Backbone defaults view events - backbone.js

Is it possible to make a set of default events which exist in every view? For example if every view in my application includes a settings button
events: {
"click #settings" : "goSettings"
goSettings: function() {
// settings show function
How can I can package this event to be included in every view in my application?

The problem is that View#extend simply overwrites existing properties so you can't put your 'click #settings' in a base class and subclass that. However, you can easily replace extend with something of your own that merges events. Something like this:
var B = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
'click #settings': 'goSettings'
}, {
extend: function(properties, classProperties) { = _({}).extend( || { },
return, properties, classProperties);
And then extend B instead of Backbone.View for your views.

You can create a base view with the event(s) and functions, then make your other views inherit from it. I like the pattern described here, because it's simple to set up and easy to override as needed:
A base view looks like this:
var BaseSearchView = function(options) {
this.inheritedEvents = [];, options);
_.extend(BaseView.prototype, Backbone.View.prototype, {
baseEvents: {},
initialize: function(options) {
// generic initialization here
"click #settings" : "goSettings"
render: function() {
// generic render here
return this;
events: function() {
var e = _.extend({}, this.baseEvents);
_.each(this.inheritedEvents, function(events) {
e = _.extend(e, events);
return e;
addEvents: function(eventObj) {
goSettings: function() {
// settings show function
BaseView.extend = Backbone.View.extend;
And your child classes like this:
var MyView = BaseView.extend({
initializeInternal: function(options) {
// do something
// add event just for this child
"click #differentSettings" : "goSettings"
renderInternal: function() {
// do something


Backbone inheritance, merging the render() function

So I have this current situation:
app.Ui.ModalView = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
initialize: function() {
render: function() {
var that = this;
var model = this.model.toJSON();
that.$el.html(that.template(_.extend(this.params || {}, {
model: model,
return this;
and then the inherited view:
app.Views.childView = kf.Ui.ModalView.extend({
template: JST["templates/app/blah/blah-edit.html"],
events: {
initialize: function() {
var that = this; = _.extend({},,;
app.Ui.ModalView.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
render: function(){
// add extra logic in this render function, to run as well as the inherited render function?
So, I don't want to override the parent's render(), but to add extra functionality to it, how would I go about doing that?
Two ways to achieve this: Either you can add explicit support for overriding the behaviour by creating a "render hook" in the base class, or you'll have to call the overridden base method from the superclass method:
Render hook in base class:
app.Ui.ModalView = Backbone.View.extend({
render: function() {
//if this instance (superclass) defines an `onRender` method, call it
if(this.onRender) this.onRender();
//...other view code
app.Views.childView = kf.Ui.ModalView.extend({
onRender: function() {
//your custom code here
Call base class method from super class:
app.Views.childView = kf.Ui.ModalView.extend({
render: function() {
//your custom code here
//call the base class `render` method
kf.Ui.ModalView.prototype.render.apply(this, arguments);

Custom event in backbone.js without bind

I am looking for a better way to implement a PubSub type functionality with Backbone. I currently am achieving it this, but am looking for a better way to go about it.
Sample Routing Code
var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
customEvents: _.extend({}, Backbone.Events),
routes: {
"login": "login"
//Injecting custom event
login: function(){
this.before(function () {
app.showView('#Content', new LoginView({customEvents:this.customEvents}), "login", true);
//Injecting custom event
otherView: function(){
this.before(function () {
app.showView('#Header', new OtherView({customEvents:this.customEvents}), "login", true);
..... more code
Sample View code. Notice that I am using bind to listen for customEvent. This works fine, but looking for alternative method
LoginView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(options){
this.customEvents = options.customEvents;
this.customEvents.bind('app:loggedin', this.loggedIn);
loggedIn: function(){
console.log("LOG CHANGED");
...more code
I'd much rather keep my events with the rest of the events that I am using in my View. Not sure how to achieve this. Should I be extending the View class?
What I'd like to do on my Views
LoginView = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
"app:loggin" : "loggedIn"
loggedIn: function(){
console.log("LOG CHANGED");
...more code
Gist :
Demo :
Code preview :
// -- BASE VIEW ------------------
var BaseView = Backbone.View.extend({
constructor : function (options) {
Backbone.View.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
this._eventAggregator = options && options.eventAggregator || this;
_parseTriggers : function () {
_.each(this.triggers || {}, function (fn, event) {
var handler = this[fn];
if (_.isFunction(handler)) {
this.listenTo(this._eventAggregator, event, handler);
// -- TEST ------------------
var View = BaseView.extend({
triggers : {
'hello' : 'helloHandler',
'bye' : 'byeHandler'
helloHandler : function (name) {
console.log('hello, ' + name);
byeHandler : function (name) {
console.log('bye, ' + name);
var view1 = new View();
view1.trigger('hello', 'dude 1'); // -> hello, dude 1
view1.trigger('bye', 'dude 1'); // -> bye, dude 1
var vent = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);
var view2 = new View({eventAggregator:vent});
vent.trigger('hello', 'dude 2'); // -> hello, dude 2
vent.trigger('bye', 'dude 2'); // -> bye, dude 2

How to bind elements in backbone?

I have a small backbone class:
view = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
"click textarea" : "doSomething"
doSomething : function() {
var textarea = $(this.el).find('textarea')
// I would like to just call, this.textarea, or this.elements.textarea
Ideally I would like to be able to access my textarea through a variable instead of having to search the element every time. Anyone have any idea on how to accomplish this?
maybe i am under thinking it but how bout giving the textarea a class or id and target specifically when needed,
or create a sub view that generates the textarea
var View = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#main',
initialize: function(){
render: function() {
var subview = new SubView();
var SubView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'textarea',
id: 'whateverId',
events: {
"click" : "doSomething"
initialize: function(){
doSomething : function(event) {
var textarea = $(;
// or var textarea = $(this.el);
render: function(){
return $(this.el);
The other answers get you the reference that you need, but if you really need a handle to the textarea, then you can do something like this:
view = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
this.myTextareaElement = $(this.el).find('textarea')
events: {
"click textarea" : "doSomething"
doSomething : function() {
// use this.myTextareaElement ...
pass the event as the argument and then use the event target
view = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
"click textarea" : "doSomething"
doSomething : function(event) {
var textarea = $(;

access function in one view from another in backbone.js

I have this structure of views:
window.templateLoaderView = Backbone.View.extend({});
window.PopupView = templateLoaderView.extend({
initialize: function () {
this.PopupModel = new PopupModel();
this.event_aggregator.bind("tasks_popup:show", this.loadTaskPopup);
render: function() {
template= _.template($('#'+this.PopupModel.templateName).html());
loadTaskPopup: function() {
this.PopupModel.loadTemplate("popupTask_templateHolder", "/js/templates/popup_task.html", "1", "container_dialog");
window.TaskbarView = templateLoaderView.extend({
initialize: function () {
this.TaskbarModel = new TaskbarModel();
this.PopupModel = new PopupModel();
loadTaskbarPopup: function() {
So I would like to runf function in one view form another. As far as I understand, I need to bind them somehow. Is it possible to bind them in initialize function?
I saw here example: Backbone.js - Binding from one view to another? . They creating both objects and than somehow binding them.
Thanks in advance,
I am kind of a fan of using the "Event Aggregator" pattern. I make sure that every view is given a copy of the same event aggregator object and they can all talk to each other through it... kind of like a CB radio :)
Do this before you create any views:
Backbone.View.prototype.event_aggregator = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);
Now, you can publish/subscribe from anywhere:
window.PopupView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, "loadTaskPopup");
this.model = new PopupModel();
this.event_aggregator.bind("tasks_popup:show", this.loadTaskPopup);
loadTaskPopup: function() {
// do something with this.model
window.TaskbarView = Backbone.View.extend({
loadTaskbarPopup: function() {

Backbone.js - Correct way of filtering and displaying collection data in a view

I have got a huge list of tasks loaded on the start.
I want to show them depending on selected list / inbox, so that there won't be additional loadings for each list.
window.Task = Backbone.Model.extend({});
window.TasksCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Task,
url: '/api/tasks',
inbox: function() {
return this.filter(function(task) {
return task.get('list') == null;
list: function(id) {
return this.filter(function(task) {
return task.get('list') == id;
window.tasks = new TasksCollection;
window.TaskView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'li',
template: _.template($('#item-template').html()),
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'render', 'close');
this.model.bind('change', this.render);
this.model.view = this;
render: function() {
return this;
window.TasksView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#todo-list',
collection: tasks,
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
this.collection.bind('reset', this.render);
render: function() {
var t = this;
this.collection.each(function(task) {
var view = new TaskView({ model:task });
$(t.el).append( view.render().el );
return this;
window.Nicetask = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'': 'inbox',
'/inbox': 'inbox',
'/list/:id': 'list',
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'inbox', 'list');
window.tasksView = new TasksView;
inbox: function() {
tasks.reset( tasks.inbox() );
list: function(id) {
tasks.reset( tasks.list(id) );
This code works, but the reset() function removes other tasks in actual list from tasks collection. And on another route, tasks collection is empty.
Is there any reasonable way to achieve this? thanks for any idea.
ps: backbone novice
Thx to #sled and #ibjhb for comments, here is snippet of working solution.
window.TasksView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#todo-list',
collection: Backbone.Collection.extend(),
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'render', 'addOne', 'addAll');
this.collection.bind('add', this.addOne);
this.collection.bind('reset', this.render);
render: function(data) {
_.each(data, function(task) {
}, this);
return this;
addOne: function(task) {
var view = new TaskView({ model:task });
$(this.el).append( view.render().el );
window.Nicetask = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'': 'inbox',
'/inbox': 'inbox',
'/today': 'today',
'/list/:id': 'list',
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'inbox', 'today');
window.tasksView = new TasksView;
window.menuView = new MenuListView;
inbox: function() {
tasksView.render( tasks.inbox() );
today: function() {
tasksView.render( );
list: function(id) {
tasksView.render( tasks.list(id) );
I think you need to use another collection. For example, in your inbox, do this:
inbox: function(){
currentCollection = new TasksCollection(tasks.inbox());
I haven't tested this but when you do a .reset(); you are removing all your models and loading the ones passed in.
#sled there's typos in the code you posted, see comments inline. Did you post this as a project somewhere?
// add models
add: function(models, options) {
// TYPO: next line was missing, so single models not handled.
models = _.isArray(models) ? models.slice() : [models];
var self = this;
models = _.filter(models, this.filter);
// return if no models exist
// TYPO: returned undefined, so was not chainable
if(models.length == 0) { return this; }
// actually add the models to the superset
this.superset.add(models, options);
return this;
// remove models
remove: function(models, options) {
// TYPO: next line was missing, so single models not handled.
models = _.isArray(models) ? models.slice() : [models];
// remove model from superset
this.superset.remove(_.filter(_.filter(models, function(cm) {
// TYPO: not 'm != null', causes error to be thrown
return cm != null;
}), this.filter), options);
// TYPO: missing return so not chainable
return this;
one quick amendment to you solution, you are using
My understanding is your the views and related event bindings will still exist in the browser memory, so you ideally need to use view.remove() on the TaskView to correctly clear the event bindings as well as the html.
This is a slightly different take on the answer as I have been looking for a solution to a similar problem, hope this may be of help to others.
My problem: - to filter a complete collection by attributes of the model. eg. a user clicks the models view, gets a list of (some of) the attributes, selecting an attribute filters the collection to only show ones with the same value.
The route I am taking is by calling a method on the collection from the view, in my case the view is specific to a model so:
where attr is an attribute of the model associated with the collection, then in the filter something like
myFilter: function(attr, val){
var groupByAttr = this.groupBy(function(article){
var res = (val === undefined)? true : (article.get(attr) == val);
return res;
return groupByAttr;
I have used ._groupBy as this returns 2 arrays (positive / negative) that may be of use. By setting the mode attribute "selected", and binding to this in the model view I can easily toggle a class which shows or hides the view.
if(val === undefined) is added as a simple way of clearing a filter by calling the same method without a value.
