AngularJS Mock - expect vs when - angularjs

What is the difference between expect and when in the ngMock AngularJS module?
They both provide a response, so when would you use one over the other?
I read the docs at, but it was not very clear to me.
This is the service I want to test using Jasmine, so should I expect a endpoint was called, or should I bank on a known value being returned?
(function () {
'use strict';
var app = angular.module('cs');
app.service('PlateCheckService', ['$http', function ($http) {
return {
checkPlate: function (plateNumber) {
return $'PlateCheck/Index', {
plateNumber: plateNumber
}).then(function (response) {
return {
message: === null ? 'Clean' : 'Hot',
alertClass: === null ? 'alert-success' : 'alert-danger'

The explanation in the doc is crystal clear to me:
Request Expectations vs Backend Definitions
Request expectations provide a way to make assertions about requests made by the application and to define responses for those requests. The test will fail if the expected requests are not made or they are made in the wrong order.
Backend definitions allow you to define a fake backend for your application which doesn't assert if a particular request was made or not, it just returns a trained response if a request is made. The test will pass whether or not the request gets made during testing.
So, if you use when(), you can do any request, in any order, and the test won't fail. If you use expect(), then the test will fail if the backend doesn't receive the expected requests, in the same order as the expected ones.


Jasmine JSON fixtures VS service mocking

Assume we have a service which calls api and we use this service to do some logic in a controller.
What is better to use?
user = $injector.get('userSrv');
var myFixture = angular.fromJson(window.__html__['mydata.json']);
or just using
beforeEach(module(function($provide) {
$provide.service('userSrv', function(){
return {
getGender: function(){
return 'something';
Both should be used, but in different tests.
In controller spec, a service is supposed to be mocked, because the unit under test is a controller.
In service spec, http request is supposed to be mocked, because the unit under test is a service (this allows to keep the test synchronous and independent from the backend, it is not possible to perform real requests with ngMock any way).
This allows to unambiguously determine which unit failed when a test becomes red.

AngularJS Unit tests broken after $httpBackend decorator

So I had a situation where we had to hit a "restful" service not under our control, where in order to get json back from the service on a GET call, we have to pass Content-Type="application/json" in the header. Only problem is that Angular strips the Content-Type from request headers on a GET. I found a blog post that suggested using a decorator on $httpBackend that allows us to intercept the call before it is sent and add back the content type:
.decorator('$httpBackend', [
'$delegate', function($delegate) {
return function() {
var contentType, headers;
headers = arguments[4];
contentType = headers != null ? headers['X-Force-Content-Type'] : null;
if (contentType != null && headers['Content-Type'] == null)
headers['Content-Type'] = contentType;
return $delegate.apply(null, arguments);
so, that works beautifully! Now our problem is that it has broken all unit tests where we used the mock $httpBackend service. The only error we get is "undefined".
Ex. unit test method:
it('should return service.model.error if service returns an exception code from EndProject',
inject(function($httpBackend) {
var mockResponse = sinon.stub({ 'exception': 'Unable to retrieve service data' });
var data;
this.service.EndProject().then(function(fetchedData) {
data = fetchedData;
expect(data.error.message).toEqual('Unable to retrieve service data');
PhantomJS 2.1.1 (Mac OS X 0.0.0) projectService EndProject should return service.model.error if service returns an exception code from EndProject FAILED
The listed decorator covers simple monkey-patching scenario where patched function isn't a constructor and has no static properties and methods.
This is true for $httpBackend in ng module, it is just a factory function with no extra properies.
This is not true for ngMock and ngMockE2E modules that override $httpBackend and have static methods, at least some of them are documented.
This means that generally safe recipe (it doesn't cover non-enumerable and inherited properties) for monkey-patching a factory function is
app.decorator('$httpBackend', ['$delegate', function ($delegate) {
var $httpBackend = function () {
return $delegate.apply(null, arguments);
angular.extend($httpBackend, $delegate);
return $httpBackend;
Regardless of that, it is a good habit to modularize the app to the level where units can be tested in isolation with no excessive moving parts (this issue is an expressive example why this is important). It is convenient to have app (bootstrapped in production), app.e2e (bootstrapped in e2e tests), app.common (common denominator), app.unitA (loaded in app.common and can be loaded separately in unit test), etc.
Most of application-wide code (config and run blocks, routing) may be moved to separate modules and loaded only in modules that directly depend on them. Unless this is a spec that tests decorator unit itself, decorator module shouldn't be loaded.
Also notice that Chrome may offer superior experience than PhantomJS when debugging spec errors.
While I marked estus's answer as the solution, based purely on what my question the end, ultimately it wasn't the end result we went with. In a case of not seeing the forest through the trees, the simplest solution was to add an empty data element to the $http call's config. I had tried it before and it didn't work (or so it seemed), but after playing with it again, it did in fact work and we were able to remove the decorator from the application.
return $http.get(getItemInformationUrl + params, { dataType: 'json', data: '', headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} }).then(getItemInformationCompleted).catch(getItemInformationFailed);

How to avoid the 'Error: Unexpected request: GET' every time an AngularJS test does a rootScope.digest() or httpBackend.flush()

All my UNIT tests, not E2E tests, that do an explicit rootScope.digest() or httpBackend.flush() to flush the asynchronous callback, experience the error:
How to avoid the 'Error: Unexpected request: GET'
No more request expected
I reckon it is because httpBackend calls the ui-router template. I don't know why it wants to do so. I'm not asking for this. I only want it to call my mocked json service.
This error forces me to have the following statement in each it() block:
There must be a neater way.
Specially if the test has no use of the $httpBackend in the first place:
it('should return the list of searched users', function() {
// Always use this statement so as to avoid the error from the $http service making a request to the application main page
var users = null;'TOTO', 1, 10, 'asc', function(data) {
users = data.content;
The test passes but it looks hackish. Or noobish :-)
EDIT: Another test:
it('should return the list of users', function () {
// Always use this statement so as to avoid the error from the $http service making a request to the application main page
// Create a mock request and response
$httpBackend.expectGET(ENV.NITRO_PROJECT_REST_URL + '/users/1').respond(mockedUser);
// Exercise the service
var user = null;
RESTService.User.get({userId: 1}).$promise.then(function(data) {
user = data;
// Synchronise
// Check for the callback data
This is obviously by design, your tests should be checking that HTTP calls are being made and that they're requesting the correct URL. Instead of checking whether requests are made to /\.html$/ why not instead check whether requests are made to the correct endpoints? Whether that be a directives partial or an API call.
If you insist on throwing away what could be a useful test, you could move your whenGET() to a beforeEach().

Mocking $httpBackend - how to handle "Unexpected request, No more request expected"?

I have a Jasmine test that is coded like this:
it ("should send correct message to server to get data, and correctly set up scope when receiving it", function(){
$httpBackend.when('GET', 'https://localhost:44300/api/projectconfiguration/12').respond(fakedDtoBase);
$routeParams.projectId=fakeId; // user asks for editing project
var controller=controllerToTest(); // so controller gets data when it is created
and it kind of works, but I get the error:
Error: Unexpected request: GET views/core/main/main.html
No more request expected
at $httpBackend (C:/SVN/src/ClientApp/client/bower_components/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js:1207:9)
at sendReq (C:/SVN/src/ClientApp/client/bower_components/angular/angular.js:7800:9)
at $http.serverRequest (C:/SVN/src/ClientApp/client/bower_components/angular/angular.js:7534:16)
(more stack trace)....
I do realise that I can mock every other call. But let's say I do not care what else my test wants to load as it may call few other things.
How I can make sure that every other requests just "happen silently", maybe offering a single dummy response for everything else?
Your test fails because a request is made which you haven't specified.
Try to add:
$httpBackend.when('GET', 'views/core/main/main.html').respond(fakedMainResponse);
Of course you should also define fakedMainResponse.
Please take a look also at the documentation (section Request Expectations vs Backend Definitions) which says:
Request expectations provide a way to make assertions about requests
made by the application and to define responses for those requests.
The test will fail if the expected requests are not made or they are
made in the wrong order.
The second paramete of $httpBackend.when is actually a RegExp. So if you provide a RegExp that will match all other requests it should work.
For those who are using the httpBackend to mock http calls in EndToEnd tests or just mocking the entire http calls for the application the solution is to add the following code in the app config section (change the regexp according your template's location):
Tested with angularjs 1.4 to fix similar problem while integrating ui-router
I think it's also important to notice that if you have a $digest(), your expectation should follow the $digest, like so:
$httpBackend.when('GET', 'views/core/main/main.html').respond(fakedMainResponse);
// ...
$httpBackend.flush(); // And remember to flush at the end
you only need to add setTimeout and done property to your flush to prevent it
it('should get data in callback funcion', function (done) {
apiFactory.getCurrencyFormat('en', function (res, err) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 200);

How to properly handle server side errors?

I'm developing web app with angular.js, I'm currently a little confused about what's the proper way to handle errors. In my app, I have used ngResource to call rest API of server. So I'll have a lot of ngResource api calls.
e.g. user resource, there're user.query( ), user.get( ) , ) ......
Do I suppose to put an error callback into all of the ngResource api calls?
Just to handle all kinds of errors: like server down or no internet access ??
I just don't think put an error callback in every ngResource api call is a good idea. That'll produce a lot of redundant code and make my code not neat .
What will you do to handle various error types?
You can use an interceptor and do whatever you want when an error occured :
var app = angular.module("myApp", []);
app.config(function ($provide, $httpProvider) {
$provide.factory('ErrorInterceptor', function ($q) {
return {
responseError: function(rejection) {
return $q.reject(rejection);
With this interceptor you can read the status code and do what you need (a perfect use case is to redirect your user to a login page if status code is 401).
Since ngResource use $http, your interceptors will also be executed when you call a resource method.
Of course, you can do more and add an interceptor before / after a request is made.
See the full documentation here :$http
See this fiddle : for a working sample.
