UI-Router : Can I get always the same controller? - angularjs

I'm using UI-Router to have some "menus" in my application.
url: "/Focales"
templateUrl: "/demo/focals.html"
controller: FocalCtrl)
url: "/Collections"
templateUrl: "/demo/collections.html"
controller: CollectionCtrl)
In my CollectionCtrl, I trigger a processing done on server and just waiting to display the information like this (CoffeeScript)
Progress = $resource('/collections/getProgress')
$scope.getProgress = () ->
prg = Progress.get {}, ->
$scope.currentProgress = prg
$scope.getProgress() if prg.end isnt true
My issue : When the user moves to Focal and goes back to CollectionCtrl, I have a new instance of CollectionCtrl. So as far as I understand, the $scope.getProgress code still receives data but for the PREVIOUS CollectionCtrl (so the display is not updated...)
Is it possible to get the previous Controller rather than a new "instance" of the CollectionCtrl ? Why is a new CollectionCtrl created ?
What's the best approach: So I'm tempted to have a state data to store the current $scope so I could do $state.currentScope = prg rather than $scope.currentProgress = prg.
Is it a good approach ?
Thanks !

The best approach to take here is to define a service which will communicate with the server and possibly cache the results. This service can be injected in the Controllers and the controllers can ask it for the progress, probably using $watch, though providing the service with a callback may also suffice, and update the UI based on that.
Controllers should be ephemeral and one should not rely on them being singleton-ish objects in Angular. Importantly, they should not contain any state apart from that needed by the template they are supporting. The are created again when the route becomes active so that we can write comparatively simpler code, initializing the $scope once and rest assured that it will contains as fresh information (w.r.t the route) for the template as possible. This also avoids memory leaks if a controller is kept around for each route like /app/:object_id and the user switches routes often.


Angular UI-Router Best Practices: Share Data Between named views

I'm migrating from angular-route to ui-router and Im trying to figure out what is the best option for build the following scenario:
I have a generic panel wich is composed of two nested elements showed at the same time: A FORM(rendered on the left) and a simple LIST (rendered on the right).
The form is used to edit or even create a new item for the list (this manipulation is made throught a service makes ajax calls)
The list shows all items and I can select one of them and click on "edit", after that the item goes to the form and I'll be able to manipulate/update it.
Here is my code:
.state('mt.demos', {
abstract: true,
url: '/demos',
views : {
'container#' : {
templateUrl: '....demos.html'
.state('mt.panel', {
url: '',
views: {
'form#mt.demos': {
templateUrl: '...form.html',
controller : 'formController',
controllerAs : 'vm',
'list#mt.demos': {
templateUrl: '...list.html',
controller : 'listController',
controllerAs : 'vm',
So far I ended up with those 2 options:
Create a service for the shared data (this seems to be the most acceptable answer due to its Singleton behavior -- but look the NOTE 1 at the end of this post.
Create a parent controller so each nested state can access parent properts like the list or the item to be edited. So when I click on "edit item" the listController updates the parent's scope and the formController will be changed with this data.
NOTE 1: Of course to retrieve the list and to update items I already use one service called demoService. This service is used for ajax requests only. So If the best decision is the options 1 showed above, I belive that I should create a new service with a new proposal, right? Or it isnt bad to store some local variable in this same service.
This new service will have the list and the item itself, so when I click on edit I will update the service "item" property?
I think you already have an answer of using a service to store your data.
About a new service with new proposal, while I'm not entirely sure what a 'proposal' means, I'm assuming you are referring to a different list with different fields with your current one?
In that case that would depends on how reusable your code is. If your forms are similar enough, or you can generalize it, then it might be fine to share the same service so you don't have to rewrite the functions. The lists and selected items can be stored as different variables in the service.
Or, you can also store them in different service, and write their common functions in another service.

Angularjs: Can i have one route with multiple views?

Consider a certain route let's say myapp\profile
which has two modes (buyer/seller)
What i would like to achieve is:
keep the same route url for both modes
Alternate the view with different HTML files (lets say buyer.html, seller.html), of course each view has it's view model.
Sharing some logic between the two modes.
I would like to have a controller/logic to each mode
What i already considered:
Thought about using ui-router's sub states, but I dont want to change the url.
Thought about creating this 'profile' route and while navigating to it, figure the mode (buyer/seller), and then $state.go to a new state (but again, i would like to keep same route name at the end so it's not ok)
Ideally thought i could navigate to my shared controller and then render the correct view and controller, but this idea kinda messed up me.
Could you share what is a clean way of doing this?
most use cases
Normally, in order to dynamically select a template for a state, you can use a function:
state = {
templateUrl: function($stateParams){
if ($stateParams.isThis === true)
return 'this.html'
return 'that.html'
Unfortunately you can't pass other injectables to the templateUrl function. UI.Router only passes $stateParams. You don't want to alter the URL in anyway so you can't use this.
when you need to inject more than $stateParams
But you can leverage templateProvider instead. With this feature, you can pass a service to your templateProvider function to determine if your user is a buyer or seller. You'll also want to use UI.Router's $templateFactory service to easily pull and cache your template.
state = {
templateProvider: function($templateFactory, profileService){
var url = profileService.isBuyer ? 'buyer.html' : 'seller.html';
return $templateFactory.fromUrl(url);
Here it is working in your plunkr - http://plnkr.co/edit/0gLBJlQrNPUNtkqWNrZm?p=preview

Angular: ui-router how to pass data object or some parameter to other controller through state

I'm already read about resolve, data for ui-router but still can not get how I can solve my problem?
View 1 HTML:
<a ui-sref="configuration.settings.list"><span>Settings</span></a>
<a ui-sref="configuration.settings.personal({user: userId})"><span >Personal</span></a>
userId is variable which is defined in the controller for current view.
Route definition:
angular.module("app").config(["$stateProvider", "$urlRouterProvider", "$locationProvider",
function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $locationProvider) {
.state('configuration.settings.lis', {
url: '/',
templateUrl: 'html/settings',
controller: 'settingsController',
.state('configuration.settings.personal', {
url: '/:userId',
templateUrl: 'html/settings',
controller: 'personalController',
I can access userId in personalController through stateParams.
Question: I want pass object or some parameter from View 1 to personalController without `stateParams. Is it possible?
Something like that:
<a ui-sref="configuration.settings.personal({myDamnCooLObject})"><span >Personal</span></a>
.state('configuration.settings.personal', {
url: '/', <-- NO attributes here!!!
templateUrl: 'html/settings',
controller: 'personalController',
data: {{myDamnCooLObject}} <-- THIS object or parameter shuld be accesseble from 'personalController'
$stateParams are only guaranteed to be preserved for target routes that use them. ui-router actually keeps this object clean so you can't just stuff random things into it.
I've had good luck using a service as a manager object to persist items between views. For example, I have an app that has a user profile page and a photo gallery as a separate view. I want a lot of the user's core data over in the gallery because there's a title with their name, links back, a little bio box on the side, etc.
The way I wired this up, both views have a user ID in their URL as a parameter. I have a manager that maintains a cache of user data, and a getter that returns a promise to return it. In both states, I have a resolve block that takes the user ID and asks the manager for the whole data object. The manager makes a Web service call to get the data the first time, and immediately resolves for the second call (doesn't matter who gets there first). It works very well and it's lightweight.
In your example you don't want a parameter in the URL at all, but the model could work the same way. Services are global singletons so you can use them as a dumping ground for all kinds of things to be passed around and persisted through things like state transitions. Obviously this is a slippery slope because there are many bad programming practices that are also enabled once you start doing this - but with care and good patterns, it's a very useful technique.
Note that a lot of people actually use $rootScope for this same purpose - it has basically the same effect. But I personally believe a service is better because that way you have a very explicit, defined wrapper around this data you need to pass around, it's much more testable, and it's easier to document it. With $rootScope you're just dumping raw variables into a huge pile and it becomes a pile of spaghetti to pick apart later, especially if you accidentally re-use a variable name. That's causes all kinds of hard-to-find bugs. With a service you can go so far as to use getters/setters, and you could even wire the state transition ($state.go()) call into the setter.

pass data between controllers

I'm stating to learn AngularJS, coming from a lot of different MV* frameworks.
I like the framework, however I'm having trouble with passing data between Controllers.
Suppose I have a screen with some input (input.html) and a controller, let's say InputCtrl.
There's a button on this view which takes you to another screen, let's say approve (approve.html) with a controller ApproveCtrl.
This ApproveCtrl needs data from the InputCtrl. This seems like a very common scenario in bigger applications.
In my previous MV* frameworks, this would be handled like (pseudo-code):
var self = this;
onClick = function() {
var approveCtrl = DI.resolve(ApproveCtrl);
approveCtrl.property1 = self.property1;
approveCtrl.property1 = self.property2;
It would work like Controller- first.
You create the controller first, having a chance to put it in the right state; afterwards the View gets created.
Now, in AngularJS, I'm handling this like:
var self = this;
onClick = function(){
This works like View-first.
You say to which view / route to navigate, the Controller gets created by the framework.
I find it hard to control the state of the created Controller and pass data to it.
I've seen and tried following approaches, but all have it's own issues in my opinion:
Inject a shared service into InputCtrl & ApproveCtrl and put all data to be shared on this service
This looks like a dirty work-around; the state in the shared service becomes global state, while I just need it to pass data to the ApproveCtrl
The lifetime of this shared service is way longer than what I need it for - just to pass data to the ApproveCtrl
Pass the data in $routeParams
This gets quite messy when having the pass a lot of parameters
Use $scope events
Conceptually, this is not something I would use events for - I just need to pass data to the ApproveCtrl, nothing event-ish
This is quite cumbersome; I have to send an event to the parent first, that would then broadcast it to it's children
Am I missing something here? Am I creating too many small Controllers?
Am I trying to hold on to habits from other frameworks too much here?
In terms of structure AngularJS is more Modular than MVC one.
Classic MVC describes 3 simple layers which interact with each other in such way that Controller stitches Model with View (and Model shouldn't rather work with View directly or vice versa).
In Angular you can have multiple, some completely optional, entities which can interact between each other in multiple ways, for example:
That's why there are multiple ways of communicating your data between different entities. You can:
Send messages directly between controllers using difference between this and $scope
Send messages using events
Send messages using shared system (Note: same link as above, answer shows both techniques)
Send messages using AJAX backend
Send messages using external system (such as MQ)
...and a lot more. Due to its diversity Angular allows developer/designer to choose way they are most comfortable with and carry on. I recommend reading AngularJS Developer Guide where you can find blessed solutions to some common problems.
If your intent is to simply share data between two views, a service is probably the way to go. If you are interested in persisting to a data store, you may want to consider some sort of back-end service such as a REST API. Take a look at the $http service for this.
Even if XLII gave a complete response, I found this tutorial using a service. It's very interesting and a simple way for sharing data between controlers using the 2 ways binding property : https://egghead.io/lessons/angularjs-sharing-data-between-controllers
I still havn't used it for now.
Otherwise there is also this other way, based on events : http://www.objectpartners.com/2013/08/21/using-services-and-messages-to-share-data-between-controllers-in-angularjs/
If you wish to pass simple string data from one page (page1) to another page (page2), one solution is to use traditional url parameters. Invoke the page2 route url with parameter like "/page2/param1/param2". The controller of page2 will receive the parameters in "routeParams". You will be able to access parameteres as routeParams.param1 and routeParams.param2. The code below is adopted from: How to get the url parameters using angular js
Invoke the page2 route from page1's controller(js) or a url in its html with parameters as:
Page2 route:
$routeProvider.when('/page2/:param1/:param2', {
templateUrl: 'pages/page2.html',
controller: 'Page2Ctrl'
And the controller:
.controller('Page2Ctrl', ['$scope','$routeParams', function($scope, $routeParams) {
$scope.param1 = $routeParams.param1;
$scope.param2 = $routeParams.param2;
Now you can access the parameters (param1 and param2) values in your page2's html/template as well.

why angular-ui new state router transitions when only parameters changes?

I'm using the new angular-ui router, the one that has a state-machine included (https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router). This great router allows a user to specify parameters as part of the URL.
for example:
.state('contacts.detail', {
url: "/contacts/:contactId",
templateUrl: 'contacts.detail.html',
controller: function ($stateParams) {
// If we got here from a url of /contacts/42
expect($stateParams).toBe({contactId: 42});
(see here)
this means, that when the user navigates to /contacts/42, the state is changed to 'contacts.details' and the 42 parameter is injected into the controller
There is a problem though. If ONLY the url parameter changes, the transitionTo function is still being called (could happen if the url is changed manually, for example, or bound to a input box). this in turn leads to the view directive of that state, to be re-created, both a waste of time and a problem if we only wanted to update something in that state.
it seems to be on purpose. from the code:
// Starting from the root of the path, keep all levels that haven't changed
var keep, state, locals = root.locals, toLocals = [];
for (keep = 0, state = toPath[keep];
state && state === fromPath[keep] && equalForKeys(toParams, fromParams, state.ownParams);
keep++, state = toPath[keep]) {
locals = toLocals[keep] = state.locals;
equalForKeys is what compares the params, and return false if there's a difference.
My question: do you know why the author would have written it this way? do you think its safe to change, so that there's no transition when only parameters would change?
thanks very much for reading all the way till here, and for any idea
EDIT: Seems that this is by design. just found: https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/issues/46
I generally solve problems of this nature with abstract states and nesting. Place the pieces that don't change based on the url parameter into the abstract parent state and you'll avoid the extra server hit. I prefer to place them into the resolve or custom data section in the parent state, but if necessary you can retrieve them via scope inheritance. Be sure you read and understand the rules of scope inheritance as there are some things that (at least for me) were unexpected.
You can read more details here: https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/wiki/Nested-States-%26-Nested-Views. In addition, the sample application included with angular-ui is a good place to start understanding state nesting.
