Posix thread arguments issue ( C ) - c

I'm running into a bit of trouble with C. I'm a relatively new programmer and I'm trying to create a structure and pass it into two thread by reference. I want one thread to put information into the structure and the other thread to add the information and print it out. Pseudo-code of what I'm talking about is below:
typedef struct{ int x, y }addme;
addme argstopass;
create_thread(method_store, (void*)&argstopass);
create_thread(method_calc, (void*)&argstopass);
//Code to tell store thread 'only' to run
//Code to tell calc thread to run when store is finished.
void method_store(void* args){
addme info = *((addme*)args);
info.a = 7;
info.b = 3;
void method_calc(void* args){
addme info = *((addme*)args);
The issue is that when I try to add the information it's like the store method had never updated it. The reference passed into the threads is the same, so I can't see why they wouldn't be able to access the same information as long as they both have a pointer to it.
Hopefully someone here can enlighten me as to what I'm doing wrong. If anything isn't clear, comment and I'll help to clarify.

addme info = *((addme*)args);
creates a locale variable on stack and copies content of argstopass into it. Modifications happen on this local variable only and won't be seen by the second thread hence.
addme *info = args;
info->a = 7;
and ditto for the second thread. You will have to ensure that second thread waits with its printf() until first thread modified the values.

void method_store(void* args){
addme info = *((addme*)args);
info.a = 7;
info.b = 3;
This method creates a local copy of your structure field, updates that local copy, and then returns, destroying the copy and not doing anything to your main structure.


Understanding a stack-use-after-scope error

I am working on a multithreaded client using C and the pthreads library, using a boss/worker arch design and am having issues understanding/debugging a stack-use-after-scope error that is causing my client to fail. (I am kinda new to C)
I have tried multiple things, including defining the variable globally, passing a double pointer reference, etc.
Boss logic within main:
for (i = 0; i < nrequests; i++)
struct Request_work_item *request_ctx = malloc(sizeof(*request_ctx));
request_ctx->server = server;
request_ctx->port = port;
request_ctx->nrequests = nrequests;
req_path = get_path(); //Gets a file path to work on
request_ctx->path = req_path;
steque_item work_item = &request_ctx; // steque_item is a void* so passing it a pointer to the Request_work_item
while (steque_isempty(&work_queue) == 0) //Wait for the queue to be empty to add more work
pthread_cond_wait(&c_boss, &mutex);
steque_enqueue(&work_queue, work_item); //Queue the workItem in a workQueue (type steque_t, can hold any number of steque_items)
Worker logic inside a defined function:
struct Request_work_item **wi;
while (1)
while (steque_isempty(&work_queue) == 1) //Wait for work to be added to the queue
pthread_cond_wait(&c_worker, &mutex);
wi = steque_pop(&work_queue); //Pull the steque_item into a Request_work_item type
char *path_to_file = (*wi)->path; //When executing, I get this error in this line: SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: stack-use-after-scope
continues with additional worker logic
I expect the worker to pull the work_item from the queue, dereference the values and then perform some work. However, I keep getting AddressSanitizer: stack-use-after-scope, and the information for this error online is not very abundant so any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
The red flag here is that &request_ctx is the address of a local variable. It's not the pointer to the storage allocated with malloc, but the address of the variable which holds that storage. That variable is gone once this scope terminates, even though the malloc-ed block endures.
Maybe the fix is simply to delete the address-of & operator in this line?
steque_item work_item = &request_ctx; // steque_item is a void* so passing
// it a pointer to the Request_work_item
If we do that, then the comment actually tells the truth. Because otherwise we're making work_item a pointer to a pointer to the Request_work_item.
Since work_item has type void*, it compiles either way, unfortunately.
If the consumer of the item on the other end of the queue is extracting it as a Request_work_item *, then you not only have an access to an object that has gone out of scope, but also a type mismatch even if that object happens to still be in the producer's scope when the consumer uses it. The consumer ends up using a piece of the producer's stack as if it were a Request_work_item structure. Edit: I see that you are using a pointer-to-pointer when dequeuing the item and accessing it as (*wi)->path. Think about changing the design to avoid doing that. Or else, that wi pointer has to be dynamically allocated also, and freed. The producer has to do something like:
struct Request_work_item **p_request_ctx = malloc(sizeof *p_request_ctx);
struct Request_work_item *request_ctx = malloc(sizeof *request_ctx);
if (p_request_ctx && request_ctx) {
*p_request_ctx = request_ctx;
request_ctx->field = init_value;
// ... etc
// then p_request_ctx is enqueued.
The consumer then has to free the structure, and also free the pointer. That extra pointer just seems like pure overhead here; it doesn't provide any essential or useful level of indirection.

GtkSpinner with long-lasting function with C

I'm making a GTK+3 application in C and I want a spinner to show when the program is processing the data. Here's what I generally have:
//Some statements
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(btnGenerate), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(Generate), &mainform);
void Generate(GtkWidget *btnGenerate, form_widgets *p_main_form)
Begin_Lengthy_Processing(Parameters, Galore, ...);
I have the stop function commented out so I can see the spinner spin even after the function has finished, but the spinner starts after the function is finished, and I suspect it turns on in the main loop.
I also found out that the entire interface freezes during the execution of the long going function.
Is there a way to get it to start and display inside the callback function? I found the same question, but it uses Python and threads. This is C, not Python, so I would assume things are different.
You need to run your lengthy computation in a separate thread, or break it up into chunks and run each of them separately as idle callbacks in the main thread.
If your lengthy computation takes a single set of inputs and doesn’t need any more inputs until it’s finished, then you should construct it as a GTask and use g_task_run_in_thread() to start the task. Its result will be delivered back to the main thread via the GTask’s GAsyncReadyCallback. There’s an example here.
If it takes more input as it progresses, you probably want to use a GAsyncQueue to feed it more inputs, and a GThreadPool to provide the threads (amortising the cost of creating threads over multiple calls to the lengthy function, and protecting against denial of service).
The GNOME developer docs give an overview of how to do threading.
This is what I got:
int main()
// Statements...
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(btnGenerate), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(Process), &mainform);
// More statements...
void Process(GtkWidget *btnGenerate, form_widgets *p_main_form)
GError *processing_error;
GThread *start_processing;
active = true;
if((start_processing = g_thread_try_new(NULL, (GThreadFunc)Generate, p_main_form, &processing_error)) == NULL)
printf("%s\n", processing_error->message);
printf("Error, cannot create thread!?!?\n\n");
void Generate(form_widgets *p_main_form)
// Long process
active = false;
My program, once cleaned up and finished, as there are many other bugs in the program, will be put on GitHub.
Thank you all for your help. This answer comes from looking at all of your answers and comments as well as reading some more documentation, but mostly your comments and answers.
I did something similar in my gtk3 program. It's not that difficult. Here's how I would go about it.
g_idle_add_full() expects a pointer to a function with the signature below:
(*GSourceFunc) (gpointer user_data).
So your function signature must adhere to that in order to be called.
But you might want to pass variables to the function.
If you don't want to have the variables in the global scope
then you can do this:
typedef struct myDataType {
char* name;
int age;
} myDataType;
myDataType person = {"Max", 25};
then when calling g_idle_add_full() you do it this way:
g_idle_add_full(G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE, myFunction, person, NULL);
int main()
// Assumming there exist a pointer called data
g_idle_add_full(G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE, lengthyProcessCallBack, data, NULL);
// GTK & GDK event loop continues and window should be responsive while function runs in background
gboolean lengthyProcessCallBack(gpointer data)
myDataType person = (myDataType) *data;
// Doing lenghthy stuff
while(;;) {
sleep(3600); // hypothetical long process :D
return FALSE; // removed from event sources and won't be called again.

Efficient way to detect changes in structure members?

This seems like it should be simple but I wasn't able to find much related to it. I have structure which has different fields used to store data about the program operation. I want to log that data so that I can analyse it later. Attempting to continuously log data over the course of the programs operation eats up a lot of resources. Thus I would only like to call the logging function when the data has changed. I would love it if there was an efficient way to check whether the structure members have updated. Currently I am playing a shell game with 3 structures (old, current, and new) in order to detect when the data has changed. Thanks in advance.
You may track structures and its hashes in your log function.
Let you have a hash function:
int hash(void* ptr, size_t size);
Let you have a mapping from pointer to struct to struct's hash like:
/* Stores hash value for ptr*/
void ptr2hash_update_hash(void* ptr, int hash);
/* Remove ptr from mapping */
void ptr2hash_remove(void* ptr);
/* Returns 0 if ptr was not stored, or stored has otherwise*/
int ptr2hash_get_hash(void* ptr);
Then you may check if your object was changed between log calls like this:
int new_hash = hash(ptr, sizeof(TheStruct));
int old_hash = ptr2hash_get_hash(ptr);
if (old_hash == new_hash)
ptr2hash_update_hash(ptr, new_hash);
/* Then do the logging */
Don't forget to remove ptr from mapping when you do free(ptr) :)
Here is simple hash table implementation, you will need it to implement ptr2hash mapping.
Simple hash functions are here.
If you're running on Linux (x86 or x86_64) then another possible approach is the following:
Install a segment descriptor for a non-writable segment in the local descriptor table using the modify_ldt system call. Place your data inside this segment (or install the segment such that your data structure is within it).
Upon write access, your process will receive a SIGSEGV (segmentation fault). Install a handler using sigaction to catch segmentation faults. Within that handler, first check that the fault occurred inside the previously set segment (si_addr member of the siginfo_t) and if so prepare to record a notification. Now, change the segment descriptor such that the segment becomes writable and return from the signal handler.
The write will now be performed, but you need a way to change the segment to be non-writable again and to actually check what was written and if your data actually changed.
A possible approach could be to send oneself (or a "delay" process and then back to the main process) another signal (SIGUSR1 for example), and doing the above in the handler for this signal.
Is this portable? No.
Is this relyable? No.
Is this easy to implement? No.
So if you can, and I really hope you do, use a interface like already suggested.
The easiest way what you can try is, You can just keep two structure pointers. Once you are receiving the new updated values that time you can just compare the new structure pointer with the old structure pointer, and if any difference is there you can detect it and then you can update to old structure pointer so that you can detect further changes in updated value in future.
typedef struct testStruct
int x;
float y;
TESTSTRUCT* getUpdatedValue()
ptr->x = 5;
ptr->y = 6;
//You can put your code to update the value.
return ptr;
void updateTheChange(TESTSTRUCT* oldObj,TESTSTRUCT* newObj)
cout << "Change Detected\n";
oldObj = newObj;
int main()
newObj = getUpdatedValue();
//each time a value is updated compae with the old structure
if(newObj == oldObj)
cout << "Same" << endl;
return 0;
I am not sure, it gives you your exact answer or not.
Hope this Helps.

C - cast void* to structure in thrd_create()

I know there's a lot of answered questions about casting void* to struct but I can't manage to get it work the right way.
Well I want to create a thread which will play music in background. I have a structure which gather the loaded music file array and the start and end index :
typedef unsigned char SoundID;
typedef unsigned char SongID;
typedef struct {
Mix_Music *songs[9]; // array of songs
SongID startId; // index of first song to play
SongID endId; // index of last song to play
} SongThreadItem;
Then I want to play the songs by creating a thread and passing the function which actually plays the songs to the thread_create() function.
int play_songs(Mix_Music *songs[9], SongID startId, SongID endId, char loop){
thrd_t thrd;
SongThreadItem _item;
SongThreadItem *item = &_item;
memcpy(item->songs, songs, sizeof(item->songs));
item->startId = startId;
item->endId = endId;
printf("item->startId is %i\n", item->startId);
printf("item->endId is %i\n", item->endId);
thrd_create_EC(thrd_create(&thrd, audio_thread_run, item));
return 0;
int audio_thread_run(void *arg){
SongThreadItem *item = arg; // also tried with = (SongThreadItem *)arg
printf("item->startId is %i\n", item->startId);
printf("item->endId is %i\n", item->endId);
return 0;
Then I get the following output:
item->startId is 0
item->endId is 8
item->startId is 6
item->endId is 163
The value retrieved inside audio_thread_run() aren't the one expected. I don't know if I put enough code to let someone find my error, I try to make it minimal because it's part of a bigger project.
Thanks in advance for your help.
SongThreadItem _item;
SongThreadItem *item = &_item; // bug
That's a problem there: you're giving the thread a pointer to a stack variable. The stack will get overwritten by pretty much anything going on in the main thread. You need to allocate dynamic memory here (with malloc), and take care of freeing it when no-longer needed (perhaps in the thread routine itself).
Other options would be a global structure that keeps track of all the active threads and their starting data, or something like that. But it will involve dynamic allocations unless the count of threads is fixed at compile time.
The thread runs asynchronously but you are passing it a pointer to SongThreadItem that is on the stack of the thread that calls play_songs().
If you have only a single thread calling play_songs() and this is not called again until you are done with the item, you can make the definition _item like this:
static SongThreadItem _item;
so that it is in the data segment and will not be overwritten.
If you don't know when and who will call play_songs() then just malloc the _item and free it in the thread when you are done:
SongThreadItem *item = (SongThreadItem *)malloc(sizeof(SongThreadItem));
The latter is usually the better idea. Think of it as passing the ownership of the data to the new thread. Of course production quality code should free the item if the thread creation fails.

In a C program, is it possible to reset all global variables to default vaues?

I have a legacy C Linux application that I need to reuse . This application uses a lot of global variables. I want to reuse this application's main method and invoke that in a loop. I have found that when I call the main method( renamed to callableMain) in a loop , the application behavior is not consistent as the values of global variables set in previous iteration impact the program flow in the new iteration.
What I would like to do is to reset all the global variables to the default value before the execution of the the new iteration.
for example , the original program is like this
#include <stdio.h>
int global = 3; /* This is the global variable. */
void doSomething(){
global++; /* Reference to global variable in a function. */
// i want to rename this main method to callableMain() and
// invoke it in a loop
int main(void){
if(global==3) {
printf(" All Is Well \n");
doSomething() ;
printf(" Noooo\n");
doNothing() ;
return 0;
I want to change this program as follows:
I changed the above file to rename the main() to callableMain()
And my new main methods is as follows:
int main(){
for(int i=0;i<20;i++){
// this is where I need to reset the value of global vaiables
// otherwise the execution flow changes
Is this possible to reset all the global variables to the values before main() was invoked ?
The short answer is that there is no magical api call that would reset global variables. The global variables would have to be cached and reused.
I would invoke it as a subprocess, modifying its input and output as needed. Let the operating system do the dirty work for you.
The idea is to isolate the legacy program from your new program by relegating it to its own process. Then you have a clean separation between the two. Also, the legacy program is reset to a clean state every time you run it.
First, modify the program so that it reads the input data from a file, and writes its output in a machine-readable format to another file, with the files being given on the command line.
You can then create named pipes (using the mkfifo call) and invoke the legacy program using system, passing it the named pipes on the command line. Then you feed it its input and read back its output.
I am not an expert on these matters; there is probably a better way of doing the IPC. Others here have mentioned fork. However, the basic idea of separating out the legacy code and invoking it as a subprocess is probably the best approach here.
fork() early?
You could fork(2) at some early point when you think the globals are in a good state, and then have the child wait on a pipe or something for some work to do. This would require writing any changed state or at least the results back to the parent process but would decouple your worker from your primary control process.
In fact, it might make sense to fork() at least twice, once to set up a worker controller and save the initialized (but not too initialized :-) global state, and then have this worker controller fork() again for each loop you need run.
A simpler variation might be to just modify the code so that the process can start in a "worker mode", and then use fork() or system() to start the application at the top, but with an argument that puts it in to the slave mode.
There is a way to do this on certain platforms / compilers, you'd basically be performing the same initialization your compiler performs before calling main().
I have done this for a TI DSP, in that case I had the section with globals mapped to a specific section of memory and there were linker directives available that declared variables pointing to the start and end of this section (so you can memset() the whole area to zero before starting initialization). Then, the compiler provided a list of records, each of which comprised of an address, data length and the actual data to be copied into the address location. So you'd just loop through the records and do memcpy() into the target address to initialize all globals.
Very compiler specific, so hopefully the compiler you're using allows you to do something similar.
In short, no. What I would do in this instance is create definitions, constants if you will, and then use those to reset the global variables with.
#define var1 10
int vara = 10
etc... basic C right?
You can then go ahead and wrap the reinitialization in a handy function =)
I think you must change the way you see the problem.
Declare all the variables used by callableMain() inside callableMain()'s body, so they are not global anymore and are destroyed after the function is executed and created once again with the default values when you call callableMain() on the next iteration.
Ok, here's what you could do if you have the source code for callableMain(): in the beginning of the function, add a check to verify if its the first time the function its being called. Inside this check you will copy the values of all global variables used to another set of static variables (name them as you like). Then, on the function's body replace all occurences of the global variables by the static variables you created.
This way you will preserve the initial values of all the global variables and use them on every iteration of callableMain(). Does it makes sense to you?
void callableMain()
static bool first_iter = true;
if (first_iter)
first_iter = false;
static int my_global_var1 = global_var1;
static float my_global_var2 = global_var2;
// perform operations on my_global_var1 and my_global_var2,
// which store the default values of the original global variables.
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
int saved_var1 = global_var1;
char saved_var2 = global_var2;
double saved_var3 = global_var3;
global_var1 = saved_var1;
global_var2 = saved_var2;
global_var3 = saved_var2;
Or maybe you can find out where global variables start memcpy them. But I would always cringe when starting a loop ...
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
static unsigned char global_copy[SIZEOFGLOBALDATA];
If you don't want to refactor the code and encapsulate these global variables, I think the best you can do is define a reset function and then call it within the loop.
Assuming we are dealing with ELF on Linux, then the following function to reset the variables works
// these extern variables come from glibc
// https://github.com/ysbaddaden/gc/blob/master/include/config.h
extern char __data_start[];
extern char __bss_start[];
extern char _end[];
#define DATA_START ((char *)&__data_start)
#define DATA_END ((char *)&__bss_start)
#define BSS_START ((char *)&__bss_start)
#define BSS_END ((char *)&_end)
/// first call saves globals, subsequent calls restore
void reset_static_data();
// variable for quick check
static int pepa = 42;
// writes to memory between global variables are reported as buffer overflows by asan
void reset_static_data()
// global variable, ok to leak it
static char * x;
size_t s = BSS_END - DATA_START;
// memcpy is always sanitized, so access memory as chars in a loop
if (x == NULL) { // store current static variables
x = (char *) malloc(s);
for (size_t i = 0; i < s; i++) {
*(x+i) = *(DATA_START + i);
} else { // restore previously saved static variables
for (size_t i = 0; i < s; i++) {
*(DATA_START + i) = *(x+i);
// quick check, see that pepa does not grow in stderr output
fprintf(stderr, "pepa: %d\n", pepa++);
The general approach is based on answer in How to get the data and bss address space in run time (In Unix C program), see the linked ysbaddaden/gc GitHub repo for macOS version of the macros.
To test the above code, just call it a few times and note that the incremented global variable pepa still keeps the value of 42.
Saving current state of the globals is convenient in that it does not require rerunning __attribute__((constructor)) functions which would be necessary if I set everything in .bss to zero (which is easy) and everything in .data to the initial values (which is not so easy). For example, if you load libpython3.so in your program, it does do run-time initialization which is lost by zeroing .bss. Calling into Python then crashes.
Writing into areas of memory immediately before or after a static variable will trigger buffer-overflow warning from Address Sanitizer. To prevent this, use the ATTRIBUTE_NO_SANITIZE_ADDRESS macro the way the code above does. The macro is defined in sanitizer/asan_interface.h.
Code coverage
Code coverage counters are implemented as global variables. Therefore, resetting globals will cause coverage information to be forgotten. To solve this, always dump the coverage-to-date before restoring the globals. There does not seem to be a macro to detect whether code coverage is enabled or not in the compiler, so use your build system (CMake, ...) to define suitable macro yourself, such as QD_COVERAGE below.
// The __gcov_dump function writes the coverage counters to gcda files
// and the __gcov_reset function resets them to zero.
// The interface is defined at https://github.com/gcc-mirror/gcc/blob/7501eec65c60701f72621d04eeb5342bad2fe4fb/libgcc/libgcov-interface.c
extern "C" void __gcov_reset();
extern "C" void __gcov_dump();
void flush_coverage() {
#if defined(QD_COVERAGE)
