Getting error for dom.load() while running test class - salesforce

I am using
1. DOM.Document doc = new DOM.Document();
2. doc.Load(httpResponse);
these lines in one apex class to convert XML body to document.
while executing this class normally it will show output nothing will happen at that time. But when I am executing same class in test class at line no 2 m getting below error
'System.XmlException: Failed to parse XML due to: only whitespace content allowed before start tag and not P (position: START_DOCUMENT seen P... #1:1)'
Can anyone please help in same problem?
Thanks in advance

Just remember callouts not work in test. So it seems your httpResponse is empty. You can either not run test on a callout block using Test.isRunningTest() or fake a response and use it when running test.


Gatling script compilation error saying value 'check' is not a member

I have a method in a gatling user-script as below.
This script was written in gatling 2.3.
def registerAddress: ChainBuilder = {
exec(ws("WS Register Address").wsName(id)
I am converting this in to gatling 3.0 and when I try to run it I get the following error.
value check is not a member of
I searched everywhere but I couldn't find a documentation related to WsSendTextFrameBuilder class to change the method call accordingly.
Does anyone know a documentation related to this class or a way to fix this issue?
Thank you.
After going through the documentation of Gatling 2.3 and 3.0 I found the new calls for the above scenario.
Apparently the check method is not available anymore in the WsSendTextFrameBuilder class.
Instead of that should use the await method.
So the code would look something similar to below.
val checkReply = ws.checkTextMessage("request").check(regex("request-complete"))
def registerAddress: ChainBuilder = {
exec(ws("WS Register Address").wsName(id)
.await(30 seconds)(checkReply))

How to send custom DocumentOperation to DocumentProcessing pipeline from a Processor?

Scenario: I've been stuck on this for way to long and I think solution might be easy but I just can't see it, this is the scenario:
cURL POST to http://localhost:8080/my_imports (raw JSON data on body)
MyImportsCustomHandler (extends ThreadedHttpRequestHandler [Validations]
MyObjectProcessor (extends Processor) [JSON deserialize and data massage]
MyFirstDocumentProcessor (extends DocumentProcessor) [Set some fields and save]
Problem is that execution never reaches MyFirstDocumentProcessor, likely because request didn't started from the document_api endpoints (intentionaly).
There are no errors thrown, just processing route never reaches the document processor chain, I think it should because on MyObjectProcessor I'm doing:
DocumentType type =
DocumentId id = new DocumentId("id:default:my_doc::2");
Document document = new Document(type, id);
DocumentPut docPut = new DocumentPut(document);
Processing proc =;
I got this idea from here:
but on that test I see this line splitter.process(p);, which I'm not able to find a suitable replacement that works inside a Processor, in that context I only have the Request, Execution and DocumentProcessingHandler
I hope somebody versed on Vespa con shine some light on this, is just the last hop on the processing chain that I can't bridge :|
To write documents from Java code, you need to use the Document Access API:
A working solution is in

camel-smooks returns null in body

I am using talend-ESB and want to parse EDI message to XML using smooks & I am getting null in body. The code looks as below.
"file://D:/cimt/InvoiceEDI_Mapping/" + "?noop=true"
+ "&autoCreate=true" + "&flatten=false"
+ "&fileName=InDev_EDI_Msg.txt" + "&bufferSize=128")
"TestSmooksConfig.cLog_1", "${body}")
.to("log:TestSmooksConfig.cLog_2" + "?level=WARN")
My Talend route looks as below.
I used following set of external dependencies.
Also, I see a strange behavior that, upon execution, I still see "starting" prior to cJavaDSLProcessor, which initially made me wonder if at all it gets executed. But later, when I intentionally made a mistake in EDI-Mapping, then the route was throwing errors, which kind of convinced me that it does parse the EDI message.
I did also search before posting this question here, and found a similar problem in this link
And I tried to lower my revision of org.milyn.* jars to 1.4.0, and got an exception that the route could not register smooks component. So I continued using 1.7.0 version of org.milyn.* jars.
For the benefit of others who might bump into similar issue, I 'assume' that the output of the smooks gets written into an Object of type StringResult.class. However, in my initial implementation, there was no such option and hence the output body was null.
Later, I tried alternative approach from where they used processor endpoint.Actually they had even made a statement that the data could be retrieved through exports element. The below code snippet helped to fix issue.
Smooks smooks = new Smooks("edi-to-xml-smooks-config.xml");
ExecutionContext context = smooks.createExecutionContext();
smooks.setExports(new Exports(StringResult.class));
SmooksProcessor processor = new SmooksProcessor(smooks, context);

go-endpoint Invalid date format and method not found

Hy, I have some problems with the Go endpoints and Dart client library.
I use the Go library and the dart generator
The easy examples works fine. But they show never how to use time.Time.
In my project, I have a struct with a field:
Created time.Time `json:"created"`
The output in the explorer looks like this:
"created": "2014-12-08T20:42:54.299127593Z",
When i use it in the dart client library, I get the error
FormatException: Invalid date format 2014-12-08T20:53:56.346129718Z
Should I really format every time fields in the go app (Format Timestamp in outgoing JSON in Golang?)?
My research come to that the dart accept something:
t.Format(time.RFC3339) >> 2014-12-08T20:53:56Z
Second problem, if comment out the Created field or leave it blank. I get a other error:
The null object does not have a method 'map'.
NoSuchMethodError: method not found: 'map' Receiver: null Arguments:
[Closure: (dynamic) => dynamic]
But I can't figure it out which object is null. I'm not sure if I'm using the Dart client correct
import 'package:http/browser_client.dart' as http;
var nameValue = querySelector('#name').value;
var json = {'name':nameValue};
LaylistApi api = new LaylistApi(new http.BrowserClient());
api.create(new NewLayListReq.fromJson(json)).then((LayList l) {
}).catchError((e) {
Does anyone know of a larger project on github with Go endpoint and Dart?
Thanks for any advice
I fixed the
with the correct discovery url
The problem with the time FormatExcetion still open, but I'm one step further. If i create a new item, it doesn' work. But if I load the items from the datastore and send it back, this works.
I guess this can be fixed with implementing Marshaler interface, thanks Alex. I will update my source soon.
See my example:
The full source code:

CakePHP Cakemenu plugin fails after global error due to incorrect string encoding

I am using CakePHP 2.1.2 with PHP 5.3.5 and a plugin called 'Cakemenu' which normally works fine. The plugin stores menus in a db table with the menu link stored as text like
The helper in the plugin gets those values, then executes this code to convert that text to an array:
//Try to evaluate the link (if starts with array)
if (eregi('^array', $value['Menu']['link'])) {
$code = "\$parse = " . $value['Menu']['link'] . ";";
$result = eval($code);
if (is_array($parse)) {
$value['Menu']['link'] = $parse;
Everything works fine unless CakePHP is handling an error. For example if I mistype the name of a controller in the browser I should get a menu and then the missing controller message. Instead I get a page full "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in..." messages pointing to the line with the eval statement. If I printout the variable that is getting eval'ed I see that it has been (incorrectly) encoded with Html entities when it normally does not.
Good string to be eval'ed:
$parse = array('plugin'=>null,'controller'=>'assets','action'=>'index');
Bad string to be eval'ed:
$parse = array('plugin'=>null,'controller'=>'Parts','action'=>'add');
To temporarily fix the problem I added two statements to just replace the offending characters
$value['Menu']['link'] = str_replace( ''','\'',$value['Menu']['link']);
$value['Menu']['link'] = str_replace( '>','>',$value['Menu']['link']);
and everything works great again. Some other pieces of information that might be helpful is that the array of data used to generate the menu is read during the beforeFilter of the app and saved in a view variable and then the menu is generated as an element in the view.
I'm thinking that the error causes CakePHP (or PHP) to skip some loading or configuration process and that causes the string to be mishandled. Any help would be appreciated, thanks
Your beforeFilter() method won't be executed on error pages. You'll have to handle your errors yourself and manually call beforeFilter(). I wrote a blog post on how to use custom error pages - pay close attention to the Controller Callbacks section.
