How can get current portlet request in spring bean? - request

Portlet was created as GenericPortlet not Spring MVC portlet.
I need get current portlet request in my bean. Is there way to achive it?

You can try
RequestAttributes attrs = RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes();
if (attrs instance of PortletRequestAttributes){
PortletRequest request = ((PortletRequestAttributes) attrs).getRequest();


Azure Active Directory - UI > API - 401 Error

Good Day,
Currently I have a single tenent with a React UI and .NET Core Apis secured by Azure Active Directory without any problems.
We have recently moved to a new Azure Tenent, new Active Directory etc. I have create two new App Registrations, one single App Service for UI and one for API. I have linked the App Service to AAD (UI = UI App Registration, API = API App Registration).
The problem is the API is getting a 401 error and I think see that in the original tenent the Bearer token is in a JWT format but in the new instance it's not, I believe it my be a graph api access key.
New Tenent:
Authorization: Bearer PAQABAAAAAAD--DLA3VO7QrddgJg7WevrQvEQVbZEMD8su-tIp9k2bTFUTort7SZgeDI52P6KRYefHgtmj4YrecgUKZJ2wylGuhvIzIz642n7Sg0VMU1RwKtrzWlaMqK62CaSoJcstxiEf6 *****
Orginal Tenent:
Please someone kindly enought to provide some guidance / input where I am going wrong.
When using Azure AD to obtain an access token, an additional resource parameter is required. Otherwise, the access token is not a JWT.
For example, if your web API's application ID URI is and the scope name is Employees.Read.All, then with oidc-client the client configuration should be :
scope: 'openid profile email Employees.Read.All',
extraQueryParams: {
resource: ''
In App Service auth configuration, you can use additionalLoginParams
"additionalLoginParams": ["response_type=code", "resource="]
If you did not use a custom application ID URI, it may look like
Quickstart: Configure an application to expose a web API
Firstly, the scope is incorrect.
You should Expose an API in your API App Registration and then add it as a permission in your UI App Registration. You can refer to this document.
And when you try to call the '{tenant}/oauth2/authorize endpoint, you need to specify the scope to include api://{app id of the API App Registration}. For example: api://{app id of the API App Registration} openid profile email. Then the access token would be for calling your API.
At last, for CORS issue, please configure the CORS as * in your web app to see if it helps.
Try to follow this step: Configure App Service to return a usable access token
In my experience, this problem occurs, when you try to authorize against version 1 of the endpoint.
Instead of calling{tenant}/oauth2/authorize
You might be required to set something like "metadata URL" in you authorization library to:{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration
Make sure your builder follows this order...lifted from our API program.cs
These must be in order of
UseRouting -> UseAuthentication -> UseAuthorisation -> MapControllers
> app.UseRouting()
> app.UseAuthentication()
> app.UseAuthorization()
> app.MapControllers()
If app.UseAuthentication and app.UseAuthorization are not in this order in statement position you Will get 401 Unauthorised as at 01/2023 .Net 6 Core.

Spring Boot application gives "405 method not supported" exception for only Angular/HTML/JSP resources

I have an application written with Spring Boot and AngularJS. When I try to hit a REST service as part of this application, I am able to hit it with POST method wherever POST is configured for request mapping.
But if I try to request AngularJS bind pages, I get a "405 method not supported" exception. So I try to create HTML and JSP pages too, which are not bound to Angular but still, I am getting the same exception.
Where can I start debugging this, and what is the likely reason?
i am sharing here furthere details about issue.
Basically this existing application created/developed with Jhipster, angularjs, Spring boot and spring security does not allow to access html/angularjs related resources with POST from outside. I will explain here what different scenarios work and what is not not working. 1.Postman trying to access base url trying to fetch index.html from same application- Give 405 Post method not allowed.2.Created an independent Test.html in same application and trying to access it from postman- Gives 405 Post method not allowed.3.Created a service which allows POST access in same application- Able to hit service from WSO2 IS IDP and also from Postman.4.Created a separate application on tomcat and provided as callback in WSO2 IDP with starting point for SSO from base url of existing application- Able to hit callback URL on tomcat server. Firefox shows that a POST request was generated for callback URL from WSO2 IS IDP to tomcat based application 5.Created a separate application with Angular js and Spring boot and provided as callback in WSO2 IDP with starting point for SSO from base url of existing application- Able to hit callback URL on tomcat server. Firefox shows that a POST request was generated for callback URL from WSO2 IS IDP to new application with Spring boot and Angularjs. This took me down to conclusion that one of three is causing this issue
1. Spring security generated from JHipster
2. Angularjs
3. Some CORS or other filter from Spring Security is causing this issue.
Till now we have tried to different debugging methods like
1. disable CORS,
2. in angularjs-resource.js enable POST for get operation,
3. In SecurityCOnfigurer, try to permit POST method for base URL or resolve it to GET in httpsercurity authorizerequest etc.
4. Also ignoring resources in websecurity.
Application stack for existing application which we are trying to implement SSO is as below
1. Angularjs 1.5.8
2. Springboot 1.5.9.release
3. WSO2IS 5.4.1
4. WSO2AM 2.1.0
5. JHipster
Let me know if any particular area which we might have missed to analyze or different methods to try.
Try to disable CSRF in security config
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
public class SpringBootApp {

How can I determine the URL of my application?

I am using Angularjs and ui-router. In my application I have an email feedback form and the email text will contain the URL of the application. But when I run the application this could be:
localhost:1828 or the
Is there a way in my application that I could get the URL and the port so I could add this into the email?
You can inject $location service to your controller/service. And use like this:
more info in documentation
copied from: Get protocol, domain, and port from URL
var full = location.protocol+'//'+location.hostname+(location.port ? ':'+location.port: '');
Since you are using ui-router, you can use the $stateParams and $stateProvider to get the current url. See this for more information.
You can also use the URL Parameters feature to get the current url

How to add a Basic Authentication header to a MediaElement's Source request to a secure URL resource?

In my Silverlight applicatin, I am using Basic Authentication to communicate with my WCF Web Services. Everything works great, until my MediaElement attempts to request a video of a secure URL resource. I get the authentication dialog.
Ideally, I would like to include the UID/PWD in the Authorization header of the MediaElement's request, but I do not know how to do this.
If this is not possible, how else can I restrict the access of the media element to only my application for the user logged in?
We solved this with a workaround...
When we authenticate the user with our webservices, we add a server side HTTP only cookie for the session.
var creds = string.Format("{0}:{1}", user.Username, user.Password);
var bcreds = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(creds);
var base64Creds = Convert.ToBase64String(bcreds);
HttpCookie httpCookie = new HttpCookie("Authorization", "Basic " + base64Creds);
httpCookie.HttpOnly = true;
Then we created a custom HttpModule to validate this cookie for access to the media files. In the custom handler we can make sure that the IP address of the request matches the session and that the request is actually coming from our Silverlight application.

Passing HTTP Auth Credentials to SOAP Webservice

I'm using a SOAP Webservice (ASMX) which is HTTP Auth secured in my Silverlight Application.
How can I pass my Credentials to the Webservice?
bb_webservice = new BlackberryWSSoapClient();
bb_webservice.GetLatestLocationsCompleted += new EventHandler<GetLatestLocationsCompletedEventArgs>(ws_proxy_GetLatestLocationsCompleted);
The credentials property isn't provided:
Any Help would be appreciated. Thanks.
You can use the credentials property and pass a new NetworkCredential object:
bb_webservice = new BlackberryWSSoapClient();
bb_webservice.Credentials =
new System.Net.NetworkCredential("username","password","domain");
This is "fixed" in Silverlight 3 Beta. Credentials property is there yet again.
