I am new to JSON. I am trying to install jason-c library. I am checking out using svn. I am getting the following error:
svn: E175002: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'http://svn.metaparadigm.com/svn/json-c'
svn: E175002: The OPTIONS request returned invalid XML in the response: XML parse error at line 1: no element found http://svn.metaparadigm.com/svn/json-c
Can anyone tell me how to install jason-c. I am using fedora.
I have a Symfony project that uses composer and react. I am trying to download the symfony/ux-react package with composer following this link: https://symfony.com/bundles/ux-react/current/index.html
However, when I run composer require symfony/ux-react I get the following error:
- Downloading symfony/webpack-encore-pack (v1.0.2)
0/1 [>---------------------------] 0% Failed to download symfony/webpack-encore-pack from dist: The "https://api.github.com/repos/symfony/webpack-encore-pack/zipball/f9f4e91659e5f55de370d6aebe77e64bce35e4d3" file could not be downloaded (HTTP/2 404 ):
{"message":"Not Found","documentation_url":"https://docs.github.com/rest/reference/repos#download-a-repository-archive"}
Now trying to download from source
- Syncing symfony/webpack-encore-pack (v1.0.2) into cache
Cloning failed using an ssh key for authentication, enter your GitHub credentials to access private repos
When working with _public_ GitHub repositories only, head to https://github.com/settings/tokens/new?scopes=&description=Composer+on+lex-Blade-15-Mid-2019-Base+2023-01-27+1205 to retrieve a token.
This token will have read-only permission for public information only.
When you need to access _private_ GitHub repositories as well, go to https://github.com/settings/tokens/new?scopes=repo&description=Composer+on+lex-Blade-15-Mid-2019-Base+2023-01-27+1205
Note that such tokens have broad read/write permissions on your behalf, even if not needed by Composer.
Tokens will be stored in plain text in "/home/lex/.config/composer/auth.json" for future use by Composer.
For additional information, check https://getcomposer.org/doc/articles/authentication-for-private-packages.md#github-oauth
Token (hidden):
I then create a token. Upon copy pasting it into the terminal:
Token stored successfully.
1/1 [============================] 100%
In Git.php line 471:
Failed to execute git clone --mirror -- 'https://ghp...PNs:x-oauth-basic#github.com/symfony/webpack-encore-pack.git' '/home/lex/.cache/composer/vcs/https---github.com-symfony-webpack-encore-p
Cloning into bare repository '/home/lex/.cache/composer/vcs/https---github.com-symfony-webpack-encore-pack.git'...
remote: Repository not found.
fatal: repository 'https://github.com/symfony/webpack-encore-pack.git/' not found
Anyone know a fix for this? It appears that webpack-encore-pack is depreciated.
Spoke too soon. Found this link: https://github.com/symfony/symfony/discussions/42700
By uninstalling webpack encore with composer remove symfony/webpack-encore-pack and then trying composer require symfony/ux-react, no error occurred.
When I am trying to Clone my repository, I am getting this error.
"fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/{mrblack9x}/alx-pre_course.git/': the requested url returned error: 400"
On AWS Linux, I tried to install postgis by
However, I got this error.
SQL Error [58P01]: ERROR: could not open extension control file
"/usr/pgsql-13/share/extension/postgis.control": No such file or
I could not find a way to resolve this... Any help?
I have a .NetFramework4.61 WebAPI. I am trying install IdentityServer3.AccessTokenValidation & System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt using Nuget but it is giving me the below error. I also try to install using package manager console that too also failed
>Install-Package IdentityServer3.AccessTokenValidation -Version 2.14.0
>Install-Package System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt -Version 6.11.0
How to resolve this issue?
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Exception 'System.AggregateException' thrown when trying to add source ''. Please verify all your online package sources are available.
One or more errors occurred.
Unable to load the service index for source
An error occurred while sending the request.
Unable to connect to the remote server
A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
This seems to be lack of nuget source issue and you need to add the nuget source for nuget.org and then try to install the package
Add a nuget source point to https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json on visual studio
Install the package again. You can select the package source on package management console on visual studio or specify it in the command as bellow:
PS> Install-Package IdentityServer3.AccessTokenValidation -Version 2.14.0 -Source nuget.org
How do you integrate Active Directory with Plone 4 on Ubuntu? I have searched the Internet up and down and cannot get this to work!!
All I know is that all you have to do is add "plone.app.ldap" in your buildout.cfg file and that will install the add-ons. However, every time I do this I get an error message. I have installed python-ldap 2.3.11 from the Ubuntu repos but yet I still get an error when I run bin/buildout.
When I run bin/buildount it starts Getting distribution for 'python-ldap>=2.0.6'. I don't understand why does it have to do that when I already have python-ldap installed and tested successfully!
I have Python 2.6.
Here is the message I get when I execute bin/buildout:
Getting distribution for 'python-ldap>=2.0.6'.
extra_compile_args: -g
include_dirs: /opt/openldap-RE24/include /usr/include/sasl
library_dirs: /opt/openldap-RE24/lib
libs: ldap_r lber sasl2 ssl crypto
file Lib/ldap.py (for module ldap) not found
file Lib/ldap/controls.py (for module ldap.controls) not found
file Lib/ldap/extop.py (for module ldap.extop) not found
file Lib/ldap/schema.py (for module ldap.schema) not found
warning: no files found matching 'Makefile'
warning: no files found matching 'Modules/LICENSE'
file Lib/ldap.py (for module ldap) not found
file Lib/ldap/controls.py (for module ldap.controls) not found
file Lib/ldap/extop.py (for module ldap.extop) not found
file Lib/ldap/schema.py (for module ldap.schema) not found
file Lib/ldap.py (for module ldap) not found
file Lib/ldap/controls.py (for module ldap.controls) not found
file Lib/ldap/extop.py (for module ldap.extop) not found
file Lib/ldap/schema.py (for module ldap.schema) not found
In file included from Modules/LDAPObject.c:9:0:
Modules/errors.h:8:18: fatal error: lber.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
error: Setup script exited with error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
An error occured when trying to install python-ldap 2.4.3. Look above this message for any errors that were output by easy_install.
Installing instance.
Getting distribution for 'python-ldap>=2.0.6'.
Error: Couldn't install: python-ldap 2.4.3
*************** PICKED VERSIONS ****************
plone.app.ldap = 1.2.6
#Required by:
#Products.PloneLDAP 1.1
Products.LDAPMultiPlugins = 1.14
#Required by:
#Products.PloneLDAP 1.1
Products.LDAPUserFolder = 2.20
#Required by:
#plone.app.ldap 1.2.6
Products.PloneLDAP = 1.1
#Required by:
#Products.LDAPUserFolder 2.20
dataflake.ldapconnection = 1.2
*************** /PICKED VERSIONS ***************
Please advise.
Now that you've actually included the error, it turns out this is a whole different issue. You can't build python-ldap without having the LDAP development package avialable. On any debian based system, such as ubuntu, you can use the excellent deb package metadata to do this for you.
$ sudo apt-get build-dep python-ldap