External queue members in Asterisk - mobile

How do I describe queue members, so that callers would be forwarded, for example, to mobile numbers, e.g:
;local member
member => SIP/member1
;external member
member => SIP/external-provider/<member2's number> ;but this doesn't work

You can use local channel to describe any member, including external number
member => Local/12345#default/n
Where [default] is our context.
Also you can use
member => SIP/12345#yourprovider
Note, that is REALY not so nice idea, becuase it can't get state of number and have call it even if it already speaking.


What is the difference between deep_copy and gen keeping in Specman?

can someone tell me what is the difference between coping one transaction(item) to the another like in examples bellow (add_method_port_1 and add_method_port_2):
add_method_port_1 (added_item: item_s) is {
var new_item: new_item_s;
gen new_item keeping {
it.my_trans_s == added_item.as_a(t_trans_s);
add_method_port_2 (added_item: item_s) is {
var new_item : new_item_s = deep_copy(added_item.as_a(t_trans_s));
Where new_item_s looks like:
struct new_item_s like item_s {
%my_trans_s: t_trans_s;
Actually, the results of the two methods are different even if the assumption mentioned in Rodion's answer does hold.
With the first method, new_item points to the same my_trans_s object as the original added_item, because the constraint it.my_trans_s == added_item.as_a(t_trans_s) means pointer equality.
With the second method, new_item points to a copy of the original my_trans_s, because deep_copy copies everything recursively.
In this specific example, assuming that new_item_s has only one field my_trans_s, there is no difference in outcome.
In practice, the meaning and the goal of "gen keeping" and deep_copy is quite different:
gen keeping, even with '==' constraints, practically assignments, means random-constraint generating an item executing iGen logic engine; if this is a struct then pre_generate and post_generate methods are invoked, and all the fields not mentioned in 'keeping {}' block are also randomly generated according to existing constraints and their type properties. It is usually used to create a new item for which only some properties are known.
deep_copy creates an exact copy (up to some minor nuances) of the given struct, and if it has fields which are also structs - copy of all connected graph topology. There is no random generation, no special methods, no logical engine executed. Usually it used to capture the data at some point for later analysis.
In other words, if the assumption "new_item_s has only one field my_trans_s" is wrong, the result are going to be very much different.

Using Lua FFI with complex types

Bit of a complicated use case... Trying to access a C++ Object inside of Lua FFI, via a C wrapper.
struct puppy;
typedef struct puppy puppy_t;
puppy_t * puppy_bark (const char *encoded);
However every time I try to instantiate a puppy, it returns "size of C type is unknown or too large".
I've tried the following to get a puppy created...
pup = ffi.typeof("puppy_t")
pup.puppy_bark("some text")
Results in struct puppy has no member named puppy_bark
pup = ffi.new("struct puppy_t")
pup.puppy_bark("some text")
Returns undeclared or implicit tag
pup = ffi.new("struct puppy puppy_t")
pup.puppy_bark("some stringish thing")
Returns '<eof>' expected near puppy_t
Assuming that the C Wrapper correctly has a Puppy Struct, Type, and the requisite method, how do create an instance of or a pointer to a Puppy in order to make it bark?
Thanks in advance!
You ask "how do I create an instance of or a pointer to a puppy in order to make it bark" - but it's not possible to create an instance of something without having its definition, and it's not possible to create a pointer to something without having an instance of it, and puppies don't bark with your code anyway (but there is a global function puppy_bark that creates a new puppy?).
It looks like you can create a puppy by calling puppy_bark (in which case, what a horribly badly named function!), but I can't be sure of that without seeing the actual code behind puppy_bark.
Since I don't have a specific answer to a specific question, here are some things that are likely to help you:
ffi.new("puppy_t") doesn't work because the FFI needs to have the definition of struct puppy, not just a forward declaration, for exactly the same reason this won't work in C++:
struct puppy;
puppy *p = new puppy;
So, if you want to do this, you need to load the complete definition into the FFI. Note that LuaJIT's FFI only supports C code, not C++.
ffi.new("struct puppy_t") doesn't work because that's not a type that exists.
ffi.new("struct puppy puppy_t") don't work because that's not a valid type.
pup = ffi.typeof("puppy_t") pup.puppy_bark("some text") doesn't work because puppy_bark isn't a member of struct puppy (as the error message tells you).
It also seems like you're misunderstanding the purpose of ffi.typeof. According to the documentation, ffi.typeof returns a constructor for the given type, so that
local new_puppy = ffi.typeof("puppy_t")
local puppy = new_puppy(1, 2, 3, 4)
is the same as
local puppy = ffi.new("puppy_t", 1, 2, 3, 4)
If you want to call the global function puppy_bark, you can do that with ffi.C.puppy_bark("some text").

PHPStorm type hinting from array key

Is it possible to typehint based on an array key in PHPStorm? For example, say I have an array:
$a = array('\Fully\Namespaced\ClassName' => $objectInstance);
Can I have PHPStorm infer that $a['\Fully\Namespaced\ClassName'] is an instance of \Fully\Namespaced\ClassName?
I know the preferred method would be to have the function creating $objectInstance specify its return type, but my particular setup (out of my control) precludes me from doing so.
/** #var $objectInstance \Fully\Namespaced\ClassName */
Add it before array declaration.

Rabbitmq-c Library: How to get 'method' returned by the broker

I'm using the rabbitmq-c library to connect to a RabbitMQ server (GNU/Linux build environment).
At one point when I use "amqp_channel_open(...)", I'm getting an error from the server which I want to debug.
I call "amqp_get_rpc_reply(...)" as per the examples. It returns an amqp_rpc_reply_t which I assign to a variable "my_reply".
my_reply.reply_type is AMQP_RESPONSE_SERVER_EXCEPTION, which is why I think it's an error from the server.
HOWEVER, here are the docs for the amqp_rpc_reply_t type.
For my_reply.reply: "in case of AMQP_RESPONSE_SERVER_EXCEPTION this field will be set to the method returned from the broker"
So my_reply.reply is an amqp_method_t in this case. But when I look at the docs for amqp_method_t, it has two fields: id ("the method id number", ??) and decoded.
For decoded, it's a void *:
"pointer to the decoded method, cast to the appropriate type to use"
I am stuck at this point, because I have no idea what to cast **decoded* to. It should be some kind of data structure containing the information returned by the server (the AMQP method), but I can't find any reference to what type I should cast it to.
[Edited for clarity]
I dug around a bit in the examples, and found something helpful.
When my_reply.reply_type is AMQP_RESPONSE_SERVER_EXCEPTION, the field my_reply.reply.id contains one of the AMQP_xxxxxx_METHOD constants which are defined by macros in amqp_framing.h - see here and scroll down a bit.
Each of these method IDs has an associated type which follows the same naming convention - e.g. for AMQP_CONNECTION_CLOSE_METHOD (which I was getting) there is amqp_connection_close_t. See here for a list of data structures / types.
Knowing which type to cast my_reply.reply.decoded to, it's pretty easy to then extract the useful information - e.g. (from examples, assuming my_reply.reply.id is AMQP_CONNECTION_CLOSE_METHOD):
amqp_connection_close_t *m = (amqp_connection_close_t *)my_reply.reply.decoded;
printf( "Server connection error %d, message: %.*s\n",
(int) m->reply_text.len,
(char *) m->reply_text.bytes);

SystemVerilog: How to create an interface which is an array of a simpler interfaces?

I'm attempting to create an interface that is an array of a simpler interface. In VHDL I could simply define two types, a record and an array of records. But how to do this in SystemVerilog? Here's what I've tried:
`define MAX_TC 15
interface scorecard_if;
score_if if_score [`MAX_TC];
interface score_if;
integer tc;
integer pass;
integer fail;
bit flag_match;
real bandwidth;
But I get an error from Aldec Active-HDL:
Error: VCP2571 TestBench/m3_test_load_tb_interfaces.sv : (53, 34):
Instantiations must have brackets (): if_score.
I also tried
interface scorecard_if;
score_if [`MAX_TC] if_score;
interface scorecard_if;
score_if [`MAX_TC];
but both of those just resulted in "Unexpected token" syntax errors.
Is it even possible to do this? There are two workarounds that I can think of if there isn't a way to do this. First I could define all the individual elements of score_if as unpacked arrays:
interface score_if;
integer tc [1:`MAX_TC];
integer pass [1:`MAX_TC];
integer fail [1:`MAX_TC];
bit flag_match [1:`MAX_TC];
real bandwidth [1:`MAX_TC];
This compiles, but it's ugly in that I can no longer refer to a single score as a group.
I might also be to instantiate an array of score_if (using the original code), but I really want to instantiate scorecard_if inside a generate loop that would allow me instantiate a variable number of scorecard_if interfaces based on a parameter.
Just to provide a bit of explanation of what I'me trying to do, score_if is supposed to be a record of the score for a given test case, and scorecard_if an array for all of the test cases. But my testbench has multiple independent stimulus generators, monitors and scorecards to deal with multiple independent modules inside the DUT where the multiple is a parameter.
Part 1 : Declaring an array of interfaces
Add parentheses to the end of the interface instantiation. According to IEEE Std 1800-2012, all instantiations of hierarchical instances need the parentheses for the port list even if the port list is blank. Some tools allow dropping the parentheses if the interfaces doesn't have any ports in the declaration and and the instantiation is simple; but this is not part of the standard. Best practice is to use parentheses for all hierarchical instantiation.
score_if if_score [`MAX_TC] () ;
Syntax Citations:
§ 25.3 Interface syntax & § A.4.1.2 Interface instantiation
interface_instantiation ::= // from A.4.1.2
interface_identifier [ parameter_value_assignment ] hierarchical_instance { , hierarchical_instance } ;
§ A.4.1.1 Module instantiation
hierarchical_instance ::= name_of_instance ( [ list_of_port_connections ] )
Part 2: Accessing elements for that array
Hierarchical references must be constant. Arrayed hierarchical instances cannot be accessed by dynamic indexes. It is an rule/limitation since at least IEEE Std 1364. Read more about it in IEEE Std 1800-2012 § 23.6 Hierarchical names, and the syntax rule is:
hierarchical_identifier ::= [ $root . ] { identifier constant_bit_select . } identifier
You could use a generate-for-loop, as it does an static unroll at compile/elaboration time. The limitation is you cannot use your display message our accumulate your fail count in the loop. You could use the generate loop to copy data to a local array and sum that, but that defeated your intention.
An interface is normally a bundle of nets used to connect modules with class-base test-bench or shared bus protocols. You are using it as a nested score card. A typedef struct would likely be better suited to your purpose. A struct is a data type and does not have the hierarchical reference limitation as modules and interfaces. It looked like you were already trying rout in your previous question. Not sure why you switched to nesting interfaces.
It looks like you are trying to create a fairly complex test environment. If so, I suggest learning UVM before spending to much time reinventing for a advance testbench architecture. Start with 1.1d as 1.2 isn't mainstream yet.
This also works:
1. define a "container" interface:
interface environment_if (input serial_clk);
serial_if eng_if[`NUM_OF_ENGINES](serial_clk);
virtual serial_if eng_virtual_if[`NUM_OF_ENGINES];
2. in the testbench instantiate env_if connect serial_if with generate, connect the virtual if with the non virtual and pass the virtual if to the verification env:
module testbench;
environment_if env_if(serial_clk);
dut i_dut(...);
genvar eng_idx
for(eng_idx=0; eng_idx<`NUM_OF_ENGINES; eng_idx++) begin
env_if.eng_if[eng_idx].serial_bit = assign i_dut.engine[eng_idx].serial_bit;
initial begin
env_if.eng_virtual_if = env_if.eng_if[0:`NUM_OF_ENGINES-1];
//now possible to iterate over eng_virtual_if[]
for(int eng_idx=0; eng_idx<`NUM_OF_ENGINES; eng_idx++)
uvm_config_db#(virtual serial_if)::set(null, "uvm_test_top.env", "tx_vif", env_if.env_virtual_if[eng_idx]);
