creating a character array with gff file - arrays

Could someone please help me with creating a "character array" with this sort of data:
Instruction from our collaborator:
One can copy and paste a gff file into a character array by typing gff={} and then copy and “paste excel data”
But I can somehow only save it as a cell array and hence the script downstream can't run properly.
additional info
I need to use the .gff file in a .m script (that I got from someone else) to parse my sequences.
Here's the part of my script that I think pertains to my question:
Therefore I want 9 columns with information like this:
1. seqID;
2. source;
3. type;
4&5. start and end;
6. score;
7. strand;
8. phase
9. attributes
Also when I saved the cell array as "cell", and tried to convert it into a character array by typing
I got this error message:
cell elements must be character arrays
So guess that doesn't work...
edit over
Anyone has any idea?

The instructions you were given are referring to the following context menu item accessible from the "Variables" editor:
First, run at the command line gff={}; to make an empty cell array. Then double click the gff variable in the Workspace tab to get the above editor window. Click on the square regino to the top left of the table to select all cells, then right click to get the displayed menu, and paste the data. You should end up with the following if the paste worked correctly (it could actually take a couple of minutes - check CPU usage):
Then the commands you posted work. The strncmp says definitively that as cell array is needed.


How to verify words one by one on a locator in Robot Framework?

I am still a bit new to the robot framework but please rest assured I am constantly reading its User Guide. I am a bit stuck now with one test case.
I do have a list of individual words, that I need to verify on a page, mostly German translations of field labels if they appear correctly or are found in an element at all.
I have created a list variable as follows:
#{GERMAN_WORDS} | Benutzer | Passwort | Sendung | Transaktionen | Notiz
I have the following locator that contains the text labels on the webpage, and the one I need to verify:
I would like to check every single word one by one from the list variable, whether they are present in the locator above.
I did create the following keyword for this purpose, however I might be missing something because it calls the entire content of my list variable, instead of checking the words from it one by one:
Block Text Verification
[Arguments] ${text_list_variable} ${locator_to_check}
Wait Until Element is Visible ${locator_to_check}
FOR ${label} IN ${text_list_variable}
${labelTostring} Convert to String ${label}
${isMatching} = Run Keyword and Return Status Element Should Contain ${locator_to_check} ${labelTostring}
Log ${label}
Log ${isMatching}
Exit For Loop If '${isMatching}' == 'False'
I am getting the following output for this:
'xpath=//*[#id="generalAndIncidents:generalAndIncidentsPanel"]' should
have contained text '['Benutzer', 'Passwort', 'Sendung',
'Transaktionen', 'Notiz']' but its text was.... (and it lists all the
text from my locator)
So, it is basically not checking the words one by one.
Am I doing something wrong here? Is this a bad approach I am trying to do here?
I would be grateful if anyone could provide me some hint on what I should do here instead!
Thank you very much!
You've made one small but crucial mistake - the variable in this line here:
FOR ${label} IN ${text_list_variable}
, should be accessed with #:
FOR ${label} IN #{text_list_variable}
The for-in loops in RF expect 1 or more arguments of the looped over values, and the # expands a list variable to its members.

How do I replace an array element in LabView? (2d array of pictures)

so I have a final project for a class where I need to make a video game in LabView. The issue I'm having at the moment is that I can't figure out the 'right' way to put 'yourShip.png' into the 2d array of 2d pictures at [0,0]. Every tutorial I can find basically has exactly what I have down below in the screenshot, and it makes sense to me. However, running the program quickly shows that it does nothing.
To describe the code, I have a path constant that leads to the picture, which feeds to a draw flattened pixelmap function. Up to this point I know the code works, since creating a test indicator reveals as such. However, next I try to use the replace array subset function to replace the (default blank) 2d picture at [0,0] with yourShip.png. 'screen' is a 5x5 2d array of 2d pictures. The local variable of the same name being outputted to is indeed the very same array.
My main guess with why my code doesn't work is because of the way I'm taking screen as the input variable and then outputting to it via a local variable. However, if this is wrong, I'm confused with how I should do it. All I want to do is 'spawn' the image at the correct index.
The replace array subset works quite literally, i.e. it can only replace existing elements.
If there is no element at the specified index because the array is smaller, the function will do just nothing.
I guess your array is empty, so, initialize your screen array first to a size of at least 1x1.

PhpStorm editing multiple selection

I'm wondering about way to edit multiple selections but with different texts
For example:
I have array of ten elements and I want to change them all with different texts.
Ordinary way to select one then change it. If you use multiple selections all of them are replaced with the same new text.
The question there: any way to change them faster?
I think there may be a way to change it like Emmet in HTML when you enter Emmet code PhpStorm convert it and take you inside red box in each element to write inside it one by one.
i have found the solution to make it easily to edit the array
just using the find ctrl+f and then use f3 to get next value to edit
in the search we can enter the regular expression that will find any matched values
(?<=')\w+(?=') : any text inside single quotes symbol ' can be changed double "
(?<=,)\w+(?=,): any word between commas for numbers and variables in the array
(?<=\[)\w+(?=,): the first element of the array if it as number or variable
(?<=,)\w+(?=]) : the last element in the array if it as number or variable
| : or operator

Issue reading .txt file in Matlab. I want to get an array from this file without the unnecessary info it contains

I'm having trouble reading a .txt file to get some data. I want to be able to change some of the values this data contains.
At first, I used this:
And got this cell array:
Now what I want is this:
1) Get rid of the headers (the information from cell 1 to 22). That could be easily done by simple indexing (creating a sub-array using just the info from cell 23 to the end of the file).
2) I want to separate the information into different cells, using these identifiers. But I don't know how to separate them into different cells of the array.
'# item bepoch ecode label onset diff dura b_flags a_flags enable bin'
3) Do the same in step 2 to fill those columns with the data in the rest of the cells.
I'm trying to use this approach, but I'm not getting the expected results.
If someone can help me, I'd be glad.
Have you tried dragging the file into the variable workspace window and using the data import wizard? It has some nice features that normally take care of what you are trying to do automatically. Unfortunately, it seems that your text file may have unconventional spacing, but Matlab may be able to handle it if you set the delimeter to ' ' or suchlike.

Converting array element to string in VB (using Visual Studio 2015)

So I'm trying to set up a VB Windows Form that reads data from an array and displays it in a label (and sometimes textboxes so it could be edited). The array contains strings and I know they are stored properly because I can make them appear properly when using MsgBox.
For example
works, but when I use
textboxname.Text = ArrayName(0,0)
I get a build error. I thought adding ".ToString" at the end might solve this, and the build error is gone, but then the textbox says "System.Char[]" instead of the value that I put inside the array. The MsgBox shows this as well, if I put ".ToString" at the end.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Edit: The array is declared via the code:
Module ModuleName
Public ArrayData(20, 6) As Array
End Module
so that I can edit it outisde of any specific subroutines.
The array only contains the characters (delimiter is comma): 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 in the first row and q,w,e,r,t,y in the second row.
