How do I change AngularJS ng-src when API returns null value? - angularjs

In working with the API from, I'm having the user type into an input field, sending the API request on every keyup. In testing this, sometimes the movie poster would be "null" instead of the intended poster_path. I prefer to default to a placeholder image to indicate that a poster was not found with the API request.
So because the entire poster_path url is not offered by the API, and since I'm using an AngularJS ng-repeat, I have to structure the image tag like so (using dummy data to save on space):
<img ng-src="{{''+movie.poster_path}}" alt="">
But then the console gives me an error due to a bad request since a full image path is not returned. I tried using the OR prompt:
{{''+movie.poster_path || ''}}
But that doesn't work in this case. So now with the javascript. I can't seem to get the image source by using getElementsByTagName or getElementByClass, and using getElementById seems to only grab the first repeat and nothing else, which I figured would be the case. But even then I can't seem to replace the image source. Here is the code structure I attempted:
<input type="text" id="search">
<section ng-controller="movieSearch">
<article ng-repeat="movie in movies">
<img id="myImage" src="{{''+movie.poster_path}}" alt="">
function movieSearch($scope, $http){
var string,
$(document).on('keyup', function(){
string = document.getElementById('search').value.toLowerCase();
replaced = string.replace(/\s+/g, '+');
$http.jsonp(''+replaced+'&callback=JSON_CALLBACK').success(function(data) {
$scope.movies = data.results;
imgSrc = document.getElementById('myImage').src;
ext = imgSrc.split('.').pop();
if(ext !== 'jpg'){
imgSrc = missing;
Any ideas with what I'm doing wrong, or if what I'm attempting can even be done at all?

The first problem I can see is that while you are setting the movies in a async callback, you are looking for the image source synchronously here:
$http.jsonp(''+replaced+'&callback=JSON_CALLBACK').success(function(data) {
$scope.movies = data.results;
// This code will be executed before `movies` is populated
imgSrc = document.getElementById('myImage').src;
ext = img.split('.').pop();
However, moving the code merely into the callback will not solve the issue:
$http.jsonp(''+replaced+'&callback=JSON_CALLBACK').success(function(data) {
$scope.movies = data.results;
// This will not solve the issue
imgSrc = document.getElementById('myImage').src;
ext = img.split('.').pop();
// ...
This is because the src fields will only be populated in the next digest loop.
In your case, you should prune the results as soon as you receive them from the JSONP callback:
function movieSearch($scope, $http, $timeout){
var string,
$(document).on('keyup', function(){
string = document.getElementById('search').value.toLowerCase();
replaced = string.replace(/\s+/g, '+');
$http.jsonp(''+replaced+'&callback=JSON_CALLBACK').success(function(data) {
$scope.movies = data.results;
$scope.movies.forEach(function (movie) {
var ext = movie.poster_path && movie.poster_path.split('.').pop();
// Assuming that the extension cannot be
// anything other than a jpg
if (ext !== 'jpg') {
movie.poster_path = 'missing.jpg';
Here, you modify only the model behind you view and do not do any post-hoc DOM analysis to figure out failures.
Sidenote: You could have used the ternary operator to solve the problem in the view, but this is not recommended:
{{movie.poster_path && (''+movie.poster_path) || ''}}

First, I defined a filter like this:
In CoffeeScript:
app.filter 'cond', () ->
(default_value, condition, value) ->
if condition then value else default_value
Or in JavaScript:
app.filter('cond', function() {
return function(default_value, condition, value) {
if (condition) {
return value;
} else {
return default_value;
Then, you can use it like this:
{{'' |cond:movie.poster_path:(''+movie.poster_path)}}


AngularJs Component doesn't update view after img loading

i'm using angularJs 1.7 components.
This is my component who uploads a picture then converts it to base 64, then it is supposed to display it, but the displaying doesnt work .
myApp.component('club', {
templateUrl: 'vues/club.html',
controller: function($log,$scope) {
// HTML form data, 2 way binding .. = {};
// Bse 64 encoder
encodeImageFileAsURL = function() {
var filesSelected = document.getElementById("inputFileToLoad").files;
if (filesSelected.length > 0) {
var fileToLoad = filesSelected[0];
var fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onload = function(fileLoadedEvent) {
var srcData =; // <--- data: convert base64 : OK = srcData ; // Displaying in view doesnt work
// Jquery watcher when we upload a picture
$(document).on('change', 'input[type="file"]' , function(){
This is the html button inside the template :
<div id="upload_button">
<input name="inputFileToLoad" id="inputFileToLoad" ng-model="logo" type="file" onchange="" /> </input>
<span class="btn btn-primary">Upload picture</span>
This is the error :
TypeError: is undefined
srcData is ok, and holds a base 64 image, the function works well.
I've tried the solution provided (.bind(this)) there with no luck , i dont know where to place it:
How to access the correct `this` inside a callback?
When using the $scope syntax, it is working, adding $scope.$apply(), but now i'm using components based dev, and the .this syntax, it doesnt work any more .
EDIT 1 :
Ok, i've initialized club with
$ = {} ;
then inside the function, i'm writing
$ = srcData ;
Then, it is working ok. I dont understand why .this is not the same than $scope !
See following example for where this object has reference to
console.log(this.firstname+' '+this.lastname);
In above example Object a is created and inside fullname() function this object pointing to 'a' Object.
So that in your case
templateUrl is only variable on this Object if you do not want to use $scope. You can declare it by using var club = {}

AngularJs Auto Complete Search

So this works with static data, but when I push data with a $http this autocomplete does not work. The data pushes to the empty array of airport_list but something is happening when I try to use airport_list in for the autocomplete. Not sure what is is. I can only find answers which pertain to static data.
This is updated per everyones help.
Here is the controller
app.controller('selectCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
$scope.airport_list = null;
url: '',
method: 'GET'
.then((response) => {
angular.forEach(, function(value, key) {
$scope.airport_list =;
$scope.airports = $scope.airport_list;
$scope.selectAirport = function(string) {
$scope.airport = string;
$scope.hidelist = true;
Here is the template
<div class="control">
<div class="airport-container-dropdown" ng-hide="hidelist">
ng-repeat="airport in airports"
{{ }}
I really would like to do this without using bootstrap typeahead.
Thank you for looking at this.
I have made changes as recommended by below answers and the $http request is feeding into the autocomplete as a whole list but searching by name does not work and clicking on name sets [object, object]
this would be the code which is specific to that functionality.
$scope.searchFor = function(string) {
$scope.hidelist = false;
const output = [];
angular.forEach($scope.airport_list, function(airport) {
if (airport[0].toLowerCase().indexOf(string.toLowerCase(airport)) >=
0) {
$scope.airports = output;
$scope.selectAirport = function(string) {
$scope.airport = string;
$scope.hidelist = true;
Try this:
$scope.airport_list =;
What I am seeing is that you have an array: $scope.airport_list = [];
When you make your http request, you push what I would understand to be an array of airports into that array. So you end up with your airport array from the backend at the first position of $scope.airport_list, vs. $scope.airport_list being the actual list.
For your search method, you should change the following:
In your HTML:
In your JS:
I've renamed your function and changed the input variable to be more clear. You were passing in a full airport, but treating it as a string. You need to compare your provided airport name to that of the airports in the array. So you iterate over the array, and compare each element's name property to what you pass in.
$scope.searchFor = function(airportName) {
$scope.hidelist = false;
const output = [];
angular.forEach($scope.airport_list, function(airport) {
if ( === airportName) {
$scope.airports = output;
I have provided minimal changes to your code to implement this, however I suggest you look at this SO post to filter drop down data more appropriately.
Angularjs Filter data with dropdown
If you want to simply filter out what is displayed in the UI, you can try this in your HTML template. It will provide a text field where you supply a partial of the airport name. If at least one character is entered in that box, the list will display on the page, with the appropriate filtering applied. This will avoid having to call functions on change, having a separate array, etc.
<input type="text" name="airport" id="airport" ng-model="" placeholder="From..." />
<div class="airport-container-dropdown" ng-hide="!">
<div class="airport-list"
ng-repeat="airport in airport_list | filter:airportSearch"
{{ }}

angular file upload in ng-repeat with preview input bind

I'm working on an angular 1.6 based image upload with ng-repeat, note the input is not multi, but there are multiple ng-repeated inputs, I have the image preview working as well as adding lines / removing lines, the only thing that seems to not be working is if I remove an item the file inputs do not update (I have code that does properly update the previews). Here is what I am working with:
<div ng-repeat="item in data.items track by $index">
<input ng-model="item.fileinput" type="file" name="image_{{$index}}" id="image_{{$index}}" onchange="angular.element(this).scope().imageChoose(this)"/><i ng-click="removeEvent($index)" class="fa fa-trash fa-lg"></i>
<img ng-if="!item.thumb" class="preview-image-small" ng-src="/images/general/placeholder.jpg"</img>
<img ng-if="item.thumb" class="preview-image-small" ng-src="{{item.thumb}}"</img>
Then in my controller I handle the imageChoose as follows:
$scope.imageChoose = function (data) {
var id ="_");
id = id[id.length-1];
var elem = document.getElementById(;
if (typeof (FileReader) != "undefined") {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function (e) {
$scope.$apply(function() {
$[id].thumb =;
} else {
alert("This browser does not support FileReader.");
This properly sets the image previews and when I run a remove on a line they re-order correctly due to the ng-src of event.thumb. The problem is the actual file input does not bind or update, here is the code for removing a line:
$scope.removeEvent = function (index) {
$, 1);
I'm hoping there is a relatively simple way to bind the input or handle the remove so that the inputs stay correct. Thanks in advance for any ideas.
Your removeEvent method is not working because of using track by $index together with ng-repeat. This is a known side effect. Try removing it/using different track by expressions.

How can I get ng-click to function with ng-repeat and ng-bind-html?

I am trying to get a ng-click directive to function within an ng-repeat and ng-bind-html. The ng-click code is added to a string of html from data pulled from the server (hence the ng-bind-html). The setup has a controller, a base template that is put onto the page with Drupal, and a partial that is loaded via the template from Drupal.
The controller looks like this at the moment:
var guideListController = angular.module('app')
.controller('guideListController', [
function($scope, $sce, $compile, ViewService, ToolKit) {
// Storage for which rows need more/less links
this.rowIndex = [];
this.showFull = false;
this.showFullClick = function() {
this.trustIntro = function(code) {
return $sce.trustAsHtml(code);
// Fetch the guide list view from services
var data = ViewService.get({view_endpoint:'guide-service', view_path: 'guide-list'}, function(data) {
// Update/process results
for (var row in data.results) {
// Create short intro w/ truncate.js
data.results[row].Intro_short = $sce.trustAsHtml($scope.guideList.getShortIntro(data.results[row], row));
//data.results[row].Intro_short = $scope.guideList.getShortIntro(data.results[row], row);
// Update intro
data.results[row].Introduction = $sce.trustAsHtml($scope.guideList.updateIntro(data.results[row], row));
//data.results[row].Introduction = $scope.guideList.updateIntro(data.results[row], row);
$scope.guideList.guides = data.results;
// Add a read less anchor tag at the end of the main intro
this.updateIntro = function(row, row_index) {
var intro = row['Introduction'].trim();
if ($scope.guideList.rowIndex[row_index]) { // only apply Less link if needed
var index = intro.length - 1;
var tag = [];
if (intro.charAt(index) === '>') { // we have a tag at the end
do {
} while (intro.charAt(index) != '/'); // the closing tag
index--; // we move the index one more for the "<"
tag.reverse(); // Reverse
tag = tag.join('');
var inserts = ['div', 'p']; // we insert the Less link here.
if (jQuery.inArray(tag, inserts) >= 0) { // insert into the tag
intro = intro.substr(0, index) + ' <a class="less" ng-click="$parent.guideList.showFull = false">Less</a>' + intro.substr(index);
else { // insert at the end of the html
intro = intro + '<a class="less" ng-click="this.showFull = false">Less</a>';
return intro;
// Truncate the long intro into a shorter length blurb
this.getShortIntro = function(row, row_index) {
// Truncate if necc.
var short_intro = jQuery.truncate(row['Introduction'], {
length: 250,
words: true,
ellipsis: '\u2026 <a class="more moreish" attr-ng-click="guideList.showFullClick()">Read on</a>'
var more = jQuery('.more', short_intro); // select more link
if (more.length) { // do we have a more link
$scope.guideList.rowIndex[row_index] = true;
else { // no more link
$scope.guideList.rowIndex[row_index] = false;
return short_intro;
As you can see in the ViewService.get() call, data is fetched and then processed. The processing simply involves putting a link at the end of the "Intro" field that is intended to be clickable.
For a while I was having a tough time to even get the ng-click directive to even show (it was being filtered out w/out $sce.trustAsHtml). Now it is there but clicking it has no effect.
The main template (from Drupal) currently looks like:
<div class="guide-listing" ng-controller="guideListController as guideList">
<a ng-click="guideList.showFullClick()">Click me</a>
<div class="guide-teaser"
ng-repeat="guide in guideList.guides"
ng-include src="'/sites/all/themes/ngTheme/ngApp/partials/guide_teaser.html'">
<!-- See guide_teaser.html partial for guide teasers -->
The ng-click as placed in the Drupal template above works as expected.
And for the partial that is used in the ng-repeat, it looks like so:
<div ng-controller="guideListController as guideList">
<h2 class="guide-teaser-title">{{guide.node_title}}</h2>
<div class="guide-teaser-intro" ng-bind-html="guide.Introduction" ng-show="guide.showFull">
<div class="guide-teaser-intro-short" ng-bind-html="guide.Intro_short" ng-show="!guide.showFull">
So far I have only been working on getting the ng-click to work on the short_intro and have had no success so far. Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong would be greatly appreciated!
Ok, So I did get some traction! I used the ngHtmlCompile ( directive that was created by (thanks!)
The issue was that the new (dynamic) html wasn't being compiled.
At first it didn't work. I had two issues that prevented it from firing:
A: I stopped using $sce.trustAsHtml. Using this in conjunction with the directive caused the content to disappear!
B: The other issue was one of scope. After I changed the directive such that transclude was set to false it worked just fine!

Clicking an element inside repeater when another element equals specific input with protractor and jasmine

My HTML structure is this:
<li ng-repeat="m in members">
<div class="col-name">{{}}</div>
<div class="col-trash">
<div class="trash-button"></div>
What I want to be able to do is using protractor, click on the trash when equals a specific value.
I've tried things like:
element.all(by.repeater('m in members')).count().then(function (number) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < number ; i++) {
var result = element.all(by.repeater('m in members').row(i));
result.get(0).element(by.binding('')).getAttribute('value').then(function (name) {
if (name == 'John') {
This seems like it should work, however, it seems like my function does not even run this.
I've also looked into promises and filters though have not been successful with those either. Keep getting errors.
var array = element.all(by.repeater('m in members'));
array.filter(function (guy) {
guy.getText().then(function (text) {
return text == 'John';
}).then(function (selected) {
All I would like to do is click on the corresponding trash when looking for a specific member list!
Any help would be much appreciated.
EDIT: suggested I use xpath once I find the correct element, which is fine, the problem is I cannot get the filter function's promise to let me use element(by.xpath...)
If I try:
var array = element.all(by.repeater('m in members'));
array.filter(function (guy) {
guy.getText().then(function (text) {
return text == 'John';
}).then(function (selected) {
I get the error:
Failed: Object has no method 'element'
Figured it out. Following the Protractor filter guideline in the API reference and using alecxe's xpath recommendation, this code will click on any element you find after filtering it.
element.all(by.className('col-name')).filter(function (member, index) {
return member.getText().then(function (text) {
return member === 'John';
}).then( function (elements) {
You can change the xpath to select different stuff incase your HTML does not look like mine.
It looks like you can avoid searching by repeater, and use by.binding directly. Once you found the value you are interested in, get the following sibling and click it:
element.all(by.binding('')).then(function(elements) {
elements.filter(function(guy) {
guy.getText().then(function (text) {
return text == 'John';
}).then(function (m) {
Or, a pure xpath approach could be:
element(by.xpath('//li/div[#class="col-name" and .="John"]/following-sibling::div/div')).click();
