Text = i.ToString()));
This delegates the operation to a worker pool thread, which allows your UI thread to process messages (and keeps your UI from freezing). Because the worker thread cannot access myTextBlock directly, it needs to use BeginInvoke.
Although this approach is not "the WPF way" to do things, there's nothing wrong with it (and indeed, I don't believe there's any alternative with this little code). But another way to do things would go like this:
Bind the Text of the TextBlock to a property of some object that implements INotifyPropertyChanged
From within the loop, set that property to the value you want; the changes will be propagated to the UI automatically
No need for threads, BeginInvoke, or anything else
If you already have an object and the UI has access to it, this is as simple as writing Text="{Binding MyObject.MyProperty}".
Update: For example, let's assume you have this:
class Foo : INotifyPropertyChanged // you need to implement the interface
private int number;
public int Number {
get { return this.number; }
set {
this.number = value;
// Raise PropertyChanged here
class MyWindow : Window
public Foo PropertyName { get; set; }
The binding would be done like this in XAML:
<TextBlock Text="{Binding PropertyName.Number}" />
You can do Dispatcher.BeginInvoke in order to do a thread context-switch so that the rendering thread could do its job.
However, this is not the right way for such things. You should use Animation + Binding for things like that, as this is the hack-free way of doing things like that in WPF.
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
myTextBlock.Text = i.ToString();
Running the above code inside a background worker component and using a binding updatesourcetrigeer as propertychanged will reflect the changes immediately in the UI control.
I've made a rather complex Silverlight 4 out-of-browser application. One of my main view models adds an event handler to the Application.Current.MainWindow.Closing event.
This works fine when the application is initially run. It is able to cancel the close operation.
However, sometimes after performing operations like showing and closing a ChildWindow, the MainWindow's Closing event is no longer calling my handler.
In the debugger, I added a watch to the MainWindow's underlying closing event delegate. It's not null before showing the ChildWindow. Then sometimes after the ChildWindow is closed the delegate is null. This is explains why my handler is not called any more. But why is this delegate getting nulled? And why is it only happening occasionally?
My application is not unbinding my event handler at any point.
This is the delegate I'm watching:
Other stuff: I'm using Caliburn Micro
I had the exact same problem. We have a large silverlight application running OOB.
For some reason the m_ClosingEvent was nulled after running for a while. I have not been able to find the cause of this issue but I think it may have something to do with us changing the root visual or all the child windows we show.
I´m using a class ApplicationWrapper.
public class ApplicationWrapper : IApplicationWrapper
public void Initialize()
private void HookCloseEvent(bool hook)
if (hook && IsRunningOutOfBrowser)
Application.Current.MainWindow.Closing += OnClosing;
if (IsRunningOutOfBrowser)
Application.Current.MainWindow.Closing -= OnClosing;
private void OnClosing(object sender, ClosingEventArgs e)
... etc..
And the InvokeClosing method was never called. But when I changed it to
public class ApplicationWrapper : IApplicationWrapper
private Window _mainWindow;
public void Initialize()
_mainWindow = Application.Current.MainWindow;
private void HookCloseEvent(bool hook)
if (hook && IsRunningOutOfBrowser)
_mainWindow.Closing += OnClosing;
if (IsRunningOutOfBrowser)
_mainWindow.Closing -= OnClosing;
private void OnClosing(object sender, ClosingEventArgs e)
... etc...
The m_ClosingEvent isn´t nulled.
So, try to just store the "initial" MainWindow in a field and check if that solves your problem.
Instead of hooking to the event, why not register a service instead? Create a class that implements IApplicationService and IApplicationLifetimeAware. The latter gives you an "onexiting" and "onexited" pair of events. You place the service in the application by pointing to it in a section called in your App.xaml. I've used this for many projects and never had an issue with the exiting methods not being called.
Ok, after pulling out my hair and many false starts I finally found the answer - it seems to be a known bug with the Closing event, OOB and ChildWindows open/closes...
The trick is to store a static reference to the Main Window:
public MainPage()
Loaded += MainPage_Loaded;
private void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
//you have to store this to work around the bug
_mainWindow = App.GetApp.MainWindow;
App.GetApp.MainWindow.Closing += (s, e1) =>
if (UIUtilities.ShowMessage("Would you like to exit AMT Mobile?", "Exit Application", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel) != MessageBoxResult.OK)
e1.Cancel = true;