Sql Query for an ssrs report - sql-server

I have the following report I need to generate . I am new to SSRS.
Number of Stores with June July Aug
0 sales 12 34 32
1 to 9 Sales 12 34 45
10+ sales 15 45 54
The tables I have are as follows :
Store :
2013 10 ABC
2013 10 DEF
2013 09 JKL
2013 06 FGH
Store Sales : (Contains only stores whose sales are > 0)
YEAR MONTH StoreName NumberOfSales
2013 10 ABC 3
2013 09 JKH 14
2013 10 FRH 9
I am not really sure what I need to do to get the report in the above format ?
I can write a query for sales in a single month , but how do I write a query to
get the report for all 3 months ? Or is there a better way to do these reports using ssrs ?
If you can direct me on what to do it will be great ?

You want to set up your query like this:
SELECT Year, Month, (CASE
WHEN NumberOfSales = 0 THEN '0 Sales'
WHEN NumberOfSales BETWEEN 1 AND 9 THEN '1-9 Sales'
WHEN NumberOfSales > 9 THEN '10+ Sales' END) [SaleGroup]
FROM FactStoreSales
Then you basically want to go into SSRS and just throw it into a table with the month in the columns and the group in the rows and let it pivot the data itself rather than trying to do that in SQL.


Query to find records with more than one date

I'm trying to build a query for a MS SQL database that will find records with more than one year but not the records with only one.
Lets say I have a car dealership and I have 1 Chevy from 2015 and 2 from 2017 then I would want to find Chevy 2015 1 and chevy 2017 2 but if I have a three Fords from 2018 and only 2018 then I don't want that at all.
I have tweeked with groups and joins but I don't get any where. So I need Select from table something. I'm leaning toward a pivot table but not sure what to do. Thanks for the help
MyTable Contents
Model year count
Chevy 2012 1
Chevy 2012 1
Chevy 2015 1
Ford 2018 1
Ford 2018 1
Ford 2018 1
Buick 2017 1
Lexus 2017 1
Lexus 2015 1
Desired Result Set
Chevy 2012 2
Chevy 2015 1
Lexus 2017 1
Lexus 2015 1
Because it has 2 different years for the model
The below query should help you. Need not hardcode model values.
Select T.Model,T.[year] ,count(T.[year])
from T
join (select distinct * from T) S on T.model = S.model and T.year!=S.year
group by T.Model,T.[year]
You need to use SUM function and group by on subquery,Because there might be Multiple count on count column. then join itself and distinct to exclude duplicate data.
Select distinct t1.*
from (
SELECT Model,[year] ,sum([count]) totle
group by Model,[year]
) t1
inner join T t2 on t1.Model = t2.Model and t1.[year] !=t2.[year]
Note:[table],[year] are keyword in sql avoid naming it as column name

How to generate automatic Rows

I have Below Sample Table
month year budget_Amt Actual_Amt
feb 2017 25 30
mar 2016 10 5
apr 2016 50 15
I am executing following query
select month,year,budget_amt,Actual_Amt from Table where month in('Feb','Mar','apr')
I need following output
month year budget_Amt Actual_Amt
feb 2017 25 30
mar 2016 10 5
apr 2016 50 15
QuarterYTD 2016 85 50
4th record will generate automatically when I execute query
Based on the data given, you could UNION in grouping like the following. However, I assume that your data is more complex and some additional code would need to be added to the query.
select month,year,budget_amt,Actual_Amt from Table where month in('Feb','Mar','apr')
select 'QuarterYTD', Year, sum(budget_amt), sum(Actual_Amt) from Table where month in ('Feb','Mar','apr') group by Year

sum up every 12 months in a table

i have a table calculating the installments. in that table i'm saving all the data recording to that. For example if i'm calculating for 60 installments and saving all the data,so it is like 60 months. so now i need to sum up the value of one column for every 12 months. sometimes v start paying the installments from the middle of the year also.
my DB looks like this.the highlighted column must sum up for every 12 months. two images are one table only
suppose i have 30 installments from starting on jun 2012.suppose i started paying installment from jun 2012 then should sum up the installments from jun 2012 to may 2013. v can't use group by year. i must sum up like this ................................................................................‌​
sum jun 2012 to may 2013
sum jun 2013 to may 2014
sum jun 2014 to nov 2014 ( only 6 months left)
You can use ROW_NUMBER to generate a group of 12 months:
RN = (ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY InstallmentMonth) - 1)/ 12
FROM your_table

mysql query sum based on years

i friend i have a database table
and data like this
1 2002 2
2 2002 3
3 2007 2
4 2004 6
5 2004 10
i wan to run a query to select data like this
2002 4
2007 2
2004 16
thanks for help
SELECT `year`, SUM(amount)
FROM databasetable
GROUP BY `year`
Should be all you need.
It looks like you need to use a sum(amount) in your select statement and group by year after your where.

How to add "missing" columns in a column group in reporting services?

I'm trying to create a report that displays for each months of the year the quantity of goods sold.
I have a query that returns the list of goods sold for each month, it looks something like this :
SELECT Seller.FirstName, Seller.LastName, SellingHistory.Month, SUM(SellingHistory.QuantitySold)
FROM SellingHistory JOIN Seller on SellingHistory.SellerId = Seller.SellerId
WHERE SellingHistory.Year = #Year
GOUP BY Seller.FirstName, Seller.LastName, SellingHistory.Month
What I want to do is display a report that has a column for each months + a total column that will display for each Seller the quantity sold in the selected month.
Seller Name | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Total
What I managed to do is using a matrix and a column group (group on Month) to display the columns for existing data, if I have data from January to March, it will display the 3 first columns and the total. What I would like to do is always display all the columns.
I thought about making that by adding the missing months in the SQL request, but I find that a bit weird and I'm sure there must be some "cleanest" solution as this is something that must be quite frequent.
PS: I'm using SQL Server Express 2008
SELECT Seller.Id,
SUM(CASE WHEN SellingHistory.Month = 'Jan' THEN SellingHistory.QuantitySold END ) AS Jan,
SUM(CASE WHEN SellingHistory.Month = 'Feb' THEN SellingHistory.QuantitySold END ) AS Feb,
GROUP BY Seller.Id
You can also use PIVOT(double check syntax, I think the following query is ok, but I haven't worked with transact sql for a while) :
SELECT Seller.Id, Jan, Feb, ...
FROM ...
PIVOT (SUM(SellingHistory.QuantitySold) FOR SellingHistory.Month IN (
[Jan],[Feb],....)) AS t;
To do this in T-SQL you want a PIVOT, there is an example using months midway down the page here.
