Include source files from folder using Google GYP - node-gyp

Is there a way I can include all the *.cc files in a project that is in another directory using Google GYP? I have looked at this page but it has not turned really helpful.


MSIX Include Additional Required Files

I have a simple WinForms app that I'm trying to package with MSIX. The app itself requires additional files that when I build the MSIX App Project doesn't copy/include.
Specifically this LIBVLC folder that gets included during the WinForms app build itself.
If I manually copy that folder over into the AppX build folder, everything works. Obviously I'm trying to automate including that folder.
Folder manually copied over in screenshot below:
How can I accomplish this? GitHub minimal repo:
I suspect that this line is your issue :
The nuget package isn't really well understood by the build tools as those are native files that we collect "before build". It seems to cause issues when a project references a project that references the nuget package, and the usual workaround is to reference the nuget package directly in the topmost project.
Is it possible to reference a nuget package in a .wapproj ?
If it isn't, that's an issue for this repository . Contributions welcome

Git-Ignore in Xcode

I am using X-Code 10 as a C IDE. I am doing a group project and we must use GitLab to share the code. To work in Xcode there are a lot of files to make Xcode work, but none that I need to share with my partners who are using their own IDE and who just need the .c files we are working on. How do I make Git not upload ALL files and just the .c?
There are ways to handle the excludes for a git project. There is the .gitignore file where you can create rules for what files should be excluded from your project. This file will be tracked by git, so you and your teammates will be sharing this file.
For your own personal excludes, you can put them into the .git/info/exclude file. This will not be tracked by git and will affect only your own local repository. This is a good place put rules that are specific to your own workflow.

What files or folders can I safely skip when uploading google-cloud library in Appengine?

I just installed google-cloud-bigquery in my local GAE project (in a "lib" folder) following the instructions:
This creates at least hundreds of files, including many I'm not sure would be useful on my live project (including a "Script (dev).tmpl" file in setuptools that aborts the upload process).
On assumption I've added all .exe files, and the setuptools folder to my app.yaml skip_files section, prior to my next uploading attempt. Please does anyone know more, or a proper list of files/folders I can skip from uploading, without hurting my live google cloud app?

Angularjs project workflow steps

I am setting up am Angular.js project from scratch. And I would like to keep it on Github inside a repository.
I have a simple question but I couldn't find a comprehensive answer for it. After establishing the project basic scaffold, and installing some node modules with NPM, there are many libraries, node-modules and etc in project structure. Also there are files of the framework for example Sails framework. Since a developer can install them by running npm install, which files should I push into the repository? Which ones don't need to be pushed?
The problem is, Source tree shows all new files as not staged, and I am confused which one I should exclude, which I should commit.
From personal experience, 2 types of files can be ignored in git
3rd party libraries, which can be installed using npm/bower etc.
Generated files, like css generated from less, minified js files, etc.
which files should I push into the repository?
Any files related to your application that contain business logic, routing, or other files that you've added to the project that are required for your app to run.
Which ones don't need to be pushed?
You should add node_modules to your .gitignore file. In almost all scenarios it would be unnecessary to include installed packages because your package.json maintains a list of packages to install when calling npm install.
If you're not sure about where to start with a .gitignore file, this is the defacto Node.js .gitignore file that is generated by GitHub & many popular IDE's. Just add that file to your project folder and git will automatically detect it, you should include your .gitignore as part of your repository files.
Additionally, if you're using Bower for front-end package management, you should add your bower.json to your repository and add the bower_components directory to your .gitignore.

Add external source files from a library to the project in Eclipse-CDT

I have a project which I try to compile with Eclipse-CDT. The project depends on a library with header files and source files. How can I configure the project in Eclipse such that it will compile the needed source files from the library with the project?
With a makefile I use:
You can add linked source file.
Choose project properties and in the left panel choose c++ general.
Under it choose path and symbols.
Now in the right panel tabs choose source location and add linked source folder.
Include you need to define in "include" (under c++ build you will find settings)
Another approach is to use the operating system to add your libraries to the project. Eclipse then treats all source files (including library files) as part of the project, and therefore compiles any that need it even if they are in the libraries. This set-up allows keeping the library sources in a separate git repository from the project source code. You can record the git commit of a library to provide library version control so that improving the library in one project does not break all the others. The setup relies on the operating system's capability to link directories in a way that is entirely transparent to eclipse--in windows using the mklink command.
In windows the steps are
put your library files in a clean workspace not mixed with .git (you can have .git in the parent directory as egit sets it up)
use cmd window in administrator mode to add a link from your project directory to your library directory.
from eclipse press F5 t make sure your project matches what is on disk, then set up git to ignore your library directory.
set up your library file properties for read only access unless you are still tweaking that library.
set up your project include path to include the project sub-directory in your project.
I can't remember why I abandoned eclipse linked directories; i think it was that the includes kept breaking. The mklink approach has worked flawlessly so far.
I have a pdf tutorial of how to set this up--but I'm new to the forum and don't see how to attach a file.
