Amazing Slider and Angular JS - angularjs

I am trying to find a solution for an image slider such as Amazing Slider and how to integrate it in my e-commerce web-app which I have developed using Angular JS. I want to have features such as lightbox and a slider with thumbnails underneath, and also video integration. I know its a lot to ask but its a shame that this very strong framework lacks (to my knowledge) a proper image viewer. Has anyone tried this integration before? Are there any other solutions. After doing a google search all I found is bootstrap UI and a gist for lightbox. But these are not anywhere near of what I am asking for. Please advise.

The reason AngularJS does not have such an inbuilt facility is that AngularJS was not meant to address such things. Its an application framework. It is not meant to be a UI framework.
Having said that, I am assuming you have the images you want to render in some sort of collection in AngularJS. So you can just write a very simple directive which will take your collection as a ng-model and render the slider for you. This allows you to reuse this component in multiple places in your app.
If you have only one place in your app that you need the slider, then just a simple ng-repeat will suffice.


Interactive SVG in Angular Js?

I want to implement interactive svg in Angular Js application. Here is a glimpse of Svg which I will be using. I Know how to use an Svg in angular but the purpose of this question is not this. I want to make it dynamic. Like when I click "Punjab", the svg zooms in and show me regions, and upon clicking a specific region , it shows me the data which i will be getting through backend. So I am just curious, is this even possible ?
Based on your requirement you can use google map which can be easily integrated with Angular. Also I suggest to check D3.js.
Its Javascript library for creating SVG dynamically and can be easily integrated via Angular directives. There are plenty of examples available for the same.

AngularJS Framework with fabricjs

Can anyone suggests me angularjs framework with fabricjs.
I'm going to build angularjs application , having canvas (FabricJS).
Thanks in advance .
I would not recommend you to use angularjs with fabricjs.
The project I'm currently working on uses this combination.
We get a lot of troubles related to scope. E.g. if you need to update something in angular from fabricjs, you need to determine if angular digest loop is currently running and if not, run it.
You could try React + fabricjs instead. React looks more flexible and much faster works with DOM.
In my Angular project (seat reservation system) I use Fabric.js (for seat plan editor) without any complications. I have no problem with displaying more than 1000 objects.
Here you can find my "Hello World" Angular + Fabric.js project.
Here you can find my answer on question "How to use / include fabricjs in Angular2".
You should not worried about how bind them togheter. Keep it simpe.
Fabric will trigger a series of event from user actions, a bunch of event similar firing function that you can find in your doc. Use those to update your app state.
For all the rest keep a reference of the canvas in you scope and use it normally.

How to structure and architect an angularjs application

I am trying to develop an angularjs based web app but I am a little bit confused on how should I structure my app. For example I am used on using JSP pages when it come to the front end so for example every different component is a different jsp page let's say a home page, contact page etc. My question is what is the suggested way to do so in angularjs since the angularjs should be a single page web app should I create my content in directives and depending on the flow hide or show other directives or what ?
Any direction or suggestions for reading will be more than appreciated !
I highly recommend to you reading about Angular Style Guide made by John Papa.
View Angular Style Guide here
It's a very helpful guide which provides Angular best practices to deliver a testable, scalable and extensible app.

AngularJS and ExtJS together

Just learning , new to this site.
Is it possible to have ExtJs and AngularJS together in same application ?
or is it worth to have both of them in same application ?
Sometimes people use ExtJs components in an AngularJS app.
AngularJS is flexible enough to integrate with any other Javascript code/libraries as long as the library has public events to respond to. I would recommend going through the Directive and scope documentation on how to effectively create directives and respond to scope events.
Personally I do not feel ExtJS and AngularJS would be needed together, unless you are forced to use it like me. There is that brings in a lot to the table. Again any given JQuery plugin can be integrated using directives, filters etc in AngularJS. So you may want to investigate into that before trying to bother with ExtJS.

Angular 2 and google closure

I know this question is off topic. But I think it would be hot topic.
Google has two Web UI project, both Angular 2 and Google closure. Could someone give hints if we want to develope data centric application which tool we shall use, Angular 2 or Google closure?
Your answer are highly appreciated.
[2016/April/11] added:
I mean Closure Library. Mostly many of our UI components are Grid. Our developers are Java developers,they are not that good at Javascript. Could we make Grid UI or other UI, ( into some template, then render template into Java?
