Drupal 7 - Custom Field for radion button with images - drupal-7

In Drupal 7, is it possible to add custom field like below in article node?
These values should be fetched from taxonomy terms

Of course it is possible.
What you need to do is to create widget for term reference or entityreference field(if you have module entityreferenceinstalled).
You can read about how to do it here.


Get List key instead of label in Drupal View

In Drupal 7 Views Module, I can access the custom field field_area which is a list (select).
I have for example:
cyt|Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a
I need to use the first one when building a div, to use as a MixItUp selector.
How can I access this in Views?
I've found Googling that you must use Formatter: Key instead of Default when clicking on the field, below Exclude from Display

How display article from category and show it in block

I have created a content type which has some fields, and I want these fields to be displayed as a block.
I need to display some article like 5 articles from category called sport news only.
How can I do that in drupal 7?
You need to install Views
Then create a new view as a block.

Drupal 7 expanding fields

I have a field in a cms called 'services' the services is a lsit of checkboxes with the values
The issue is each of the options has a related url. Is there way to link a url to a 'service' or am I looking at taxonomy to solve this issue?
You need to use a taxonomy. A select list is simply a key/value pair with no other additional data. If you build a new taxonomy, you can either use the taxonomy URL for your purpose or you can add a Link field and give each term a specific URL and tie that in somehow, maybe through Views or a custom display.

Drupal 7 - How do I use pathauto taxonomy terms in views arguments

I have been banging my head against this problem all day. I'm using Drupal 7, and I'm trying to create a contextual filter that uses the pathauto string for a taxonomy term, not the taxonomy term ID.
So, I can make this work:
But not:
I have created a contextual filter of 'Content: has taxonomy term ID'. I have turned on the default taxonomy view and modified the path in it to try to create a URL that will work. I have gone into /admin/config/search/path/patterns and modified the taxonomy term path. As a result I can make the numeric ID appear in almost any URL with any prefacing text, but I can't get my view to use the pathauto-generated string for a taxonomy term instead of the taxonomy ID.
Any ideas? Am I missing something? All help is appreciated.
The default view "Taxonomy term," is using a contextual filter very similar to what you are trying to achieve, so possibly this could assist you in how to set something like this up. I would try creating a view of type taxonomy instead of content though.

Drupal 7 - Blog Module - Categories?

Is it possible to create categories or tags for the Drupal 7 Blog Module.
I have tried creating a new taxonomy, but can not select it as a new field for the content type. Is there an easier way?
You need to create a new field. Make it type "Term Reference" and choose which taxonomy applies. It's not a shared field.
For Drupal 6 or 7, You can visit here too
