How to choose sql server for client side installation? - sql-server

My application requires local database which will be sql server express.
My requirements are
My installer should contain sql server
server not having any interface means Sql Management studio like or Command line.
because i don't want to show any information at local end. i just want to collect data from local end and stored at remote end using sync framework.
only one Database & it should be single user mode.No other users can access it.even though user also.user can only see his/her data using application.
My questions is which database server is suitable for my requirement?.
sql server client or sql server express or other.?

You can use SQL SERVER Compact is a free SQL Server embedded database.
install with installers
not having any default interface
only one Database & single user mode
protected by password


Create a new "portable" server in SQL Server 2014 and view it in the same SQL Server Management Studio instance of other servers

I have the server
It is a SQL Server 2014 database engine using Windows authentication.
I need to create a new server, database engine with SQL Server authentication this time, that I need to connect and view into the same SQL Server Management Studio instance I use for my server by now, since I need to create queries involving both.
I've seen that I can do it with linked server feature, but I need to create and setup the new server correctly.
The access to this new server, obtainable through SQL Server authentication, must have different authentication parameters than the other one already existing, if a user doesn't have them, he would be able to access the old server, but not the new. The access of both servers has to happen in the same SQL Server Management Studio instance.
Plus, the databases files of this new server must be portable. For portable, I mean that all its files (that make it work) must be able to be put in a custom directory on two pcs, with SQL Server 2014 already installed on both, and be copyable and pastable, e.g on a pendrive, in order to be transferred from a PC to the other. That's for maintain synchronization between two different physical users workplaces in which the database will be used, workplaces that for the moment are not directly interfaceable with a single, fixed, detached and interconnected source on which place the database.
My question is how to create a new server that would have these features.

Conditions for using FIlestream

I want to rent a dedicated Server for my company with the newest Microsoft SQL-Server on it and I want to use filestream to store some PDF Files within the SQL Server. I have read "Windows only" on the official Microsoft site and I am wondering if this means that the Server musnt run on a Linux Server or does this mean that the SQL Server needs to run on a local Windows machine and not Windows Server?
I just want to confirm my initial conclusion that the server I want to rent must be a Windows Server Running-SQL Server on it since I am not completely sure how this works, I have never done this.

Configure remote connections without sql server installation?

We have an application called IpSwitch Whatsup and it's installed in a machine that I can connect to remotely as administrator. This is all in our intranet.
We need to connect to the sql server database being used by IpSwitch Whatsup, but this particular machine doesn't have sql server installed. On the other hand, in sql server configuration manager there is indeed a sql server installation for whatsup (the entry says SQL Server (WHATSUP)).
So, two questions:
How does one go about in connecting to this database? I'm pretty sure I know the name of the database and I already know the server name and instance, so I would like to connect to this DB from a sql server installation in another machine.
How does one configure a sql server installation to receive remote connections if it doesn't have sql server installed?
For the first question, you just type in (or browse) the appropriate instance name and authentication options using SSMS - which is the GUI tool used to manage sql server instances. Note - the term "sql server installation" can mean different things so it is not a useful reference.
As for the second question, review the information here. Note that any task you do in SSMS can be done via tsql - you can see the appropriate commands using the script button in the SSMS dialog windows.
And you can also (and probably should based on these questions) install SSMS on the same machine as your server instance so you can do "anything" "anywhere". Now would probably be a good time to review your disaster recovery options (and start backing up your databases regularly).

Transfer sql server express between machines

I am really new to this so please forgive this question.
We have sql server express 2008 running on a server which forms the back end database to a Access project (apd) application that sits on numerous client machines where user logins are controlled by usernames and passwords.
We need to decommission the server and are looking to transfer the database onto a new machine and then change the client app to point to the new server.
We think we've sorted the re-pointing issue but need some help on how to transfer the database "lock, stock and barrel" to the new machine running sql server express as well.
Any advice would be gratefully received. Thanks in advance.
Install Sql Server 2008 Express on the new server
Make sure you can connect to it from SSMS from outside of the server
On the old server, backup your database do a .bak file (you can do this from SSMS, right click on your database)
Move the .bak file to the file system of the new server
In SSMS, restore the new database (right click server name -> restore)
Update Sql Server user-access permissions so that your connection-string user has proper access to that database
Update the relevant connection strings in your application to refer to the new database server (IP address change? server name change? etc)

Occasionally connected application (SQL Server data synchronization)

There is a central server that is running SQL Server 2008 R2 and WinForms clients, which use SQL Server CE to cache data. Data can be changed on both the server and client side. Each user can only edit his own data and view some of the data of other users. For example, a user can create a "Contract" and upload it to the server via synchronization, other users need to see this "Contract", except for customer's contact information, etc.
What a way to synchronize data is most suitable for this task?
Thanks in advance.
you can use Sync Framework to synchronize the local cache to a central server. You can either use the Local Database Cache Wizard in Visual Studio or code the sync yourself.
see Synchronizing SQL Server and SQL Server Compact
or Programming Common Client and Server Synchronization Tasks
